Meghan Markle et Harry : Après leur tournée, ils ont appris une triste nouvelle
December 23, 2021 | News | No Comments
Le duc et la duchesse de Sussex viennent d’apprendre une triste nouvelle. Une jeune femme rencontrée en octobre dernier, lors de leur première tournée officielle dans le Pacifique, est décédée. À seulement 19 ans, Eva McGauley est morte d’un cancer.
I have had the most amazing morning! I am so honoured and thankful to have been invited to Government House to meet with Meghan and Harry this morning!!! They are such kind down to earth people who were really interested in the work EvasWish does. We were welcomed so warmly by Dame Patsy Reedy and Sir David Gascoigne into their lovely home and it was one of the most memorable and wonderful moments of my life. Thank you so much to everyone who made this happen Photos by @simon.woolf #evaswish #meghanmarkle #harryandmeghan #princeharry #princeharryandmeghan #buckinghampalace #royalfamily #royaltour #royaltour2018 #royaltournz #dukeandduchessofsussex #meetingroyalty #governmenthouse #governorgeneral #damepatsyreddy #magicalmoments #dreamcometrue #kensingtonpalace
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When I met with the Duke and Duchess yesterday I gave her a copy of the @200women book that I am honoured to be a part of. It’s full of stories about inspirational women who are changing the world so who better to give it to than this very inspirational lady? I hope you enjoy reading it Meghan #evaswish #200women #200womenwhowillchangethewayyouseetheworld #200womenbook #meghanmarkle #meghanandharry #royals #royalfamily #gift #royalvisit #royalvisit2018 #royalvisitnz