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November 24, 2024 | News | No Comments








全球有近 200 个国家/地区,因此,如果要在每个银行假期都待命,那将是一项艰巨的任务。但直到现在,情况依然如此。借助 PredictHQ,全球公共假期和数百万个其他预定和非预定事件被整理并汇总到一个方便的 API 中,这样您就可以花更多时间构建产品。使用我们的API返回可能影响您业务数



  • 快餐:
    • 为附近参加音乐会或体育赛事的顾客提供限时折扣或特别菜单。
  • 住宿:
    • 在收益管理策略中使用需求情报来充分利用您的入住率并确保更高的收入。
  • 运输:
    • 为前往音乐会或体育赛事的游客提供折扣票价,或推荐与特定活动相关的体验。
  • 零售:
    • 创建基于活动的促销和优惠,例如为当地运动队主场比赛的比赛日商品提供折扣。

AI 模型并非在真空中运行。通过更深入地了解周围世界,您的 AI 模型可以做出更明智的决策。各行各业的公司都在使用这些数据来提高模型准确性和收入。

假期 API-anyapi


AnyAPI 的假日 API 允许您检索各个国家、州和地区的公共、非公共和宗教假日列表。您可以使用公共假日 API 获取有关特定位置的假日的信息,或检查特定日期是否为假日。


  • 检查节假日的端点:
    • 公共节假日 API 提供了一个端点,允许您检查特定日期是否为节假日。发送包含所需国家和日期的请求,即可获取有关该日期的节假日(如果有)信息。
  • 检索假日列表的端点:
    • 假日 API 提供了一个端点,可检索特定国家/地区的假日列表。通过指定国家/地区,您将获取包含各种假日详细信息的响应,包括日期、开始和结束时间、名称、类型(公共、纪念等)和规则(如适用)。
  • 国家、州和地区支持:
    • 假日 API 支持 200 多个国家、州和地区,确保您获取全球各地区的假日信息。在 API 请求中指定所需的国家或地区,即可获取相应的假日数据。
  • 本地化:
    • API 支持多种语言,让您以不同语言获取节日信息。通过指定所需的语言,您将以该语言接收节日名称和其他详细信息。
  • 日期时间解析和验证:
    • 免费假日 API 包含解析和验证日期时间值的功能,确保正确解释 API 请求中的日期和时间,并符合预期格式。



行业领先的假日 API。超过 5,000 个假期和数千个描述。受到世界领先公司的信赖。利用世界上最值得信赖、最完整、最准确的假期数据集。它受到一些最大公司的信赖,包括 CNN、《纽约时报》、《赫芬顿邮报》、Vice、《今日美国》、WikiHow、《每日邮报》、Gizmodo、Esquire、Upworthy 和 Lifehack。


  • 提供假日数据:API 提供超过5,000个假期的数据,包括详尽的描述。
  • 准确性保障:API的专有软件确保假期日期根据预定义模式计算,减少人为错误。
  • 研究和验证:每个添加到数据库中的假期都由训练有素的研究人员单独研究,确保真实性和准确性。
  • 错误纠正机制:如果发现错误,API会迅速采取行动进行验证并纠正。
  • 数据的广泛使用:数据已被数千万用户使用,并通过客户传播到更多的人,提供广泛应用和价值。

公共假期 Api-Nager.Date


“Nager.Date公共假期Api” 是一个提供全球100多个国家公共假期信息的API,开发者可以使用它来检查特定日期是否为假期,并将其集成到软件或物联网设备中。


  • 提供全球多个国家的公共假期信息:该API支持100多个国家的公共假期数据,包括长周末。
  • 查询特定年份和国家的公共假期:用户可以通过API接口查询指定年份和国家的公共假期列表。
  • 提供详细的假期信息:每个假期都包含日期、本地名称、英文名称、国家代码、是否固定、是否全球范围、涉及的郡县(如果是非全球性的)、推出年份以及假期类型(如银行业务、学校假期等)。






