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Google Ads 认证:如何获得 Google Ads 认证

November 22, 2024 | News | No Comments

Google Ads 是比较赚钱的数字营销渠道之一。各行各业的企业能够始终如一地赚取他们在广告活动上花费的两倍(或更多)金额。为了帮助广告商了解平台并制作更有效的广告系列,谷歌创建Google Ads 认证计划。

在这篇博文中,我们将探讨 Google Ads 认证的工作原理以及您可以采取哪些步骤来快速获得认证。

一、什么是 Google Ads 认证?

Google 会向成功通过一项或多项 Google 广告考试的个人颁发 Google Ads 认证。Google Ads 认证持有者证明自己熟练掌握基本和高级 Google Ads 技能。

Google 目前提供六种 Google Ads 认证:Google Ads 搜索认证、Google Ads 展示广告认证、Google Ads 视频认证、购物广告认证、Google Ads 应用认证和 Google Ads 衡量认证。

Google Ads 认证提供 22 种语言版本。

二、为什么要获得 Google Ads 认证?

虽然使用 Google Ads 平台没有严格的认证要求,但努力获得认证可以带来几个显着的好处。

成为 Google Ads 认证专家

首先,获得认证是了解 Google Ads 来龙去脉的有效方式。每个认证都要求您通过考试。这些考试测试有关如何使用 Google Adwords 的基本概念和更高级的概念。通过获得 Google Ads 认证,您将为最终成为 Google Ads 专家奠定坚实的基础。


Google Ads 认证被认为是最好的 Google 认证之一,还可以帮助您在整个职业生涯中找到工作。



尽管有这些认证的所有好处,但拥有这些认证的合格营销人员数量仍然相当少。此外,对接受 Google Ads 培训的数字营销人员的需求也很大。当您获得认证时,这些综合因素有助于使您对公司或客户更有价值。即使您选择专注于数字营销的不同领域,Google Adwords 认证仍然很有价值。

与 Google 使用的广告一样,按点击付费 (PPC) 广告通常是各行各业公司在线营销工作的主要焦点。通过培养这些技能,您可以改进您在其他领域的营销,并更好地了解数字营销的工作原理

三、如何获得 Google Ads 认证

  1. 创建 Google 技能学堂帐户
  2. 选择您的 Google Ads 认证
  3. 准备考试
  4. 通过考试并获得认证

1. 创建 Google 技能学堂帐户

获得 Google Ads 认证的第一步是设置您的Google 技能学堂帐户。这是您完成 Google Ads 认证培训并参加认证考试的在线中心。

该平台是免费的,注册过程很简单。您只需前往技能学堂主页并使用您的 Google 帐户登录即可。


2. 选择您的 Google Ads 认证

接下来,您需要决定要获得的 Google Ads 认证。有六种 Google 认证可用。每个都展示了您在 Google Ads 不同领域的知识和专长。



Google Ads 展示广告认证表明您知道如何使用展示广告来实现广告系列效果。

这些广告会在用户浏览 Google 展示广告网络中的无数网站时向他们展示。要通过此认证的知识考试,您需要了解以下概念:

  • 如何创建 Google 展示广告策略
  • 如何使用展示广告提高认知度、考虑度、行动度和留存率
  • 不同类型的 Google 展示广告
  • 使用 Google 展示广告受众
  • 如何使用自动出价策略

Google Ads 搜索认证

Google Ads 搜索认证表明您管理搜索广告活动的能力。当用户搜索特定关键字时,这些广告会显示在 Google 搜索引擎上。


  • 如何制定搜索营销策略
  • 使用 Google Ads 附加信息
  • 广告拍卖的运作方式
  • 如何接触现有客户
  • 使用 Performance Planner 规划活动

Google Ads 衡量认证

Google Ads 衡量认证可验证您使用 Google 衡量解决方案衡量和优化广告系列效果的能力。


  • 如何将您的营销目标转化为可衡量的目标
  • 如何设置转化跟踪来衡量销售或潜在客户
  • 从您的转化跟踪数据分析见解
  • 不同归因模型的工作原理

Google Ads 应用认证

Google Ads 应用认证可验证您制作有效 Google 应用广告系列的能力。

这些广告让广告商展示他们的移动应用程序。它们通过 Google 搜索、Google Play、YouTube 和 Google Display Network 显示。


  • 如何创建应用广告系列以实现特定营销目标
  • Apps 生态系统如何运作
  • 不同的应用广告系列目标
  • 了解各种应用广告系列的结果
  • 优化应用体验
  • 如何扩大应用程序在各个市场的影响力

Google Ads 视频认证

视频广告的Google Ads 认证表明您知道如何使用 Google 视频广告和 Youtube 来吸引更多客户并增加销售额。


  • 各种视频广告格式
  • 如何使用 YouTube 视频广告来提高知名度、增加关注度和推动行动
  • 如何使用 YouTube 推动直接响应
  • 如何利用 YouTube 观众制作相关性更高的广告


Google Ads 购物认证表明您有能力使用 Google 购物广告系列创收。

当用户在寻找产品时,这些广告会显示在 Google 购物比较引擎中。它们也显示在 Google 合作伙伴网站上。


  • 通过购物广告系列推广在线和本地库存
  • 如何使用本地库存和目录广告来增加流量
  • 如何使用橱窗购物广告
  • Google 如何帮助零售商与购物者建立联系

3. 准备 Google Ads 考试



Google Skillshop在其平台上提供学习材料 ,您可以使用这些材料来学习通过考试所需的所有关键概念。这些课程包括基于文本的课程和练习题的混合。没有固定的学习要求,您可以按照您认为合适的任何顺序完成课程。




