RAW Report Omaha 10/22/07
February 8, 2021 | News | No Comments
RAW this week starts with Kennedy in the ring with his arms crossed and shaking his head. His mic comes down and he gets huge heat. He says this Sunday we all have the opportunity to make history because we all get to vote for the man who will face Orton for the WWE Championship. He wants to look at the candidates. On one hand is Jeff Hardy (the fans give good pop at his name), the IC Champ. He’s like Hilary Clinton. They both have their pretty little blond hair and their famous last name. But, he won’t get the job done, because, like Hilary, he doesn’t have testicles. Then you have HBK (the fans give HUGE pop at his name) who’s like Giuliani. They both talk real tough and have impressive resumes. But they both live in the past. He asks HBK what he’s sone for him lately. Whatever it is it’s no where near as impressive as what he’s done. In the past two years he’s been the US Champion, won MITB. He’s beaten Rey Rey Rey Rey, Batista and Taker. To quote a famous politician – who shares his last name – “Ask not what Mr. Kennedy can do for you, ask what you can do for Mr. Kennedy.” He promises to beat Orton.
Jeff calls out his name and cuts him off. Jeff’s in the crowd and gets good pop. Kennedy says his name again and comments about being cut off.
Jeff says that, standing out there with the fans, Kennedy’s approval ratings suck.
Kennedy says Jeff doesn’t want to debate with him. Kennedy says Jeff’s begging for votes. “Hardy” chants. Kennedy says the facts are…
Jeff says he tried to pass himself off as a McMahon and failed. Last week he faced Jeff and failed. At CS he’ll fail too.
Kennedy says he doesn’t have to deal with this and starts to leave.
Jeff stops him and asks the fans who wants him to go beat down Kennedy? The fans go wild.
Jeff rushes down and starts beating on Kennedy. Jeff has the upper hand until Orton shows up. Orton and Kennedy beat Jeff down. Orton is about to kick Jeff’s head off – Kennedy’s holding Jeff down – when HBK shows up and tackles Orton. HBK and Orton fight away from the ring – Orton runs. Kennedy attacks Jeff. Jeff fights back and sends Kennedy flying from the ring into the announce table.
– Commercial
Video replay of what happened before the break.
London, Kendrick and Mickie rush down to the ring. Mickie is in jeans and denim lace-up top. Cade, Murdoch and Melina come down. Melina’s in a hot pink version of her outfit.
Cade and London start. A side headlock on Cade. A headlock takeover on Cade. Cade gets out and comes back fighting. London flies off the corner with a cross body for two. Kendrick tags in with a sunset flip and an arm drag takeover. London tags in. Kendrick tags back in and comes off the corner. Mickie tags in and so does Melina. Melina gains the upper hand. They both use hair and take each other down. Mickie starts kicking and Melina is able to kick out.
Kendrick and Cade are in. A neck breaker from Cade for two. Cade drops a couple elbows. Murdoch tags in and gets a near fall. Cade tags in and Kendrick tries to fight back. Kendrick manages to kick Cade in the back of the head. They both tag out. A spinning heel kick on Murdoch and London covers. Murdoch breaks the count. The Divas rush in and fight. Melina leaves the ring. Everyone’s rushing around. Cade ends up hitting a hard clothesline on Murdoch! Cade pushes Mickie out of the way of getting hurt. Kendrick is able to cover Murdoch for the three.
– Winners: London, Kendrick & Mickie
London, Kendrick and Mickie back up the ramp celebrating. Mickie mouths ‘thank you’ to Cade. (New storyline starting here?)
Video of the Diva Search. They are Miranda-izing Grisham. Then they show the Dia Hopefuls back stage showing off for the camera.
– Commercial
HBK approaches Jeff out back. Jeff says it’s about making an impression. HBK says Orton tried to end his career – it’s personal. Tonight he’s going for a third sweet chin music in a row.
Jeff says the fans might want something different. They might want a swanton instead of a superkick.
