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《學生投資怎麼做: 在校園裡學習理財, 穩步增值的智慧策略》這篇文章專門為剛踏入社會或是仍在校園中打拼的年輕人設計,教你如何聰明地管理自己有限的資源,在未來展開財富累積之路。 歸納要點:

  • 學生投資的入門指南:介紹如何在校園內開始你的投資之旅,從基本的儲蓄技巧到初次投資。
  • 校園理財的智慧策略:分享實用的預算管理和節省支出方法,幫助你在學業與理財間找到平衡。
  • 低風險投資的穩健選擇:探討定存、債券等低風險產品,為追求穩定增值的學生提供指導。
  • 長期投資規劃指南:強調開始越早效益越大,並推薦一些具有長期增長潛力的投資方式。





  • 須注意事項 :
    • 缺乏經驗可能導致學生在面對市場波動時做出不理性決策,增加投資風險。
    • 學業壓力可能限制了學生進行持續且深入的投資研究和監控,影響投資效果。
    • 受限於起始資金較少,學生難以分散投資以降低風險,且高回報項目門檻相對較高。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 市場快速變化可能超出初學者理解範圍舉步艱難,容易產生成本虧損或被高風險產品誘惑。
    • 社群媒體中充斥不正確或誤導性財務建議,在缺乏指導下可能會引向錯誤或冒進的決策。
    • 宏觀經濟因素如通貨膨漲、利率變動等外部衝擊可能影響到初入市場之年青人心理及財務安全感。



Keyword: 裝潢


Preventing a Green Pool Opening

February 15, 2025 | News | No Comments

If your pool opens up green every spring, this post is for you. Here’s some ways to prevent a green pool opening, and be confident of a blue pool when the cover comes off. Pools open green when the winter cover is not keeping out debris, the water chemistry is poor, and there is inadequate sanitizer.

Even if you open late, and even if you have a mesh safety cover – you can skip the stains and discoloration by avoiding these problems with the pool cover and the winter water chemistry.

Install a Safety Cover

One of the most guaranteed ways to prevent a green pool opening is to install a solid safety cover without drain panels. Safety covers keep out winter air pollution, pollen, and dust by blocking rain and snow. This helps keep the water balanced and conserves chemicals.

For pools with a raised wall, for a raised spa or higher deck level, there are two ways to install a safety cover: in the wall, or over the wall. In-the-wall installations may not fit so well, and fill with leaves during winter. It’s always best to go up-and-over on pools with raised walls.

Floating solid pool covers, with water bags, can be a great cover when drained regularly and kept clean. However, they are sensitive and can tear if debris or animals scratch the surface. If you don’t maintain the cover well, a large tear can develop and spill contaminated matter into your pool.

Maintain Winter Water Balance

If you close your pool clean, with balanced water, and a winter kit, you can expect those chemicals to last about 5 months.

For pools that open green each year, something extra is needed, like Pool Magic + PHOSfree. Pools with green spring openings usually have a phosphate problem, although they may also have cover problems and/or water level problems.

The most important thing to note with winter pool chemicals is that more will be needed if you have contaminants entering the pool, be they full sized leaves, or dust that washes off the trees. More will also be needed when the temperature of the water rises.

Pool Water Temperature Concerns

When the pool water temperature drops to 50ºF or below, the algae risk is almost nonexistent. Chemicals also last longer when the water is cold. But when the water temps warm up in the spring, your chemical protection can deplete quickly. In temperatures above 65ºF, winter pool chemicals become active and will work themselves to death.

Use winter chemicals just after closing and just before opening. During the colder months, very little is going on under the cover, but as things heat up, more chemicals are consumed, and more organisms spring to life. Mesh covers will allow some sunlight to pass through, which can warm the pool surface.

Mesh Pool Cover Problems

Solid and mesh covers with drain panels let in all sorts of microscopic debris during the winter. If the pool water level is allowed to touch the underside of the cover, leaves get stuck on the cover, and a tea bag effect is created.

Water balance can change dramatically in a mesh covered pool. It should be checked at some point during the spring. It’s a good idea to add an extra dose of shock or algaecide (but not both) as the weather begins to warm up into the 60’s.

