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How Baseball Field Tarps Can Save the Season

November 29, 2024 | News | No Comments

The condition of a baseball field determines the success of an entire season. Maintaining an immaculate playing surface isn’t just good for aesthetics but also for optimizing performance and ensuring safety. Baseball field tarps provide an innovative solution by keeping fields game-ready despite unpredictable weather conditions or heavy use. Learn more about this tool by discovering how baseball field tarps can save the season.

Improving Game Day Preparedness

The unpredictability of the weather can turn a perfect game day into a logistical nightmare. With a baseball field tarp, teams can reduce the risk of last-minute game cancellations. By shielding the field from unexpected rain, tarps ensure the playing surface remains dry and ready for action. They also minimize delays and enhance the game day experience!

Promoting Environmental Sustainability

While tarps are primarily known for their protective qualities, they also offer an eco-friendly solution to field maintenance. By utilizing tarps, groundskeepers can reduce their reliance on chemical treatments and excessive water usage to repair damage caused by harsh weather conditions. This approach preserves the natural ecosystem surrounding the field and demonstrates a commitment to sustainable groundskeeping practices.

Enhancing Player Experiences

Baseball field tarps can save the season by enhancing players’ experiences. A well-maintained field with a smooth, even surface allows teams to perform at their best and enjoy the game without distractions. The tarps contribute to this experience by preventing divots and uneven surfaces caused by weather exposure or repeated use.

By providing a stable playing field, tarps help players focus on the game rather than potential hazards around the diamond. This enhances player confidence, reduces risks of injury, and contributes to better performance.

Promoting Flexibility and Adaptability

Flexibility and adaptability are invaluable traits for any sports team or facilities manager. Field tarps provide a practical means of adapting to unforeseen circumstances, such as sudden weather changes or emergency maintenance.

With tarps readily available, groundskeepers can quickly respond and protect the field, minimizing downtime and disruption. Adaptability ensures that fields remain available for use, allowing teams and communities to continue enjoying their favorite sports without interruption.

Protecting Community Investment

Baseball fields are community treasures that represent significant financial and emotional investments. By using tarps, communities can protect their investment by extending the life of the fields. Tarps maintain the integrity of the soil and grass, ensuring that the playing surface remains safe and pleasant for players and spectators alike.

When fields are well-maintained, they attract more bookings and events, which benefit local economies. Tarps are practical tools and guardians of community assets, ensuring that local sports infrastructure remains viable season after season.

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How Dairy Farms Can Reduce Groundwater Impact

November 29, 2024 | News | No Comments

Groundwater plays a crucial role in our ecosystems and overall well-being. It serves as a critical resource for drinking water, agriculture, and industrial activities. Unfortunately, certain dairy farm practices can negatively impact this precious resource, leading to contamination and scarcity issues. Fortunately, we have effective ways dairy farms can reduce groundwater impact through more sustainable practices.

The Current State of Groundwater Contamination

Groundwater contamination remains a pressing concern, with dairy farms known as significant contributors. Practices such as improper waste management, excessive fertilizer use, and inefficient irrigation techniques can lead to nutrients and pathogens leaching into groundwater supplies. This contamination not only poses risks to human health but also threatens the sustainability of our water resources.

Proper Waste Management

Proper waste management plays a major role in protecting groundwater from contamination. Dairy farms can do their part to protect this water source by investing in more sophisticated manure storage solutions and treatment systems that prevent leachate from entering waterways and groundwater supplies. For example, farmers might implement advanced lagoon systems to treat manure or adopt solid-liquid separation technologies that reduce the potential for pollutants to reach groundwater.

Reducing Fertilizer Use

By meticulously managing fertilizer application, dairy farms can minimize the excess runoff that contributes to groundwater pollution. Dairy farms can adopt practices such as soil testing, precision agriculture technologies, and using organic amendments to optimize nutrient application rates, thereby enhancing soil health while safeguarding water quality.

Implementing targeted irrigation systems and crop rotation strategies further ensures that the soil absorbs nutrients efficiently, reducing the chance of nutrient leaching into groundwater. Additionally, cover cropping can prevent soil erosion and nutrient runoff, adding another layer of protection for water.

