Month: February 2025

Home / Month: February 2025

Wnt pathway blockers

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Earlier this month, we had the pleasure of hosting Women in Hardware at our space for an inspiring panel on prototyping best practices.

Women in Hardware is a fantastic organization that aims to connect the female founders, engineers, investors, manufacturers, and marketers who are building the future of connected hardware. Women in Hardware is comprised of over 500 women across SF, NYC, Boston, and beyond.

The panel included Gabrielle Guthrie (Co-Founder of Moxxly), Eva Hoffman (Design Director at D.Light), and Sylvia Wu (Manufacturing Lead at Fictiv), and was moderated by Kate McAndrew (Associate at Bolt and founder of Women in Hardware).

The panelists’ engaging discussion covered topics including how they think about prototyping processes, user testing, and necessary resources for building hardware products.

It was a great evening with over 50 attendees, and we couldn’t have done it without our co-sponsor Bolt and the amazing community efforts of Women in Hardware. Check out the video below or the photos on our Facebook page. 

Want to hear about our next event? Subscribe to our SF events newsletter here!


Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Manufacturers

Kansai Helios and The Nordic Mark formed a strategic distribution partnership to enhance Kansai Helios’s presence in the Czech market, with thenordicmark taking over distribution of brands directly from Beroun warehouse.

Kansai Helios and The Nordic Mark have entered into a strategic distribution partnership to support the growth of Kansai Helios in the Czech market through joint expertise. From March 1, 2024, The Nordic Mark will serve the market directly from the warehouse in Beroun. The existing Kansai Helios Deco team will join The Nordic Mark and continue to support and serve the partners in the Czech Republic.

The Nordic Mark is an experienced and leading distributor of decorative coatings also in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. Kansai Helios will continue to focus on its expertise as a system supplier of industrial coatings, powder coatings, automotive coatings and other segments.



本文探討了奢華花崗岩水槽如何成為現代廚房設計的重要元素,以及它對提升生活品質的影響。 歸納要點:

  • 奢華花崗岩水槽是廚房設計的新趨勢,能有效提升居家品味與實用性。
  • 預算規劃是打造夢想奢華廚房的關鍵,了解不同款式與材質的價格範圍至關重要。
  • 正確的保養和維護方法能延長花崗岩水槽的壽命,保持其永恆璀璨的外觀。










  • 花崗岩水槽設計超大空間,適合清洗大型物品。
  • 寬敞的工作空間可容納烘焙用具、大型鍋具等。
  • 耐高溫可達240度,不易破裂或受損。
  • 表面堅硬且不易刮傷,避免污漬滲透。
  • 提供多種尺寸選擇,符合不同廚房需求。
  • 搭配防臭彎管,有效阻止異味及蟑螂侵入。



特性 花崗岩水槽 不鏽鋼水槽 陶瓷水槽 塑料水槽 人工石水槽 耐熱溫度(℃) 240 500 200 80 180 刮傷抵抗能力 優秀 (表面堅硬) 良好 (可能出現凹痕) 一般 (易受損) 差 (容易劃傷) 良好 (視材料而定) 污漬滲透性 極低 (避免污漬滲透) 中等 (需定期清潔) 高 (容易吸附污垢) 極高 (不耐用更易變色) 中等 (視外層處理而定) 適合大型物品清洗? 1 1 防臭功能配件選擇? 1 1 1



1️⃣ **永續性**:現今消費者越來越重視環保,花崗岩水槽因其天然材質而備受青睞。開採過程不會對環境造成永久性破壞,而且相比人造材料,其製作過程中的碳排放較低,這讓愛護地球的你我都能安心使用。

2️⃣ **抗菌特性**:你知道嗎?花崗岩本身就具備天然抗菌效果!這意味著,它能有效抑制細菌滋生,給你的廚房帶來更多潔淨與安全感,尤其是在準備食物的時候,更是不可或缺的保障。

3️⃣ **維護與保養**:雖然花崗岩水槽耐用,但日常維護仍很重要。建議使用中性清潔劑來清洗,避免酸性或鹼性的產品,以免損傷表面。另外,每隔一段時間使用石材專用保養蠟,可以保持亮澤度並延長使用壽命。









