Month: February 2025

Home / Month: February 2025

How to Choose the Right Chemical Tower Packing

February 18, 2025 | News | No Comments

Chemical tower packing is a kind of solid filler, because of its easy materials, convenient manufacturing, cheap, so it is widely used at present. Its function is to provide sufficient contact surface for gas and liquid, and to create conditions for strengthening its turbulence degree, so as to facilitate mass transfer. But the current chemical packing market is mixed, so we need to know our requirements before we buy chemical tower packing, but also to understand what kind of chemical packing can be used.

The efficiency of packed tower has a great relationship with the chemical packing used. Generally, the chemical packing has the following requirements:

1, chemical packing for the material processing requirements have good corrosion resistance;

2, the chemical filler is larger than the surface. That is, the surface area of packing layer per unit volume should be large;

3, the density of the chemical packing itself (including material and structure) should be small, and have enough mechanical strength;

4, chemical packing surface wettability is better, and in the structure should be conducive to close contact, promote turbulence;

5, chemical packing void rate (also known as free volume) to large. That is, the void volume of packing layer per unit volume should be large.


How to improve tower packing efficiency

February 18, 2025 | News | No Comments

Random packing is the core component of the packed tower, and the mass transfer efficiency of the packing is directly related to the operation performance of the packed tower. To improve the mass transfer efficiency of the filler, it can be considered to increase the specific surface area of the tower packing, improve the surface utilization rate, increase the diffusion coefficient or reduce the thickness of the stagnant film layer.

The mass transfer efficiency of chemical packing can be improved by changing the structure of the packed column

1. One of the main factors that determine the efficiency of the packing is the length of the contact time between the gas and liquid phases on the surface of the packing. Within a certain packing height, the longer the air contact time, the higher the packing efficiency.

2. Increasing the specific surface area of the packing can improve the mass transfer efficiency, but at the same time it will increase the operating pressure drop of the tower, reduce the flux, increase the liquid holdup, and also increase the investment cost. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively consider various operating factors and price factors of the packed tower to determine the appropriate specific surface area of the packing. The surfaces provided by the packing are not all effective gas-liquid contact surfaces, and improving the effective utilization of the specific surface area can improve the efficiency of the packing.

3. Fillers with different structures have the same specific surface area, but their properties are different. The performance of the filler can be improved by changing the structure of the filler. This is exactly what the development of new fillers does. Increasing the number of small plates composing the filler and changing the angle of the liquid flowing along the surface of the filler can increase the gas-liquid contact time and improve the efficiency of the filler.

Chemshun Ceramics as manufacturer and supplier of chemical packing products , welcome to inquiry



Thermal power plant coal transporting pipeline required the pipes and elbows with the characters of wear-resisting, leakproof, anti-corrosion, high temperature resistance. Preventing wear and abrasion resistance is extremely serious important.

Choosing a wear abrasion high temperature and corrosion resistant material as the straight and elbows of thermal power plant is the first task of the engineers and bosses of the power plant factories. The material developed from the steel industry to industrial plastic, change lots of for the world factories and dairy life. Now we’re meeting the advanced ceramic era. The high alumina wear resistant ceramic with the excellent characters are widely used in all kind of industrial wear application instead of the steel linings.

Why choose the high alumina wear resistant ceramic as the lining of pipe and elbows of thermal power plant?

Wear-resistant alumina ceramics’ main raw material is α-Al2O3, firing at 1530-1700℃. The Rockwell hardness of HRA80-90, the wear resistance ability is equivalent to 266 times of manganese steel, and 171.5 times of high chromium cast iron, so can greatly extend the service life of the pulverized coal pipe elbow.

According to the pipe or elbows different size and shape, Chemshun Ceramics suggest engineers choose the trapezoidal alumina ceramic plate, or the weldable ceramic plate, or ceramic arc plate/tile, or alumina ceramic pipe. The ceramic lining pipe is easy to fix. It protects your pipes and elbows very well. 

Keyword: ceramic ball


Chemshun hold the second Fun Sport Games on Nov.01, 2019

In the wonderful Autumn, fun sports competition was held by Chemshun Ceramics on Nov.01, 2019. Our staffs enjoyed the competition and were awarded with gifts.
Accoting to this fun sports competition, our employee have relaxed themselves, released the working press. It not only help us go out the office and have fun togather, but also inhance our spirit of team-work.

Before sports – Giving a speech

Before Sports – Raising flag

The staff of Chemshun Ceramics was divided into different teams to attend the five sport programs: Making snowball; Burst balloon war; Cooperative transport balls; You direct, I walk; 4*10mm transport balls race. They were enjoyed the game and fight for team honor.

Burst balloon war

Making snow ball

You direct, I walk

Cooperative transport balls

Our team receive award

Let’s looking forward the next sport games in 2020, welcome to follow us by facebook, linkedin and our website: Pingxiang Chemshun Ceramics Co.Ltd invite excellent you to join us, our email: [email protected]   tel:+86-799-6790781 。


Installation Method of Bulk Tower Packing

February 18, 2025 | News | No Comments

(I) Safety of lifting device during filling random tower packing:

1. All construction personnel must wear safety helmets when entering the tower, personnel outside the tower and on the ground must wear safety helmets, and personnel on the tower must wear safety belts;

2. Safety devices such as the switch and overload alarm display of the elevator must be kept intact, and an empty load inspection must be carried out before daily use. It can only be used after it is normal to prevent any accidents caused by electrical failures;

3. During the lifting process, it is strictly forbidden to stand within the radius of the hanging basket to prevent accidents.