Our Recommendation

In mid to late spring, or about a month before you plan to open the pool:

  1. Remove springs on both sides of the pool. Fold x onto itself in the center.
  2. Use a small submersible pump or a siphon to lower water below the tile.
  3. Check and balance the water chemistry and shock the pool, or add a Qt. of algaecide.
  4. Fill the chlorine floater with tablets.
  5. Brush the walls on both sides of the pool.
  6. Put the pool cover back on tightly.

If you open up to a green pool each spring, think if you have any of these problems above, fixing one or more of them can give you a beautiful blue pool next spring!




G. E. Moore對於大自然美學的見解提供了一種新視角,讓我們賞析大自然本身所固有的價值而非其功能性利益。透過比較以人類為中心與以大自然為中心兩種觀點,文章揭露了如何看待和評估自然界的多面向價值。











  • 須注意事項 :
    • 高度理論化可能限制一般大眾的易讀性和實際參與程度,降低信息傳播效率。
    • 專業術語和深奧哲學辯證可能令部分讀者感到排斥或困惑,影響訊息吸收。
    • 在具體行動指南方面缺乏足夠詳細的操作步驟或案例分享,減少了實用指導意義。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 當前快速發展且以利益為導向的消費文化可能抵制或忽視「人類與自然和諧共處」所倡導的價值觀。
    • 特定利益集團可能因不符合其立場而反對相關理念推廣及政策實施,造成政治阻力。
    • 由於氣候變遷、生物多樣性喪失等全球性挑戰加劇,即便有良好理念也面臨落地實施時效果被稀釋或逆轉的風險。



跳躍至20世紀初期,英國哲學家G. E. Moore在他著名的作品《倫理學原理》中進一步拿起放大鏡深入探討了美學與道德價值之間微妙而複雜的關係。他辯證地指出,在欣賞大自然美景時所感受到的「善」是無法用任何形式量化或減少為更基本元素的;它是直接被認知且不可分割的。





  • 不同文化和哲學將自然的本原解釋為「空氣」、「火」等元素,展示了對宇宙起源的多樣性理解。
  • 道家哲學中的自然觀念強調無為而治,追求精神上的自由與和諧。
  • 西方對「自然」一詞的使用可能與中國傳統意義有所差異,顯示語言和文化背景在理解概念時的影響。
  • 科學領域認為自然是運動中的物質,並以此作為探索宇宙定律和現象的基礎。
  • 前總統李登輝通過墨寶「真實自然」表達了對真實與自然深刻的思考及其重要性。
  • 自然主義哲學立場排除超自然因素,強調所有現象都可以用自然理由來解釈。


學術洞見:深究G. E. Moore對自然美感的精闢詮釋

親愛的讀者們,當我們在探討大自然的美學及其價值時,不可避免地會提到G. E. Moore這位哲學家的獨到見解。Moore是一位20世紀初期的英國分析哲學家,他對倫理學、美學以及自然界真實之美的理解有著深遠影響。



透過專業期刊如《Environmental Ethics》等文獻回顧來看, Moore對於大自然固有價值和審美體驗提供了重要啟示。例如, 他關於整體與部分間關係的討論幫助我們理解, 在評估生態系統或景觀時不能忽視任何單一元素; 每株植物、每隻動物乃至每塊岩石都貢獻了其特有之美。

正是基於這些思考, 我們作為現代社會成員更應當從一個更全盤細緻地角度去審視我們與環境間複雜且富於情感色彩地聯絡。由此 Moore對於我們今天仍保持高度相關性:只要涉及到評價環境問題時內在價值與外部效益間需要平衡時, 他關於審美經驗與道德認識相互交織這一點便顯得格外突出。

我的朋友們,請記住:當我們站在廣闊無邊、生機勃勃卻也極端易碎脆弱地球面前時,讓我們不再單純追求功利化地資源使用方式去消減其價值 - 而是像Moore所展現給我們那樣,用心靈去感知並賦予每個自然場景應得地敬意。




相對而言,非人類中心主義(Biocentrism 或 Ecocentrism)推崇大自然具有固有價值。這意味著生態系統、動植物以及地球本身都擁有不受人類需求影響的價值。此觀點強調所有生命形式都享有存在權利, 並且我們作為其中一份子, 持有保護整體生命平衡不受過度開發或毀滅性行為幹預的責任。



