Paul Heyman Goes On Lengthy Rant In Response To Criticism From CW Anderson
December 4, 2020 | News | No Comments
On Sunday afternoon, WWE on-air performer Paul Heyman responded to criticism he received from former ECW star CW Anderson’s recent interview with the folks from The Two Man Power Trip Of Wrestling Podcast.
Below is the lengthy response Heyman posted via multiple tweets via his official Twitter page (@HeymanHustle):
“As we sit here about 2 enjoy Korean BBQ, I decided 2 go against how I usually handle wannabes who like 2 name drop (after 16 years, no less). I saw an interview in which #CWAnderson claims I was in LA shooting #Rollerball instead of trying to save #ECW back in 2000. It’s absurd that people have done nothing to talk about in 17 years so they are constrained to address their heartbreak about 2000/01. Of course, that makes me an even bigger schmuck to feel compelled to ANSWER these moronic comments, but the food is cooking, so … (1) Rollerball was never filmed in LA. It was filmed in Montreal and then in Yonkers, NY. (2) My scenes in Rollerball were shot in June and July, 2001. Not when #ECW was in business. I was actually booked for the movie thru @WWE. (3) The insinuation that I was shooting movie(s) in LA instead of trying to save what was my life (at the time) (#ECW) is just ignorant. (4) Not only did I desperately try every angle 2 save the company, I put in every last dime I personally had, even when the ship was sinking. (5) I have zero regrets over any of this. I went bankrupt trying to save #ECW, and have never regretted my investment and never will. (6) So when someone repeats a blatant lie about my commitment at the time to the product to which I devoted seven years of my life, it’s nothing short of ignorance on full display for the entire world to see. It’s a shame I waited this long to correct the record on this BS that has lingered for all these years…”
Check out Paul Heyman’s response to CW Anderson exactly how it appeared on his Twitter timeline via the tweets embedded below.
As we sit here about 2 enjoy Korean BBQ, I decided 2 go against how I usually handle wannabes who like 2 name drop (after 16 years, no less)
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
I saw an interview in which #CWAnderson claims I was in LA shooting #Rollerball instead of trying to save #ECW back in 2000 ….
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
It's absurd that people have done nothing to talk about in 17 years so they are constrained to address their heartbreak about 2000/01 …
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
Of course, that makes me an even bigger schmuck to feel compelled to ANSWER these moronic comments, but the food is cooking, so …
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
(1) Rollerball was never filmed in LA. It was filmed in Montreal and then in Yonkers, NY
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
(2) My scenes in Rollerball were shot in June and July, 2001. Not when #ECW was in business. I was actually booked for the movie thru @WWE
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
(3) The insinuation that I was shooting movie(s) in LA instead of trying to save what was my life (at the time) (#ECW) is just ignorant.
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
(4) Not only did I desperately try every angle 2 save the company, I put in every last dime I personally had, even when the ship was sinking
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
(6) So when someone repeats a blatant lie about my comitment at the time to the product to which I devoted seven years of my life, it's …
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
… nothing short of ignorance on full display for the entire world to see. It's a shame I waited this long to correct the record on this
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
… BS that has lingered for all these years, but I remember sitting on the @WWE plane with @VinceMcMahon and someone had said something …
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
.. so outlandish about him, and everyone was trying to get Vince to reply. He turned to me and said …
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
"I focus on revenue-producing public statements. Anything else is a waste of my time, and my time is limited. I have things to do." (cont)
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
I also sit there every week and see @BrockLesnar laugh at every rumor, every innuendo, every claim made about him ….
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
And when I say "so, Brock … is there a retort?" He laughs out loud and says "not a chance!"
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
So today, I decided to lower myself and answer a claim that people w/ nothing to do seem to repeat with no regard for accuracy.
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
I accept all criticism 4 this diatribe, and confess I should have been above it all, and offer no excuses as to why I decided to address it.
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
Oh I almost forgot. To answer #CW's nagging self-question as to why he was paid $75 a night when others had more (at least on paper) …
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
That was the going rate for a lower level stooge who reported on the locker room to Dreamer. But admittedly, he was a damn good one. PROPS!
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017
And now, let's get back to @BrockLesnar, @Goldberg,@WrestleMania, #Looking4Larry (#L4L), #HustleBootyTempTats ….
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) February 26, 2017