Advanced Irrigation Techniques

Dairy farms can reduce groundwater impact by implementing efficient irrigation techniques that reduce water wastage and contamination. In particular, installing ditch liners can prevent irrigation water from seeping uncontrollably into the ground, thereby protecting groundwater from pollution and ensuring efficient water use.

Moreover, integrating smart irrigation systems with soil moisture sensors and weather forecasting can optimize watering schedules and volumes, decreasing the likelihood of overirrigation and runoff.

The Benefits of Sustainable Practices

Adopting sustainable dairy farming practices offers numerous benefits. Environmentally, it leads to cleaner water and healthier ecosystems. Socially, it protects community health and supports local economies. For the dairy industry, it fosters resilience, sustainability, and public trust—critical components for any business looking to thrive in today’s world.

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How To Build a Large Fish Pond

November 29, 2024 | News | No Comments

So you want to build a fish pond? A large fish pond is an ambitious project, but it can add significant value – and beauty – to your property. A typical pond would be at least 1,000 square feet in surface area and 8 feet deep, ranging on up into several acres, and suitable for fish and aquatic life.

As with many worthwhile projects, the devil is in the details. Here are the details.

Planning and Site Selection

You start with topography, choosing a location where the natural landscape allows for maximum water storage with minimal earth moving. Ideal sites include wet hollows between steep banks for dammed ponds, or flat terrain with a high water table for dugout ponds.

The soil type matters. Heavy clay soil is ideal for pond construction as it holds water well, but be warned that even clay will leak and deteriorate over time – see some of the drawbacks here – which leads to maintenance that you may well not wish to undertake. If your soil is sandy or gravelly, you may need to add clay or use sealants to improve water retention, or simply bypass a soil-based bed and use an impermeable, fish-safe geomembrane liner.

Consider your geographic location and available water sources. Ponds can be filled by surface runoff, springs, streams, or wells. Ensure your water source is reliable and sufficient for the pond’s size. And give thought to any legal considerations that may be important. Before breaking ground, check local regulations and obtain necessary permits. Wetland areas may be protected, so choose your site carefully to avoid legal issues.

Design and Layout

For a pond of at least 1,000 square feet, plan for a surface area between a quarter-acre to several acres. The shape can be natural or geometric, depending on your preference and the landscape.

With a target depth of 8 feet, Create varying depth zones (by sloping the banks and bed) that provide different habitat for different life forms. Using an 8-foot depth as a base, for example, allow the lower depths for fish habitat, the mid-depth zone of 4-6 feet for aquatic plants, and the shallow zone of 1-3 feet for marginal plants and wildlife access.

Slope is a compromise with regard to the banks, especially if you’re creating a dam to manage a ground-based flow of water. In general design the pond with gradual slopes in about a 3:1 ratio (1 foot depth per 3 feet distance) for stability and to prevent erosion. At the same time, the optimal depth to discourage excess weed growth is at least 3 feet deep at a point 6 feet out from the shoreline, so some artistry and a feel for the specific environmental characteristics may be required here.

Excavation and Construction

First, mark out the pond area using stakes and string. Then remove the topsoil and set it aside is a separate space for later use in landscaping. Excavate the pond using appropriate earth-moving equipment to create the planned depth zones. If you’re constructing a dam, make sure to calculate the proper width and slope for stability (see above).

When you’ve smoothed and compacted the pond bed and the banks to satisfaction, install a pond liner if this is your choice, or add clay to improve water retention. See our many recommendations below for best practices on installing a pond liner, how to keep the fish pond healthy, and how to work the banks to endure over time.

Filtration and Circulation

When the dry pond is completed, Install a robust filtration system to maintain the water quality. This is a field of considerable detail, and if you’re stocking fish you want to study up beforehand on the basics of testing for water quality and creating and maintaining a suitable aquatic environment.

In general, you’ll be thinking about mechanical filtration to remove debris that will inevitably accumulate in the pond, as well as a biological filter to process waste. Beyond this, you also want to set up complementary life systems that keep the water clean and healthy. You may require a UV sterilizer to control algae also.

Managing the water circulation of the pond will usually involve adding a pump system to circulate water and create movement, which is essential for fish health and oxygen levels.