您可以使用其他资源来准备考试,我是第三方 Google Ads 课程的忠实粉丝,因为它们有助于加深对 Google Ads 工作原理的理解。

4. 通过考试并获得认证

现在您已完成必要的准备工作,可以继续参加 Google Ads 考试了。考试的具体内容将因认证而异。

Google Ads 认证考试

每门考试有 75 分钟的时间限制。准备充分的候选人通常表示他们能够在更短的时间内完成评估。每门考试还需要至少 80% 的分数才能通过。

考试的不同之处在于问题的数量。例如,Google Ads 搜索评估包含 50 个问题。另一方面,购物广告评估有 46 个问题。

与Facebook Blueprint 认证的测试要求相比,Google Ads 认证的测试程序的限制要小得多。获得 Facebook 认证后,您需要前往由监考人员监控考试的现场考试中心,或者在家中一个完全空荡荡的房间里,桌子上没有任何物品。


但是,使用 Google 认证,您只需从技能学堂帐户打开考试,参加并完成考试。没有人看你,你可以在考试时打开其他程序。一些营销人员甚至选择谷歌搜索他们不确定的问题的答案。

当您参加 Google Ads 考试时,您会立即知道自己是通过还是失败。如果您通过了认证评估,认证将在您的技能学堂帐户中可用。然后,您可以将您的认证徽章添加到您的 LinkedIn 个人资料中。

如果您未通过考试,您可以根据需要多次参加考试。但是,您需要在两次尝试之间等待 24 小时。


Google Ads 考试的问题相对简单。有些需要一些批判性思维来确保您彻底理解这些概念,但这些并不太难。

这些问题是对/错和多项选择的混合。以下是您可以在 Google Ads 认证考试中找到的一些问题类型示例:

  • 使用 Google AdWords 投放在线广告有什么好处?
  • 创建多个广告组是否有用?
  • 您的广告系列获得了点击,但转化率很低。哪种方法可以帮助您提高转化率?
  • 您的 Google Ads 帐户中的每个广告系列都应该有一个?
  • 什么指标显示点击导致转化的频率?

四、Google Ads 认证:常见问题解答

这些是人们对 Google 认证提出的最常见问题。

  • Google Ads 认证会过期吗?
  • Google Ads 认证是免费的吗?
  • Google Ads 认证是否得到认可?
  • Google Ads 专家的收入是多少?

Google Ads 认证会过期吗?

是的,Google Ads 认证会过期。它们仅在您通过相应考试之日起一年内有效。Google 会限制认证的有效性,以确保证书持有者保留他们对如何使用该平台的理解。



Google Ads 认证是免费的吗?

所有 Google Ads 认证都是免费的。要获得认证,您只需创建一个免费的技能学堂帐户并通过知识考试。这样一来,所有人都可以使用 Google Ads 认证,并且可以轻松地促进您的营销事业。

Google Ads 认证是否得到认可?

通过技能学堂授予的 Google Ads 认证并不是 Google Ads 的唯一证书。然而,技能学堂认证是最受重视的,因为它们是由谷歌实施的,因此得到了公司的官方认可。

如果您希望自己的 Google Ads 技能获得认可,这些是您的最佳选择。

Google Ads 专家的收入是多少?

根据 Glassdoor 的数据,美国Google Ads 专家的平均年薪为71,000 美元。

此金额因经验、公司和特定位置而异。该范围的下限是 4 万美元。该范围的上限是 128,000 美元。

根据 Upwork 的说法,自由 Google Ads 专家的标准费率在 15 美元到 40 美元之间。然而,这些数字更适用于经验不足的专家。那些有良好记录的人可以收取 80 美元或更多的费用。

如果您决定通过开设自己的数字营销代理机构来销售您的 Google Ads 服务,那么您可以赚取的金额将根据您管理的广告系列数量、他们的预算以及帮助您管理帐户的人数而有所不同。


Google Ads 认证工作

一项或多项 Google Ads 认证可以使您成为各种数字营销工作的有力候选人。让我们来看看拥有 Google Ads 认证的专业人士最常见的一些工作:

  • PPC专家
  • 谷歌广告专家
  • 数字营销专家


PPC 专家管理按点击付费活动的策略、实施和分析。

由于 Google Ads 是 PPC 活动最常见的形式,因此认证对于这个职位非常有价值。

PPC 专家不仅限于 Google Ads,他们还可以管理其他在线平台上的广告系列。



Google Ads 专家类似于 PPC 专家。不同之处在于他们只专注于 Google Ads。成功的广告系列需要持续优化,因此原本缺乏时间或资源来有效投放广告系列的企业可以依靠 Google Ads 专家来获得他们想要的结果。

Google Ads 专家通常在代理机构工作。这些专家进入中层职位,并向处理整体战略和客户关系的客户经理报告。较大的公司更有可能聘请内部 Google Ads 专家来处理他们的广告系列。


数字营销专家处理公司的在线营销活动。这是一个更通用的职位,可以处理搜索引擎优化(SEO)、社交媒体、内容营销以及 PPC。拥有 Google Ads 认证的数字营销专家比那些不太擅长处理 PPC 广告系列的人更有价值。


Google Ads 认证计划是数字营销行业中历史最悠久、最值得信赖的认证计划之一。成为一名经过 Google Ads 认证的专业人士并不像听起来那么困难。您可以从 Google 技能学堂或第三方课程提供的建议学习计划开始。

一旦您确信自己对 Google 广告的运作方式有充分的了解,就可以参加考试并获得认证。

Keyword: 谷歌seo公司


Google Ads 我想要开发票,该怎么申请?

