Velveteen Dream Shoots On ‘Indy Guys Pretending to Be Actual Talent’ In NXT

Home / Velveteen Dream Shoots On ‘Indy Guys Pretending to Be Actual Talent’ In NXT

WWE NXT star Velveteen Dream, fka Patrick Clark of WWE Tough Enough fame, took a moment to ‘shoot’ on what he feels is a problem with ‘indy guys’ taking spots in WWE NXT.

Dream posted the following, and as of now it remains unclear whether or not this will be part of a new story line for Dream on NXT TV:

— DREAM (@VelveteenWWE) February 22, 2018

Personally this makes sense as a work to me, as the verbiage used by Dream seem more on par with him trying to start a new direction for his character rather than vocalize real frustrations he has with WWE signing the indie talents.

Dream is no stranger to the indie scene as he started his career there before landing a spot on WWE’s Tough Enough, and following his loss to Aleister Black at NXT Takeover Philadelphia, his character has been in search of a new program to work on NXT TV.

In related news, below are two highlight videos featuring Dream on WWE NXT last night:

Velveteen Dream asks Tyler Bate for a taste of water, and Bate obliges, much to Dream’s dismay.

No Way Jose’s fiesta meets The Velveteen Dream Experience. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.

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