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IGM Resins appoints new CEO

February 9, 2025 | News | No Comments

IGM Resins, a provider of an integrated package of energy curing raw material solutions, announces the appointment of Boudewijn Morelissen as new CEO of IGM Resins, effective on the 1st of February 2024. Boudewijn Morelissen succeeds to Wilfrid Gambade, who was the CEO of IGM Resins since 2021 and who will now become Advisor to the Board of Directors of IGM Resins.

“Under [Wilfrid Gambade’s] leadership, a new strategic roadmap Go Grow Green was introduced, and a comprehensive operational improvement plan was implemented which set solid foundations for IGM Resins’ future successes”, said John Huiberts, founder of IGM Resins and current Chairman of the Board.

This plan included the acquisition of Litian and the partnership with Qualipoly to build a unique one stop shop product and solutions offering in the UV curing industry, the acceleration of innovations roll-out, an increased focus on sustainability as well as the optimization of IGM Resins’ production footprint including the completion of its state-of-the-art greenfield production facility in China.


“IGM Resins stands as a global market leader in the growing energy curing resins industry driven by positive ESG and regulatory macro-trends, with a differentiated business model, and backed by a strong global team with local presence. As a majority shareholder and partner, Astorg remains fully engaged to support the company’s long-term growth prospects, and we are pleased to welcome a seasoned industry executive like Boudewijn Morelissen, to pursue the execution of the firm’s development plan and drive it forward”, commented Nicolas Marien, Partner at Astorg.

The new CEO Boudewijn Morelissen worked for DLG, a Danish conglomerate, where he served as CEO of Vilofoss prior to joining IGM. He holds a Master of Science degree in Business Administration from Erasmus University in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Why Does My Hair Feel Thinner? 8 Possible Reasons

February 8, 2025 | News | No Comments

If you’ve noticed your hair is feeling thinner all of a sudden, you’re not alone. About half of the population will experience hair thinning at some point in their lives, and many will have to manage ongoing thinning and changes in their hair.

What might be causing your hair to feel thinner? Can thinning be prevented or treated? When should you see a doctor? Read on to understand some of the most common causes for hair thinning, plus find out what you can do to get thicker, fuller looking hair.

How to Tell If Your Hair Is Thinning

First things first: let’s talk about normal hair shedding. Hair shedding is a completely normal part of the healthy hair follicle’s cycle. Each follicle cycles through stages of active growth, rest and hair fall. On any given day you could lose 50-100 hairs and it’s completely normal.

Most people are in tune with their day-to-day shedding, so if you notice something looks (or feels) different, there is probably a good reason to pause and pay closer attention. 

So how can you tell if your hair is thinning? Here are a few signs to look for:

  • Clumps of hair in your brush and shower drain
  • Your ponytail feels smaller, and/or it takes more turns of your hair tie than it used to
  • If you’re seeing more scalp than you’re used to when combing or sectioning hair, or if your part is widening
  • Hair feels lighter or less dense
  • Your hair just doesn’t hold heat styling as well as it used to

Shop: The Best Shampoos for Thinning Hair

Why Might My Hair Be Thinning? 8 Possible Reasons 

Thinning can mean less actual hair on your scalp (less hair density), but it can also mean a change in individual strands’ thickness and texture. Both can make your hair feel thinner, and getting to the root of the problem is the first step to finding a solution. Here are a few of the major underlying causes of thinning hair:

1. Age & Genetics

Aging and genetics are the most common causes of thinning hair. Androgenetic alopecia, also known as pattern hair loss, affects about 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States. “This condition causes gradual hair thinning due to changes to the hair follicles over time,” said Dr. Edward Salko, a board-certified physician and the Medical Director of PERSONALABS™.

2. Hormones

Hormones play an important role in hair growth, and hormonal fluctuations can directly impact our follicles. Pregnancy, giving birth, starting or stopping birth control and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can cause hormonal shifts that might cause hair thinning in women.

More: How Hormones Impact Your Hair

3. Stress

Stress can impact our health in many different ways, and hair health is no exception. The most common way stress impacts hair is by triggering a sudden bout of excessive hair shedding called telogen effluvium. This condition can make your hair noticeably thinner, but thankfully it’s a condition that is typically only temporary and resolves on its own.

Shop: Ashley Petrone’s Top VEGAMOUR Picks

4. Medical Conditions

A variety of health conditions could impact your hair follicles, though there are a handful of conditions that are most commonly associated with thinning.