November 22, 2024 | News | No Comments

对于大陆地区使用人工付款结算的帐户,您可以每月自动收到谷歌寄来的发票。为了确保每月顺利开票,您需要在 Google Ads 中提供完整的税务信息,以供详细要求请参考以下一览表:




中国的增值税 (VAT)

增值税是一种对提供的商品或服务征收的税。对于谷歌广告(上海)公司的 Google Ads 用户,如果帐单邮寄地址位于中国境内,则需缴纳增值税。

根据上海市增值税试点计划,自 2012 年 1 月 1 日开始,谷歌广告(上海)公司成为增值税纳税人。从 2012 年 4 月 1 日起,谷歌广告(上海)公司开始就提供的所有广告服务收取增值税,并向广告客户只开具增值税发票。增值税金额会体现在向您开具的增值税发票中。



根据上海市增值税试点计划的要求,谷歌广告(上海)公司必须向所有客户收取 6% 的增值税,不论客户是否位于上海都是如此。此规定不存在特例。

对于不使用人工付款的客户,帐单上将体现按照帐单结算额的 6% 收取的增值税。

对于使用人工付款的客户,Google 会从您的预付金额中扣除 6% 的增值税。例如,如果您预付 1000 元人民币,在扣除 56.60 元的增值税后,计入帐号余额的金额将为 943.40 元。



要开具增值税专用发票,您需向谷歌广告(上海)公司提供税务登记证扫描件(包含增值税税务登记身份信息的首页及第二页)。我们接受以下格式的税务登记证扫描件:PNG、GIF、JPEG 和 TIFF。文件大小不能超过 5 MB。


  • 公司名称
  • 增值税税务登记身份(增值税一般纳税人)
  • 税务登记注册号
  • 注册地址
  • 注册电话号码
  • 银行账户详细信息(开户行及账号)





  • 公司名称
  • 增值税税务登记身份
  • 税务登记注册号(个人除外)
  • 邮寄地址
  • 电话号码



但请注意,即便您选择停止接收增值税发票,谷歌广告(上海)公司仍需向所有客户收取 6% 的增值税,并向相应的税务机关报告增值税活动。


究竟在Google Ads付款账号后台如何设置?

注意:一般情况,信息填写正确后,开具的发票都是增值税普通发票6个点的!如果你企业是一般纳税人需要联系Google Ads官方,提供一般纳税人证明,可以开具增值税专用发票。

发票邮寄:通常(注意是通常)是下个月的20号会邮寄上个月账户花费的发票!不通常情况:假设你是10月15号开通的Google Ads账户,并且在10月30号之前花费了1000元,那么有可能在11月20号左右不一定收到发票,可能在12月左右收到发票,所以不必担心官方不给你开票,只要开票信息填好,就耐心多等半个月就好了!

谷歌上海在12月6号的时候开具了10月份、11月份的谷歌广告发票,因为是个人抬头,所以只能开普票。10月份开的个人Google Ads户。

Keyword: 谷歌seo公司


Electric Tricycle for Cargo Transportation: The Future of Eco-Friendly Logistics

Electric Tricycle for Cargo Transportation: The Future of Eco-Friendly Logistics

As cities become more congested and the demand for sustainable transport grows, businesses and individuals alike are turning to electric cargo solutions. Among these, electric tricycles have emerged as one of the most promising alternatives to traditional delivery and transportation vehicles. These vehicles, often powered by electric motors, are designed to carry a range of cargo, from groceries and personal supplies to heavy industrial goods. In this blog post, we will explore why electric tricycles are rapidly gaining traction in the cargo transportation sector, and how electric tricycle supplier, electric tricycle wholesalers, and electric tricycle manufacturers are meeting the growing demand for these versatile vehicles.

1. What is an Electric Cargo Tricycle?

An electric cargo tricycle is a three-wheeled, battery-powered vehicle designed for transporting goods. Unlike traditional bikes or motorcycles, electric tricycles offer the stability of three wheels, making them ideal for carrying heavy or bulky loads. These vehicles come in various configurations, but the key feature is their ability to provide a reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective transportation solution.

Electric cargo tricycles are used in a wide range of industries, including logistics, delivery, agriculture, and even urban mobility. Whether you’re transporting large quantities of goods across a city or moving products from one part of a farm to another, the electric tricycle is designed to make the job easier and more eco-friendly. The growing demand for electric tricycles for cargo transportation is expected to continue as more businesses and individuals look for ways to reduce emissions and cut fuel costs.

2. The Benefits of Electric Tricycles for Cargo Transportation

Electric cargo tricycles offer several advantages over traditional vehicles, making them the go-to solution for modern transportation needs.

Eco-Friendly Transportation

One of the main selling points of electric tricycles is their eco-friendliness. Unlike gas-powered vehicles, electric tricycles run on rechargeable batteries, which significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As businesses and cities strive to meet sustainability goals, electric tricycle manufacturers have become pivotal in providing green alternatives for moving goods. Electric tricycles help reduce the carbon footprint of the transportation industry while offering an efficient way to move cargo.

Cost-Effective Solution

Electric cargo tricycles are also highly cost-effective. While the initial purchase price might be higher than a traditional bicycle or motorcycle, the long-term operational costs are much lower. Electric tricycles require less maintenance than gas-powered vehicles, and they offer significant savings in fuel costs. For businesses looking to cut expenses, especially those in the delivery sector, investing in electric tricycles for cargo transportation can pay off in the long run.

Increased Efficiency

Electric tricycles are designed to handle a variety of payloads. From small deliveries to larger, more demanding cargo, these vehicles are equipped to carry weight without sacrificing performance. For businesses involved in logistics or delivery services, the ability to carry more cargo in a stable and efficient manner translates into increased productivity and reduced operational downtime.