Keyword: 裝潢


slot milling

1.Bending die selection
Bending(China sheet metal processing) molds are divided into standard molds and special bending molds according to the bending process. Under standard bending conditions (right-angle and non-right-angle bending), standard molds are usually used for bending, and special molds are used for bending some special structural parts (such as step bending, pressing dead edges, etc.). In addition, when bending different thickness sheets, the opening dimension “V” of the die under bending is selected differently. Generally, the size of the “V” -shaped slot opening is 6-10 times the thickness of the plate (0.5 ~ 2.6mm is 6t, 3 ~ 8mm is 8t, 9 ~ 10mm is 10t, and 12mm is 12t). When the plate is thin, the orientation is chosen to be a small number, and when the plate is thick, the orientation is chosen to be a large number. For example: when bending a 2mm plate, a 12mmV slot can be used. The standard bending angle is generally not less than 90 degrees, and the sharp angle of the upper and lower dies of the standard bending machine is usually 88 degrees. In the case of non-standard bending, different upper mold shapes can be selected to bend the sheet at different angles and shapes. For special shaped sheet metal parts, special bending molds can be selected for forming and bending.

2. Segmentation of the mold
Generally, the standard length of the bending machine mold is 835mm. In principle, it can only bend large-size work. If the mold is divided into small sections of different lengths, and freely combined through different mold lengths, it can be convenient to bend box-shaped workpieces or boxes of different lengths. In the industry, the segmentation of the bending mold has a standard segmentation size, such as: standard segmentation 835 segments: 100 (left ear), 10, 15, 20, 40, 50, 200, 300, 100 (right ear) = 835mm. Of course, it can also be divided according to user requirements.

3. Calculation of bending force If we want to bend a relatively large and thick plate, we must first understand the required bending tonnage force. Then we can calculate the tonnage required for bending (recommended that the pressure required for bending of the workpiece is within 80% of the rated tonnage of the equipment). Through calculation, we can also determine the tonnage required for bending. The choice also affects the bending force.

CNC sheet metal processing is professional, if you need, please send email to [email protected]


Pyramid tea bag machine

Time to read: 1 min

We know how important it is to have confidence in the materials you source for critical builds. And whether you need material traceability for code compliance, meeting client requirements, or internal quality management purposes, it all starts with material certifications. 

That’s why Fictiv has made it easy to add material certifications to your orders! You can now request material certifications for all CNC orders, including those made in the USA as well as overseas. (You can find a complete list of available materials here.)

Material certifications verify the source and composition of the materials we provide — so when you pick a specific grade of stock, you can rest assured that what you get will have the mechanical properties you expect. The best part? Instead of requesting certifications through a sales representative, you can select the certifications you need through the Fictiv platform, with all the benefits of instant quoting and more. From there, your certification documents will show up in your order detail page online.

Fictiv – Quality Parts You Can Trust

No matter how complex your designs or how exacting the standards for the materials necessary to bring them to life, Fictiv delivers what you need. So, get an instant quote today and let’s build something great, together.


hdmi extender

In an era where precision and efficiency are a must, small batch machining stands out as a cornerstone of modern manufacturing.

This article delves into the intricacies of small batch CNC machining, exploring its evolution, processes, and its pivotal role in today’s production landscape.

What Is Small Batch Machining?

Small batch machining, a type of CNC machining, epitomizes the fusion of precision and customization.

It’s a specialized production process where small batches of components are manufactured using advanced CNC machines.

Unlike mass production, small batch CNC machining focuses on producing limited quantities, ensuring each piece meets stringent quality standards. This approach is especially beneficial for projects where customization, intricate design, and precision are paramount.

How Does Small Batch Machining Work?

At its core, small batch machining is a process that blends the latest in CNC technology with meticulous attention to detail. Here, the journey of a single component is emblematic of the synergy between human expertise and machine precision.

It begins with a design phase, where CAD (Computer-Aided Design) models are crafted. These designs are then translated into machine-readable instructions using CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) software.

What Are the Different Types of Small Batch Machining Processes?

Small batch machining, a crucial subset of CNC machining services, encompasses a range of processes, each tailored to meet specific manufacturing needs. These methods, characterized by their precision and adaptability, are fundamental in crafting high-quality components in small quantities.

