Pyrenees farmers declare war after helicopter used to bring in Slovenian bear

Home / Pyrenees farmers declare war after helicopter used to bring in Slovenian bear

Bear lovers scored a key victory Thursday after French authorities secretly helicoptered a Slovenian she-bear into the Pyrenees mountains.

The bear was flown over roadblocks erected by irate local farmers who say the beasts pose a threat to their flocks.

Conservationists hope the female, soon to be joined by a second, will prevent the bear population from dying out in the western Pyrenees as only two lonesome males – father and son – are left in the area.

But a group of angry farmers wielding shepherding staffs had set up bales of hay and tractors along key roads into the Pyrenees from France to Spain, and had spent the night manning roadblocks in a bid to stop them being trucked in.

"It’s war," said large letters daubed in white paint across the road.

"We saw the helicopter over Etsaut. It was hovering and let down a cage," said Olivier Maurin, a local sheep farmer and organiser of the anti-bear protest.

Mr Maurin said farmers intended to launch a “hunt” in the woods, not to kill but to scare the bears away from their sheep and other livestock.

Jean-Pierre Chourrout-Pourtalet, the mayor of the small town of Sarrance who joined farmers at one of the roadblocks, pledged to chase the bears off the land.

"I have enacted a bylaw outlawing bears and wolves from within municipal borders and I am duty-bound to see the law enforced," he told AFP.

Anti-bear farmers have previously taken the law into their own hands, targeting the animals with various traps, including one containing honey laced with glass.

Francois de Rugy, France’s environment minister, insisted the government would stand firm in its drive to shore up biodiversity – enshrined in a law passed this summer – by reintroducing bears to the area.

Speaking on France Info radio, he slammed "the unacceptable attitude" of those "who feel entitled to set up roadblocks and threaten me with guns". Not all farmers were against the bears presence. Elise Thebault, a sheep farmer from Etsaut, said: “The bears have always been here since the dawn of time.

We have always lived side by side. You never see them and it doesn’t affect our lives.” The government compensates farmers for any livestock deaths from bear attacks but that has failed to reduce tensions.

Bears were re-introduced from Slovenia in the 1990s after hunters all but wiped out France’s native population.

The last time was in 2006, when five were freed near the Spanish border, but the lovelorn males, Canellito and Néré, are the only ones left in the western Pyrenees.

Another 37 have been counted in the central section of the mountain range along the Spanish border.

But conservationists say the two isolated males are unlikely to reach the group and would have to fight dominant males before being able to mate with the females.

The reintroduction of the creatures, which can weigh 250kg (almost 40 stone) and stand two metres tall on their hind legs, has been a divisive and impassioned issue for more than 20 years.

The quarrel mirrors a similar dispute over wolves, which have returned to France from Italy after being hunted to extinction by the early 20th century.

Polls suggest the French are vastly in favour of the bears, although farmers blamed them for the deaths of more than 200 sheep who tumbled off cliffs while being chased by bears in 2017.

The Ariege stretch of the Pyrenees has seen a doubling of bear attacks over the last two years to more than 230 so far in 2018, according to a local farmers’ union.

Breeders in the area have lost at least 372 livestock so far this year, it asserted.

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