Accessibility and Ease of Use

The three-wheeled design of electric cargo tricycles makes them easier to ride and operate than two-wheeled bikes, especially when carrying heavy loads. This added stability is especially beneficial for businesses that need to navigate crowded streets or transport goods over long distances. Moreover, electric tricycles are often designed with step-through frames or ergonomic seating to make them accessible to a wider range of riders, including those who may struggle with balancing traditional bikes.

3. Why Choose Electric Tricycles Over Other Cargo Solutions?

Electric tricycles stand out as a superior choice when compared to other traditional cargo solutions, such as bike trailers or even standard delivery vehicles.

Electric Tricycles vs. Bike Trailers

Bike trailers are another option for those looking to transport cargo on two wheels. However, there are several limitations to using trailers compared to electric tricycles. First, bike trailers are less stable and can be difficult to control, especially when carrying heavy loads. Additionally, trailers require manual effort, and their presence can shift the balance of the bike, making rides more difficult.

On the other hand, electric cargo tricycles have a self-balancing frame that allows them to carry heavier loads with ease, making them far more efficient and reliable than trailers. The addition of an electric motor further enhances the ride by providing power assistance, helping to navigate uphill routes or carry larger loads without putting strain on the rider.

Electric Tricycles vs. Traditional Delivery Vehicles

When compared to traditional delivery vehicles, electric tricycles for cargo transportation offer significant advantages in urban settings. They are smaller, more maneuverable, and better suited for navigating narrow streets and congested areas. Furthermore, they can be parked easily and access areas that larger vehicles cannot. As the demand for last-mile delivery solutions grows, electric tricycles have proven to be an efficient and sustainable alternative to larger trucks or vans.

4. What to Look for When Choosing an Electric Cargo Tricycle

Choosing the right electric cargo tricycle involves considering several important factors to ensure that the vehicle meets your needs. Here are some key elements to look for when purchasing an electric tricycle for cargo transportation:

Cargo Capacity

One of the primary factors to consider is the cargo capacity. Depending on your business needs, you may require a tricycle that can carry small items like groceries or large goods like equipment or packages. Make sure to choose a model that offers the right balance of cargo space and weight capacity to suit your transportation needs.

Motor Power and Battery Life

The motor power and battery life of an electric cargo tricycle are crucial for ensuring that you can carry your cargo efficiently over long distances. A powerful motor will help you climb hills and carry heavier loads, while a long-lasting battery ensures that you can complete your deliveries without worrying about running out of power.

Stability and Handling

Since electric tricycles are designed to carry heavier loads, stability is a key feature. Look for a tricycle with a sturdy frame and reliable suspension system to ensure smooth rides, even with cargo onboard. The handling should be easy and comfortable, particularly if you’re riding for long hours during deliveries.

Customization and Accessories

Many electric tricycle wholesalers offer customization options to make the vehicle better suited to your needs. Look for models that offer add-ons like additional baskets, cargo covers, or specialized compartments for securing your goods. Accessories like these can improve the overall functionality and safety of your electric cargo tricycle.

Conclusion: Why Electric Tricycles Are the Future of Cargo Transportation

As demand for sustainable and cost-effective transportation solutions grows, electric tricycle manufacturers are meeting this need by providing high-quality, reliable, and eco-friendly vehicles. Whether you’re a small business owner looking to deliver goods or an individual interested in reducing your carbon footprint, electric tricycles offer a versatile and practical solution for cargo transportation.

With their impressive load capacities, eco-friendly design, and cost-effective operation, electric tricycles for cargo transportation are set to revolutionize the logistics industry. By investing in electric tricycles, businesses can improve their operational efficiency while contributing to a more sustainable future.



November 22, 2024 | News | No Comments

What is the Best 3-Wheel Electric Bike for Adults?

What is the Best 3-Wheel Electric Bike for Adults?


In recent years, the rise of 3-wheel electric bikes, commonly known as electric tricycles or trikes, has revolutionized urban commuting and mobility for adults. Compared to traditional two-wheeled electric bikes, these tricycles offer unmatched stability, comfort, and versatility. With their three-wheel configuration, electric trikes make riding easier for seniors, individuals with mobility issues, and anyone looking for a smoother, more accessible ride.


This guide will help you navigate the market and identify the best 3-wheel electric bikes, covering essential features like motor power, battery range, weight capacity, and additional features that contribute to rider comfort and convenience.


Key Features to Consider in an Electric Tricycle

1. Motor Power and Battery Life

One of the most critical components of an electric tricycle is the motor, which directly affects the bike’s power, speed, and ability to handle various terrains. Motors typically range between 500W and 750W. Higher wattage means more power, which is particularly useful for climbing hills or transporting heavier loads.


Battery capacity, measured in amp-hours (Ah), determines how far you can travel on a single charge. For instance, a 48V 20Ah battery can typically power a trike for up to 5060 miles. For short, everyday commutes, a lower capacity battery may be sufficient, but for extended rides, consider models with a higher battery range.


2. Stability and Comfort

A unique advantage of tricycles is their three-wheel design, which provides greater stability than two-wheeled e-bikes. Trikes come in two main configurations:


Delta: Two wheels in the back and one in the front.

Tadpole: Two wheels in the front and one in the back.

The tadpole design is considered more stable, especially at higher speeds, as it minimizes the risk of tipping during sharp turns. This configuration is ideal for riders who prioritize safety and stability over speed.


3. Load and Storage Capacity

Electric tricycles are excellent for transporting cargo, making them a favorite for adults running errands or carrying groceries. Many models feature large rear baskets, which are particularly convenient for seniors. For heavier loads, select a model with a robust weight capacity. Generally, tricycles can handle around 300450 lbs, including the riders weight.


Electric Passenger Tricycles offer additional space and are equipped with rear seats, perfect for those who want to transport another person.


