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Industrial pond liners play a major role in various sectors, including agriculture, aquaculture, mining, and water treatment. While they might seem like a simple solution to a straightforward problem, there’s much more to these liners than meets the eye. Here are five things you probably didn’t know about industrial pond liners.

Not All Liners Are the Same

Industrial pond liners come in various types, each suitable for specific applications. Reinforced polyethylene liners are known for their durability and flexibility. On the other hand, reinforced polypropylene liners offer excellent chemical resistance and are ideal for applications involving harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures.

Liners Support Environmental Protection

Industrial pond liners do more than just contain water; they play a vital role in protecting the environment. These liners prevent contaminants from seeping into groundwater, safeguarding both ecosystems and public health.

Mining, agriculture, and wastewater treatment industries rely on these liners to manage waste and prevent pollution. For example, pond liners contain hazardous materials in mining operations, stopping toxic runoff from reaching natural water sources.

Liners help control irrigation and contain agricultural runoff, thus preventing harmful chemicals from entering the soil and waterways. Similarly, pond liners ensure that treated and untreated effluents do not contaminate local water supplies in wastewater treatment plants.

Installation Requires Precision

Installing an industrial pond liner is not a one-size-fits-all process. It demands precise measurements, proper ground preparation, and expert installation techniques. Even a small wrinkle or tear can compromise the liner’s integrity, leading to leaks and costly repairs. Professionals often use advanced tools and techniques, such as thermal welding, to ensure a seamless installation.

Longevity Is a Key Feature

Longevity is another thing you didn’t know about industrial pond liners. High-quality liners can last several decades, even under harsh conditions. This longevity makes them a cost-effective solution for long-term projects. However, a liner’s lifespan varies depending on factors such as material quality, installation, and maintenance practices.

They’re More Versatile Than You Think

Pond liners make their way into other applications beyond industrial applications. These liners offer versatile solutions for a range of projects, from decorative garden ponds to landfill caps and aquaculture systems. Their adaptability makes them a go-to choice for both industrial and non-industrial applications.

Buy Pond Liners From Western Environmental Liner

Ready to enhance your industrial operations with high-quality pond liners? Look no further than Western Environmental Liner. We design advanced, customizable liners to meet your industry’s specific needs, ensuring durability and reliability. Contact us today to learn more and start your next project.

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KONG Naturals Straw Ball Cat Toy

November 28, 2024 | News | No Comments

Stir your cat’s natural instincts with the KONG Naturals Straw Ball Cat Toy.

  • Woven straw cat ball toy
  • Captivating, sound, texture and aroma
  • Vet approved
  • Earth friendly
  • Filled with KONG Premium North American Catnip
  • All natural materials
  • Suitable for all life stages

Why We Love It:

Your playful kitten will love the KONG Naturals Straw Ball Cat Toy! Kong prides itself on producing natural products for natural instincts. KONG Naturals toys are ecologically responsible, using only materials and dyes from natural, renewable resources. These engaging cat toys are designed to stimulate your cat’s natural hunting and stalking instincts. Plus, all KONG Naturals toys contain KONG Premium North American Catnip, encouraging even more exercise and fun!



Harnessing energy from the various resources available is no easy task. It requires much deliberation before taking any action and proper execution of the plan for the process to be feasible and efficient. This is no different when it comes to coal mining techniques as well. 

Before breaking ground in search of coal seams, there are many points to be taken into consideration. Some of these factors determine whether coal mining will be a practical option at the site and some of these factors determine how much coal can be mined from a site. 

In addition, the environmental effects due to the mining activities are given more importance in light of events such as climate change. 

Factors That Determine Coal Mining Methods

  1. Depth of coal reserves 

Based on the depth at which the coal reserve rests, mining companies engage in either surface or underground coal mining. If the coal seams are found at depths lower than 200ft, surface mining is done. 