Stocking and Maintenance

After you’ve filled the pond using your chosen water source, and once the pond has settled and the water quality is stable, introduce beneficial bacteria to kick-start the biological cycle. Then gradually stock the pond with appropriate fish species.

Once the fish pond is constructed and populated, implement a regular maintenance schedule, including water testing, filter cleaning, and plant management. The work has just begun, but so has the pleasure of having your own large fish pond on your property. At all stages, reach out to experts and contractors to help you construct and maintain the pond, and then simply enjoy the thriving aquatic system you’ve created, for many years to come!

See these other articles on Fish Ponds and Pond Liners for more information on how to build a fish pond and maintain it:

  • 3 Things To Do For a Healthy Fish Pond
  • The Complete Guide To Custom Fish Pond Liners
  • Installation Tips and Pitfalls with Pond Liners
  • Expert Tips For Pond Liner Installation
  • Large Pond Liner Installation Guide

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Identification and distribution of SIFamide in the nervous system of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria.

Gellerer A, Franke A, Neupert S, Predel R, Zhou X, Liu S, Reiher W, Wegener C, Homberg U, J. Comp. Neurol.,  2015, 523, 108-25.

SIFamides are a family of highly conserved arthropod neuropeptides. To date, nine orthocopies from different arthropods, most of them insects, have been identified, all consisting of 11-12 amino acid residues. The striking conservation in sequence is mirrored by highly similar morphologies of SIFamide-immunoreactive neurons: immunolabeling in various insect species revealed four immunopositive neurons with somata in the pars intercerebralis and arborizations extending throughout the brain and ventral nervous system. In contrast, the functional role of these neurons and their neuropeptide SIFamide is largely obscure. To provide an additional basis for functional analysis, we identified, by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry, a SIFamide peptide in the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria and studied its distribution throughout the nervous system. Identification was supported by analysis of transcriptomic data obtained from another grasshopper, Stenobothrus lineatus. Scg-SIFamide, unlike all SIFamides identified so far, is a pentadecapeptide with an extended and highly modified N-terminus (AAATFRRPPFNGSIFamide). As in other insects, pairs of descending neurons with somata in the pars intercerebralis and ramifications in most areas of the nervous system are SIFamide-immunoreactive. In addition, a small number of local interneurons in the brain and ventral ganglia were immunostained. Double-label experiments showed that the SIFamide-immunoreactive descending neurons are identical to previously characterized primary commissure pioneer (PNP) neurons of the locust brain that pioneer the first commissure in the brain. The data suggest that the descending SIFamide-immunoreactive neurons play a developmental role in organizing the insect central nervous system. J. Comp. Neurol. 523:108-125, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


随着移动技术和互联网的不断发展,聊天应用已经成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。从个人交流到商务沟通,聊天应用扮演着连接世界的重要角色。然而,要创建一个功能完善、用户体验优秀的聊天应用并非易事。除了设计界面和功能外,开发团队还需要集成各种 API,以实现实时通讯、用户认证、推送通知等关键功能。本文将探讨创建聊天应用所需的各种 API,帮助开发者更好地理解和选择适合其应用需求的API。