4. Safety and Maneuverability

Safety is a crucial factor when choosing an electric tricycle, particularly if the rider is a senior or new to cycling. Look for models equipped with:


Braking Systems: Dual disc brakes or hydraulic brakes provide powerful stopping power.

Lights and Reflectors: Essential for night riding, LED lights, and reflectors improve visibility.

Anti-Tip Designs: Tadpole configurations or models with a low center of gravity reduce the risk of tipping, especially during turns.

Comparison of Top Electric Tricycles for Adults

1. NAKTO S02 Electric Tricycle

Overview: With a 750W front hub motor and a 48V 16Ah battery, the NAKTO S02 is a robust choice for urban commuting. It offers a range of up to 60 miles per charge and a top speed of 12 mph.


Motor and Battery: The 750W motor delivers 50Nm of torque, making it powerful enough for most daily commutes.

Ergonomics: Features comfortable handlebars, a spacious cargo area, and a soft saddle for an enhanced riding experience.

Compact and Lightweight: The smaller frame is easy to handle and ideal for city environments.

Safety: Dual disc brakes and front suspension ensure a safe ride on various terrains.


Weight and Size: While ideal for urban rides, the size may be challenging for smaller storage spaces.

2. Lectric XP Tricycle

Overview: A popular and versatile choice, the Lectric XP Trike is equipped with a 500W rear motor, 48V battery, and a range of up to 50 miles. It is designed with a collapsible frame for easy storage.


Collapsible Frame: The foldable frame makes it convenient for storage, especially in tight spaces.

Safety Features: Equipped with hydraulic brakes and LED lights for better visibility.

User-Friendly: The trike is shipped fully assembled, making it perfect for beginners.

High Payload Capacity: Can support a maximum rider weight of 325 lbs and additional cargo in front and rear baskets.


Limited Legroom: Riders over 6 feet may find the leg extension lacking.

Lacks Speedometer: Missing an onboard speedometer, although this can be offset by mobile app use.

3. Addmotor M-340 Electric Tricycle

Overview: The Addmotor M-340 is a heavy-duty electric tricycle designed for long-range travel and rough terrain. It features a powerful 750W motor and a 48V, 20Ah battery, with a maximum range of 55 miles.


Heavy-Duty Construction: Capable of carrying up to 450 lbs, perfect for riders needing extra load capacity.

Wide Tires for Stability: The large tires add balance and make it suitable for rugged paths.

Comfort: Its semi-recumbent seat provides a relaxed riding position.


Price: At approximately $2,900, its more expensive than many other models.

Weight: Its durable design makes it heavier and harder to transport.

How to Select a Supplier: Tips for Buying From Electric Tricycle Manufacturers in China

When considering purchasing from electric tricycle manufacturers in China, keep the following tips in mind to ensure you get a high-quality product:


Certifications and Safety Standards: Make sure the supplier adheres to international safety standards.

Product Warranties and Support: Reliable warranties and responsive customer support indicate a reputable manufacturer.

Reputation and Reviews: Research the suppliers reputation. Electric tricycle suppliers with a proven track record are more likely to deliver durable products.


Choosing the best 3-wheel electric bike for adults ultimately depends on your lifestyle, budget, and intended use. For city dwellers, the NAKTO S02 offers excellent power, comfort, and value. The Lectric XP Tricycle stands out for its foldable frame and convenience, making it a top choice for those with limited storage space. For long-distance rides or rougher terrains, the Addmotor M-340 is ideal with its rugged build and high load capacity.


Each of these electric tricycles is designed with unique features to enhance your ride, from urban commuting to extended recreational journeys. By focusing on your prioritieswhether its safety, stability, or storageyou can select the ideal electric passenger tricycle that will offer you comfort, convenience, and freedom on the road.







积极的竞争分析。主动分析和策略的关键要素之一是预先进行竞争分析。在SMX Report的会议上,塔玛拉·韦斯特曼(Tamara Westman)和史蒂夫·哈默(Steve Hammer)研究了主动竞争分析背后的策略。哈默说:“百分之九十的人在危机模式下进行[竞争性分析],但是对于我们这些人来说,有一个真正的机会,他们可以积极主动地事先考虑这一点。”






随着Google FLoC和Apple IDFA的变化,隐私在2021年成为一种规范,而不仅仅是一种享受。FLoC附带了第三方Cookie的弃用,使用户进入了具有相似兴趣的队列,而不是在网上跟踪个人级别的用户。这意味着广告将针对具有相似兴趣的受众群体(由Google确定),而不是针对单个受众群体。FLoC将于2021年第二季度接受广告商测试,但Google表示,他们的测试表明FLoC的准确度是Cookie的95%。此外,Apple的iOS14更新为用户提供了一个选择,可以通过提示拒绝应用程序内跟踪(Facebook之类的技术会极大地影响广告定位)。

归因和跟踪多渠道接触点意味着什么?好吧,对于大多数营销人员来说,他们希望Google的95%的预测是正确的,并且适用于iPhone,这意味着我们有两条简短的文字向用户表达为什么以及如何使用他们的数据。但是,有趣的是,随着Google推出Google Analytics(分析)4,这些发展也就顺理成章了。 

Google Analytics(分析)4和归因。GA4结合了应用程序和网站数据,以帮助我们更全面地了解我们的财产数据,它可以帮助我们更好地了解人们如何使用我们的在线财产以及他们在那里时的行为。“ Google Analytics 4基于事件驱动的数据模型,该模型消除了匹配类型的概念,” Ken Williams在SMX Report的GA4会议上说。新版本的Google Analytics(分析)没有更多目标。取而代之的是,营销人员将着眼于参与时间周围的转化事件和指标。转换建模中绑定的这些新的KPI可以帮助我们更多地了解自己网站上的微转换对最终购买的贡献。 