  • 旅游:节假日API接口可以用于旅游预订、行程安排等方面,帮助用户快速了解节假日的情况以及当地的节庆活动,提供更优质的旅游体验。
  • 商业活动:在节假日API接口的支持下,商家可以更准确地制定促销计划、安排营销活动,吸引消费者增加销量,提高品牌知名度。
  • 教育:对于学校、教育机构等可以充分利用节假日API接口,制定更合理的校历,安排校园文艺活动,提供更有针对性的培训课程。
  • 基础设施查询: 对于国家机关、公共事业等部门来说,可以利用节假日API接口,提供一些关于假期期间各种交通运输、医疗、能源供应情况等的实时数据,帮助公众更全面了解各项服务的情况,方便出行或做出其他决策。
  • 社交: 社交软件、社区论坛等可以通过节假日API接口提供节日祝福、节日话题等服务,丰富社交平台的内容和互动形式,提高用户黏性。


  • 接口支持按年、按月、按日期范围和多个日期批量查询。


  • 提供全国节假日和工作日的数据查询服务,用户可以根据日期和地区查询特定时间段内的节假日和工作日信息。
  • 提供节假日和工作日的详细说明,包括节假日名称、日期、假期天数等信息,方便用户了解节假日安排。
  • 支持节假日数据的定制化查询,用户可以根据自己的需求选择不同的查询参数,如地区、年份等。
  • 提供节假日数据的更新和维护服务,确保数据的准确性和及时性。
  • 支持API接口调用,方便开发者在自己的应用程序中集成节假日数据查询功能。

festivo公共假期 Api


Festivo公共假期 API 是一个提供全球节假日和工作日信息的应用编程接口 (API)。能够提供关于不同国家、地区和文化的节假日数据。




  • 列出假期
    • 提供世界各地的节假日列表,方便管理员和客户轻松浏览和查询。
  • 列出国家
    • 提供当前支持的国家及其 ISO 代码的列表,帮助用户快速查找和选择需要的数据。
  • 替代假期
    • 提供替代假期的列表和信息,方便用户了解不同国家或地区的替代假期安排。
  • 语言
    • 按语言类型收集和展示产品,以便管理员和客户更轻松地浏览和查询。
  • 假期类型
    • 提供不同类型的假期列表(如公共假期、宗教节日、纪念日等),方便用户分类浏览。
  • 可用过滤器
    • 提供多种过滤选项,将同一类别或不同类别的产品分组到集合中,鼓励追加销售。
  • 节假日时区
    • 提供节假日时区信息,帮助用户了解不同地区的时区差异,优化时间管理和运营安排。



Calendarific 是一个企业级的全球节假日和公众假期API,它为全球超过230个国家提供详尽的节假日数据及工作时间信息。该API旨在帮助开发者和企业无缝地将节假日信息整合到他们的应用程序、网站或服务中。通过Calendarific,用户可以获取包括国家法定假日、地方性庆祝活动、宗教节日等在内的丰富节日数据,甚至可以根据特定国家或地区进行数据定制。


  • 全球节假日数据:提供超过230个国家的全面节假日信息,包括国家法定假日、地方性节日、宗教纪念日等。
  • 多国语言与地区支持:支持超过100种语言和3300个地区的数据,可高度定制化查询特定区域的节日信息。API能够满足不同用户的语言和地区需求,确保获取到准确、全面的节日信息。


  • PredictHQ公共假期API: 提供全球公共假期及其他事件信息,帮助企业优化产品构建和决策制定。
  • 假期 API-anyapi: 提供查询节假日信息的端点和假日列表,支持多国家、州和地区,提供多语言支持和日期时间解析功能。
  • 假期数据查询-APILayer: 提供超过5,000个假期数据,确保准确性和研究验证,支持广泛的数据应用和价值。
  • 公共假期 Api-Nager.Date: 提供全球100多个国家公共假期信息查询,包括详细的假期信息和支持多种查询参数。
  • 节假日-天行数据: 提供全国节假日和工作日数据查询服务,支持定制化查询和API接口调用。
  • festivo公共假期 Api: 提供全球节假日和工作日信息查询,支持多种过滤选项和时区信息。
  • calendarific-全球节日和纪念日API: 提供全球230个国家的节假日信息,支持多国语言与地区定制查询,帮助用户获得准确、全面的节日数据。


幂简集成是国内领先的API集成管理平台,专注于为开发者提供全面、高效、易用的API集成解决方案。幂简API平台提供了多种维度发现API的功能:通过关键词搜索API、从API Hub分类浏览API、从开放平台分类浏览企业间接寻找API等。