  1. 实时通讯 API:用于实现即时消息传递功能。这些 API 提供了实时通讯所需的基本功能,如发送和接收消息、建立聊天会话、管理用户在线状态等。一些流行的实时通讯 API 包括:
    • 实时互动通讯:实时互动基础能力、扩展能力、低代码应用平台、解决方案,分级提供丰富的产品;PaaS、aPaaS、SaaS、私有化多种部署方式,满足不同开发能力和定制需求的客户。
    • 融云IM即时通讯:只需 5 步,20 分钟快速集成单群聊、聊天室、系统通知等完整通信能力,安全可靠、全球互通。
  2. 用户认证和授权 API:用于管理用户身份验证和授权。这些 API 允许用户注册、登录、重置密码等操作,并提供安全的用户身份验证机制。一些常用的用户认证和授权 API 包括:
    • 身份证二要素:权威数据无缓存,实时校验姓名、身份证号是否一致,同时返回生日、性别、籍贯等信息。
    • 银行卡认证:通过传入姓名、身份证号、银行卡号,验证银行卡号实名情况,认证不一致时 验证身份证二要素,精确定位原因;一致时同步返回 身份证归属地、银行卡归属地+联行号等
  3. 推送通知 API:用于向用户发送实时通知,如新消息提醒、好友请求等。推送通知 API 可以确保用户及时收到重要信息。常用的推送通知 API 包括:
    • 短信通知:可通过接口自定义签名和模板,提供行业专业内容模板可直接用;支持三大运营商,支持携号转网,支持过滤虚拟运营商、提供商户后台,支持批量发送。
  4. 地理位置 API:如果你的聊天应用需要地理位置共享功能,你可能需要使用地理位置 API 来获取、存储和共享用户位置信息。常用的地理位置 API 包括:
    • Geocoding API:利用Geocoding API,我们可以轻松地将地址转换为地理坐标,为用户提供精准的地理信息服务。
  5. 存储服务 API:用于存储用户的聊天记录、文件和多媒体内容等。这些 API 提供了可扩展的存储解决方案,确保数据安全性和可靠性。一些常用的存储服务 API 包括:
    • 百度网盘云存储服务:为用户提供了安全可靠的在线存储空间,方便用户存储、管理和分享各种类型的文件。
    • Notion API:提供了强大的工具,让开发者能够创建定制化的应用,与 Notion 数据库进行无缝集成,实现更高效的工作流程和团队协作。
  6. 语音和视频通话 API:如果你的聊天应用需要语音和视频通话功能,你可能需要集成语音和视频通话 API。这些 API 提供了实时音视频通信所需的功能和基础设施。常用的语音和视频通话 API 包括:
    • 云屋云视频通话:通过云屋云视频通话服务,我们不仅能够提供简单便捷的视频通话功能,还能实时验证用户身份,确保姓名和身份证号的匹配,同时提供相关的个人信息
    • 融云实时音视频:融云实时音视频服务不仅让用户享受便捷的音视频通话功能,还能通过实时验证用户身份,确保用户提供的个人信息的准确性和安全性,从而保障通讯的可靠性。
  7. 自然语言处理 (NLP) API:如果你的聊天应用需要自然语言理解功能,你可以使用 NLP API 来处理和分析用户消息。这些 API 可以帮助你识别用户意图、实现聊天机器人等功能。常用的 NLP API 包括:
    • BLOOM文本生成模型:BLOOM 文本生成模型是一种先进的自然语言处理模型,能够生成高质量的文本内容,为各种应用场景提供智能化的文字生成解决方案。

这些 API 可以根据你的聊天应用的具体需求进行选择和集成。


本文综述了创建聊天应用所需的各类 API,涵盖了实时通讯、用户认证、推送通知、地理位置、存储服务、语音视频通话以及自然语言处理等方面。这些 API 不仅可以满足应用的基本功能需求,还能提升用户体验,确保通讯安全和数据可靠性。开发者可根据具体场景选择适合的 API,以构建功能完善、用户体验优秀的聊天应用。

Keyword: 验证码API


Cozy Winter Nights Soft Beige Fleece Throw Blanket

November 29, 2024 | News | No Comments

Basic Info.

Model NO.

100% Ployester

Age Group
All The People

Good Hand Feel, Soft and Comfortable

100% Ployester Blanket

Knitting Method
Machine Weaved

Printing Pattern

Home, Travel, Airplane, Picnic, Hospital, Bath, Hotel


Transport Package
OPP Bags/Cartons

L-80in W-55in


HS Code

Production Capacity
500000 Sets/Month

Product Description

Product name Half Fleece Throw Blanket Material 100% ployester Style Morden Application scenario Anywhere

Our Advantages:

1 Fast delivery with good quality. 2 Accept OEM and customized design. 3 Urgent order can overtime production. 6 A sample fee will be charged, which will be refunded in full after the first order is generated. 8 Have CE, SAA, BSCI, ROHS, UL, BSCI and BIS certification and test report to make you business safe. 9 Different shipping way to meet your request (by express, by air or by boat. 10 R$D department will update 3-5pcs new design every month. 11 Designer will provide drawing. 12 When you come to company we will arrange driver to pick up, if need, we can book hotel for you. 13 Bulk order, we will use your own customized carton.



Basic Info.

Model NO.