Here, the vegetation is cleared off, the topsoil is removed, and if any hard layers of rocks are present, they are drilled into using equipment such as TEX 09 PS Pick Hammer and Atlas Copco TEX 09 PS Pick Hammer

On the other hand, underground coal mining involves finding the coal seams located deeper than 200ft in the ground. With heavy machinery like the BBD 12T Sinker Drill, the ground is broken before the tunnels are dug deeper into the earth. 

Since the types of equipment involved in the process changes with the depth of coal reserves, this factor influences the choice of coal mining methods greatly.  

  1. Technical aspect

Apart from the equipment required to break ground while mining, different terrains call for additional accessories to aid in mining. For instance, if the mining site has uncharacteristically tough surfaces, then using accessories such as Atlas Copco BLG 30 Lubricator to protect the pneumatic drills is advised. 

In a similar manner, the on-site workers need to be well-supplied with various equipment to ensure the smooth sailing of the mining project. 

  1. Context and Social Factors

Certain mining sites may be mapped out in a region that houses an endangered species of animals or the site may be located in a place prone to earthquakes. In scenarios such as these, experts have to consider the consequences of mining coal from sensitive locations.

For example, if the concern about noise levels due to mining activity that delays the project, equipment with silencers and shock absorbers like the BBD 12D Atlas Copco Rock Drill can be utilized. In regions that are prone to seismic activities, a different, more strategic method of mining will be adopted, to prevent the loss of miners’ lives.

  1. Economic feasibility

After much deliberation, if mining in a region is too expensive to carry out due to transportation costs, technical assistance, or legal formalities, businesses may even choose to not carry on with the mining project.

Summing It Up 

Coal mining is an activity that affects more than just one aspect of human life. Thus, beginning coal mining projects and choosing how to proceed with them needs to be given due thought. There are more factors that influence the choice of coal mining techniques than mentioned above but these factors are the factors that often sway the decision.


如何选择Python REST API 框架?

November 28, 2024 | News | No Comments



  • 遵守REST和HTTP等易于访问、广泛理解和开发人员友好的标准。
  • API不仅仅是几行代码;这些是为移动开发人员等特定受众创建的。
  • 这些有清晰的文档和版本,以满足用户的期望。
  • 更好的治理和安全性,以及监控以管理性能和可扩展性。



Python REST API简介

作为最流行的编程语言之一,Python生态系统提供了各种框架来帮助您构建web API。您可能需要构建一个API来为移动应用程序、前端网站或机器学习项目提供数据。您的项目可能只需要框架提供的路由功能,也可能需要管理界面和模板系统。您选择的框架取决于您的具体用例。为了帮助您选择Python框架,本指南概述了一些用于构建API的知名Python框架,并讨论了它们的差异和优势。

Django REST

Django是一个功能齐全的web开发框架,包括用于用户管理、安全和数据库连接的开箱即用解决方案。要构建web API,您可以使用Django REST框架,该框架构建在标准Django之上。如果您曾经使用RubyonRails、Spring with Kotlin或Java编写过API,那么Django会感觉很熟悉。



如果你正在寻找一个轻量级的工具来构建REST API,那么 Django 可能不是最合适的选择。在本指南中讨论的四个框架中,Django 相对最为庞大。使用 Django 需要预先掌握较多框架的专业知识和技能。然而,相比于其他框架,Django 内置了最丰富的功能。例如,它有自己的模板引擎,您可以使用它来构建用户界面。它附带了一个对象关系映射器(ORM),它可以根据模型模式的更改自动处理数据库迁移。默认情况下,它提供了一个管理界面,其中有一个用户界面,可以用来向数据库中添加对象。开箱即用,Django还提供了一个UI来试用您的端点:

Django REST Quickstart

要开始使用Django REST框架,请使用pip安装Django和Django RESTframework,pip是Python的包安装程序:

pip install django
pip install djangorestframework


mkdir my-api
cd my-api


django-admin startproject my-api
django-admin startapp api



Django项目包含一个名为 api 的应用程序。如有必要,您的项目可以包含用于不同资源或服务的多个独立应用程序。请参阅Django官方文档,了解要更新哪些文件以添加新的路由、视图和模型。一旦启动了本地Django项目,就可以开始构建RESTneneneba API。


