Tessa Blanchard Discusses Her Thoughts On Paige, Talks Working With The Rock, More

Home / Tessa Blanchard Discusses Her Thoughts On Paige, Talks Working With The Rock, More


IMPACT Wrestling star, Tessa Blanchard appeared on The Jim Ross Report where she talked in-depth about being part of the Fighting With My Family movie. Below are some highlights with a H/T to WrestlingInc.com for the transcriptions.

Her thoughts on Paige:

“For someone like Paige who has had to deal with a lot in the professional wrestling world, and lately, I feel like it has been a hard year for her kind of with the fans and with everything medically. But it’s really cool for her because it shows her story and her family’s story. And it really focuses on the inspirational parts of it and how she had to work for everything that she has.” Blanchard added, “just reading the script before we actually went into production, it just really hit home and and it really hit my heart.”

Her role as Paige’s stunt double:

“Yeah, I was the stunt double for Paige, so I did all the workouts, all the wrestling, anything athletic as Paige,” Blanchard explained. “I was her stunt double, so we spent about three months out in [Los Angeles, California] and then we flew over to the [United Kingdom] and finished working on the movie there.”

Working with The Rock:

“Goodness gracious, it was absolutely amazing because we had the opportunity to get in the ring and train with The Rock,” Blanchard admitted. “And what a patient and down-to-Earth person, someone who’s so high profile, but is still just so down-to-Earth and patient with people. And he really cares about the end product, so he takes the time to go and work on the details us. It was absolutely special.”

Source :

The Jim Ross Report

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