“Autoimmune conditions can cause hair thinning or loss when immune cells attack your hair follicles, which leads to hair loss,”  said Dr. Salko. Conditions like alopecia areata and lupus could cause loss or thinning, but there are other autoimmune conditions that could impact follicles. Diabetes and thyroid disease like Hashimoto’s or Graves’ might also impact hair follicles.

5. Medications

While chemotherapy is perhaps the most well-known medication for causing hair loss, others might include:

  • Thyroid medications
  • Birth control pills or other forms of birth control
  • Beta-blockers
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Antidepressants
  • Anticoagulants (blood thinners)

If you’ve started a medication and are noticing a drastic increase in hair shedding or hair breakage, be sure to speak with your doctor before stopping or otherwise changing your regimen.

6. Nutritional Deficiencies

Another common source of increased hair fall or thinning could be an underlying deficiency. Since our hair follicles need a number of different vitamins, minerals and nutrients for optimal functioning, if any one nutrient is lacking it can take a toll on hair growth.

Deficiencies in iron, zinc, protein and B12 could be among the most common linked to hair shedding, but another vitamin deficiency could be at play, too. Eating a healthy balanced diet is the best way to give your body the nutrients it needs, but adding a hair-friendly supplement like a biotin-rich hair vitamin could be an additional way to support your return to hair health.

7. Harsh Hair Styling

How you care for and style our hair can also have direct impacts on your follicles.

“Traction alopecia is the consequence of having your hair pulled consistently due to tight hairstyles,” said Dr. Salko. Over time tight hairstyles like buns, braids and extensions can stress out follicles to the point where they might stop growing hair. This damage to follicles can be irreversible if your styling habits don’t change.

8. Seasonal Hair Loss

While there hasn’t been a lot of research looking specifically at the impact seasonal changes have on hair growth, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence supporting that some people experience increased hair shedding with changes in the seasons.

Can Hair Thinning Be Prevented? 

This really depends on what is causing the thinning to begin with. In some cases, focusing on a holistic approach to health that includes lots of sleep, exercise, a hair-friendly biotin supplement, stress management and a healthy diet could offer protection against some forms of thinning due to stress or nutritional deficiencies.

In other cases, if the underlying cause is a medical condition or a medication, addressing this head-on can often resolve thinning. Sometimes, however, thinning is a result of aging and genetics, a form of hair loss called androgenetic alopecia. While you cannot prevent hair loss in this case, there are several treatment options available for managing it.

Tips For Holistic Hair Health

One of the best ways to support optimal hair health and hair follicle function is to support your overall health and vitality. Hair health starts from the inside out!

How can you take a holistic approach to hair health? Hair experts agree on these pillars for general health and wellness:

  • Get Good Sleep: Regular, adequate sleep is essential for healthy immune and brain function, clear skin, improved energy levels and, naturally, hair wellness.
  • Manage Stress: Finding an accessible and enjoyable way to manage stress is vital, so experiment with getting more sunshine during the day and maybe even try meditation to help soothe your psyche and follicles.
  • Exercise: Not only does exercise have myriad bodily benefits, but it also increases blood flow to your follicles for strong, healthy hair.
  • Eat Well: A balanced and varied diet full of whole grains, leafy greens, healthy proteins and fats will keep your follicles nourished from the inside out. 
  • Be Patient: It will take time to see new hair, so be patient as you’re waiting for new growth!
  • Be Gentle: Keep harsh styling and chemicals to a minimum. Avoid hot tools. Use an all-natural, vegan moisturizing shampoo and conditioner designed to support thinning hair, and consider adding a serum for thinning hair to the mix to support your progress. Check out this before and after from a customer who used GRO Hair Serum consistently for over 90 days!

The Takeaway

Hair thinning can have several different underlying causes, some of which might require medical attention and/or ongoing management. If you think your hair is feeling thinner, your best bet is to consult with a dermatologist or your primary care doctor to uncover the root of the problem. You should also spend some time researching the best products for thinning hair and experiment to find what works best for you.

Regardless of the cause of thinner hair, you can support follicles by focusing on your overall health and wellness through sleep, exercise, diet and stress management.

Popular Products

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GRO Hair Serum (3 Pack)

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GRO Revitalizing Shampoo and Conditioner Kit

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  • Shop: Shampoos for Thinning Hair
  • Do Split Ends Stop Hair Growth?