  • 遵守REST和HTTP等易于访问、广泛理解和开发人员友好的标准。
  • API不仅仅是几行代码;这些是为移动开发人员等特定受众创建的。
  • 这些有清晰的文档和版本,以满足用户的期望。
  • 更好的治理和安全性,以及监控以管理性能和可扩展性。



应用程序接口(API)测试框架是为测试应用程序接口(API)提供结构化方法的工具或库。它们提供一系列功能、方法和实用程序,以实现 API 测试过程的自动化。



  • 自动测试应用程序接口,确保其按预期运行。
  • 验证 API 响应和行为的正确性。
  • 对应用程序接口进行功能、性能和安全测试。
  • 支持持续集成和交付(CI/CD)管道。
  • 生成测试结果和覆盖范围的报告和指标。



Frisby 是一款出色的开源免费 REST API 测试框架。它的灵感来源于 frisby-js,由强大的编程语言 Go 编写。Frisby 为开发人员提供了一套强大的 REST API 测试工具和功能。有了 Frisby,开发人员可以轻松实现 API 测试流程的自动化和简化,确保 API 按预期运行并交付预期结果。

Go 编程语言为 Frisby 增添了额外的效率和性能,使其成为寻求可靠、强大测试框架的开发人员的绝佳选择。


HTTE(混合测试模板引擎)是一个功能强大、全面的文档驱动 API 测试框架,具有广泛的特性和功能。有了 HTTE,您可以利用文档驱动测试的概念,轻松设计、开发和执行 API 测试。

使用 HTTE,您可以简化 API 测试流程,提高测试覆盖率,确保 API 的质量和可靠性。无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的测试人员,HTTE 都能提供友好的用户界面和丰富的文档,为您的 API 测试之旅提供支持。


Rigor 是一种功能强大、用途广泛的特定域语言(DSL)和命令行界面(CLI),旨在方便地进行 HTTP 请求、提取数据和验证响应。Rigor 的主要目的是作为一个强大而高效的基于 HTTP 的 API(如 REST)测试框架,专门用于自动化功能测试或集成测试。

  • 无需编写中间件代码进行功能测试(例如Cucumber)。
  • 可在同步模式(请求)或异步模式(aiohttp)下运行。
  • 使用基于YAML的格式的测试用例文件,便于创建和维护测试。
  • 使用jmespath.py进行响应转换,以减少测试的脆弱性。
  • 使用cucumber-sandwich生成漂亮的HTML测试执行报告。
  • Swagger路径覆盖报告,以确保API表面积覆盖。
  • 使用structlog进行语法高亮的控制台或基于JSON的日志记录。
  • 配置文件用于在不同环境和设置之间进行切换。
  • 标签和CLI选项,用于选择性地执行测试套件的子集。
  • 用于具有多个场景的案例的场景大纲(即表格)。
  • 使用Beautiful Soup解析HTML数据进行提取。
  • 在套件成功(0)或失败(!0)时具有适当的错误代码($?)。
  • 用于管理会话和竞态条件的案例-场景唯一标识符(uuid)。


API-test 是一个 Bash 脚本,允许从终端直接对 JSON API 进行结构化和组织良好的测试。


GraphQLer是一款用于测试GraphQL API的先进工具。它拥有强大的功能,使得测试变得更加简单,并提供了对API的彻底分析。它能够高效地管理对象和资源,识别依赖关系,并处理查询错误。GraphQLer已成功发现了许多生产级别GraphQL API中的错误!

  • 依赖感知:根据它们的依赖关系运行查询和变更!
  • 动态测试:跟踪测试期间创建的资源。
  • 错误修正:尝试修复请求,使得GraphQL API接受它们。
  • 统计信息收集:将您的结果显示在一个简洁明了的文件中。
  • 使用简便:您只需要端点和可能的认证令牌

    Keyword: ai生图



November 24, 2024 | News | No Comments

本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用












Keyword: wps官网


Getting A Handle On Surface Finish

November 24, 2024 | News | No Comments

Click:Green tea bag packing machine

We’ve talked before about color on a prototype, and the subtle ways that color affects our emotional response to a manufactured object. The final surface finish of a part is also important, not only for the mechanical fitness for a given application but also for the visceral appeal to the end user, although describing this phenomena is subject to more ambiguity. From the perspective of the engineer or metrologist, surface texture is spoken of in terms of roughness, waviness and lay. Roughness is the deviation of a surface from a nominal, flat ideal, and is considered high-frequency (essentially up and down perturbations) and short wavelength (relatively tightly spaced). Waviness is similar but takes place over a longer wavelength, more broadly spaced and periodic in nature. Lay is the predominant direction in which the surface irregularity is oriented. There are specific techniques for measuring these of course, but now we’re interested only in the aesthetic and tactile qualities.