在閱讀本文時記得每一位讀者都肩負著塑造未來地球家園方式的重任。透過深入理解上述兩種看法, 我們可以為我們與大自然間互動方式做出更明智、更富遠見和更符合道德責任感的選擇。



這項行動最初受到爭議,部分人擔心會影響牧場業務與遊客安全。時間已證明其成效:生態系統恢復了平衡。灰狼控制了草食動物群體大小,這反過來促使植被復興、河流穩定化並且增加了生物多樣性—稱之為「溯源效應」(trophic cascade)。





所以呢,當我們站在十字路口上思考未來方向時, 不妨從更廣泛角度去想像可能性——不只是基於我們立即需求, 而更基於長久共享地球家園的觀點。






因此,在本節中, 我們將深入了解環境倫理學在實踐中如何應用於各種決策過程,並探討這些決策如何反映我們對待自然界和我們自身角色認知上所發展出來複雜而細緻化了解。



實踐上,這要求我們建立一套道德準則來指導行動。在此框架下,可持續性不再只是一種選項,而是所有活動計劃必須優先考量的原則。例如,在企業開發新產品時應該納入全生命週期評估(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA),以確保其對環境影響降至最低。

此外,基於「不傷害原則」(Principle of Nonmaleficence),我們有義務防止未來可能因當前行為而造成的環境退化。這包括採取預防措施來遏制氣候變化、保護生物多樣性和支援土地恢復等行動。

面向更廣泛社會層面,公正原則(Principle of Justice)呼籲我們關注那些由於社會地位或地理位置而受到環境問題影響最深的群體。透過政策制定與公共投資來支援弱勢團體抵禦氣候變遷帶來的衝擊是實現這一準則的關鍵步驟。


科學知識與技術革新雖然至關重要,但沒有配套的道德準則引導其走向正路,技術力量同樣可能成為加速毀壞之手。因此,在追求科技發展與利用自然資源以促進人類福祉時, 我們必需牢記這份由自然界固有價值所派生出來 的環保責任與義務。


在本次探討「環境倫理學辯論: 尋求自然界價值與人類義務的平衡」的旅程中,我們已遍歷從古典哲學到當代思潮的豐富地形。引言部分揭開了對自然價值深層次理解的序幕,使我們意識到環境問題不僅是物質上的挑戰,亦是一場深刻的哲學與道德辯論。

回溯哲學大師們的足跡,從亞裡士多德對自然有目的性的看法到G. E. Moore對自然美感啟迪性詮釋的智慧,我們逐步認識到自然界和人類之間錯綜複雜而微妙的關係。透過洗鍊且精確地裁剪這些哲學家所提供給我們時間之鏡中反映出來、或曖昧或明朗但必須面對的景象。



如今,在結語與展望階段,站在全方位包容性環境倫理學視域門口之前, 我邀您一同期盼未來—一處更加明智管理及愛惜周遭世界之地方。當持續挑戰常規思維、勇於接納創新觀點時, 我相信我們可以攜手打造更加和諧共處於天地萬物間之文明社會。

Luonnon itseisarvon kritiikki

Kimmo Salvén – 5.11.2013 – 11:36:39
Filosofian professori Seppo Sajama Itä-Suomen yliopistosta puhui Filosofiakahvilassa pitämässään alustuksessa luonnon itseisarvon kritiikistä.
Sajama toteaa luonnon itseisarvon käsitteen olevan ympäristöfilosofiassa asia, jota ei usein kyseenalaisteta, niinpä hän tekee sen nyt.

Aristoteles nousee väistämättä esiin itseisarvon käsitystä tutkiessa. Sajama toteaa, että Aristoteleen mukaan onnellisuus on ainoa asia mitä haluamme aina sen itsensä, ei milloinkaan jonkin muun asian takia.
– Kaikki ihmiset haluavat onnellisuutta. Tämä tarkoittaa, että kaikki ihmiset haluavat jotain oman onnellisutensa vuoksi. Se voi olla kunnia, nautinto, ymmärrys ja niin edelleen, kuten Aristoteles luettelee, Sajama toteaa.
– Haluamme siis eri asioita, mutta haluamme niitä onnellisuuden välineinä.