Photo credit: Dilruba Sarıçimen/Pexels


Lauren Wilson


Lauren Wilson

Lauren M. Wilson is a five-time published author, freelance writer and editor. She has built a career on investigating cultural niches and her latest works, including three books, have focused on advancing the mainstream conversation on plant medicines through education. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Lauren recommends

GRO Hair Serum

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NGR Peptide Ligands Identified

February 7, 2025 | News | No Comments

NGR Peptide Ligands for Targeting CD13/APN Identified through Peptide Array Screening Resemble Fibronectin Sequences
Rania Soudy , Sahar Ahmed , and Kamaljit Kaur *
ACS Comb. Sci., Article ASAP
DOI: 10.1021/co300055s
Publication Date (Web): October 2, 2012
Copyright © 2012 American Chemical Society

Peptides containing the Asn-Gly-Arg (NGR) motif are known to bind CD13 isoforms expressed in tumor vessels and have been widely used for tumor targeting. Residues flanking the NGR sequence play an important role in modulating the binding affinity and specificity of NGR for the CD13 receptor. Herein, we have used a rapid, easy, and reliable peptide array–whole cell binding assay for screening a library of NGR peptides with different flanking residues. A peptide array consisting of forty-five NGR containing peptides was synthesized on a cellulose membrane, followed by screening against CD13 positive (HUVEC and HT-1080) and CD13 negative cell lines (MDA-MB-435 and MDA-MB-231). The library screening led to the identification of five cyclic and acyclic NGR peptides that display higher binding (up to 5-fold) to CD13 positive cells with negligible binding to CD13 negative cell lines when compared to the lead sequence cyclic CVLNGRMEC. Peptides with high binding affinity for the CD13 positive cells also showed improved in vitro cellular uptake and specificity using flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. Interestingly, the identified peptides resemble the NGR sequences present in the human fibronectin protein. These NGR peptides are promising new ligands for developing tumor vasculature targeted drugs, delivery systems and imaging agents with reduced systemic toxicity.

Keyword: 25M 4P For TNS


Working in a Drupal agency you do a lot of drupal development and come against various problems. Recently, on a migration to Drupal I encountered a new problem with the Drupal database abstraction layer. It turns out that drupal dynamic select queries do not escape column names.

This problem does not touch each database type, but it definitely can be problematic when it comes to mysql

$query = Database::getConnection('default', 'legacy') ->select('prod_group', 'pg') ->fields('pg', array('porductid, 'active', 'order'));

will create the following query:

SELECT pg.productid AS productid, AS active, pg.order AS order FROM {prod_group} pg;

We are missing the “ around fields and in this scenario we had a very unfortunate column name “order” which is a reserved keyword in mysql used to sort  results (ORDER BY). This is how mysql interprets the query, which is therefore incorrectly structured and throws an error.

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax;

We should be creating a query with table names escaped with backticks:

SELECT pg.productid AS `productid`, AS `active`, pg.order AS `order` FROM {prod_group} pg;

but Drupal does not support this in dynamic queries, which are the only ones supported by migrate module.

Solution – field aliases

Drupal supports aliasing. You can even see this above “pg.order AS order” is a query which aliases the order field automatically, unfortunately with it’s own restricted name.

But we can set these aliases automatically with SelectQueryInterface::addField.

$query = Database::getConnection('default', 'legacy') ->select('prod_group', 'pg') ->fields('pg', array('groupid', 'active')) ->addField('pg', 'order', 'escaped_order');

Which gives us a query without a restricted keyword:

SELECT pg.productid AS productid, AS active, pg.order AS escaped_order FROM {prod_group} pg;.

This solves the problem. Just remember that when you fetch your results, the order will be called escaped_order.


Product Description

——QT6-15 Block Making Machine——

1. This equipment is mechanical hydraulic PLC controlled synthesis technique equipment. Its characteristic is high efficient, easy-operated and easy-maintained. Block molding mainly by hydraulic, machinery as sideline, vibrate and press to finish molding blocks.

2. The design and manufacture of this machine accordance with the requirement and standard of

3. A high degree of automation, intelligent electronic control, automatic process is controlled by advanced PLC(Programmable Controller), input and store of process data and touch screen for blocks, it have ideal of flexible Human Conversation Interface.

4. Good reliability, Hydraulic system preference for to improved technology and perfected workmanship of design. Use independent integrated type hydraulic station. Avoid influence of dust and main machine vibration for hydraulic system.

