WWE Asheville, NC, live results: Dean Ambrose faces Chris Jericho

Home / WWE Asheville, NC, live results: Dean Ambrose faces Chris Jericho

Submitted by Scott Keeler from the Kimmel Arena

– Golden Truth defeated Breezango

Nice pop for Golden Truth, especially for R-Truth who was raised in nearby Charlotte. A really solid opening match. R-Truth got the blind tag and performed a sunset flip into the ring on Tyler Breeze for the pin.

– Jack Swagger defeated Curtis Axel

Decent match. Swagger made Axel submit with the ankle lock.

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Axel got on the mic and said Swagger should’ve been disqualified for slamming his ankle into the ring post. He said he’s frankly pissed off about being the final pick in the draft and challenges anyone in the locker room to another match.

– Kane defeated Curtis Axel

Hellfire and brimstone music hit and out came Kane. Kane no-sold a microphone to the head shot by Axel, then hit the chokeslam and got the pin in about 15 seconds.

– Enzo & Big Cass defeated The Dudley Boyz

Big pop for Enzo and Cass who did their normal pre-match thing, which the crowd was really into. Long match with lots of comedic stalling, but it did not affect the crowd. Enzo hit an extremely short Bada Boom Shakalaka on Bubba Ray for the pin.

– Dolph Ziggler defeated Baron Corbin

While the crowd wasn’t into it much, it was a great match. Little to no reaction for Corbin, but he worked hard to catch — and finally received — heat. Crowd popped for Ziggler’s superkick and pinfall.

Ziggler cut a promo about SummerSlam. He said how much he respects Dean Ambrose, but he’s coming to take his title.

– Cesaro & Neville defeated The Vaudevillains

Another terrific match. After teasing it two previous times, Cesaro finally got Simon Gotch in the swing for 20 rotations. Then Neville hit the Red Arrow on him for the pin.

– Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch defeated Dana Brooke & Summer Rae

After about a 10-minute intermission, the crowd came alive for both Becky and Sasha. Probably the biggest pops of the night to that point.

Not the greatest match, but better than I anticipated as Sasha and Becky carried Dana and Summer pretty well. Sasha reversed Summer’s roll-up attempt into the Bank Statement for the submission win.

– Kalisto defeated Alberto Del Rio

Basically did the same things we’ve seen from them in the past. Okay reaction. Kalisto got the roll-up pin.

– WWE World Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose defeated Chris Jericho in an Asheville Street Fight to retain his title

Jericho came out to a loud mix of boos and cheers, then drew massive heat for repeatedly saying how happy he was to be back in “Nashville.” After the third “Nashville” reference, ring announcer whispered in his ear and he said “Oh Asheville, no wonder this place is a dump,” etc. 

Ambrose came out to a loud ovation. While billed a street fight, they really only left the ring to get weapons from underneath. Both gave and received kendo stick shots and chair shots. Jericho nearly got Ambrose in the Walls of Jericho, but Ambrose flipped him out. Jericho later hit the Codebreaker, but Ambrose kicks out.

Ambrose set up a table in the corner, then reversed the whip into it and Jericho broke the table. Ambrose hit Dirty Deeds for the win.

Post-match, Ambrose spent about 10 minutes taking selfies, signing autographs, and high-fiving everyone around the perimeter of the ring and stage.

Overall, a really fun show. It was my first house show in many years and I was impressed with how quickly one match followed the other with very few interruptions for ads, etc.

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