Let’s explore the most prominent techniques used in small batch CNC machining.

CNC Turning

CNC Turning, a fundamental process in small batch CNC machining, involves the rotation of a workpiece while a stationary cutting tool shapes it. This operation, typically carried out on CNC lathes, is integral for creating cylindrical parts with precision. In small batch production, turning plays a pivotal role due to its efficiency and accuracy.

  • Custom Components: Ideal for producing tailored parts with specific dimensions.
  • Material Versatility: Efficiently works with a variety of materials, including metals like aluminum and brass.
  • Precision Manufacturing: Offers high accuracy for components requiring tight tolerances.
  • Surface Finish: Achieves superior surface finishes, crucial for both functional and aesthetic purposes.

CNC Milling

CNC milling process, a versatile and widely-used operation in small batch machining, involves the removal of material using rotary cutting tools. CNC milling machines, characterized by their ability to move along multiple axes, enable the creation of complex shapes and features. This machining process is essential in small batch machining for its precision and flexibility.

  • Complex Geometries: Capable of producing intricate shapes and detailed features.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Ideal for quickly creating prototypes to test designs.
  • High Customizability: Adapts easily to unique design requirements.
  • Efficient Production: Offers time-saving benefits, especially for small quantities.

CNC Drilling

CNC drilling in the context of small batch machining involves creating holes or cavities in a workpiece. This process, performed using CNC drilling machines, is crucial for adding functional features like holes for screws or channels for wiring. Drilling’s precision and speed make it a valuable process in small batch CNC machining.

  • Accurate Hole Placement: Ensures precise positioning of holes, essential for component functionality.
  • Depth Control: Allows for accurate depth specification, crucial for various applications.
  • Material Compatibility: Efficiently works with a range of materials, from plastics to hardened metals.
  • Customization Flexibility: Adapts to different hole sizes and patterns, essential for tailored projects.

EDM Machining (Sinker and Wire)

Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM), both sinker and wire types, is a specialized process employed in small batch production. EDM utilizes electrical sparks to erode material, making it ideal for working with hard metals and intricate designs. The process involves machines equipped with electrodes (in sinker EDM) or thin wires (in wire EDM) to achieve precise cuts and shapes.

  • Complex Shapes and Fine Details: Perfect for producing intricate designs that are challenging for traditional machining methods.
  • Hard Material Machining: Efficiently works with materials like titanium and hardened steel, which are tough for other machining processes.
  • Minimal Surface Impact: Preserves the integrity of the workpiece, ensuring excellent surface finish.
  • Precision Slots and Cavities: Ideal for creating accurate slots, cavities, and complex 3D shapes.

Surface Grinding

Surface grinding, a process integral to achieving fine finishes and precise flatness, is another key component of small batch CNC machining. This operation uses a rotating abrasive wheel to smooth the surface of a workpiece. Precision surface grinders are employed to ensure uniformity and accuracy in the final product.

  • Superior Surface Finish: Essential for projects where surface smoothness is a critical attribute.
  • Tight Tolerance Achievement: Delivers high precision in terms of flatness and thickness.
  • Material Versatility: Effective on a wide range of materials, from metals to plastics.
  • Custom Tooling and Fixtures: Allows for the creation of specialized tooling and fixtures with precise surface requirements.

Multi-Axis Machining (3-Axis, 4-Axis, 5-Axis)

Multi-axis machining, which includes 3-axis, 4-axis, and 5-axis machining, represents the pinnacle of versatility and precision in small batch CNC machining. These machines are capable of moving a tool or a workpiece in multiple directions simultaneously, allowing for the creation of complex geometries with high precision.

  • Complex 3D Geometries: Ideal for parts with intricate designs and contours that require multi-dimensional machining.
  • Reduced Setup Time: Multi-axis capability minimizes the need for multiple setups, enhancing efficiency.
  • High Precision and Consistency: Ensures consistent quality across small batches, crucial for industries like aerospace and medical devices.
  • Optimized Material Utilization: Efficiently uses material, reducing waste and lowering unit costs.

What Materials Are Commonly Used in Small Batch CNC Machining?

