NXT Orlando, FL, live results: Vaudevillains vs. The Revival

Home / NXT Orlando, FL, live results: Vaudevillains vs. The Revival

I’m at the Orlando National Guard Armory for NXT Live in front of approximately 300 people.

– Nia Jax and Mandy Rose beat Aliyah and Daria

The faces were able to work over Mandy, but once Nia got involved, her power was just too much. Tree Slam by Nia on Daria for the win.

– Josh Woods beat Kishan Raftaar

Kishan kept Josh grounded for most of this one until Woods was able to catch Raftaar with a grapevine ankle lock.

– In ring interview w/ Mikey Nicholls and Shane Veryzer. They proclaim that they are the best team on the planet and the world.

– Elias “The Drifter” Samson beat Cezar

Massive booos for Samson tonight, and he couldn’t even finish his song, drowned out by “You need lessons/your song sucks” chants. There were a few good hope spots by Cezar (including a standing rana), but The Drifter won it with his spinning neck breaker.

– Tino Sabbatelli beat Angelo Dawkins

Good showing by both men. Tino was the face tonight and had the crowd on his side. Some great rope running and leapfrogs, and Tino hit a cross body to finish off the sequence. Tino picked up the win with a running power slam.

– Patrick beat Dan Matha

Big power moves by Dan early on, throwing Patrick around. Roll through with a bridge for Patrick to score the win.

– Adrienne Reese beat Peyton Royce

Fast paced match. Adrienne was flying around the ring, Peyton taunted her flower and by ducking out of the ring. Adrienne used her off the top rope rotating stunner for the win.

– The Vaudevillains beat The Revival

Early grappling and mat work. Gotch worked with both Dash and Scott before Aiden tagged in to pick up the pace. Revival used dastardly tactics to take the ref and get the advantage at all turns. Heat segment working over English before Gotch could make the hot tag and run wild. Great sequence with an attempt at the Vauds finish yet Revival pulled Gotch out, some roll up attempts, and finally they hit their Whirling Dervish for the win.

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