(II) Safety and fire prevention:

1. Fireworks are strictly prohibited when entering the construction site;

2. Electric welding shall not be used during the installation of packing;

(II) Packing installation method:

1. Install the random packing according to the tower equipment diagram to ensure that the packing installation height and quantity are correct;

2. Put 10 meters of tap water into the tower to buffer the force of the packing falling into the tower bottom.

3. The filling material is naturally piled into the tower;

4. When filling, it should always be poured from a certain height away from the filling layer. People should not stand directly on the filling material to prevent the filling material from being deformed by pressure and uneven density. Wooden boards should be laid on the filling material to disperse the force;

5. After each section of filling material is installed, the upper end of the chemical filling material should be checked to see if it is flat. If there is any unevenness, it should be naturally flattened with wooden strips;

6. During the filling process, other debris, packaging bags, etc. are not allowed to be left in the tower together with the filling material.


Wnt pathway blockers

Time to read: 1 min

Earlier this month, we had the pleasure of hosting Women in Hardware at our space for an inspiring panel on prototyping best practices.

Women in Hardware is a fantastic organization that aims to connect the female founders, engineers, investors, manufacturers, and marketers who are building the future of connected hardware. Women in Hardware is comprised of over 500 women across SF, NYC, Boston, and beyond.

The panel included Gabrielle Guthrie (Co-Founder of Moxxly), Eva Hoffman (Design Director at D.Light), and Sylvia Wu (Manufacturing Lead at Fictiv), and was moderated by Kate McAndrew (Associate at Bolt and founder of Women in Hardware).

The panelists’ engaging discussion covered topics including how they think about prototyping processes, user testing, and necessary resources for building hardware products.

It was a great evening with over 50 attendees, and we couldn’t have done it without our co-sponsor Bolt and the amazing community efforts of Women in Hardware. Check out the video below or the photos on our Facebook page. 

Want to hear about our next event? Subscribe to our SF events newsletter here!


Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Manufacturers

Kansai Helios and The Nordic Mark formed a strategic distribution partnership to enhance Kansai Helios’s presence in the Czech market, with thenordicmark taking over distribution of brands directly from Beroun warehouse.

Kansai Helios and The Nordic Mark have entered into a strategic distribution partnership to support the growth of Kansai Helios in the Czech market through joint expertise. From March 1, 2024, The Nordic Mark will serve the market directly from the warehouse in Beroun. The existing Kansai Helios Deco team will join The Nordic Mark and continue to support and serve the partners in the Czech Republic.

The Nordic Mark is an experienced and leading distributor of decorative coatings also in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. Kansai Helios will continue to focus on its expertise as a system supplier of industrial coatings, powder coatings, automotive coatings and other segments.



本文探討了奢華花崗岩水槽如何成為現代廚房設計的重要元素,以及它對提升生活品質的影響。 歸納要點:

  • 奢華花崗岩水槽是廚房設計的新趨勢,能有效提升居家品味與實用性。
  • 預算規劃是打造夢想奢華廚房的關鍵,了解不同款式與材質的價格範圍至關重要。
  • 正確的保養和維護方法能延長花崗岩水槽的壽命,保持其永恆璀璨的外觀。










  • 花崗岩水槽設計超大空間,適合清洗大型物品。
  • 寬敞的工作空間可容納烘焙用具、大型鍋具等。
  • 耐高溫可達240度,不易破裂或受損。
  • 表面堅硬且不易刮傷,避免污漬滲透。
  • 提供多種尺寸選擇,符合不同廚房需求。
  • 搭配防臭彎管,有效阻止異味及蟑螂侵入。



特性 花崗岩水槽 不鏽鋼水槽 陶瓷水槽 塑料水槽 人工石水槽 耐熱溫度(℃) 240 500 200 80 180 刮傷抵抗能力 優秀 (表面堅硬) 良好 (可能出現凹痕) 一般 (易受損) 差 (容易劃傷) 良好 (視材料而定) 污漬滲透性 極低 (避免污漬滲透) 中等 (需定期清潔) 高 (容易吸附污垢) 極高 (不耐用更易變色) 中等 (視外層處理而定) 適合大型物品清洗? 1 1 防臭功能配件選擇? 1 1 1



1️⃣ **永續性**:現今消費者越來越重視環保,花崗岩水槽因其天然材質而備受青睞。開採過程不會對環境造成永久性破壞,而且相比人造材料,其製作過程中的碳排放較低,這讓愛護地球的你我都能安心使用。

2️⃣ **抗菌特性**:你知道嗎?花崗岩本身就具備天然抗菌效果!這意味著,它能有效抑制細菌滋生,給你的廚房帶來更多潔淨與安全感,尤其是在準備食物的時候,更是不可或缺的保障。

3️⃣ **維護與保養**:雖然花崗岩水槽耐用,但日常維護仍很重要。建議使用中性清潔劑來清洗,避免酸性或鹼性的產品,以免損傷表面。另外,每隔一段時間使用石材專用保養蠟,可以保持亮澤度並延長使用壽命。









Keyword: 裝潢
