TMZ Video – Cena talks donating brain to CTE research, and Justin Bieber

Home / TMZ Video – Cena talks donating brain to CTE research, and Justin Bieber


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In a TMZ ambush interview, top WWE star John Cena kind of said he would donate his brain to research after he dies to study the effects of concussions.

The awkward conversation produced a dry, general answer to a question on whether he would donate his brain to CTE research like other wrestlers such as Kevin Nash and Mick Foley.

“If I could do something after I exist to help the existence of mankind to come, yeah I think I might,” Cena told TMZ at a restaurant in the Los Angeles area.

On a less serious note, Cena was asked about rumors that he was going to have a match with or against pop star Justin Bieber. “It didn’t happen,” Cena said. He said he would still fight with him or against him if things worked out for a match.

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