Flask是一个流行的Python API微框架,具有最小的依赖性。它拥有只需一个文件和几行代码就能运行应用程序的能力。例如,一个只有一个“Hello,world!”端点的应用程序可以用以下五行代码编写:

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
return 'Hello, World!' 






from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def hello_world():
return {'Hello' : 'world!'}



class Bird(BaseModel):
name: str
bird_type: str

def list_birds():
return app.db.all()






From bottle import run, route

def index():
return ('<h1>Hello, world!</h1>')




  • Django作为一个可以解决各种业务应用程序问题的框架,其任期和业绩记录使其成为由大型开发团队维护的复杂、长寿命应用程序的好选择。
  • Flask的简单性和丰富的文档使其成为轻量级API的绝佳选择。特别是关注逻辑而不是API本身的多功能性的API。
  • FastAPI以其内置的异步性和API文档端点而脱颖而出。它的维护人员编写的文档在很大程度上弥补了它年轻时缺乏有机文档的不足。它的用例严格来说是API,而且它在这一点上做得非常好。
  • Bottle纯粹的极简主义使其成为向学生介绍API的优秀教学框架。它需要更多的文档和更多的通用性来找到更广泛的用例基础。



  • Python中使用FastAPI的CRUD READ操作:视图、列表



Keyword: ip欺诈检测


Fungicidal mechanisms of the antimicrobial peptide Bac8c.

Lee W, Lee DG., Biochim Biophys Acta., 2015, 1848, 673-9.

Bac8c (RIWVIWRR-NH2) is an analogue peptide derived through complete substitution analysis of the linear bovine host defense peptide variant Bac2A. In the present study, the antifungal mechanism of Bac8c against pathogenic fungi was investigated, with a particular focus on the effects of Bac8c on the cytoplasmic membrane. We used bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid) trimethine oxonol [DiBAC4(3)] staining and 3,3′-dipropylthiacarbocyanine iodide [DiSC3(5)] assays to show that Bac8c induced disturbances in the membrane potential of Candida albicans. An increase in membrane permeability and suppression of cell wall regeneration were also observed in Bac8c-treated C. albicans. We studied the effects of Bac8c treatment on model membranes to elucidate its antifungal mechanism. Using calcein and FITC-labeled dextran leakage assays from Bac8c-treated large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) and giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), we found that Bac8c has a pore-forming action on fungal membranes, with an estimated pore radius of between 2.3 and 3.3nm. A membrane-targeted mechanism of action was also supported by the observation of potassium release from the cytosol of Bac8c-treated C. albicans. These results indicate that Bac8c is considered as a potential candidate to develop a novel antimicrobial agent because of its low-cost production characteristics and high antimicrobial activity via its ability to induce membrane perturbations in fungi.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




November 28, 2024 | News | No Comments

在数字化时代,IP 地址的归属地查询对于网络分析和用户定位等场景至关重要。无论是在进行市场调研、用户行为分析,还是在网络安全和内容推荐方面,了解用户的地理位置都能够提供有价值的洞察。通过 IP 地址,我们可以获得用户的大致位置,帮助企业和开发者优化其服务。

本文将会以“IP 归属地查询”API 服务为例,指导读者如何从零开始集成这一 API。我们将详细介绍其功能、使用方法以及在实际项目中的应用场景,帮助你更好地理解和利用 IP 归属地查询 API。无论你是开发者还是对数据分析感兴趣的读者,希望这篇文章能为你提供实用的指导和启发。

什么是 IP 归属地查询 API?