5. Good adaptability of raw material, advanced step vibration molding technology. Adjusting measures to differing conditions. Use of all kinds of waste ash and slag, reasonably reduce the dosage of cement, make many kinds of high quality bearing or non-bearing blocks.

Main technical parameter
Model QT6-15 Automatic block making machine
Qty/mould 6pcs/mould (hollow block 400*200*200mm)
Molding cycle 15-25s
Rated pressure 16MPa
Main vibration Platform vibration
Vibration frequency 2800-4500 r/m
Power 28.75Kw
Pallet size 900*680mm
Dimension 7100*1500*3000mm
Factory Area 1500m2

Product Advantages

Our Customer





* A Set of Hanfu: Tank Top + Coverup + Skirt

* Material: 75% Polyester, 15% Lab Silk, 10% Lab Cotton

* Model: 162cm, 53kg, Size M

* Washing Instruction: Hand Wash or Dry Clean 

NOTE: These are asian sizes, which are smaller than western sizes. Please refer to the measurements below before placing the order.

Size / CM Bust Waist Skirt Length Height S <83 <68 95 154-160 M <87 <72 100 158-166 L <92 <78 105 164-172 XL <98 <83 110 168-176

About the designer: Ni-Meng Hanfu – 拟梦

Ni-Meng Hanfu is a Chinese modern hanfu designer. She graduated from Sichuan Design and Modeling Institute. In 2015, she launched her first collection on the Chinese retail platform Taobao, and soon became the most popular modern hanfu designer in China. She uses new tech fabric and created many unique modern hanfu pieces. Her designs could be wore daily, we are very excited to introduce her designs to the world.

Please check HERE for more of her designs. 


她是时尚界被受关注的达人,对时尚的追求,穿衣打扮的要求,不只是时尚优雅即可,还得保留几分独有的帅真,时尚博主Sofie Valkie一直是活跃于各大时装周的大红人,每一季都会亮相无数的出街LOCK,属于大多知名时尚博主的大龄女人,所以穿着搭配的品味也会爱到年龄的影响,风格竟十分前位,什么青春甜美范看来已经不太适合,不过别具一格的穿着打扮,竟是被各大时尚杂志刊登的对象,
时尚博主Sofie Valkie每一季都会推出多张街拍LOCK的合辑,什么刚刚到来的秋冬季,今年流行什么样的时尚趋势,不如向时尚博主取经吧。


黑色与红色结合起来是最出色与吸引眼球的,时尚博主Sofie Valkie巴黎埃菲尔铁塔街拍,穿着红色的长裙,流露性感的黑色打里与蕾丝裙,加上黑色的皮革外套,手拿2014秋冬新款le boy chanel,出色的打扮效果得力于大胆前位的想法,各种各样有与众不同的看点,让整体流露出时尚摩登又不失帅气的女人气质。

时尚博主Sofie Valkie巴黎埃菲尔铁塔街拍

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Keyword: 独立站推广


Why Is My Head Itchy? 7 Possible Reasons

February 6, 2025 | News | No Comments

Having to reach up and scratch your scalp is distracting and frustrating, and if you rub too much, you could end up with sore, painful broken skin. An itchy scalp, also known as scalp pruritus, has a wide range of causes. Keep reading to find out what can cause the itch, and discover the soothing, all-natural products to calm and balance your delicate scalp.

7 Reasons for an Itchy Scalp

An itchy scalp often comes in the form of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. For some people, an itchy scalp can be temporary, with itchy patches subsiding quickly, but for others, it can be an ongoing problem. If you’re struggling with an itchy scalp, here are some possible causes.

1. Dandruff

Dr. Anna Chacon, a board-certified dermatologist and published author based in Miami, Florida, told VEGAMOUR, “Dandruff is a common cause of itching. When dandruff irritates the scalp, the outer skin layer sheds to combat the inflammation, causing it to feel itchy. Dandruff is caused by dead cells of the skin, which drop off the scalp and appear as white flakes on the hair.”

The development of a fungus known as Malassezia yeast is the primary cause of dandruff. Malassezia relies on sebum and the scalp’s natural oils to nourish the dandruff-causing fungus. So even if you don’t see noticeable flaking on your scalp, you might still develop dandruff if your scalp is unhealthy. Severe dandruff is also called seborrheic dermatitis, and if the problem persists, it’s worth checking in with a dermatologist to get specialist care.

What it feels and looks like: White flakes and a near-constant itchy scalp.