Sajaman mukaan Aristoteles jakavaa arvokkaat asiat kolmeen ryhmään: Itseisarvoihin, välinearvoihin ja sekä itseis- että välinearvoihin.
– Nautinto voi siis olla hyvä asia itsessään, mutta myös väline onnellisuuden saavuttamiseen.

Moore on Aristoteleen jälkeen eniten itseisarvon käsitteeseen vaikuttanut filosofi. Ympäristöfilosofiassa luonnon itseisarvo käsitetään nimittäin yleensä moorelaisittain luonnolla olevaksi, ihmisestä riippumattomaksi arvoksi. Tämän käsityksen mukaan luonnolla olisi itseisarvonsa, vaikka yhtäkään ihmistä ei olisi sitä kokemassa.
– Hän sanoo, että itseisarvo näyttäytyy luotettavasti vain silloin, kun se on eristetty ulkoisista häiriöistä.

Kuvittele äärimmäisen kaunis maailma. Kuvittele se niin kauniiksi kuin ikinä voit. Sijoita siihen mitä tahansa, mitä pidät kaikkein kauneimpana tässä maailmassa: vuoria, jokia, meriä, puita, auringonlaskuja, tähtiä ja kuu. Kuvittele, että nämä kaikki yhdistetään hienoin suhtein, niin ettei mikään niistä riitele muiden kanssa vaan jokainen tuo oman lisänsä kokonaisuuden kauneuteen. Ja kuvittele siiten rumin maailma, jonka voit mitenkään käsittää. Kuvittele se saastaläjäksi, joka sisältää kaiken, mikä eniten iljettää meitä mistä tahansa syystä, ja jossa ei ole yhtään miellyttävää piirrettä. … Ainoa asia, jota emme saa kuvitella, on se, että joku ihminen on koskaan asunut tai edes voisi asua kummassakaan ja voisi nähdä toisen kauneuden ja nauttia siitä ja vihata toisen rumuutta. … Onko jotenkin irrationaalista väittää, että olisi parempi, että olemassa olisi kaunis maailma kuin ruma?

G. E. Moore 1903: Principia Ethica. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Onko siis itseisarvoja olemassa ilman ihmistä niiden kokijana?
– Jos on olemassa ei ihmiskeskeisiä itseisarvoja, miten ne voidaan havaita? Kuka ne voi havaita? Siinä on pieni ristiriita, että luonnon itseisarvon olisi toimittava ihmisen toiminnan johtotähtenä ja että se on kuitenkin jollain tapaa eristettävä ja sitä ei saa havaita ihmiskeskeisesti.

Siispä Sajama palaa Aristoteleen ajatuksiin luonnon itseisarvosta.
– Aristoteleen naturalistinen idea oli, että jollain asialla X oli arvoa oliolle Y siinä tapauksessa, että X edistää Y:n hyvää elämää. Tämä oli siis räikeä naturalistinen virhe.

Kuinka siis saada itseisarvo mukaan yhtälöön? Voidaanko itseisarvo löytää muista kuin elollisista olioista? Antaako luonnon itseisarvo ihmiselle velvollisuuden suojella kaikkea elämää ja onko kaikki elämä tasa-arvoista?

Olipa kerran itseisarvoinen lammas, joka söi itseisarvoista ruohoa itseisarvoisella niityllä. Sitten paikalle tuli itseisarvoinen susi, joka söi lampaan. Lopuksi itseisarvoinen ihminen ampui suden. Loukattiinko tässä luonnon itseisarvoa? Missä vaiheessa?

Olli Saastamoinen & Seppo Sajama

Usein luonnon itseisarvoa käsitetään asettamalla vastakkain luonto ja ihminen, mutta kuuluuko ihminen luonnon itseisarvon näkökulmasta muiden eliöiden joukkoon?
Mooren ja Aristoteleen näkemysten lisäksi puheenvuorossa nousevat esiin mm. John O’Neil, James Coufal, Holmes Rolston III, Oidipus ja Tuomas Akvavinolainen.