In small batch CNC machining, the choice of material is as crucial as the machining process itself. The materials used must align with the project’s requirements regarding strength, durability, and precision.

In small batch production, a diverse array of materials is employed, each offering unique advantages. Let’s explore the most common materials used in small batch CNC machining and why they are chosen.

  • Aluminum: Known for its lightweight and strength, aluminum is a popular choice in aerospace and automotive industries. Its ease of machining and good thermal conductivity make it suitable for various applications.
  • Stainless Steel: Favoured for its corrosion resistance and strength, stainless steel is widely used in medical devices and food processing equipment. It maintains integrity under high temperatures and harsh conditions.
  • Brass: Brass is chosen for its aesthetic appeal and machinability. Common in decorative and electrical components, it offers good corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity.
  • Titanium: With its high strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance, titanium is ideal for aerospace and medical applications. It’s challenging to machine but offers superior durability.
  • Copper: Used for its excellent electrical conductivity, copper is a primary material for electronic components. It’s also chosen for its thermal conductivity in heat exchangers.
  • Plastics (like ABS and PEEK): Plastics are used for their versatility, lightweight, and corrosion resistance. ABS is common in prototyping, while PEEK is used in high-temperature applications.
  • Tool Steel: Tool steel is employed for its hardness and ability to hold a cutting edge. It’s typically used in the production of tooling and molds.
  • Carbon Steel: Offering a balance of durability and machinability, carbon steel is used in general manufacturing and automotive industries.
  • Nickel Alloys: These are chosen for their high-temperature and corrosion-resistant properties, making them suitable for harsh environments like chemical plants.
  • Tungsten: Known for its high density and melting point, tungsten is used in applications requiring extreme heat resistance, such as in aerospace and military.

What Are the Applications and Industries Utilizing Small Batch Machining?

Small batch CNC machining is a critical component in various industries, playing a key role in the production of high-quality, precision components.

Its versatility allows it to cater to a wide range of applications, from aerospace to custom electronics.

Let’s explore some of the primary industries and applications that benefit from small CNC batch machining:

  • Aerospace Industry: Precision is paramount in aerospace, and small batch machining provides components like turbine blades and landing gear parts. Reliability and adherence to strict tolerances are crucial in this sector.
  • Medical Devices: Small batch production is ideal for creating high-precision, custom medical devices such as implants and surgical tools, where quality and accuracy are vital.
  • Automotive Industry: Prototyping and production of custom parts like gears and engine components benefit from small batch CNC machining’s precision and flexibility.
  • Electronics Industry: In electronics, small batch machining is used for creating intricate parts like custom storage racks and electronic enclosures, where precision and surface finish are critical.
  • Defense and Military: For the defense sector, small batch CNC machining is essential for producing specialized, high-strength components that meet stringent safety and quality standards.
  • Industrial Machinery: Small batch machining contributes to the creation of custom machine parts, jigs, and fixtures, enhancing the efficiency and performance of industrial machinery.
  • Consumer Products: From custom kitchenware to sports equipment, small batch CNC machining allows for the creation of unique, high-quality consumer goods.
  • Prototyping and R&D: For research and development, small batch machining is invaluable in prototyping, allowing for rapid testing and development of new designs.
  • Energy Sector: In energy, especially in renewable sources like wind and solar, small batch machining is used for producing specialized components such as brackets and mounting systems.
  • Telecommunications: Small batch CNC machining aids in manufacturing components for telecommunications infrastructure, including custom fittings and enclosures.

What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Small Batch Machining?

Balancing the demands for quality, flexibility, and efficiency small batch CNC machining it offers significant benefits, it’s also important to recognize its limitations. Understanding both sides of this approach can help you make informed decisions about its applicability to your projects.