Close your eyes. Pick up a familiar object in your hand, maybe a cellphone, an orange, a set of keys or a wallet. How many ways can you think of to describe the surface texture? Now, no cheating. Don’t use any words relating to an object’s visual characteristics, only talk about what you can describe using your fingertips. You might come up with the obvious, like cracked or smooth, soft or hard. Metals might feel cold because they conduct heat away from your skin, while leather and some plastics will be warm because they insulate. But within those broad categories there are a myriad of fine gradations of sensation, although – unlike with visual perception – our vocabulary is not rich enough to contain them all.

Ordinary people can tell that a surface is tacky, dense, hard, elastic and many other things besides. But with your eyes closed, do you always know if you’re touching rubber, wood, plastic, metal, stone, even another human hand? The fingers know, but it’s hard to say how they know.

Now open your eyes again. Without talking about what an object is, talk only about how the surface looks. Is it shiny, matte, glossy, translucent or reflective? Does the surface have grain, is it stippled or dimpled, pebbled or brushed, polished or painted or etched? Does it look coarse or fine, old and used up or brand new?

When you combine how a surface feels with how it captures and reflects light, regardless of its color, then you have some powerful tactile and visual information that conveys meaning about your product.   Done right, the correct choice of surface finish can inspire the user to touch an object, carry it around in their pocket, hold it up to the light. Objects can look expensive and rich, or durable and robust, or cheap and disposable – depending entirely on superficial impressions of the hand and eye. Putting all of these impressions together gives you a sense of that elusive quality we call, well, quality. The quality of something is often judged entirely on its surface appearance and attention to fine detail, regardless of mechanical form and function.

At Star we have any number of techniques for helping you achieve many types of surface finishes and textures, to give your prototype or production piece exactly the look and feel you want. We can anodize or buff, sand or vapor polish, paint or bead blast or wire brush to get just the right final finish to complement your design idea. Combine this with the full range of colors in our palette and you have a very rich library of design options to choose from in your next project. Contact us today for a free quote.


Since the advent of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, machining processes have become much better and more manageable. Manufacturers have resorted to applying these subtractive tools in fabricating various custom outputs with less tolerance for error.

In fact, CNC machines meet the two primary quality standards in production machining – precision and accuracy. Even so, most people use these terms interchangeably while they have essential variations. Hence, this article takes a detailed look at the difference between accuracy and precision in production machining.

What is the Definition of Precision?

Precision is a metric that defines the nearness of two or more results or measurements to each other. This term is one of the most important terms used in machining. In a simplified way, precision in machining refers to the reproducibility or repeatability of multiple components with close dimensions when manufacturing.

The Importance of Precision

Precision machines are pivotal in modern industries as they directly impact machining reproducibility, accuracy, and efficiency. Nowadays, the demand for the fabrication of micro products or components with micro features continues to grow in large numbers.

In the meantime, machining these parts in large volumes requires more precise design methods and machining dynamics to meet the specified requirements. Thus, precision does matter in machining operations as it reflects the capability of a manufacturing process or machine to reproduce the almost exact measures of manufactured parts consistently.

Precision in Machining

To a large extent, CNC machines express repeatability for measured dimensions when removing excess materials, thus creating parts with tolerances in a small range. However, precision measurements for these parts must be carried out under the same conditions to avoid unwanted deviations or errors. The greater the precision of machining tools, the closer the manufactured components are.

Precision vs. Tolerances

At the same time, machinists specify or set standard tolerance limits to account for the slight variations between the parts made from the same machine. Explicitly, tolerance refers to the permissible range of deviation between the corresponding dimensions of machined parts. In design and manufacturing, standard tolerance limits are often small numbers determined by manufacturers based on a part’s function, form, and fit.

The standard CNC machining tolerances are typically set at +/- 0.127mm. More so, expert machinists set the tightest machining tolerances in the range of +/- 0.0254mm, roughly equivalent to the size of human hair. Maintaining and adhering to these tight tolerance limits ensures that minor differences do not impact the part’s precision or functionality.