IP 归属地查询 API 是一种提供 IP 地址地理位置信息的网络接口。这种 API 通过输入一个 IP 地址,返回与该地址相关联的地理信息,如城市、国家、区域等。这项技术的核心在于将 IP 地址与数据库中的位置信息进行匹配,从而实现快速、准确的查询。


IP 地址(Internet Protocol Address)是网络中每一个设备的唯一标识符。通过 IP 地址,网络可以识别和定位设备。IP 归属地查询 API 利用大型数据库,将 IP 地址映射到实际的地理位置。这些数据库通常包含来自 ISP(互联网服务提供商)、网络运营商以及公共数据源的信息。


该 API 的主要功能包括:

  • 实时查询:用户可以随时发送请求,获取特定 IP 地址的位置信息。
  • 多种信息返回:除了地理位置外,API 还可以返回与该 IP 地址相关的其他信息,如 ISP 名称、邮政编码等。
  • 批量处理:一些 API 支持批量查询,允许用户一次性查询多个 IP 地址,提升效率。


IP 归属地查询 API 在多个领域都具有重要的应用价值:

  1. 市场定位:企业可以根据用户的地理位置制定更精准的市场策略和广告投放计划,提高转化率。
  2. 用户行为分析:通过分析不同地区用户的行为模式,企业能够优化产品和服务,提高用户满意度。
  3. 安全防护:在网络安全领域,通过识别 IP 地址的地理位置,企业可以更好地监控和防范潜在的安全威胁。

总之,IP 归属地查询 API 是现代数据分析和市场研究中不可或缺的工具,帮助用户更好地理解和利用地理位置信息。

通过 IP 地址查询归属地的原理

IP 地址归属地查询的原理主要基于对 IP 地址与地理位置信息的匹配。通过将 IP 地址与存储在数据库中的地理信息进行比对,API 能够迅速返回与该 IP 地址相关的位置信息。以下是这一过程的详细解析。

IP 地址与地理位置的匹配

  1. IP 地址分配:每个 IP 地址都是由互联网注册机构(如 ICANN)分配的,通常与特定的地理区域或网络服务提供商(ISP)相关联。这意味着,每个 IP 地址可以反映出一个大致的地理位置。
  2. 数据库查询:当用户输入一个 IP 地址进行查询时,API 会在其地理位置信息数据库中查找相应的记录。数据库通常会包含大量的 IP 地址及其对应的地理位置数据。
  3. 返回结果:一旦找到匹配的记录,API 将返回包含该 IP 地址的地理位置信息(如国家、城市、ISP 等)的数据包。

常用的 IP 数据库类型

  • GeoIP 数据库:这是最常用的 IP 归属地数据库,提供全球范围内的 IP 地址和地理位置信息。GeoIP 数据库的更新频率通常较高,以确保数据的准确性和时效性。
  • MaxMind 数据库:MaxMind 提供了多种版本的 GeoIP 数据库,既有免费的开源版本,也有收费的专业版本,适合不同需求的用户。
  • IP2Location 数据库:这个数据库提供详细的 IP 地理位置数据,并包括各种附加信息,如 ISP 和域名,帮助用户更全面地分析 IP 地址。


  • 数据更新频率:大多数 IP 地理位置数据库会定期更新,以反映新的 IP 地址分配和位置变更。这种更新可能是每周、每月或每季度进行,具体取决于数据库提供商的策略。
  • 数据来源:数据主要来源于 ISP、网络运营商和公共数据源。这些来源提供的信息经过整理和验证,以确保其准确性。部分服务提供商还会利用用户反馈和数据挖掘技术来改进数据库的质量。

通过了解 IP 地址归属地查询的原理,读者可以更深入地掌握 API 的工作机制,并在实际应用中更好地利用这项技术。

如何找到合适的 IP 归属地查询 API?

