Snowden Doc: Canada Set Up Spy Posts for NSA
November 5, 2020 | News | No Comments
At the behest of the U.S. National Security Agency, Canada engaged in global spying operations, including setting up spy posts, CBC News reports.
The collaborative efforts of the two nations’ spy agencies covered surveillance in “approximately 20 high-priority countries.”
The NSA’s Canadian counterpart, the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC), “offers resources for advanced collection, processing and analysis, and has opened covert sites at the request of NSA,” CBC reports the NSA document as stating.
The newest surveillance revelation made possible by Edward Snowden shows “co-operative efforts” between the CSEC and NSA that go beyond those of the “Five Eyes” (Canada, the U.S,, the UK, Australia and New Zealnd) partnership.
NSA and CSEC operatives not only shared information but worked inside each other’s agency. “Co-operative efforts include the exchange of liaison officers and integrees,” the document states.