HBK says that means Hardy doesn’t have his back in their tag match tonight.
Jeff says he didn’t mean that. He just means he’ll act exactly as HBK would in the same spot.
Cody’s reading the new WWE Magazine. Haas and Benjamin come up to them. They comment on the 500 in the magazine. They laugh about 500 being the number of times Holly’s beaten up on Cody. Benjamin says he’ll be beating Cody up tonight.
Cody says there are two things that separate Benjamin form Holly. 1- Holly doesn’t look like a tool as a blond. 2- He respects Holly.
Benjamin says after he beats him tonight he’s going to dye HIS hair blond.
Regal and Coach are out back. Coach wants a match with Hornswoggle tonight. Regal says it was Vince who double-crossed Coach under the ring last week. Regal smirks.
Coach tries to persuade Regal to make the match. Regal does it, but isn’t happy.
Coach says he doesn’t want to face Hornswoggle. He thinks Umaga should do it.
– Commercial
Cody comes down to the ring. Video of Cody’s match with Holly last week. Haas and Benjamin come out for Shelton to face him.
Shelton kick Cody and backs him into a corner. Shelton goes after Cody’s left thigh with kicks. He sets Cody’s leg on the ropes and slams down on it. Cody comes back with punches, but Shelton goes after that leg again. Cody telegraphs and gets kicked. Cody starts fighting back and hits a back elbow and then a bulldog for two.
Haas distracts Cody who gets rolled up. Cody reverses the roll and gets the three.
– Winner: Cody
Haas and Benjamin attack Cody and beat him down. holly rushes out and makes the save. Haas and Benjamin flee the ring. Cody gets to his feet and they stare down the other two. When the heels leave Cody is staring at Holly. Holly glares at him and then nods before leaving.
– Commercial
DH Smith is in the ring!!! He says who his father is and dedicates this match to him – huge pop when he mentions his father’s name. Carlito comes out to face him.
They lock up and Carlito gets an arm bar on DH Smith. DHS gets out in and interesting way. DHS covers for two. Carlito gets tossed around a bit and covers again. Carlito comes off the top rope with a dropkick for one. DH gets chopped in a corner and then slammed in the center of the ring for two. DH telegraphs and gets kicked. A shot to DHS’s chest and he goes down. A side headlock on DHS and he backs Carlito into a corner. DHS hits an uppercut followed by a couple dropkicks. A northern lights suplex and a bridge cover for two. A springboard elbow from Carlito for two.
DHS hits a power bomb, very much like his dad, and covers for three.
– Winner: DH Smith
He celebrates in the ring and the fans seem to approve. (I’m impressed as he seems to move differently from a lot of other wrestlers. He has a fluidity about him and he does things a bit different from what I’m used to seeing. I hope the kid does well.)
Out back Beth and Candy are chest to chest staring at each other. Beth says she’ll be down on her knees worshiping the Glamazon.
Candy says she’ll take back the title. Not her, or anyone else will make get down on her knees.
– Commercial
JR and King talk about the main event. They then talk about Horney having to face Umaga. They show video of what happened between Coach and Horney last week – when Coach got blown up under the ring after chasing the little guy all over the back.
Umaga comes down to the ring with Coach in tow. Lillian announces Hornswoggle. His music starts, but he doesn’t come out on the stage. He comes out from under the ring by the announce table. He shakes his head and slowly climbs the stairs. He looks nervous, scared. He doesn’t seem to want to get in the ring. Coach is screaming at him to get in the ring. He’s about to get in and then backs off a bit. Coach yells and Horney says no. Horney takes off running. He heads up the ramp and out back.