Advantages of Small Batch Machining

  • Better and Higher Productivity Rate: Small batch machining allows for quicker turnaround times, enhancing productivity especially for projects requiring rapid prototyping or urgent deliveries.
  • Controlled Costs and Expenses: It offers cost-effective solutions for producing small quantities, avoiding the higher expenses associated with large-scale production setups.
  • Highly Accurate and Precise: The use of advanced CNC machines ensures that each part is manufactured with high precision and consistency.
  • Faster Time to Market: The efficiency of small batch CNC machining means products can be developed and launched faster, giving businesses a competitive edge.
  • Conditioned Equipment and Machinery: Small batch setups often involve well-maintained and regularly calibrated machines, ensuring high-quality output.
  • Small-scale Production: Ideal for businesses that require limited quantities of a product, avoiding the wastage and storage issues associated with mass production.
  • Flexibility: It allows for easy modifications and adjustments, making it perfect for custom and specialized projects.
  • Less Material Wastage: Efficient use of materials is a key feature, with less wastage compared to larger production runs.

Does Small Batch Machining have any disadvantages?

  • Higher Unit Cost: Producing smaller quantities can lead to higher per-unit costs compared to mass production.
  • Limited Economies of Scale: The cost savings associated with large-scale production are not as pronounced in small batch CNC machining.
  • Dependency on Skilled Labor: Requires a higher level of expertise and skilled operators, which can be a challenge to find.
  • Potential for Inconsistencies: Although rare, manual aspects of setup and changeovers can lead to slight inconsistencies in very small runs.

What Is the Cost Aspect of Small Batch Machining?

Understanding the cost dynamics of small batch machining is crucial for making informed decisions in manufacturing.

While it offers flexibility and precision, the cost is influenced by several factors, making it a complex but essential aspect to consider.

  • Complexity of Parts: The more complex the design, the more time and resources are required, increasing the cost.
  • Material Choice: Different materials have varying costs. High-quality materials like titanium or specialized plastics can drive up the price.
  • Machining Time: Longer machining times, necessary for intricate designs or harder materials, result in higher costs.
  • Tooling and Setup: Custom tooling and the time required for machine setup can add to the overall expense, especially for unique or intricate designs.
  • Quantity of Production: Smaller quantities often mean higher per-unit costs due to the setup and tooling being spread over fewer parts.
  • Labor Costs: Skilled labor is essential for small batch machining, and the cost of experienced machinists can impact the overall expense.
  • Quality Control and Testing: Rigorous quality checks and testing procedures, crucial for high-precision parts, can add to the cost.

What are some Design Tips for Small Batch Machining?

Designing for small batch machining requires a balance between functionality, quality, and cost-efficiency. Here are some tips to optimize your design:

  • Simplify Designs Where Possible: Reducing complexity can lower machining time and costs.
  • Standardize Components: Using standard sizes and features can reduce the need for custom tooling.
  • Optimize for Machining: Design parts with the machining process in mind to minimize the need for complex setups or tool changes.
  • Material Selection: Choose materials that are easy to machine yet meet the product requirements.
  • Consider Tolerances: Tight tolerances increase machining time and costs, so only specify tight tolerances where functionally necessary.
  • Modular Design: Designing parts to be modular can simplify machining and assembly processes.


Small batch machining stands out as a highly adaptable and precise manufacturing process. It’s particularly beneficial for specialized projects, prototypes, and low-volume production. While there are cost considerations unique to this approach, understanding and optimizing the factors influencing these costs can lead to efficient and economical production. Balancing design complexity, material selection, and production planning are key to harnessing the full potential of small batch CNC machining.

As a leading provider of CNC machining services and parts, 3ERP offers small-batch CNC machining as well. With 60+ cutting-edge CNC machines in-house, we are able to achieve tolerances as tight as ±0.01 mm and delivery in as little as 5 days.

Every single part or prototype we produce undergoes rigorous inspection and quality control tests so we can make sure that you will receive a top-notch product. Your parts will be manufactured and inspected with our advanced in-house equipment, including HAAS 3-, 4-, and 5-axis CNC milling, Hexagon CMM, and Olympus XRF analyzer

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 kinan kvm switch

Machining is an essential process for creating metal parts and components across many industries, from aerospace to automotive. Choosing the right machining material is an important decision that needs careful consideration.

This article explores the advantages and disadvantages of using titanium and stainless steel for machining. It also covers the factors you should consider to help you choose between them.

