Starbucks Is Helping Its Female Employees Pay for In Vitro Fertilization, and That’s a Big Deal
November 12, 2019 | News | No Comments
We knew it was a great place to work, but the benefits are way greater than being around coffee all day. Starbucks is helping employees struggling with infertility by covering in vitro fertilization—even for part time employees.
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Let’s discuss the facts. Around one in eight couples have trouble getting pregnant. And while solutions exist, they can often be very costly and very emotionally taxing. According to an article featured on, a “fresh” cycle of IVF can run around $12,000, and that’s before medications, which add a few more thousand onto the total. Frozen transfers are a bit cheaper, but the bill still comes to a few thousand. Keep in mind, it doesn’t always work the first cycle. In fact, for most couples, it doesn’t.
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Barista Shannon Iagulli had trouble conceiving, and spoke to CBS News about how her job at Starbucks helped change things around.
“You go through your life hearing you grow up, you fall in love, you get married, you have kids so it doesn’t happen, you don’t understand. Why is my body not doing it,” Iagulli said. “And that’s where Starbucks came in.”
Starbucks offers up $20,000 to help cover both IVF and the medications involved.
The benefit is so great that lady baristas across the country have formed their own support group about going through IVF treatment.
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Iagulli told CBS that thanks to Starbucks, she gave birth to two children—who will probably be growing up with a ton of Starbucks merch. We’re so happy that the company knows how important covering IVF can be.