說明: 本文參考原文如上

Keyword: 裝潢



Seriously Pod Fill MAX Strawberry Milk, by Doozy Vape Co., is a unique variation on the intense sweetness of succulent strawberries splashed with milk for a creamier mouthfeel.
Explore Doozy Vape Co.’s vast range of e-liquids in their fruity, menthol and dessert-themed grandeur, including their Seriously Bar Salts, Seriously Salty and Seriously Fusionz.


  • Flavours: Strawberries, Milk
  • Bottle Size: 40ml of e-liquid in a 60ml shortfill bottle
  • Nicotine Strength: 0mg
  • Nic-Shots: Space for two 10ml nic shots
  • VG/PG Ratio: 50/50
  • Vaping Style: MTL
  • Manufactured in the UK
  • Childproof Cap
  • Tamper-proof Seal
  • Easy Fill Spout

Established in 2015, Doozy Vape Co. is known globally as a premium-quality e-liquid manufacturer passionate about crafting the most ingenious flavours ever to bless the vaping industry. Thanks to Doozy’s years of expertise, their range covers a variety of flavours in both nicotine salts and shortfills, providing a flawless vaping experience for both mouth-to-lung (MTL) and direct-to-lung (DTL) vapers. Suffice it to say, their variety and delectable flavours make them the ultimate substitute for single-use disposable vapes and guaranteed to suit your refillable pod kit.

Unlike other common shortfills, these Seriously Pod Fill MAX shortfill e-liquids are expertly balanced in a 50/50 VG/PG mix, all suitable and recommended for use with low-powered Vape Starter Kits (mouth-to-lung) and Pod Vape Kits.

Available in a 60ml bottle containing 40ml of e-liquid, the MAX edition empowers vapers to adjust their nicotine strength to their liking further. The bottle leaves space for two optional 10 ml nicotine shots to be added, where one nic shot would ensure a nicotine strength of approximately 3 to 4mg, while two nic shots would achieve roughly 6 to 7mg overall strength. 

Keyword: BR-25M 4P 1 25kA


Shocking a Pool to Remove Algae

February 14, 2025 | News | No Comments

CWDM Module

After what seems to have been an endless winter, the warm days can’t get here soon enough, and they’re finally right around the corner! And nothing can ruin your day faster than pulling back your pool cover to see a green, algae-filled pool. Hopefully this won’t happen to you this summer, but if it does, here’s what you’ll need to know about shocking your pool to remove algae.

First Steps to Clearing a Green Pool

Before you start pouring shock in the pool, the first step is to brush the sides and floor of your pool to loosen all the algae. Doing this breaks the skin and allows the pool shock to more easily kill the algae. Once you’ve done this, it is important to make sure you have the proper pH level in your water. The best pH level should be on the low side, between 7.2-7.4. A high pH level can prevent the chlorine shock from properly killing the algae. Be sure to test your pH before adjusting, with a fresh and reliable test strip or test kit.

In order to clear a pool suffering from a severe algae bloom, a chlorine level of about 30 ppm is preferable for optimal results. If you aren’t dealing with a full blown algae bloom, levels of 10-20 ppm can be effective.

Shock the Pool:

The best way to administer shock into your pool is by pouring it into a bucket of water with at least a couple gallons of water. Mix it to dissolve, and pour the mixture around the perimeter of the pool. And remember — always add shock to water, never add water to shock!

Now it’s time to wait a while. Keep your pump and filter running. Give the shock a good 12 to 24 hours to work its magic. If the algae hasn’t cleared up after 24-48 hours, clean and brush the pool and add another shock treatment.

When the chlorine has completely finished working, the algae in the pool will turn a white/gray color and will either settle to the bottom of the pool or be suspended in the water. There shouldn’t be any more green color and the water visibility should be improving. Run the filter 24/7 and backwash as needed.

Clean the Pool:

When the water begins to clear, it’s time to vacuum your pool to get rid of all the dead algae. You can use a flocculant to settle suspended debris or a clarifier to aid in filtering. It is best to vacuum the dead algae to waste. You don’t want to trap all the dead algae in your filter. That can create a recurring algae problem.

Once the debris is gone from the water, it’s time to brush again with a new or good condition pool brush. Make sure there is no residual algae left on the walls or floor. Brush vigorously! If you feel the pain in your shoulders and arms, you’re doing it right!