在寻找合适的 IP 归属地查询 API 时,选择一个适合自己需求的平台至关重要。这里,我们将介绍一个非常有用的平台——幂简集成(Explinks),帮助你快速找到合适的 API。


幂简集成是一个全面的 API 聚合平台,致力于为开发者提供各种 API 服务。通过这个平台,用户可以快速查找和比较不同的 API,从而找到最适合自己项目的服务。

查找 API 的步骤

  1. 访问官网:首先,访问 幂简集成的官方网站。首页界面简洁明了,方便用户进行搜索。
  2. 搜索功能:在网站的首页,你可以直接在搜索框中输入“IP 归属地查询”或相关关键词,快速找到相关的 API 服务。
  3. 筛选功能:在搜索结果页面,你可以通过筛选选项选择不同的 API 服务商、API 类型,或查看 API 学院的相关知识文章。这种分类方式使得用户可以更容易找到所需的信息。
  4. API Hub:幂简集成的 API Hub 为用户提供了一个汇聚各种 API 的地方,包括免费的和付费的 API。用户可以根据自己的需求筛选国内外的服务,确保找到最适合的选项。
  5. 开放平台列表:通过查看开放平台的列表,用户可以找到丰富的 API 提供商,涵盖各种需求和应用场景。信息展示清晰,有助于用户做出明智的选择。


不同的 IP 归属地查询 API 各有特点,适用场景也不尽相同:

  • 个人项目:如果你只是需要在个人项目中使用,可以选择免费的 API,获取基础的 IP 位置信息。
  • 企业应用:对于需要大量数据和高准确率的企业应用,推荐选择付费 API,通常提供更稳定和准确的服务。
  • 数据分析:一些 API 提供商可能还提供附加的数据分析功能,适合从事市场研究或数据分析的用户。

通过幂简集成平台,用户不仅可以轻松找到合适的 IP 归属地查询 API,还能根据自己的需求进行详细比较和选择,确保找到最适合的解决方案。

调用 IP 归属地查询 API 的步骤

在这一部分,我们将详细介绍如何调用 IP 归属地查询 API,帮助你快速上手,了解如何发送请求并处理返回的数据。

1. API 调用地址

要调用 IP 归属地查询 API,你需要使用以下服务的调用地址:


2. 请求方法

一般来说,调用 API 通常使用 HTTP 请求。对于这个 API,建议使用 GET 方法进行数据请求。GET 请求适用于从服务器获取数据。

3. 请求参数

在调用 API 时,可能需要传递一些必要的参数。以下是常见的参数设置:

  • ip: 需要查询的 IP 地址,例如:
  • format: 可选参数,定义返回数据的格式,通常选择jsonxml

示例请求 URL

4. 返回数据格式

调用成功后,API 将返回一个数据包,通常是 JSON 格式。返回的数据包含 IP 地址的归属地信息,如下所示:

  "ip": "",
  "country": "中国",
  "region": "广东",
  "city": "广州",
  "isp": "某某网络公司"

5. 数据解析

在接收到返回的数据后,你需要对数据进行解析,以便在程序中使用。以 Python 为例,可以使用json库轻松处理:

import requests
import json

# 发送请求
response = requests.get('')

# 解析返回的JSON数据
data = json.loads(response.text)

# 输出归属地信息
print(f"IP: {data['ip']}, Country: {data['country']}, City: {data['city']}")

通过以上步骤,你可以轻松调用 IP 归属地查询 API,获取指定 IP 地址的归属地信息。只需构建请求,发送至 API,并解析返回的数据,就能为你的应用增加地理位置查询的功能。


在这一部分,我们将提供一段示例代码,展示如何使用 Python 调用 IP 归属地查询 API,并解析返回的数据。这个代码示例将帮助读者理解 API 调用的实际操作过程。


import requests
import json

def get_ip_location(ip_address):
    # 定义API调用地址
    api_url = f"{ip_address}&format=json"

        # 发送GET请求
        response = requests.get(api_url)
        response.raise_for_status()  # 检查请求是否成功

        # 解析返回的JSON数据
        data = response.json()

        # 输出归属地信息
        print(f"IP: {data['ip']}")
        print(f"Country: {data['country']}")
        print(f"Region: {data['region']}")
        print(f"City: {data['city']}")
        print(f"ISP: {data['isp']}")

    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        print(f"Error occurred: {e}")