设置沟通时间表。在SMX报告的联合会议上,Amanda Farley和Maria Corcoran从两个不同的角度谈到了整个组织的报告需求。Farley是数字营销机构SSDM的合伙人,而Corcoran是Adobe Systems的高级全球绩效营销平台经理。







在整个搜索营销中,自动化已经有相当长的一段时间了。随着Google Ads逐步淘汰广泛匹配修饰符,GPT-3蒸蒸日上,以及机器学习测试工具的增加,数字广告每天都在朝着AI和自动化方向发展。我们拥有聊天机器人和营销自动化功能,可以在客户的营销过程中推动他们前进。甚至还有自动化工具,您可以在其中仅从文本创建图像。


如果我们不细分所有设备或受众群体,则Google Ads的自动化可能意味着更统一的帐户结构。这可能意味着较小的帐户中的机器学习可能没有那么多的初始数据。这可能意味着更多的转化次数或更好的每次转化费用。PPC自动化的关键是测试。如果它不适用于您的广告系列或帐户,那么关键是要反复寻找更好的解决方案。




阿曼达·法利(Amanda Farley)的SMX报告演示文稿中的幻灯片显示了消费者如何不仅顺畅地从漏斗顶部过渡到漏斗底部,而且在他们收集数据,建立接触点,与内容互动时进入和移出每个阶段和渠道,最后进行购买。


如果您想了解这些趋势的最新信息,请查看完整的会议,并了解有关搜索营销中最新报告和分析的最新信息,请查看SMX Report中的按需会议。PPC方面的议程包括整个组织的报告,对Google Analytics(分析)4的了解,对Microsoft Advertising和Google Ads平台的深入研究以及关于竞争分析的方法会议。

Keyword: 谷歌代投


Killa Niclab Flash 4mg

November 21, 2024 | News | No Comments



Killa Niclab Flash 4mg – This all white tobaccofree nicotine pouch comes from the killapods family. In slim pouches that fit discreetly under your lip this will give you a breath freshening flavor of Menthol


Weight: 24 gram (net)
Flavour: Ice Cold Mint, Menthol
Nicotine: 5 mg/g ( 4 mg per pouch)
Pouch size: Slim
Pouch Weight: 0,8 g
Number of pouches: 30 per can
Texture: Moist
Available in: Single cans, Rolls (10 cans)
Manufacturer: UAB N.G.P. Empire Lithuania


Humans’ energy needs were modest before the industrial revolution. For example, we were happy to utilize energy from the sun for heat, horses for transportation, the power of the wind to sail around the globe, and water to drive simple machines that grind grains. Everything changed in the 1780s, with high growth in steam power generation plants, of which most of their components were fabricated using high-speed lathes.

But as the energy needs continued to grow since rapid industrialization began, energy systems and technologies became more sophisticated. As a result, it became more challenging for manufacturers to meet the manufacturing requirements of the energy industry until the advent of CNC machining technology in 1952.

In this article, we will cover CNC machining in the energy industry. We will present three things you must know about CNC machines and their role in today’s energy sector. So let’s get right into it!

#1 CNC Machining is Helping to Fabricate Hydropower Turbines and Generator Components

Hydropower turbines and generators are massive, consisting of hundreds of thousands of components. These components vary in design and size, with some components smaller than your index finger and others larger than the size of a car. Regardless of the variation in size, one key requirement is that these components are machined accurately and precisely to ensure seamless assembly.

CNC machines are among the key machining technologies that product designers use in the energy industry to satisfy these requirements. For example, Canyon Hydro (one of the leading manufacturers of Pelton and Francis hydroelectric turbines) relies on a 7-axis CNC milling machine to fabricate the majority of the components that make up their 36-ft-long and 25-ton hydroelectric systems.

The reason for this high dependence on CNC machines is understandable. First, CNC machines can machine to tolerances as small as 4µm, which pretty much is the tolerance limit you’d find in many hydropower components and parts (like simple shafts, impellers, and bushing). Second, multi-axis CNC machines are particularly suitable for fabricating extremely large and complex geometries.

But CNC machines’ applications aren’t limited to the renewable energy industry.

#2 CNC Machining is Helping to Fabricate Difficult-to-Machine Materials in the Conventional Generators and Turbines

Like the hydropower systems, conventional turbines and generators — which rely on fossil fuels to generate power — feature thousands of components. However, unlike the renewable energy systems, conventional generator components are subjected to extremely high thermal conditions of up to 2300℉, causing engineers to rely on high-strength and thermal resistance materials for these components.

Finding a material with high strength and thermal resistance isn’t a problem for product designers. Instead, the challenge is finding a suitable manufacturing method for these metals. For example, a high-strength material like titanium and its alloys has poor (or average) machinability and is prone to chatter during metal cutting.

Because of CNC machines’ compatibility with a broad range of materials, manufacturers rely on them to fabricate difficult-to-machine metals found in conventional generators and turbines. For instance, skilled machinists usually CNC machine titanium with recommended cutting speeds of 59 m/min for roughing and over 180 m/min for finishing operations.

Learn more about the difference between feed rate vs. cutting speed.

#3 CNC Machining is Contributing to the Research on Solar and Wind Power Systems

Solar and wind power systems are slowly taking center stage across the globe, replacing conventional energy systems that rely on fossil fuels and contribute to climate change. As a result, research studies are being done to improve the efficiency and performance of these systems. For example, some research scientists are investigating the energy efficiency and performance of novel wind turbine blade designs and solar panels.

