The John Report: Talking Smack for 04/23/10
January 23, 2021 | News | No Comments
I’ll cover the PPV with a link to my preview at the end of this column. Also some thoughts on the people released during “spring cleaning” at the end as well. Since one of them was a favorite of mine it’s been tough to deal with, so to be honest this recap might not be my best work. It’s been a rough couple of days. And no, I’m not talking about Funaki. Or Mike Knox. Or Slam Master J.
Taped from Uncasville, Connecticut let’s talk some smack…
Jack Swagger cut a promo. I liked his other promos a lot better than this one. This felt like the Ultimate Warrior circa 1989 or something. It was just weird. It’s like he knew what he had to say, but it didn’t seem to come out the right way. That’s why I hate scripted promos. It doesn’t sound like him. It sounds like a writer.
John Morrison d. Jack Swagger (**1/2)
How do you build up your World Champion going into his first PPV title defense? By having him lose clean on free TV for two consecutive shows. Yeah! Nice booking. I’m glad that they got 12 minutes, they worked hard and it was a competitive match. However, losing clean to somebody that’s not even on the PPV where the champion is in the second biggest match is pretty lame. I like Morrison. I’m all for a push for him. The problem is this will be forgotten by Monday, so what was the point of it? Also, I still don’t like the Starship Pain as a finisher. What did he hit Swagger with to keep him down? His wrist? He nearly missed him entirely. It should be a setup move for something, but not a finish. I’m picking Orton on Sunday, but this is WWE where they book people to lose a lot before winning a big match. It’s “booking logic” apparently.
CM Punk talked with Teddy Long. He was bitching about his hair being cut on Raw. Long set up a tag match between Rey & Kane (remember that awful feud) against Punk & Gallows.
Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler d. R-Truth & Matt Hardy (*1/2)
The story was that Hardy was still concussed from over the last couple of weeks. On Raw he lost after being pulled off the middle rope and hitting his head. In this match, McIntyre took a cheap shot on Hardy, stomped on his head out on the steel steps and that led to the end of the match. They kept beating on Matt until the ref threw the match out because he had the wide eyes. After it ended Drew told him this is the last time he wanted to see him. Maybe Matt will get future endeavored. Probably not. I guess the feud continues.
Chris Jericho came out with NXT rookie Wade “I don’t put my arms in the sleeves of my jacket” Barrett to cut a promo in the cage. Chris really tried hard to put the violence of the cage over, but the problem is with no blood it’s hard for anybody to believe that. Edge came out, he talked about how even though his foot is hurt (he sells injuries unlike Cena) he’s able to work through the pain because of all the injuries he’s had in his life. Jericho hasn’t had the injuries, so he’s less capable of working through pain. I guess that’s a way to say it. Edge attacked, Jericho bailed, left Barrett alone and Edge gently pushed his head into the cage PG style while finishing him off with a spear. Edge wins at the PPV. For sure.
We got the MacGruber trailer. Looks as painful as Raw was.
JTG d. Mike Knox (1/2*)
Shad was on commentary. He wears suits now. I love how whenever somebody turns heel they wear a suit as if to say wearing a suit is EVIL~! JTG won with his neckbreaker thing that doesn’t look good on a guy like Knox since it was tough for him to sell it believably. Knox got fired after this. Post match, Shad attacked JTG with a strap to promote their strap match at the PPV.
Extreme Rules preview. Mine is up here.
Michelle & Layla d. Beth & Mickie (*)
Last match for Mickie James-Canton. Man, it’s painful writing that. They worked over Beth, she gave a hot tag to Mickie and she lost to Layla of all people. Then she got tossed aside. At least commentary didn’t bury her. I like Layla just fine, but if you watch the Thesz Press Mickie delivered Layla didn’t even take the move well. But hey, she doesn’t have a CD coming out that the company itself promoted on its own website, so she keeps her job. Having a good match is irrelevant. It should be noted that during the match it apparently took Layla a couple of minutes to get the ironing board out. That got edited out. Post match, the heels put lipstick on Beth’s face. What a bunch of meanies. Did they take her lunch money too?
Man, seeing Kane and Rey talk strategy before their match was an unintentionally hilarious sight.
CM Punk & Luke Gallows d. Rey Mysterio & Kane (**)
Punk had the chair out saying he was going to save somebody tonight. Match got about ten minutes. Of course that didn’t happen. Typical booking with Rey getting beat up, hot tag to Kane, they got the momentum and Rey hit a nice splash off Kane’s shoulders. That got broken up, so Kane fought Gallows (the former fake Kane by the way) through the crowd while Rey and Mysterio went at it. They had a good counter sequence that ended with Punk scoring the pinfall by sitting down during a hurricanrana attempt. Nice win for Punk. Post match, Rey went to give him the 619, Punk bailed and Rey threatened to shave his head. Serena saved Punk from that happening. They ended the show with Rey The Barber Beefcake threatening Punk with the dreaded razor.
In my preview I picked Punk to win at the PPV, but I’m not sure about it now. It seems like a Rey win is likely with Punk having his head shaved to end that feud. I think Rey stays on SD while Punk/Gallows/Serena get drafted to Raw.
Three Stars of the Show
1. CM Punk
2. John Morrison
3. Drew McIntyre
7 out of 10
Last week: 8
The opener and the last match were good. The Jericho/Edge promo was okay, but not epic or anything. This was the last show for this Smackdown brand that provided us with a lot of good stuff in the last twelve months. I’ll definitely miss watching this group. After Monday it’ll get changed. Who knows what we’ll get on SD going forward?
I wrote a preview of Extreme Rules along with my buddy Dave exclusively for my blog on Friday. We did it in a conversational style, so it’s a quick read that covers everything fairly well. Plus, I make fun of him for watching that Batista movie. Good times.
Regarding the releases, obviously I’m very shocked that Mickie James got released. I got asked to write something about her from my friends at, so I did that for them. You can read that here. I really don’t have more to add than what I said there. I’m not happy about what happened to her. She will bounce back. And to those that hate when I talk about her I guess you’ll be happy now. Congrats on that.
As for the others, it seems as though WWE never really wanted to push Shelton Benjamin that hard for whatever reason. They certainly tried. It just didn’t seem like it was going to happen. With his contract up soon it made sense to release him. I think he’ll be in TNA for sure. The rest of the people that got released were barely used. It makes sense to see them go.
Lastly, I’m not going to be writing up live Extreme Rules thoughts at although my buddy Andrew Johnson is. I have plans for Sunday night and I wasn’t going to be home for the PPV anyway. I plan on writing the Raw Deal live this Monday for the 3 hour Draft. Bookmark the site if you haven’t already and check it out.
Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend.
John Canton –
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