# 示例调用


  1. 导入库: 代码中使用了requests库用于发送 HTTP 请求,json库用于处理 JSON 数据。
  2. 函数定义: 定义了get_ip_location函数,接受一个 IP 地址作为参数。
  3. 构建 API URL: 使用格式化字符串构建 API 调用地址。
  4. 发送请求: 使用requests.get()发送 GET 请求,并检查请求是否成功。
  5. 解析数据: 如果请求成功,将返回的数据解析为 JSON 格式,并提取需要的信息。
  6. 输出结果: 打印 IP 地址及其对应的国家、区域、城市和 ISP。
  7. 错误处理: 通过异常处理捕获可能出现的请求错误,确保代码的健壮性。

通过这段示例代码,读者可以直观地理解如何调用 IP 归属地查询 API 并获取信息。此代码展示了从发送请求到解析数据的整个流程,为后续的项目实施打下基础。


在本篇文章中,我们详细介绍了 IP 归属地查询 API 的概念、原理及其调用步骤。强调了这一 API 在数据获取和分析中的重要性,帮助开发者实现用户定位和市场研究的功能。希望读者能通过本文的指导,尝试使用该 API 进行自己的项目或研究,拓展应用场景。


Enantioselective Synthesis of 2-Substitued-Tetrahydroisoquinolin-1-yl Glycine Derivatives via Oxidative Cross-Dehydrogenative Coupling of Tertiary Amines and Chiral Nickel(II) Glycinate
Shengbin Zhou , Jiang Wang , Daizong Lin , Fei Zhao , and Hong Liu
J. Org. Chem., Just Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1021/jo401510b
Publication Date (Web): October 11, 2013
Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society

The asymmetric synthesis of 2-substituted-tetrahydroisoquinolin-1-yl glycine was achieved by an oxidative cross-dehydrogenative coupling (CDC) reaction. This method for activation of the alpha-C-H bonds of amines with chiral nickel(II) glycinate using o-chloranil as the sole oxidant afforded highly diastereoselective coupling adducts. The decomposition of coupling adducts readily afforded 2-substituted-tetrahydroisoquinolin-1-yl glycine derivatives.


What is Farmer to Florist – Farm Direct Marketing?

Direct from growers is a tailor-made service of buying, intended to offer exclusive quality and strengthen the marketing of agricultural products. This Service connects customers directly with the growers.

Farm direct marketing is a long felt need of the farmers and consumers of the country as it goes a long way in ensuring higher remuneration to the farmers and meeting the satisfaction level of the consumers through direct sale of the agricultural commodity by the farmers to the consumer at affordable prices. Direct marketing of agricultural produce helps in complete elimination of middle men and commission agents who charge high level of commission fee from the agriculturists/farmers coming to the market yards for selling their produce and then artificially inflate the retail prices.

How does it work?

The option Direct from Growers is available daily on our website. We work closely with our growers and through this, we have drawn an agreement to ensure that the flowers ordered are cut on the same day. In other words, they do not get fresher than this!

The main benefits:

1. Guaranteed price for the next day
2. Guaranteed consistency of quality. Flowers are 1 day fresher than when bought through the clock.
3. You order directly from the grower. Your guarantee of consistent quality and freshness.
4. You can place your order in the afternoon for departure the following day.
5. You know what and from whom you buy your flowers.
6. You will receive exactly the flowers you bought. The grower guarantees excellent quality and claims are accepted within 48 hours of delivery with photographic evidence.

Logistical advantages:

1. Prices are fixed, i.e. no more surprises at the clock.
2. Specific customer requirements can be met.
3. Fixed longer-term prices are also possible (in consultation with the grower).

Direct from growers

Consider using this concept when ordering for your wholesale flowers and enjoy all the merits it comes with. Log in to your account today at eagle-link flowers and order flowers to receive them directly from the farm.


Cut Off Shorts With Graphic Tee After 35

November 28, 2024 | News | No Comments

Many women may laugh at this title because it goes without saying that women sport the cut off shorts with graphic tee combo after 35 years of age, but so many of my clients fight me on it. Their worries range from fear of age-appropriate judgment to body issues. For them, I have created this post.