Age Group


Blended Blanket

Home, Travel, Airplane, Office

Transport Package


HS Code

Packaging & Delivery

Package Size
60.00cm * 40.00cm * 20.00cm

Package Gross Weight

Product Description


Product Description

Custom Note

1.All products online are customized

2.All designs just for ref,to have a idea for your private own designs with own logo.

Product Type

  Flannel blanket

Fabric Feature

QUICK DRY, Anti-pilling, Breathable


Can custom Reflective print / Screen Print / Embroidered


Summer / Autumn 


Can custom accoridng to your size chart


5-7 workdays after sampe fee payment and details confirmed

Label & Logo

As shown or customized

Custom Design

Custom designs or alternationon original is acceptable


Company Profile

Our Advantages


 Q&A :

1. Q: What is your main products?
    A:Our main products are all kinds of knitting products,like sweater,knitwear, cardigan,pullover,dress and fashion clothes for men,women and kids. Also included knitted accessories, as knitted blankets, gloves, scarves, hats…and pet knitted clothes.
2. Q: Can you do the design for us and make private label for the products I want?

    A: Yes, of course! Your own designs/sketches/pictures are welcomed. OEM & ODM are both fine.We can do private label for you and customized packing.

3. Q: What is your MOQ?

   A:Our MOQ is 1000 pcs/color.

4. Q: How about the samples ?

    A: we can offer samples and the samples will be sent by freight collect.
5. Q: What is your time of making samples and the bulk production?

    A: 3-7 days to finish the sample based on the available yarns. For bulk production,if in stock, we can send you with in 3days ,OEM products,30-45 days after well receive the deposit and confirmation of PP sample.
6. Q: What is your payment terms?
    A: 1) T/T                                                                      
        2) L/C at sight                                                                
        3) 30% deposit in advance and balance should be paid before shipment based on your authorized  forwarder.
        4) 30% deposit in advance and balance against B/L based on our authorized forwarder.

7.Q: How to contact with you?     
        Add: Xinbei international plaza,66 Longchuanwu road,Yuhang Hangzhou Zhejiang Province China




Basic Info.

Model NO.

95% Dacron 5% Spandex

Age Group


Cooling Blanket

Knitting Method
Machine Weaved

Plain Color

Home, Travel, Airplane, Hospital, Hotel

1000 PCS


Special Feature


Transport Package
Accept Customized Package


Accept customized Label

Anhui, China

HS Code

Production Capacity

Packaging & Delivery

Package Size
55.00cm * 45.00cm * 10.00cm

Package Gross Weight

Product Description



Brand  ZHXY Product Name  Cooling Blanket Origin  Tongcheng, China Features  Eco-friendly, Warm, Popular, Comfortable Fabric   95% Dacron 5% Spandex Color  Solid Package  Based on your request Lable  Based on your request Sample  Available Sample Day  5-7 Days Sample Fee  Will return after place a bulk order

Cooling Blanket



Company File

 Anhui Zhonghongxinyuan Home Textile Co.,Ltd is a newly born down bedding products enterprise. The administration authorities of the company are came from Honren Group that enable our team have rich experience in developing and innovating new products for the different market.

Our main products include 5 differents parts:

(1) Duvet (quilt) with different fillings, such as goose / duck down & feather duvet, polyester duvet, microfiber duvet, wool duvet, bamboo fiber duvet ….

(2) Pillow (cushion) with different filling, such as goose/ duck down & feather pillow, polyester pillow, microfiber pillow, foam pillow, memory pillow …

(3) Mattress Pad & Protector with different filling, such as goose/ duck down & feather mattress pad & protector, polyester mattress pad & protector …

(4) Bed Sheets & Covers, flat sheet, fitted sheet, duvet cover, pillow cover …

(5) Hotel Bedding Products, we supply duvet, pillow, sheets, covers, bed runners and towels to hotels. Now our products are selling well to all over the world, we have exported homtextiles products to European, North & South Americian, Asian, Austrial and Africian market. We know much about these markets.

Our company offers variety of products which can meet your multifarious demands. We adhere to the management principles of”quality first, customer first and credit-based” since the establishment of the company and always do our best to satisfy potential needs of our customers. Our company is sincerely willing to cooperate with enterprises from all over the world in order to realize a win-win situation since the trend of economic globalization has developed with an irresistible force.



