Latest On 'Who Is Suicide?', TNA Reaction To Chris Harris Firing, Booking Petition
March 22, 2021 | News | No Comments
— The site features a new message and graphic. The message reads: “It comes and goes…my memory…the flashbacks…waking up on the side of the road…the blood…the pain…how did I get here?…the surgery…the anger. The only thing that is clear…the only thing that makes sense…is to get revenge. Try to remember. Find them. Make them pay. My time will come. TNA will soon know me. But I must remember to be patient. I’m not ready to unleash him yet. I’m not strong enough yet. But I will be soon. PATIENCE…THEN PAYBACK” Also, the site is not linking to the anymore. It now features a graphic of Ric Flair as well as Randy Orton’s WWE theme song. According to a few readers, the MySpace page was hacked by a message board by the name of 420chan.
— Reader Darren Gret has come up with a petition regarding the booking on TNA programming. Here is what he sent in:
I am writing this email in hopes of having this petition linked to your website.
earlier this week, i was browsing some of the usual wrestling websites. I noticed one news post about a Steven Richards fan that made a petition to help him get hired by TNA. I thought to myself, why not make one to tell them exactly how we feel about the current TNA Booking? I made this in direct response to many of the message board posts and website columns i read on a weekly basis that are critical to the Booking and writing in TNA. While there are many valid points on both sides of the debate, there is clearly an overwhelming amount of TNA fans that are dissatisfied with their current direction.
My ultimate goal is to get someone from TNA to read this. Either online or by physically printing the petition and mailing it to them. It’s all a longshot but then again, at least anyone that signs the petition will have tried to show TNA exactly how they feel about their current product. This petition is not meant to be an open bashing of TNA. This is an area for TNA to express that you simply want a change in the direction of their booking. Swearing and inflamatory rhetoric towards bookers, agents or anyone in TNA and/or any other wrestling promotion will be promptly deleted. This is just an area to post your approval, disapproval and constructive criticism of the current booking in hopes of showing them the urgency for a change.
I would really appreciate it if this would be posted on your news site.
— Some people in TNA smiled over the recent news of former TNA star Chris Harris a.k.a. Braden Walker’s firing from WWE, reports the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. They were also pleased with having a prime example of the grass not always being greener on the other side for people choosing to leave TNA for WWE. Harris didn’t leave TNA on the best of terms when his contract expired back in January as he felt his talents were being overlooked by company officials.
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