Clean the Filter:

After a thorough vacuuming and brushing, it is a good idea to clean your filter as well. If you have a DE or cartridge filter, remove the element and soak or spray with In The Swim Cartridge Filter Cleaner, and spray away all dirt and algae. Sand filters are a little more difficult to get clean. You can either replace the sand, or you can use a Sand Filter Cleaner. Natural Chemistry’s Filter Perfect does a great job on any filter type, using natural enzymes and citric acids.

Test and Balance the Water Chemistry:

Test and adjust your pool to these levels: Free chlorine: 2.0–4.0 ppm, pH: 7.4–7.6, Total Alkalinity: 80–120 ppm, and Calcium Hardness: 200–400 ppm. Proper water balance in your pool is crucial to keeping clean water and staying algae free.

Any time your pool drops below 1 ppm of free chlorine, you are in the danger zone for algae (not to mention bacteria and viruses), especially if your pH and alkalinity levels are off, too. When your chlorine level is not high enough, it fails to kill off organic compounds that aid in algae growth.

Algae feeds off of phosphates found in plants and almost all other things in our environment. When phosphates enter the water with chlorine below 1 ppm, you’re almost sure to have an algae bloom. Sometimes it can even happen in a matter of hours!

How to Prevent Algae:

Prevent algae with good water balance and constant chlorination. There are a lot of maintenance products out there to help safeguard against algae and keep it from ever being an issue. For extra algae prevention, use weekly maintenance doses of algaecide and Natural Chemistry’s PhosFree to eliminate an algae food source.

Algae is a lot easier to prevent than to remove, but once you have it, brush the pool, lower your pH with a pH reducer, and then Super Shock the pool. Vacuum and brush again, and clean the filter — that’s the most effective way to get your pool back to normal.


1. Activated alumina ceramic balls have a certain adsorption effect and can be used to adsorb some polar substances. Simply put, activated alumina is active and will react with the material. Activated alumina ball has many capillary pores and large surface area, which can be used as adsorbent, desiccant and catalyst. At the same time, it is also determined according to the polarity of the adsorbed substance. It has a strong affinity for water, oxides, acetic acid, alkali, etc. The activated alumina ball is a kind of micro-water deep desiccant, and it is also the adsorption of polar molecules. Agent. Activated alumina ball fluoride removal is similar to anion exchange resin, but the anion resin is more selective for fluoride ions. Activated alumina has good adsorption and defluorination effect, stable capacity, and 6400 grams of fluorine per cubic meter of activated alumina. The product has high strength, low wear, water immersion, no softening, no swelling, no powdering, no cracking.

Activated alumina ball has many capillary pores and large surface area, which can be used as adsorbent, desiccant and catalyst. At the same time, it is also determined according to the polarity of the adsorbed substance, which has a strong affinity for water, oxides, acetic acid, alkali, etc. The activated alumina ball is a kind of deep desiccant for water, and it is also an adsorbent for adsorbing polar molecules. .

Application field

Activated alumina balls can be widely used in the deep drying of petroleum cracking gas, ethylene and propylene gas and hydrogen production, air separation plants, instrument air dryers, and fluoride treatment in hydrogen peroxide. It can also remove sulfur hydrogen, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen fluoride in the exhaust gas. , Hydrocarbons and other pollutants, especially suitable for the defluorination treatment of fluorine-containing

2. Inert alumina ceramic balls are ordinary ceramic balls, which are used as spacers before and after the catalyst layer is filled in the reaction. The inert alumina ball is inert, will not react with the material, and play a protective role.

Inert ceramic balls have the characteristics of high strength, high chemical stability and thermal stability. Inert ceramic balls can withstand high temperature, pressure, acid, alkali, salt and various organic solvents. Inert ceramic balls are mainly used in petroleum, chemical, Fertilizer, natural gas and environmental protection industries. Inert ceramic balls are used as the support and covering material of the catalyst in the reactor, which can buffer the impact of the liquid and gas entering the reactor on the catalyst, protect the catalyst, and improve the distribution of liquid and gas in the reactor.

The inert ceramic ball has the characteristics of high strength, high chemical stability, thermal stability and resistance to high temperature, high pressure, acid, alkali, salt and various organic solvents.

