WWE NXT Report – 7/6/16

Home / WWE NXT Report – 7/6/16

WWE NXT Report – 7/6/16

August 11, 2020 | News | No Comments

We are in Winter Park, Florida and your announcers are Tom Phillips and Corey Graves.

Match Number One: Bayley versus Alexa Bliss

They exchange some words before locking up and Bayley with a side head lock and snap mare followed by an elbow to the back and a drop kick. Bliss with a knee to the midsection and she hangs Bayley in the ropes and catapults Bayley’s throat into the rope and gets a near fall. Alexa sends Bayley into the turnbuckles and kicks her. Alexa with a forearm to the back and a cravate. Bayley tries to escape but Alexa sends her back to the mat while holding on to the cravate. Bliss sends Bayley to the mat and gets a near fall.

Bliss chokes Bayley in the ropes and pulls the ropes to send her into the center of the ring and Bliss gets a near fall. Bayley with punches but Bliss is able to surf on Bayley’s back. Bayley blocks a kick and hits a buckle bomb. Bayley with a shoulder into the corner followed by a running back elbow and a running knee. Bayley runs Bliss into the turnbuckles and connects with a shoudler and another elbow and knee.

Bayley runs Bliss into the corner but Bliss with a sunset flip for a near fall. Bliss with a punch and the referee checks on Bayley as we go to commercial.

We are back and Bliss with punches and the referee warns Bliss while he checks on Bayley. Bliss wraps the arm in the ropes and Bliss tries to pull Bayley into the ring but Bayley pulls Bliss into the ropes. Bayley sends Bliss to the apron and hits a neck breaker and gets a near fall. Bliss grabs Bayley for an STO and follows with a double knee drop and a handspring into a double knee drop. Bliss kicks Bayley and she goes up top. Bayley stops Alexa and connects with forearms and she goes for a belly-to-belly superplex but Bliss blocks it and hits a sunset flip power bomb and gets a near fall.

Bayley with a double leg take down and jackknife cover for a near fall. Bliss does the same and gets a near fall. Bayley with a rollup for a near fall and then Bliss with one of her own. Bayley with a back slide and Bliss holds on. Bayley with a Saito Suplex for a near fall. Bliss with an Irish whip but Bayley with an elbow. Bayley goes to the turnbuckles and Bliss pulls Bayley off the turnbuckles. Bliss goes for a Vader Bomb but Bayley gets her feet up and hits the belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.

Winner: Bayley

After the match, Bayley says it has been a long road back. In Dallas, she got knocked out by Asuka and lost her title. She says she bounced back but she was knocked down by Nia Jax. She had to watch Nia take her opportunity at Takeover.

Nia Jax’s music plays and she makes her way to the ring.

Nia says she will put Bayley back on the shelf. Bayley wants one more match with Nia and Nia accepts.

We take a look at TM61. They say they are here to capture the NXT Tag Titles. They say the Mighty Don’t Kneel.

Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder are in the back and they are asked if they are worried they will lose. Dash says there is no doubt they will win tonight. Scott says we will see that The Revival are the best. They will show that they hit hard and that they are the best tag team on the planet.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Wesley Blake and Buddy Murphy versus Mojo Rawley and Zack Ryder

Blake and Rawley start things off and Rawley with a shoulder tackle. Murphy tags in and they argue and push each other. Mojo tries to do something but he is told to shut up.

Rhyno hits the ring and GORES everyone in the ring.

No Contest

We take a look at the Shinsuke Nakamura and Finn Balor match that will take place next week with a video package. Hunter says that these two men were so talented before they came to WWE that they were known around the world. Tye Dillinger talks about how both men made their names in Japan. Jason Jordan talks about how popular they are. Neville talks about how they were stars overseas. Chad Gable says he is looking forward to being able to sit back and watch the match as a fan.

Finn says that Nakamura took him under his wing to teach him about Japan. Nakamura and Balor talk about how they became friends and how their families hung out together.

Hunter says it makes it more intense when you are facing a friend. Hunter says it would be disrespectful not to give everything against a friend.

Finn says this is going to be special.

Hunter says that people will talk about how they saw Balor and Nakamura meet for the first time in NXT when they look back on this match in ten or fifteen years.

Andrea is with Chad Gable and Jason Jordan to ask them about their plan for tonight. Jason says they are going to fight their match tonight. They fought the Revival’s match last time. Chad says the longer this match will go, the better it will be for them. They are ready . . . willing. . . and Gable.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rhyno is asked why he is back but he just walks away without saying a word.

Match Number Three: Chad Gable and Jason Jordan versus Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson for the NXT Tag Titles in a Two out of Three Falls Match

Wilder and Gable start things off and Gable with a waist lock. Wilder with a wrist lock. Gable with a bridge and flip to reverse and he takes Wilder down with a drop toe hold and he applies the ankle lock and Dawson pulls Wilder to the floor and to safety. Wilder returns to the ring and Dawson is tagged in. They lock up and Jordan tags in and he takes Dawson to the mat and applies an arm bar. Dawson with a side head lock take down and head scissors from Jordan. Jordan with a side head lock take down and Dawson with a head scissors but Jordan escapes.