And as you may have guessed, CNC machines are among the technologies used for rapid prototyping the blades and solar panels used in most of these research studies. A major reason for this preference is the ease of modifying designs in CNC machining.

With CNC machining, you only need to modify dimensions on your 3D CAD software, and a CNC machinist will have no problem fabricating your new blade (or solar panel designs) quickly. This is not the case with conventional manufacturing methods like injection molding, where you have to start all over by recreating molds.

(Related Post: Should You Use CNC for Rapid Prototyping? The Advantages and Disadvantages)

CNC Machining for the Energy Industry: Gensun Can Help

Now that you understand the role of CNC machining in the energy industry today, you’d agree that CNC machining has been an essential manufacturing method since the industrial revolution. But as much as CNC machines simplify energy parts machining, the success of your project also depends on the machine shop you work with.

You want to work with a machine shop with top-of-the-line CNC machines as well as highly experienced CNC machinists, engineers, and quality control experts.

Gensun Precision Machining has been in business for nearly two decades, providing high-quality CNC machining services to customers in the energy industry. We have state-of-the-art CNC equipment, and our engineers are capable of getting your product done right the first time.

Learn more about our CNC machining services.


Do You Understand the Replacement Frequency and Lifespan of Filter Balls?

Do You Understand the Replacement Frequency and Lifespan of Filter Balls?

When it comes to pool maintenance, one of the most essential components of a filtration system is the filter medium. Pool filter balls have become a popular alternative to traditional sand due to their higher filtration efficiency and ease of maintenance. However, many pool owners still struggle to understand how long filter balls last, how often they need replacing, and how to properly maintain them. In this article, well break down the lifespan of filter balls, compare pool filter balls vs sand, and provide valuable information on when to replace them and why they might be the best ball filter for your pool.

I.What Are Pool Filter Balls?

Pool filter balls are a modern, highly efficient option for pool filtration. Made from durable, lightweight material, they offer many advantages over traditional sand filters. The structure of filter balls is designed to trap finer particles, including dust, dirt, algae spores, and bacteria, more effectively than sand. This results in cleaner pool water with fewer chemicals and less maintenance.

One significant advantage of pool filter balls vs sand is the ability to capture smaller debris that sand may miss, leading to better overall filtration. Moreover, they are easier to handle, install, and replace compared to sand, which can be heavy and difficult to manage. Pool filter balls also require less water to rinse, making them an environmentally friendly choice.

II.How Long Do Pool Filter Balls Last?

The lifespan of pool filter balls depends on several factors, including pool usage, maintenance routine, and water conditions. Generally, pool filter balls last between 2 to 5 years, but this can vary depending on the frequency of pool use and how well the filter system is maintained. Unlike sand filters, which may need to be replaced after a few years, filter balls tend to offer a longer lifespan if they are cleaned and maintained correctly.

When considering how long to keep your filter balls, it’s crucial to remember that their performance can gradually decline as they trap more debris. Over time, they may lose their ability to effectively capture particles, leading to poor filtration and reduced water clarity. Regular cleaning can help extend their lifespan, but they will eventually need replacing.

III.When Should You Replace Pool Filter Balls?

While filter balls can last for several years, it is essential to recognize the signs that indicate its time for a replacement. Here are some common indicators:

Decreased Filtration Efficiency  

   If your pool water starts to look cloudy or you notice an increase in the pressure gauge reading on your filter, it may be time to replace the filter balls. When filter balls become clogged with debris and dirt, they no longer work as efficiently, and no amount of cleaning can restore their effectiveness.

Frequent Clogging  

   Filter balls can accumulate debris and particles over time. If you find that your filter is becoming clogged frequently, even after regular cleaning, its a sign that the filter balls are no longer performing as well as they should. At this point, replacing them will ensure that your filtration system works properly.

Physical Damage

   While filter balls are designed to be durable, they can still become damaged over time. If you notice any visible signs of wear and tear, such as rips or holes, it’s essential to replace them to maintain the filtration efficiency of your system.

Increased Maintenance  

   If you find that you are cleaning your filter more frequently and the water is still not as clear as it should be, this can indicate that the filter balls are no longer working efficiently. In such cases, replacing the filter balls will restore your pool’s water quality.

IV.Pool Filter Balls vs Sand: Which Is Better?

Now, let’s compare pool filter balls vs sand to understand why many pool owners are opting for filter balls over traditional sand filters. There are a few key differences between the two:

Filtration Efficiency

   Pool filter balls have superior filtration efficiency compared to sand. They can trap smaller particles that sand cannot, resulting in clearer water. Sand filters can only capture debris down to a certain size, while filter balls can filter out much finer particles. This makes filter balls the best ball filter option for pool owners who want pristine, clear water.

Maintenance and Handling  

   Filter balls are much easier to handle and clean than sand. Sand can be heavy and difficult to remove from the filter, and it often requires more frequent replacement. Filter balls, on the other hand, are lightweight and easy to replace or clean. Additionally, they require less water to clean, making them a more environmentally friendly option.

Longevity and Cost-Effectiveness

   While sand filters typically need to be replaced every 3 to 5 years, filter balls can last longer with proper maintenance. Since they are more efficient and require less cleaning, they often prove to be a more cost-effective solution in the long run.

Environmental Impact

   Filter balls are typically made from eco-friendly materials and require less water to clean. In contrast, sand filters often require a significant amount of water to backwash, which can be wasteful. Filter balls also use less energy and water in the long run, making them a more sustainable option.

V.How to Maintain and Clean Filter Balls

To get the most out of your pool filter balls, proper maintenance is essential. Cleaning filter balls is simple and can be done by rinsing them with clean water to remove debris. For more thorough cleaning, you can use a pool filter cleaning solution that breaks down oils and organic buildup on the balls. Be sure to follow the manufacturers instructions for cleaning and maintenance to ensure the best results.