In addition, activated alumina is generally not called porcelain ball, and inert alumina is called porcelain ball.


HDPE Injection Molding

February 12, 2025 | News | No Comments

Time to read: 5 min

HDPE injection molding uses high-density polyethylene (HDPE), a cost-effective thermoplastic with good tensile strength and high impact resistance. This commodity plastic also has strong moisture resistance and is relatively easy to injection mold. HDPE is used in many applications, but it has a high rate of thermal expansion. Consequently, injection-molded HDPE parts are prone to higher shrinkage rates if they’re not designed and manufactured properly.

If you’re considering HDPE injection molding for your plastics project, keep reading to learn more about high-density polyethylene, including: 

  • Advantages of HDPE
  • Disadvantages of HDPE
  • HDPE Injection Molding Applications
  • Properties of Injection Molded HDPE
  • Design Guidelines for HDPE Injection Molding
  • HDPE Processing Guidelines
  • Potential Alternatives to HDPE
  • Succeeding With HDPE Injection Molding

Then, create a free Fictiv account and upload your part drawing. Along with design for manufacturing assistance (DFM) from our engineering experts, you’ll gain access to our carefully vetted network of manufacturing partners. Why search for an HDPE injection molder on your own when you can get expert DFM feedback and leverage the power of Fictiv?    

Advantages of HDPE

Injection molded HDPE provides important advantages.


HDPE, a type of polyethylene (PE), is a commonly used injection molding material that is significantly less expensive than specialty plastics and polymer blends. HDPE is readily available and has lower minimum order quantities (MOQs) than specialized materials.  

Mechanical Properties

HDPE can’t compete with engineering plastics in terms of performance, but it’s an attractive, low-cost option for many applications that require good tensile strength, impact resistance, and overall toughness.  

Chemical Resistance

Injection-molded HDPE resists a wide range of chemicals, including strong acids and bases. It also resists some oxidants and reducing agents. HDPE can be attacked by halogenated hydrocarbons, however, and it has limited resistance to mineral oils.  

Disadvantages of HDPE

Despite its advantages, HDPE also has disadvantages that part designers need to consider.

High Thermal Expansion

HDPE has a relatively high coefficient of thermal expansion (143 μm/°C), a property that describes the extent to which a material expands with an increase in temperature. Because heating occurs during injection molding, HDPE parts can expand significantly. In turn, injection-molded HDPE may experience warping when it contracts during cooling.

Difficult To Bond

High-density polyethylene is a low surface energy (LSE) material that is very difficult to bond. Overmolding, an injection molding technique that molds one material over another, is ill-suited for HDPE. Specialized glue and adhesives for HDPE are available, but plastic fusion welding can also be used for assembly.  


HDPE is petroleum-based and highly flammable. It begins to burn when exposed to temperatures above 340°C and will continue to burn since it’s not self-extinguishing. For reduced flammability, HDPE grades with flame-retardants are available.

HDPE Injection Molding Applications

HDPE can be injection molded for industrial, automotive, and consumer goods applications. Food contact applications are less typical, but FDA grades of HDPE plastic are available. 

Industrial Applications

  • Storage tanks
  • Crates
  • Mufflers
  • Housings

Automotive Applications

  • Fuel tanks
  • Reservoirs for brake and washer fluids
  • Cabin compartments
  • Interior trim

Consumer Goods Applications

  • Boat docks
  • Cutting boards
  • Plumbing fixtures 
  • Outdoor cabinets

Properties of Injection Molded HDPE

HDPE is available in various brands and grades. The table below contains typical physical, mechanical, and injection molding properties of this popular material. 

Table 1: Properties of HDPE

Design Guidelines for HDPE Injection Molding

HDPE parts that are poorly designed are more prone to injection molding defects. When you work with Fictiv, however, you’ll get DFM feedback that can help minimize risk. To learn about part design, download our free “Injection Molding Design Guide” to use as a reference. 

Download the Injection Molding Design Guide

The following sections examine injection molding design considerations for HDPE parts.

