VIDEO: Being The Elite – 'Heel Turn'

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VIDEO: Being The Elite – 'Heel Turn'

December 9, 2020 | News | No Comments

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Video —

This week on Being The Elite —

The show opened with a brief clip of Sting’s Dynamite entrance from a backstage point of view. 
Shawn Dean, Aaron Solow, Chuck Taylor, Trent and Evil Uno played the card game Uno to determine the next number one contender to John Silver’s BTE Championship. White Claw in hand, Silver slurred through an introduction for the game. Dean won. 
Next week it’s Silver vs. Dean in a Skittles-throwing competition for the BTE title. 

The Elite —

The Bucks wished Kenny Omega luck before his AEW title match and promised to get their office ready to celebrate later. After his match, Omega left the building immediately. The Bucks went to the office and explained to Brandon Cutler that Omega turned heel. 
The Acclaimed and TH2 attacking The Young Bucks on Dynamite was replayed. A bit followed where Nick Jackson explained what happened in the attack and talked about Wednesday’s ratings. 
Brandon Cutler and Fuego Del Sol cut promos on each other ahead of their match on Dark. 

Dark Order —

Silver and Alex Reynolds set a trap with whiskey to try to lure Hangman Page to their lair. The entire Dark Order group started drinking whiskey together. 
The drinking continued throughout the show. Alan Angels took a shot off Preston Vance’s body. 
By the time Page arrived, the entire group was too drunk to recruit him. Page grabbed the whiskey and left as he heard Omega being announced as the new AEW Champion. 

Miscellaneous bits —

Dasha Gonzalez, Ortiz and Diamante were looking for Alex Abrahantes backstage. They found him in a storage area watching Dark Order clips from BTE and drinking Dark Order’s purple Kool-Aid. 
Frankie Kazarian continued being angry but denying that he needs anger management. 
Marko Stunt wished Matt Hardy luck in the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royale and made fun of his gear. Hardy went on a tangent about how iconic his look is. This led to a plug for The Young Bucks book. Chris Jericho made a cameo and told Stunt he should write a book. 
Private Party confronted Matt Hardy for his behavior in the Battle Royale. Hardy promised them that everything was just a test and they don’t have any problems with each other. 

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