HHH’s music and he comes out. He’s in jeans and a t-shirt. He looks more than pissed. She stares through Umaga as he comes down the ramp. HHH gets in the ring and they throw punches. HHH gets backed into a corner and fights out. An upper cut by Umaga slows HHH down, but he comes back with lots of punches. A bunch of refs come out and break them up. The 4 refs can’t keep them apart and Umaga attacks. More come out. HHH knocks Umaga over the top. They fight outside. A punch knocks HHH down. HHH comes back with a chair but Umaga punches first. Umaga starts pulling apart the announce table. HHH climbs and flies off the announce table. The refs and crew can’t keep them apart. They keep trying to get them apart and HHH keeps jumping and flying at Umaga. About 20 people can’t keep them apart? Umaga starts up the ramp and HHH attacks again. They finally gets Umaga up the ramp and keep HHH pinned against the ring.
– Commercial
Video of Horney escaping and HHH coming out to fight Umaga. They show quite a bit of them trying to keep them apart.
Out back Umaga is going crazy tearing the place apart. There’s about 25 people around him trying to calm him. He tosses anything he can get his hands on.
Grisham is on the stage talking about the Diva Search. There were 8 finalists and fans have been voting online. Three are left. He has them come out. Brooke is first out in a gold bikini. Eve comes out in black shorts, black fishnet and silver bikini top. Lena comes out in black boy shorts and a red and black bra top (she’s a nationally ranked surfer). One will be voted to leave tonight. Lena gets the biggest pop, but the fans don’t seem thrilled about having to watch this. Lena gets the biggest pop and then gets eliminated. She leaves. Grisham says next week on RAW the new Diva will be announced. Right now they have 30 seconds to tell us why they should win. Brooke starts and sucks. Eve is better (not great) on the mic. She doesn’t scream and seems like she’s actually prepared.
Orton is in the locker room, Kennedy comes in. Orton says he wants to set the record straight. The only reason he saved Kennedy earlier is to stop Jeff and that their partners tonight. Orton says people don’t like him and won’t vote for him. Orton says they need to work together and weaken Hardy and HBK. If it hadn’t been for Kennedy he might not have taken out Cena so easily. Kennedy says he wants to win every match he’s in. After the match he might want to make a statement and Orton might have more to worry about than a superkick. Orton says Kennedy doesn’t want to make an enemy out of him.
– Commercial
Santino and Maria come out to the ring. Maria in a tiny black sequined skirt and black tank top with tall black boots. Santino has the 500th WWE Magazine. He says everyone’s in there. He rattles off a bunch of names, including Austin. But Santino’s not in there. He says even Mantaur is in the magazine, but he isn’t. He has Maria open the magazine to page 24, but then he’s cut off by another mysterious Matrix like video. This one had a number of interesting bits, including – SAVE_US_X29 & SECOND_COMING. There were others, lots of other – this one seemed to focus on a lot more than the others – but I’m sure the video will be online very soon so you can see for yourself.
He asks if it’s Austin, but then says it can’t be as he’s only an actor. He says if Austin shows up he’s going to open the can of ass-whip on him. Ron Simmons comes out cutting Santino off. Ron gets in the ring.
They’re about to lock up and Santino kicks Ron’s leg. Ron backs Santino in a corner, Santino reverses it. Punches and elbows take Santino down. Santino mounts Ron and throws punches. Santino covers for two. “Maria” chants from 5 guys in the front row. A side headlock on Ron. Ron gets to his feet and out. Ron throws punches in a corner. Santino kicks a blatant low blow and the ref calls for the DQ. Santino screams it was an accident.
– Winner: Ron Simmons via DQ
Santino and Maria go up the ramp with Ron still on the mat.
Grisham is out back with HHH. HHH says the voting doesn’t matter. The match type doesn’t matter. For the first time tonight HHH saw doubt in Umaga’s eyes. This Sunday he’ll see fear in Umaga’s eyes. He will fall before the King of Kings. No matter how the voting foes, it’s time to play the game.
Candy is out back heading for the ring.
– Commercial
This is a two out of three falls match. Candy comes out first in gold leopard print pants and bra top with matching long coat. Beth comes out in a black corset and black skirt.
They lock up and Candy is backed into a corner. Candy gets a chop to the chest. She then gets chopped in another corner. Candy gets flipped to the apron and fights back. Candy hits a hurricanrana. Candy tries for a sunset flip but is picked up by the neck and held in the air. Candy is slammed down and covered for three.