Overview of Machining Titanium vs. Stainless Steel

CNC machining involves cutting or shaping metal into specific sizes or shapes with specialized equipment. It allows you to even produce parts with precise tolerances — like medical implants, screws, and bolts. There are various types of CNC machines like mills, lathes, drills, and laser cutters.

Titanium and stainless steel are two of the most commonly used machining metals, due to their superior properties. Both metals offer advantages in different scenarios, but you should consider the differences between them to make the best choice for your part.

Titanium Overview

CNC machining titanium is challenging due to the metal’s high hardness and low thermal conductivity. Despite these inherent difficulties, titanium is a good material for many industries because of its increased strength, corrosion resistance, and ability to withstand extreme temperatures.

For successful machining, operators must consider feed rates and cutting speeds, cutting tools, and other factors. With careful consideration and expertise, titanium has many potential benefits for an array of industries.

Stainless Steel Overview

Machining stainless steel presents unique challenges but offers many rewards. It’s a hard, durable material, used in various applications, from small parts to large maintenance projects. Machining difficulty depends largely on the grade and type of stainless steel you choose.

For example, grades with high chromium and nickel content require careful management during the turning and milling processes. Depending on your requirements and tolerances for the components, you may also need an application-matched coolant. This helps maintain surface integrity while increasing productivity levels.

Differences between Titanium and Stainless Steel in Machining

Choosing the most suitable material is a critical decision you should not take lightly. There are several key differences between stainless steel and titanium you need to consider.

Corrosion Resistance

Titanium naturally has superior corrosion resistance to stainless steel. This makes it ideal for marine applications or environments where it will have exposure to salt water.


Electrical and thermal conductivity vary between these metals. Titanium is less conductive than stainless steel in both areas.


Is titanium stronger than steel? Yes, titanium has a higher strength-to-weight ratio and a lower melting point than stainless steel. Hardness and melting point differ as well.

Metal Cost

Titanium tends to cost more than stainless steel due to its rarity and harder-to-machine properties.

Other Factors

You will need to consider factors such as weight, durability, and machinability when making this decision.

How To Select The Right Material For Your Project

Ultimately, the choice between titanium and stainless steel depends on your specific application needs. Each material offers unique strengths that you must weigh carefully before selecting one over the other.

Factors such as cost, durability, strength requirements, and corrosion resistance should all play into making this decision, but ultimately much will depend on what exactly you’re trying to achieve with your project and the environment in which you expect it to operate regularly.

You also may need to consider accessory items such as fasteners if you expect them to interface with either material directly. Certain types of fasteners may require additional modifications if used with either type of metal.

Work with the Best

Gensun offers an extensive range of CNC machining services for anyone in need of precision-manufactured stainless steel and titanium components. Our superior equipment, experienced technical staff and stringent quality processes ensure rapid turnaround times, high accuracy, and consistent repeatability.

In addition to this, we understand the engineering importance of material specifications and selection for the most suitable component creation. We strive to provide our clients with top-of-the-line mechanical assemblies that meet their precision requirements every time. Utilizing our advanced machinery and expertise, discover the innovation possible when you partner with Gensun.


ZYS celebrates its 65th anniversary

February 17, 2025 | News | No Comments

rackmount kvm switch

On June 9, 2023, Luoyang Bearing Research Institute Co., Ltd.(ZYS) celebrated its 65th birthday. Here, we extend sincere condolences to all cadres and employees, as well as to retired leaders and comrades! Sincere thanks to leaders at all levels and people from all walks of life who have long cared about and supported the construction and development of ZYS!

65 years ago, ZYS emerged in the first long-term science and technology plan of New China. Generations of ZYS people have been forging ahead with the spirit of breaking through mountains and building bridges when facing water, exploring and innovating with the spirit of knowing and overcoming difficulties, and persevering with the resilience of being victorious in a hundred battles. They have shed their youth and dedicated their time to the development of China's bearing industry, and have written a glorious history with their hard work and sweat.

Production workshop and technical training in the early stage of establishment

For 65 years, from bearing design and development to finished product manufacturing, from bearing testing to inspection and identification, from issuing core journals to revising bearing industry standards, various types of bearing products and components with an inner diameter of 0.6 millimeters to an outer diameter of 7.1 meters have been developed. ZYS always adheres to the spirit of "striving for excellence and excellence", adheres to the quality policy of "striving for excellence both internally and externally for customers, and striving for stability and reporting to the country", and practices the original intention of "serving the needs of the country as the director of the forging shaft research institute", fully promoting China's transformation from a major bearing manufacturing country to a strong bearing manufacturing country.

