Russia ‘orchestrating covert campaign to wreck Macedonia name change vote’

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Russia is waging a covert propaganda campaign to torpedo a referendum in Macedonia this weekend which could pave the way for the small Balkan country to join Nato and the EU, diplomats and analysts warned.

Macedonians will vote on Sunday on whether to change the name of their country to North Macedonia, resolving a 27-year diplomatic standoff with Greece.

Athens has always objected to the country calling itself Macedonia, arguing that it implies territorial claims on its northern region of the same name.

But Moscow is vehemently opposed to Nato enlargement in the Balkans, which it regards as its sphere of influence, and has allegedly flooded social media in Macedonia with false accounts calling for a boycott of the referendum.

Thousands of fake Twitter and Facebook accounts with the hashtag #Bojkotiram, meaning "boycott" in Macedonian, have appeared in recent weeks, according to Macedonia’s Investigative Reporting Lab.

The objective appears to be to reduce the turnout of the referendum to under 50 per cent of eligible voters, meaning it would lack legitimacy.

It could be a close-run thing. A recent poll found that 57 per cent of respondents plan to vote, but many people spoken to by The Telegraph on the streets of Skopje said they were still unsure whether they would take part.

Some of the false accounts try to stir up friction between Macedonia’s Slav majority and its ethnic Albanian minority, which makes up about 25 per cent of the population.

Ethnic Albanians are overwhelmingly in favour of the deal, seeing EU membership as a means of tackling poverty and discrimination, but that is unpopular with those ethnic Slavs who bitterly resent having to change the country’s name at the behest of Greece. Tensions between the two erupted into armed conflict in 2001.

“Russia is doing everything it can to stave off more countries joining the West,” said Heather Conley, director of the Europe programme at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies think tank in Washington.

“In Macedonia, that includes exploiting weaknesses that exist, such as the tensions between ethnic Slavs and ethnic Albanians. There’s a combination of disinformation and using economic influence to support nationalist organisations and politicians,” she told The Telegraph.

“The aim is to sow complete confusion and to make the West look as decadent and dysfunctional as possible.”

British officials warned earlier this month that Moscow may try to influence the outcome of the referendum with an online disinformation campaign, as it allegedly did in the US elections and the Brexit referendum.  

Last month, a fake story claiming that American troops on exercise in Macedonia used ammunition containing depleted uranium went viral.

The defence minister, Radmila Sekerinska, said the report was untrue and founded on “baseless lies”.  

The story was “fake news” designed to erode trust in Nato and undermine the referendum, she said.

In July, Athens expelled two Russian diplomats accused of trying to stoke opposition within Greece to the historic accord with Macedonia.

Greek officials said they had “irrefutable evidence” that Russia was trying to interfere.

Zoran Zaev, the prime minister of Macedonia, accused a Russian oligarch living in Greece of funding radical nationalist groups and football hooligans in Macedonia with the aim of stoking violent protests against the deal.

The US has openly accused Moscow of trying to influence the referendum. On a visit last week to Skopje, the Macedonian capital, Jim Mattis, the US Defence Secretary, said there was no doubt that the Russians have “transferred money and that they are also conducting broader influence campaigns.”

Michael Carpenter, a former Obama administration official and now an analyst at the Penn Biden Centre for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, warned that Russia “fiercely opposes” the name change deal.

“The Kremlin continues to direct its army of internet trolls to bombard the social media space in both countries with anti-agreement propaganda,” he wrote in a recent essay.

“By spreading hateful propaganda and financing violent demonstrations, Russia is actively stoking ethnic grievances, which sadly remain a powerful force in Balkans politics.”

Evelyn Farkas, a former deputy assistant secretary of defence for Russia and the Balkans, said Russia’s interference in Macedonia was akin to its attempts to derail Montenegro’s bid to join Nato, “although unlike in Montenegro, there is no evidence Moscow has tried to assassinate the prime minister.”

The Russians were accused in 2016 of plotting to overthrow the government of Montenegro and sabotage its plan to join Nato by killing its prime minister, Milo Djukanovic.

The plot was foiled just hours before it was due to be carried out and would have plunged the country into turmoil on the eve of becoming Nato’s 29th member.

Ms Farkas, a fellow with the Atlantic Council, wrote that the campaign to boycott the referendum in Macedonia has been led by United Macedonia, a pro-Russian party which has a partnership with Vladimir Putin’s United Russia.

While Mr Zaev, the prime minister, fervently hopes that the yes vote will win on Sunday, Macedonia’s president is against the accord with Greece.

On Thursday, Gjorge Ivanov urged Macedonians not to vote, calling the name change a "noose" and a "flagrant violation of sovereignty."

Speaking at the UN General Assembly in New York, he criticised the procession of EU and American officials who have visited Macedonia in recent weeks to throw their support behind a yes vote.

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