– Commercial
Beth has Candy on her head in a kind of sideway Boston crab-type hold in the center of the ring. Candy is able to grab Beth’s hair and throw some punches then kick her away. Candy is then hit hard in the chest. Candy comes back with some shots and a clothesline. A dropkick and another clothesline and Candy covers for two. Candy rolls up a cradle for two. Candy slams her down for another two count. Candy goes to apron and then climbs. Beth hits the ropes and Candy falls hard, face first to the mat. She landed hard and Bad. This was not the way it was supposed to happen – at all! This is no bullshit. Looking in her eyes she was not there at all. I heard the ref saying “that’s all” and “that’s it”. Beth pulled her from the corner and covered for a quick three.
– Winner: Beth
There’s immediately people there helping her. She starts responding. She can move her limbs. She sits up and takes a drink of water. I hear them ask if she can walk out and she flops back down. They call for a stretcher and say they’re sending her in an ambulance.
They show the video again and it’s obvious that Beth knows something wrong when she sees Candice hit. She was careful in moving her and finishing the match.
They move her slowly to the back board as the fans send out yells of inspiration.
Out back Orton is heading for the ring.
– Commercial
JR and King run through the CS matches.
HBK comes out to huge pop. Jeff Hardy comes out next to decent pop. Kennedy is the next out. He’s up on the apron and about to get in the ring and slips. He almost falls to the floor but catches himself and covers well pulling himself through the ropes and into the ring. Orton comes out last. They all stare and glare while Orton shows off his belt. HBK taunts Orton.
HBK and Kennedy start. “HBK” chants. They lock up and HBK is backed into a corner. Kennedy throws punches. HBK reverses it and chops. HBK hits the worst swinging neck breaker ever – he doesn’t keep hold of Kennedy’s neck, but Kennedy goes with it.
Jeff tags in. Jeff takes Kennedy down. Jeff goes to the second rope and drives his elbow into Kennedy’s back. Jeff covers for two. Jeff makes a mistake and Orton tags in. “Hardy” chants. No word on Candy yet. Orton beats on Jeff in a corner. Orton goes for a punch and Jeff fights back. Orton hits a hard clothesline and covers for two. Kennedy tags in and covers Jeff for two. Jeff kicks Kennedy in the face and tags in HBK. Inverted atomic drop on Kennedy. Orton tries a cheap shot and it’s enough to distract HBK. Kennedy and Orton double team HBK. Orton mount HBK and throws punches. “HBK” chants.
Orton throws punches but HBK fights back. Orton whips HBK and he drops. Kennedy tags in. A modified abdominal stretch on HBK in the center of the ring. Very quiet “Kennedy” chants. Kennedy picks HBK and hits two back breakers (very carefully). Kennedy covers for two. A reverse elbow and Kennedy covers again for two.
Orton tags in. Orton preens for the crowd. HBK bounces up and goes after Orton. Kennedy gets the blind tag and goes after HBK’s back. Kennedy covers for two. A reverse chinlock and body scissors combination on HBK. HBK gets out and they exchange blows. HBK tries for a tag but Orton stops him. HBK hits a modified enziguri on Orton.
Kennedy and Hardy both tag in. They go back and forth. Jeff hits a mule kick and covers but Orton breaks up the count. HBK sends Orton outside. HBK flies out onto Orton. Jeff climbs and hits whisper in the wind. Jeff climbs again but Kennedy stops him. Kennedy goes for a superplex but is pushed off. Jeff hits a swanton bomb and covers for three.
– Winners: HBK & Jeff Hardy
Jeff is celebrating. Orton sneaks up behind him and is about to hit an RKO. HBK stops Orton with the third sweet chin music in as many weeks!
Biggest pop
Jeff Hardy
Davy Boy Smith – name mention
Biggest heat
Worst moment
When Candice fell – it was obvious that she landed very wrong.