Today's ZYS production site

We will not forget our original mission and serve the national strategy. Along the way, in the face of the complex internal and external environment, we have always harbored the "greatness of the country" in our hearts, shoulder the heavy burden, and move forward without hesitation. The launch of the "Long March", the "Shenzhou" journey, the "Chang'e" lunar exploration, the "Tianwen" exploration of fire, and the "Dream of Heaven" realization of dreams… ZYS products have witnessed the development of China's aerospace industry from scratch, from weakness to strength, and together play the colorful music of building a strong aerospace country in the vast universe.

ZYS products provide protection for China's aerospace industry

We focus on technological innovation and lead the development of the industry. On the path of scientific research, the team of Axis Research Institute has overcome difficulties and never retreated. We have targeted the "bottleneck" issue in the field of major technological equipment, condensed the direction of key core technology research, and formed a group of core technologies with independent intellectual property rights. With 947 major scientific and technological achievements, 32 national scientific and technological awards, 761 revised standards, and 975 authorized patents, the inscription of "China Bearing Technology Star" has shone to this day.

Scientific research team overcomes difficulties and gains full honors

We keep pace with the times and reform to empower high-quality development. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, ZYS has taken strategic restructuring as a new starting point, implemented "secondary entrepreneurship", fully implemented the requirements of "two in one", and deepened the promotion of the "Three Year Action for State owned Enterprise Reform" and "Science and Technology Reform Demonstration Action". Focusing on accelerating the construction of a Dual circulation, seizing new opportunities in the digital era, comprehensively integrating internal and external resources, promoting the transformation and upgrading of product structure, improving the ability of scientific and technological innovation, contractual reform of the Term of office system, and activating the endogenous power of high-quality development. Promote development through reform and deepen with the achievements of development.

About ZYS

ZYS focuses on developing high-performance bearing products for key units of national economic construction. We perform batch production of various high-rank bearing products and components with inner diameter of 0.6mm to outer diameter of 6.8m. We are mainly engaged in the research, development, production and sales of precision bearing, special bearing, high-speed machine tool spindle, bearing special equipment, bearing testing instruments, bearing testing machine and bearing special materials, which are widely used in the fields of aerospace, machine tools, wind power generation, mine metallurgy, petrochemical, medical equipment, automobiles and rail transit, construction machinery, intelligent manufacturing services, etc.

Contact ZYS

E-mail:[email protected]

Tel: 0086-379-64884656

Address: No.6 Fenghua Road Road, Luoyang City,Henan Province,China


Prince completes the acquisition of Ferro

February 16, 2025 | News | No Comments

Prince International Corporation, a portfolio company of American Securities, has announced the completion of its acquisition of Ferro Corporation. Prince paid UDS 22.00 (ca. EUR 20.85) per share in an all-cash transaction valued at approximately USD 2.1 billion (ca. EUR 1,99 billion).

In conjunction with the closing of the transaction, the company will also combine with Chromaflo Technologies, a global provider of colorant technology solutions and also an American Securities portfolio company. The new company, renamed Vibrantz Technologies Inc., will be headquartered in Houston, Texas, and is intended to become a global, diversified technology leader in advanced materials, colour solutions and performance coatings with sales of approximately USD 2 billion (ca EUR 1,9 billion). The newly combined company employs approximately 5,400 people and operates 63 manufacturing sites across six continents.

“Strong material science and technology expertise”

“I want to thank our employees who have worked so hard to get to this momentous occasion,” said D. Michael Wilson, president and chief executive officer at Vibrantz Technologies. “By combining Prince, Ferro and Chromaflo – all leaders in their own right – we have leading positions in highly attractive markets. We will be a company with strong material science and technology expertise to drive faster innovation, and our greater scale broadens our global footprint, enhancing our customer reach and giving us greater operational resilience. We have pulled leadership talent from all three companies to form a highly qualified management team.”