Dawson punches Gable and Wilder hits Jordan from behind while the referee focused on Gable. Wilder tags in and punches Jordan. Dawson tags in and Jordan with a double shoudler tackle. Jordan and Gable go for double Chaos Theories but Dawson and Wilder hold on to the ropes. Gable and Jordan with drop kicks and the champions go to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are bacjk and Jordan with a side head lock but Dawson with a slam. Wilder makes the blind tag and Wilder drives Jordan face first into the mat. Wilder sends Jordan into the corner and he kicks Jordan in the knee and then he tags in Dawson who hits a dragon screw leg whip and then he sends the knee into the mat. Dawson with punches to Jordan. Wilder tags in and kicks Jordan in the leg and then he connects with a forearm to the leg. Wilder kicks Jordan in the back of the leg and then he hits a step over toe hold and he drops down on the leg.

Dawson tags in and he wrings the leg into the ring post twice. Dawson wraps the leg in the ropes and then Wilder punches the knee while Dawson talks to the referee. Dawson gets a near fall and then he tags in Wilder who comes off the turnbuckles to continue to work on the leg. Wilder wtih a step over toe hold and then he works on the leg some more. Jordan tries to punch Wilder to get out of the hold but Wilder with chops. Jordan with a kick to the back and Dawson tags in and gets Jordan in a front face lock to get between Jordan and his partner. Jordan tries to get to his corner but Dasonw tries for a suplex.

Gable tags in and he punches Dawson and Wilder and hits a drop kick on Dawson. Gable punches Dawson and hits a cross body onto Wilder. Gable with a reverse atomic drop to Dawson and an atomic drop to Wilder to send him to the floor. Gable with a suplex to Dawson for a near fall. Gable with an inside cradle for a near fall. Wilder goes to the floor and then Wilder pulls the rope down and Gable falls over the top rope to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Dawson with forearms and elbows to Gable followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Gable punches Dawson but Dawson sends Gable into his corner and he tags in Wilder. Wilder with a European uppercut for a near fall. Dawson tags in and Wilder with a drop toe hold and Dawson with a snap elbow drop for a near fall. Dawson pulls at the nose and then he slams Gable and tags in Wilder. Dawson picks up Wilder and sends him down onto Gable with a leg drop for a near fall. Wilder with a head butt. Wilder with a chin lock on Gable but Gable moves and Wilder goes to the floor. Dawson tags in and he stops Gable from making the tag. Gable is sent to the apron and Dawson with kicks and forearms. Wilder clotheslines Gable into the ring and Dawson gets a near fall.

Gable punches Dawson but Dawson with a knee. Dawson with a spinebuster for a near fall. Dawson with a reverse chin lock. Gable with punches but Dawson with a head butt and Wilder tags in. Gable goes for a sunset flip on Gable but Wilder is the legal man. Wilder chops Jordan off the apron and then Dawson and Wilder double team Gable and Dawson with a leg drop from the turnbuckles while Wilder has Gable elevated. Dawson cannot capitalize immediately and he holds his hip so he can only get a two count.

Wilder tags in and he punches Gable. Wilder gets a near fall. Dawson tags in and kicks Gable. Gable avoids a double team move and he sends Dawson into Wilder and Jordan tags in and he takes care of both men. Jordan with a T-Bone suplex to Dawson and he sends Wilder into the air. Jordan with a spear to Wilder for a near fall. Jordan puts Wilder on the turnbuckles and sets for a superplex but Wilder sends Jordan to the mat. Gable hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Dawson. Jordan with an ankle lock but Dawson grabs Wilder. Gable pulls Dawson to the floor and Wilder taps out.

Fall One to Jordan and Gable

Dawson goes up top and tries for a sunset fip but Jordan stays on his feet. Wilder gets back body dropped. Jordan with a series of near falls and Dawson with a rollup for a near fall. Dawson with a DDT for a near fall. Wilder pulls Gable off the apron and Gable applies a Trailer Hitch and gets Jordan to tap out.

Fall Two to Dawson and Wilder (Tied 1 fall each)

Jordan with an inside cradle for a near fall. Gable tags in and gets a near fall with a rollup. Gable counters a slam with an inside cradle for a near fall. Gable with a reverse roll up for a near fall. Gable goes for a back slide but Dawson blocks it. Jordan makes the tag and hits a shoulder in the corner. Wilder saves Dawson on Grand Amplitude and then Gable knocks Wilder out of the way to avoid Shatter Machine. Jordan with an ankle lock but Gable sends Jordan into the turnbuckles. Dawson with the Trailer Hitch and Gable with a splash off the turnbuckles to break up the hold. Wilder and Gable go to the floor while Jordan and Dawson are in the ring.

Gable makes the tag and Dawson with a knee to Gable. They go to the apron and they exchange forearms. Gable tries to German suplex Dawson off the apron, but Wilder grabs the leg. Dawson with an elbow and the Revival hit Shatter Machine on the apron and Dawson gets the three count.

Winners: Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder (2 Falls to 1 Fall)

We go to credits.

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Source: PWInsider

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