Coronavirus: Easton Church Plans 'Drive-In Easter' Service

Home / Coronavirus: Easton Church Plans 'Drive-In Easter' Service

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EASTON, MA – Liberty Baptist Church Pastor Adam Riveiro has joined many other churches across the country in turning to modern technology to bring his message to his Easton congregation through online services during the coronavirus health emergency. On Easter Sunday, Riveiro will attempt to bring back an element of nostalgia to try to create an even greater connection on one of the holiest days of the year for Christians.

Riveiro purchased equipment that will allow the Washington Street church to provide a “Drive-In Easter Service” in which members of the congregation listen to the service on their car radios using an FM frequency in the parking lot. Riveiro told Patch that the FCC Part 15 radio transmitter — which is similar to ones that allow those driving by Christmas light displays to sync music to the light pattern using their car radios — can reach about 200 to 300 feet and cover both the Liberty Baptist Church and adjacent parking areas.

“There is a barrier there with technology,” Riveiro said. “People might not be on line, or they might not have Facebook. So we thought this would be that way to have that face-to-face connection. Even though it might be through two windshields, just that eye contact with other people might provide some comfort.”

Riveiro said the parking lot typically holds between 20 and 22 cars, but with creative vehicle placement, and the authorized used of some neighboring parking, he could broadcast to up to 50 to 60 cars on Sunday. He said there will be no contact between the occupants of the cars and members of the church staff, no hymn books or anything else distributed, and contact between vehicles will be discouraged to respect the rules of social distancing.

“I compare it a little to the Teddy Bear hunts that went on last week,” Riveiro said of the community initiatives during the coronavirus crisis where residents are encouraged to place stuffed bears in street-facing windows for families with children to try to locate as an outdoor activity. “It’s the same idea. If families can get in their car for an hour, and drive around in a way that is socially acceptable in line with the goals of the town, then I figure this is similar as long as we are responsible and everyone handles it well.”

The service is set to begin at 11 a.m. with those attending asked to arrive at least 15 minutes early so cars can be orderly arranged in the parking lot to maximize participation. Riveiro said he successfully tested out the equipment on Tuesday and that he is still trying to figure out the best spot from which to deliver his sermon.

“It may be from the back of a pickup truck,” he said. “It could be pretty rustic.”

Riveiro said members of any church looking to share in an Easter service and sense of religious community are invited to attend.

“We want to provide an Easter service keeps everyone safe and brings encouragement to some,” Riveiro said. “We want to do our part. We don’t need a government order to tell us to protect our people. We love our community.

“It’s a struggle,” he concluded. “They don’t give you a handbook in the seminary for something like this. We just want to make sure that, for the people who are feeling vulnerable, we are there for them as much as we can be.”

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