Causes: An overly oily scalp or a buildup of dead skin cells, styling products or Malassezia

To get relief: You might also try using natural remedies such as peppermint oil or tea tree oil with a bacterial or fungal infection with seborrheic dermatitis. Menthol essential oil and peppermint oil can have a particularly soothing effect on the skin if you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis.

2. Scalp Psoriasis

Psoriasis commonly appears on the elbows, around the knees and along the body’s trunk, but did you know it can also show up on your scalp?

“A flare-up on the scalp occurs in approximately 50% of people with plaque psoriasis,” said Dr. Velusamy MP of iCliniq. “Reddish patches, dandruff-like flaking, silvery-white scale and a dry scalp are all possible. Scalp psoriasis is frequently itchy, with itch ranging from mild to severe. Skin conditions, such as scalp psoriasis, impact the hair follicles as patches cover the scalp, preventing hair from growing as it should. As a result, those affected can experience hair loss, worsening if the flaky skin is hand-picked off.”

What it feels and looks like: You’re itching one specific spot, your skin feels raised and you notice scaly patches.

Causes: Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that tends to be genetic. Stress, a weak immune system, hormonal changes and dry weather can exacerbate the situation.

To get relief: Seek advice from a dermatologist who might suggest shampoo with coal tar or salicylic acid to soothe the area. One study also found that zinc pyrithione can significantly reduce the itch intensity. Apple cider vinegar may be effective in relieving a psoriasis-related itchy scalp because it has antifungal properties. The National Psoriasis Foundation suggests diluting one part organic apple cider vinegar in one part water and applying it to the scalp. Rinse your scalp with water after the solution has dried. Avoid this remedy if you have open wounds or your skin is cracked or bleeding.

More: Scalp Psoriasis vs. Dandruff — What’s the Difference?

3. Allergic Reactions

“An itchy, dry and flaky scalp could signify that you must rinse the shampoo out of the hair more thoroughly,” advised Velusamy. “Leaving shampoo on the scalp can irritate. An itchy scalp could also be due to allergic contact dermatitis. People who dye their hair frequently experience this. The culprit is frequently a dye ingredient called para-phenylenediamine (PPD), which is found in black hair dyes. It could also be an allergic reaction to a shampoo, conditioner or other product that comes into contact with the scalp.”

What it feels and looks like: Your scalp might feel unbearably itchy, oily or greasy. In addition, if you use many hair products, you might further irritate the area.

Causes: Various ingredients in some hair products can irritate. If you’ve started using a new product, that could be the culprit.

To get relief: Consider non-toxic, moisturizing hair products with anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Head Lice

Velusamy said that you can get head lice by having close contact with someone who has it or by sharing items that they’ve used, such as a hat, brush or comb.

What it feels and looks like: Head lice can create a creepy, crawly, itchy feeling all over the scalp. Lice feed on human blood and lay their eggs near the roots.

Causes: As mentioned, sharing a hairbrush or coming into close contact with someone with lice will likely be the cause because lice are highly contagious.

To get relief: Use permethrin shampoo. You’ll also need to comb out the lice and the eggs to ensure the scalp is clear. If the problem persists, discuss the issue with a doctor. Tea tree oil may also help with a lice-related itchy scalp.

5. Actinic Keratosis

Actinic keratosis, aka sun damage, can lead to growths and dry, scaly patches across the scalp. These legions are often considered pre-cancerous, so you must get any signs checked out with a doctor.

What it feels and looks like: The skin can feel dry, scaly and like sandpaper. Patches are usually 1cm to 2cm in size, and the color ranges from pink to red or brown.

Causes: This skin condition grows slowly and can develop over time due to consistent sun exposure. It is often found on the scalp, ears, lips and the back of the head.

To get relief: Reduce sun exposure and use sunscreen daily. Talk to your doctor about prescription creams and gels. You might also discuss freezing the patches or even removal surgery.

6. Scalp Dysesthesia

Scalp dysesthesia is actually a cervical spine condition that can cause itching around the scalp.

What it feels and looks like: This condition can be very itchy, and sufferers might also experience a burning sensation.

Causes: If you have ever experienced a traumatic head or neck injury that impacts the spinal cord and then experienced itching, you could have this neurological condition. It’s a nerve-related itch that can signal physical or psychological distress.

To get relief: Speak to a doctor and don’t panic. This condition is usually seen in elderly patients, and the key treatment is a low dose of antidepressants.

7. Atopica dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition commonly known as eczema. It can occur anywhere on the body, including the scalp, and it’s very itchy.

