Angela Davis Controversy: Mayor Woodfin Issues Statement

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BIRMINGHAM, AL – After national attention and counter-protests surrounding the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute rescinding an award for civil rights activist Angela Davis, Birmingham mayor Randall Woodfin issued a statement on the controversy, stressing transparency and clarity.

The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute was set to bestow upon Davis in February its highest honor, the prestigious Fred Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award, at the institute’s annual gala. However, that honor was rescinded this week after opposition from Birmingham’s Jewish community regarding Davis’ anti-Israel stance.

The backlash the BCRI has received this week from local civil rights groups also prompted the resignation from the BCRI board of three board members – chair Mike Oatridge, first vice chair Walter Body, and secretary Janice Kelsey.

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Woodfin said Thursday night in a statement that there is a “crisis of leadership at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute.” He is asking that the organization show more transparency regarding the controversy.

“Because of their poor stewardship, some in the local and national media are misconstruing the crisis of leadership at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute as a clash of cultures, ethnic groups, or races. Let me be clear – it is not,” Woodfin said. “In fact, I would like to clarify my own initial remarks to ensure that we can bring all voices to the table for ongoing dialogue.”

Woodfin said, “Birmingham’s Jewish community is not monolithic in thought. I consider myself an ally of Birmingham’s Jewish community. In fact, African American and Jewish leaders in Birmingham have worked together to build bridges during some of Birmingham’s darkest times. I expect us to continue to do so.”

He added, “It was not my intent to suggest that the entire Jewish community was opposed to Dr. Angela Davis receiving the Fred L. Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award.”

Woodfin said that dialogue should have allowed “for the full measure of discussion about the merits of the recognition by the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, including supporters and dissenters of some of Dr. Davis’ positions.” He referred to the lack of communication by the BCRI as “unacceptable.”

“While the resignation of some members from the Board of Directors from the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute signals a first step, there are still unanswered questions surrounding their situation,” Woodfin said. “We know very little about what transpired on that board that has brought us to this point.”

Woodfin said he requested from the BCRI Monday the following information:

“As of today, I have received copies of BCRI board minutes from September-December 2018 (you can read a PDF those minutes here: BCRI Governance 2018). No other actions have taken place yet, but I have been assured they are forthcoming,” Woodfin said.

“Two of the core values of my administration are transparency and accountability, which is why I implore and insist that every step be taken to restore confidence in the decision-making process and governance of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute,” he added. “I intend to partner with the Birmingham City Council in holding this board accountable.”

The City of Birmingham is the largest donor to the BCRI, and Woodfin said as such the city has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that the use of public resources reflect the values of the City of Birmingham.

“I acknowledge the formation of the citizen-led Birmingham Committee for Truth and Reconciliation which will host Dr. Davis in Birmingham on Saturday, February 16,” Woodfin said. “I welcome Dr. Davis back home and hope that her return to the City is one that helps further community conversations.”

Woodfin said he will announce a series of conversations that will facilitate constructive dialogue around civil and human rights starting January 21 during the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Observance.

“We do have a unique legacy that changed the events of the world more than a half-century ago,” Woodfin said. “In the spirit of those that fought and died so that we can stand on these sacred grounds, I will ensure that every step is taken to preserve and protect our civil and human rights legacy of courageous dialogue.”

Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images

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