Wall Thickness

Whenever possible, apply a uniform wall thickness throughout your part. If you need to use a greater thickness in some areas, make the transition from thinner to thicker sections gradual. Do not use transitions that are greater than 10% to 15% of the nominal wall thickness. Generally, the recommended minimum wall thickness for HDPE ranges between 0.76 and 3.18 mm. 


Injection molded HDPE has a relatively high rate of shrinkage (up to 4%). The exact percentage depends on the grade of HDPE that you select, as well as the specific processing conditions. If parts shrink unevenly during cooling, warping may occur. To limit the risk of defects, reduce the wall thickness and the size of the mold gate area. 


Sharp corners are difficult to injection mold. Therefore, apply radii to both the inside and outside corners of your part. To limit stress concentrations and melt flow, make the radii at least 25% of the wall thickness. For maximum part strength, apply a radius equal to 75% of the wall thickness.

Draft Angle

Draft is the angle that you apply to the vertical walls of parts so that they eject cleanly from the injection mold. Because HDPE has a low coefficient of friction, parts with simple shapes need very little draft. For more complex HDPE parts, apply draft angles between 0.5% and 1% per side.   

Part Tolerance

Tolerances are acceptable variations in size for overall dimensions and part features. As a rule, parts with tighter tolerances are more expensive because they have stricter injection mold and processing requirements. In addition, parts with fine tolerances are more expensive to mold than parts with commercial tolerances. 

Table 2 below contains some dimensional tolerances for HDPE. Note how they are also based on part size.

Table 2: HDPE Injection Molding Tolerances

HDPE Processing Guidelines

Adherence to HDPE processing guidelines is beyond a part designer’s immediate control. Therefore, it’s important to work with an experienced HDPE injection molder. The following processing parameters are especially important:


HDPE does not readily absorb moisture. If stored properly, it may not need drying before injection molding. Drying is required, however, if surface moisture has settled onto the material during storage.

Temperature Control

The melt temperature for HDPE is between 246 to 280°C. The mold temperature ranges between 45 and 65°C. Increasing the mold temperature can reduce internal part stresses and produce parts with a glossier surface finish. 

Injection Pressure

The injection pressure for HDPE injection molding depends on the design and size of your part. In general, however, injection pressures range from 5.5 to 10 MPa because HDPE flows readily. Reducing the injection pressure can help reduce part warpage. 

Injection Speed

HDPE crystallizes fairly quickly. Therefore, thin-walled parts need fast injection speeds. For thicker-walled parts, medium injection speeds are recommended.

Potential Alternatives to HDPE

Injection molded HDPE might not be the best material for your application. If that’s the case, you could consider polypropylene or nylon instead. Fictiv’s injection molding services work with both of these materials.


Polypropylene (PP) is a commodity thermoplastic with good fatigue strength, a low coefficient of friction, and excellent moisture resistance. Like HDPE, it’s also cost-effective.


Nylon has good mechanical strength and can be filled with glass fibers for enhanced properties. It absorbs moisture, however, so nylon is not a good choice for injection molded products where there’s continuous contact with water.

Succeeding With HDPE Injection Molding

HDPE is an injection molding material with attractive properties, but a manufacturing-ready design and a skilled production partner are critical. Fictiv has the engineering experts and manufacturing network you need to get quality parts fast. From prototyping through production, we’re here to help you succeed.

Create your free Fictiv account and request an injection molding quote today — we mold complex parts at ridiculous speeds!



















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SDVV 2022 new version website launched

February 11, 2025 | News | No Comments

We are excited to announce that SDVV’s new website finally has been launched. You will get a deeper understanding of our company,products and services.

We aim to provide a better and easier way for our customers to connect with us. Notablelly, the newly introduced PRODUCTS CHOOSING SYSTEM will help you to find the product you want with efficiency. 

For any questions, suggestions, feedback, or comments, please contact us today.

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SDEYI BEARING LTD, established in 1986, is professional in bearings and other industrial products export service. Registed brand SDVV covers all kinds of ball bearings, roller bearings,  bearing units , guid rail and slide block ect. With sophisticated inventory and higher quality, we build  long term cooperation with many bearings distritubors and end users over 20 countries , including United States, Germany, Canada, Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, South Korea, South Africa, Brazil, Middle East,South East Asia, Africa, and so on. 