What it feels and looks like: You’ll notice itchiness around the scalp, and you might spot some redness. 

Causes: Atopic dermatitis is usually hereditary, and you might experience it if other family members have it too.

To get relief: Speak to a dermatologist to ensure a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. 

Nourish Your Scalp

An itchy scalp is deeply irritating and can be a symptom of many different conditions. You can use at-home remedies to resolve the issue, but if the itching is severe or you experience broken skin or open wounds, consult with your doctor.

Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp. To keep your scalp balanced, healthy and itch-free from day to day, commit to using calming, natural products that remove buildup, moisturize, protect and soothe!

Popular Products

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  • Why You Should Try This Dry Scalp Serum
  • Are Dandruff and Dry Scalp the Same Thing?
  • Why Does My Scalp Itch a Day After Washing It?

 Photo credit: AndreyPopov/iStock


    Sophie O’Kelly


    Sophie O’Kelly

    Sophie O’Kelly is a well-being writer with over a decade of experience working with international beauty and fashion brands. She recently qualified as a mental health therapist, teaches yoga in her spare time and writes about the psychological and physical importance of solid and ongoing self-care. She currently lives in London, England.

    Sophie recommends

    GRO Revitalizing Shampoo and Conditioner Kit

    4.6 Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars1,036 Reviews

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    Where To Buy Affordable & Flattering Jeggings: GAP

    February 5, 2025 | News | No Comments

    For six months or so jeggings has been a hard find, an expensive endeavor or an unflattering experience. Now I am happy to report that anyone who wishes to try out and purchase this legging jean should stop into Gap. They have six washes to please everyone, an incredibly flattering fit, a refreshing range of sizes (00-20 with tall and petite options) and did I mention they are yum-yum comfortable? They are, I stopped in yesterday to try them on.

    Some perks to mention for those on the fence about jeggings, this is a thick yet stretchy material that will cover any skin flaws and reveal svelte legs and a tight ass. I couldn't believe how thin I looked in them. The waist isn't very low either. It almost reaches my belly button in a sexy retro way. I also like that you can get away with wearing shorter tops with them, unlike traditional leggings.

    When buying or ordering these babies, order a size smaller than usual because the fabric is already stretchy and it will stretch a whole size more. For instance, I have a 30-inch waist and I ended up having to get a 28-inch waist because I could put my fist down the 30-inch jeans. My fist shouldn't be able to go down my pants, on many levels.

    Now here is the problem with walking into a Gap store to buy the denim legging, at least my local Gap. There are not a lot of sizes available including the standard run of 0-10. So, I was forced to buy the size I wanted (6/28) online, which I don't like to do; but since this time I enjoyed a lovely online discount, I shan't complain too much. What I will complain about is the uninformed and slightly insolent customer service that I run into there.

    Tidbit about Gap: Gap generally has a scant, unstylish selection of clothing for women, but two to three times a year there is a timeless must-have piece that deserves attention. These jeggings are one of them.

    Keyword: HP 2202


    Global chemical and ingredient distributor Univar Solutions has been appointed as distributor of Cabot Corporation’s specialty carbon black products for the plastics and batteries markets in Brazil.

    The agreement builds on the companies’ existing relationship. Cabot’s specialty carbon black products are used for multiple applications in the automotive market, including helping improve the efficiency, durability, performance and lifetime of hybrid and electric vehicle batteries. In addition to batteries, the versatility of carbon black products make them well-suited for other specialty applications such as plastics, consumer electronics and industrial parts, delivering value through a range of functionalities including colour, ultraviolet (UV) protection, surface smoothness and conductivity.

    “As we continue growing our ingredients and specialties business in Latin America, it’s critical that we partner with world-class suppliers who are also committed to helping meet customers’ product performance needs while keeping sustainability top-of-mind. The addition of Cabot’s specialty carbon black products to our expansive product portfolio allows us to better serve those looking to innovate, grow and differentiate their business,” said Jorge Buckup, president of Latin America for Univar Solutions.

    “Customers will benefit”

    “We’re excited about our collaboration with Cabot in Brazil, which further expands a key supplier relationship and adds to our product offering to our customer base,” said Chris Fitzgerald, global vice president, CASE, Rubber and Plastic Additives for Univar Solutions. “We are confident our customers will benefit from the consistent focus we bring within the plastic compounding and battery markets, backed by strong local and technical support and commercial excellence.”