You’ve Got It, Flaunt It

I have many clients with dynamite bodies who want to avoid the judgment of wearing cut off shorts in their 40s, or who are scared to be caught wearing the same cut off shorts their daughter is wearing. To this, all I have to say is let’s move on from that. You can wear whatever you want. Your thighs are gorgeous, and it’s warm out. Cut off shorts are completely okay. There is no fashion police, and many women are already doing it. It’s safe — I promise.

But Skip The Skimp

My only rule of thumb for women wearing cut off shorts, at any age, is to skip anything that actually shows the curvature of your bum, and skip the overly distressed shorts that show skin between the threads. These are not chic looks.

Tip: Do you like the distressed look, but don’t like your skin showing through? Have your tailor back up the distressed parts to cover any peeking skin. This also protects your distressed jeans from becoming overly distressed, and you from accidentally sticking your toes through the holes when putting the shorts on.

Cut Off Shorts For The Body Conscious

Many of my clients are insecure about their varicose veins, skin color, inner thigh shape, or simply putting their bare butt on a chair, an inevitable issue when wearing short shorts. For them, I recommend cut off shorts with a three or four-inch inseam, like the shorts pictured on me. You get the casual cool edge of cut offs, without the connotation of short-shorts or sloppiness. I recently put cut off shorts on a woman who is almost 60 and she looked fantastic. It’s all about the right shorts for you, and pairing them in a way that works with your personal style. If the graphic tee is too casual or too “youthful” for you, try a white casual button front shirt.

The Right Graphic Tee

As for the graphic tee, you want something fresh and casually sophisticated. Skip the brands, the vulgarity, the air-head phrases, and negativity (“But first, coffee”), and go for a classic graphic. Perhaps it’s a city you love, a simple drawing, a timeless charm, or a language you speak (or would like to speak – I’m looking at you French!). J.Crew always has a few cute graphic tees, as does Sub_Urban Riot.

Tip: You can always search your favorite retailer with the term “Graphic Tee” and filter to the right category to see what strikes you.


The Graphic Tees To Avoid

Avoid graphics that consume the whole shirt, or feel like something that a college boy or girl in the Greek system would wear. Generally, I like to avoid large letters or large images. Keep the graphic small-ish. You don’t want bold lettering that makes its way to your belly button.

Tip: If a graphic across your bust just isn’t you, try a cheeky micro print graphic.

Photos by Dayley Photography

My blog posts are my honest and personal opinion. Sometimes my content includes products sent from brands or PR firms. In this case, I was sent samples from FitFlop and Kindom. If I am sent something that is unimpressive or boring I don’t write about it.

Keyword: speed culture


Digital Dual Zone Air Fryer 10L in Black

November 28, 2024 | News | No Comments

Our state-of-the-art multifunctional air fryer uses advanced turbo air technology, mimicking what oil does to food when frying. Add your ingredients into its family size, 10-litre total capacity, and wait as the air fryer circulates, superheated air up to 200 degrees Celsius for a maximum of 60 minutes.
Enjoy eight convenient pre-set touch-control cooking programs, including chips, bake, steak, chicken drumsticks, chicken wings, prawn, sausage, and quiche. The two non-stick detachable drawers and basket inserts feature two independent fans, heating elements, and programable synchronized cooking.
With a left pot’s 6-liter capacity and a right pot’s 4-liter capacity, cooking a chicken in the left pot and chips in the right bank is now the easier, quicker, and smarter solution to home meals cooked right to perfection.
This 10L Digital Dual Zone Air Fryer is easy to control set the timer and temperature for each pot and walk away. Eliminating the extra cooking oil allows the family to enjoy healthy meals. Let the air fryer be your chef for the evening, and enjoy the healthy, tasty results.
Just so you know, this product cannot be delivered to the following postcodes: 4700-4999, 0800-0899 u0026amp; 6200-6999.

Keyword: large air fryer