Regularly inspect your filter balls for signs of wear and tear. If they appear damaged or clogged beyond repair, its time to replace them. Proper maintenance will ensure that your filter balls last as long as possible and continue to provide high-quality filtration for your pool.

VI.Buy Filter Balls: The Smart Choice for Your Pool

If youre considering upgrading your pool filtration system, buy filter balls for your pool filter. These modern filtration systems provide superior performance, are easy to maintain, and have a longer lifespan compared to traditional sand filters. They are also more environmentally friendly, requiring less water for cleaning and offering more efficient filtration.


Understanding the lifespan and replacement frequency of pool filter balls is essential for maintaining clean, clear water in your pool. By recognizing when its time to replace them, you can ensure that your filtration system remains effective and your pool stays in top condition. Whether youre choosing pool filter balls vs sand or looking for the best ball filter, filter balls offer superior performance and efficiency. With proper maintenance, filter balls can last for several years, saving you time and money in the long run. If youre ready to upgrade your pool filtration system, buy filter balls today for a cleaner, healthier pool.


Are You Still Struggling with Improper Chlorine Tablet Storage?

Are You Still Struggling with Improper Chlorine Tablet Storage?

When it comes to pool maintenance, chlorine tablets are an essential part of keeping your water clean and safe for swimming. However, many pool owners overlook one crucial aspect: how to properly store chlorine tablets. Improper storage can not only reduce the effectiveness of the tablets but also pose safety hazards. In this article, we’ll explore the best ways to store chlorine tablets, common mistakes to avoid, and where you can buy chlorine tablets that suit your needs.

I.Why Proper Storage is Crucial

Chlorine tablets, especially cheap 3 inch chlorine tablets, are a popular choice for many pool owners due to their convenience and effectiveness. They slowly release chlorine into your pool over time, maintaining a consistent level of sanitation. However, improper storage can significantly affect their performance.

Storing chlorine tablets in the wrong environment can cause them to degrade, lose potency, and even become hazardous. For example, storing them in areas exposed to extreme heat, moisture, or direct sunlight can lead to faster breakdown. Additionally, chlorine is a reactive substance, and if it comes into contact with other chemicals or flammable materials, it can pose a significant risk.

II.How to Store Chlorine Tablets Correctly

Choose a Cool, Dry Place

The first and most important step in storing chlorine tablets is to keep them in a cool and dry location. High temperatures and humidity can cause the tablets to dissolve too quickly or lose their effectiveness. Ideally, you should store them in a temperature-controlled area, away from any direct sunlight. A shed or garage thats not exposed to extreme weather conditions is an excellent choice.

Use an Airtight Container

To prevent moisture from getting into the chlorine tablets, always store them in an airtight container. Moisture can cause the tablets to break down and lose their potency, which means they wont work as effectively when added to your pool. Choose a container that is sealed tightly and large enough to hold the tablets without overcrowding them.

Avoid Storing Near Other Chemicals

Chlorine tablets should never be stored near other chemicals, especially flammable substances or acids. If chlorine tablets come into contact with the wrong chemicals, they can react violently, causing dangerous situations. Always keep your chlorine tablets in a separate area, and never mix them with other pool chemicals like acid or algaecide.

Keep Away from Children and Pets

Safety is always a priority, and chlorine tablets should be kept out of reach of children and pets. While chlorine tablets are highly effective at sanitizing water, they can be harmful or toxic if ingested or mishandled. Store them in a locked cabinet or other secure location to prevent accidents.

Check the Expiration Date

Chlorine tablets dont last forever. Over time, they can lose their potency, even if theyve been stored properly. Its essential to check the expiration date on the packaging and replace any old or degraded tablets. Regularly inspect the tablets for any signs of moisture or damage, as these can be indicators that the chlorine has started to break down.

III.Common Mistakes to Avoid

Storing Tablets in the Pool Area

While it might seem convenient to store your chlorine tablets near the pool, this is a major mistake. Storing them too close to the pool area exposes them to humidity, temperature fluctuations, and possible contact with water. This can cause the tablets to deteriorate faster and reduce their effectiveness.

Using the Wrong Container

Another common mistake is using containers that are not airtight. When moisture enters the container, it can cause the chlorine tablets to degrade. Always choose a container that seals tightly and is made from materials that wont react with chlorine.

Storing Chlorine Tablets in the Sun

Direct sunlight can cause chlorine tablets to break down quickly, reducing their lifespan and effectiveness. Always store them in a shaded, cool place to maintain their quality.

IV.Why Choose Us?

As chlorine tablets manufacturers, we take pride in offering top-quality chlorine tablets for all your pool maintenance needs. Our products are designed to provide long-lasting, effective sanitation for your pool, ensuring a clean and safe swimming environment. When you buy chlorine tablets from us, youre not just purchasing a product; youre investing in quality, safety, and reliability.

We understand the importance of proper chlorine tablet storage, and our packaging is designed to protect the tablets from moisture, heat, and light. Additionally, we offer a variety of sizes to meet your specific needs, whether you’re maintaining a small backyard pool or a larger commercial pool.


Proper storage of chlorine tablets is vital to ensure they remain effective and safe for use. By following the guidelines above, you can maximize the lifespan and effectiveness of your cheap 3 inch chlorine tablets and avoid common pitfalls. Always buy chlorine tablets from trusted manufacturers to ensure you are getting a high-quality product that will keep your pool clean and safe.

If you’re ready to purchase chlorine tablets, look no further. As reliable chlorine tablets manufacturers, we are committed to providing top-notch products and expert advice. Protect your pool and invest in the best chlorine tablets for your needs.