1.Q:Are you factory?

   A:Yes. We are based in Anhui, China, start from 2014, sell to Domestic Market(50.00%), South America(11.00%), South Asia(5.00%)Eastern Asia(5.00%), North America(5.00%), South Europe(5.00%), Oceania(5.00%), Western Europe(4.00%), Eastern Europe(3.00%), Mid East(2.00%), Central America(2.00%), Northern Europe(2.00%), Southeast Asia(1.00%). There are total about 51-100 people in our factory.

2.Q:how can we guarantee quality?
   A:Always a pre-production sample before mass production;Always final Inspection before shipment.

3.Q:what can you buy from us?
   A:Comforter/Pillow/Mattress Protector.

4.Q:What information should I let you know if I want to get a quotation?

   A:(1)Size of products. (2)Material/Quantities. (3)Package.(Additional charges will be charged if additional packing is required.) (4)Please send us some pictures if possible so that we can do best as your request.

5.Q:why should you buy from us not from other suppliers?
   A:Our group have more than 10 years experience on home textiles area. We know much about the European, America, Asian market. We can provide very best price in good quality, and we also can guarantee the delivery date.

6.Q:what services can we provide?
   A:Accepted Delivery Terms: FOB,CFR,CIF,EXW,DDP;
      Accepted Payment Currency:USD,EUR,JPY,CAD,AUD,HKD,GBP,CNY,CHF;
      Accepted Payment Type: L/C,Western Union,Cash;
      Language Spoken:English,Chinese.














Poetry Tips By The Famous Authors Themselves

November 29, 2024 | News | No Comments

The art of penning down poetry is not that hard if you know the right way to set the stage. Here is how history’s most influential poets did it.


There Is Always Room For Tea

Like the mad hatter from Alice in Wonderland, Samuel Johnson, admitted that he was a “shameless tea drinker”, but so are so many of us caffeine addicts as well. But that did not stop Mr. Johnson, as he also went on to say that he infused his meals with tea plant as well. Tea solaces in the middle of the night and tea greeting in the morning was the norm for him. He is rumored to drink 25 cups in total every day.


Amy Lowell Loved Cigars

The Pulitzer Prize winner chain smoked and said she preferred cigars over cigarettes for the prime reason that they lasted much longer and allowed her to focus on what she was writing.


The Hoosier Poet

James Whitcomb Riley only wrote his poems in a hotel room. What he would do is rent one and then strip down before he began to write. To him, there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for it; the nakedness kept Riley from straying to the bar.


Edmond Rostand Went A Step Ahead Than Whitcomb Riley

Edmond Rostand struggled to get rid of distractions so much that he would strip and then isolate himself in the bath tub before he began to work on his poetry. Distractions clearly frustrated him.


Get a Cat

… No, not to fill that gaping hole in your poetic heart. Edgar Ellen Poe wrote some of his finest pieces like Annabel Lee and Ulalume with his cat. He had named her Catarina and she used to sit around his shoulders. The feline was also believed to be the sole inspiration for the story, The Black Cat from 1843, though Catarina was not black at all.



William Wordsworth believed that walking worked for him. He loved to just set out on foot at any hour of the day to clear his head. He also went on a walking tour of France in 1790.


Your Car Is a Work place

Gertrude Stein used to hop into his car, keep it parked, and penned down dozens of scraps of paper in the metallic confines of it.


So what are you waiting for, opt for one of the above ways to motivate yourself and pen down your musings and send it in for spelling and grammar check one final time so that you have a flawless draft.

Keyword: chinese novel


Shiro 02 Cooling Mint

November 29, 2024 | News | No Comments


Shiro 02 Cooling Mint – This pouch has a fresh taste and aroma of mint with cooling notes of menthol. Shiro offers white nicotine pouches without tobacco. This product is made of plant fiber with added nicotine extract. Slim pouches are discreet with balanced moisture, optimized for comfortable feeling under the lip.


Net: 12,6 g (net) 

Flavour: Mint, Menthol

Nicotine: 14 mg/g

Pouch size: Slim

Number of pouches: 21

Texture: Moist

Available in: Single cans, Rolls (10 cans)

Manufacturer: Philip Morris AB