What is the Definition of Accuracy?

This is another common term that applies to machining. Accuracy is a metric that defines the closeness of a measured value to the reference or standard value. To explain this concept in the machining context, accuracy refers to the degree of nearness to which a fabricated workpiece matches the overall requirements specified in the design.

In machining, accuracy depends on the tools, the kinematic structure, and the type of material or workpiece. An accurate machine will perform a particular machining process or a combination of instructions like cutting, boring, grinding, and drilling as the manufacturer or operator intended.

The Importance of Accuracy

For instance, if an expert machinist inputs code to a machine to cut a workpiece to a 50mm length, an accurate device will perform the exact 50mm cut without errors. However, it is extremely challenging to attain or create the same parts without slight differences in specific dimensions such as diameter, width, and length of machined parts.

For this reason, experts use measurement data based on accuracy to reflect the errors of a machine or manufacturing process. Thus, the lesser the difference between the measured result of the manufactured part and the required standard, the more accurate the machine tools or manufacturing process.

Accuracy in Machining

Modern CNC machines are highly accurate for most projects as some tools like the CNC mills and lathes can produce parts with an accuracy of +/– 0.0025mm. This is equivalent to fabricating parts as small as the quarter size of human hair. Astonishing right?

In addition, machinists or designers specify the acceptable range of variation in the dimension of the machined part from the standard. They are especially vital to maintain the functionality of machined parts that interfere with other components.

Accuracy vs. Tolerances

Even so, not all parts require maximum accuracy and tight tolerance due to the extra costs, setup, inspections, and time associated with the machining process. For instance, fabricating the parts of an automobile engine would require a higher tolerance than a door handle. In other words, the latter has fewer features combined with other automobile components, thus the need for broader tolerance.

Aside from length, width, hole size, and other dimensions, surface roughness remains a pivotal tolerance factor. Experts set and adhere to the tolerance limit of 0.001635 mm for flat and perpendicular surfaces and 0.003175 mm for curved surfaces. So, accuracy and tolerance are all important, it’s best when machining processes deliver precise and accurate products.

Differences Between Accuracy and Precision in Machining

The precision and accuracy of a manufacturing tool or process help determine the success of production machining. But then, these two terms often get contrasted or mistaken for each other when used as measures of observational errors.

Thus, the failure to identify the variations between precision and accuracy can have a profound negative impact on how collected measurement data gets processed or on how one concludes the outcome of various manufacturing processes. Take a look at the differences between accuracy and precision in machining below:

1. Different Description

Precision represents the close agreement of variation that lies in the dimensions of machined parts with one another. However, machining accuracy refers to the closeness of manufactured components’ measurements to the standard specifications.

More simply, good machining precision ensures you can fabricate almost exact dimensions of machined parts repeatedly without introducing random errors. In contrast, good machining accuracy ensures the conformity of your manufactured parts to the theoretical benchmark.

2. Type of Error Indicated

Accuracy reflects the error of a manufacturing system or tool, while precision measurements help indicate the error among manufactured components randomly.

3. Number of Measurements

Accessing machining precision requires multiple measurements under the same condition. This is to ascertain the conformity of your results. On the flip side, machining accuracy needs a single measurement. This is because, in accuracy measurements, you only have to compare the dimension of manufactured components to the standard value.

Accuracy vs. Precision Examples

Accuracy and precision largely remain independent parameters that engineers employ to determine the success of a manufacturing operation. Most CNC machines use computer software to hold programmed dimensions when designing and manufacturing a part. Regardless, the outcome of a manufacturing process can come in different ways, which are:

  • Precise and accurate
  • Not Precise but accurate
  • Precise but not accurate
  • Not Precise and not accurate

Therefore, it is vital to distinguish between these parameters and collect the measurements separately for an overall quality machining service. Below are some practicable analogies or examples to help better understand the concept of precision and accuracy in part machining:

1. Precise and Accurate

Generally, all manufacturing industries desire to produce precise and accurate parts for their clients. For example, let’s say a manufacturer inputs instruction to drill a hole in a rod 70mm from an edge, with a tolerance set at +/- 1mm. If the CNC machine drills the hole within variable lengths measuring between 69mm and 71mm for all the rod batches, then this manufacturing process is precise and accurate.

2. Not Precise but Accurate

Some parts get machined accurately, but not all manufactured components come as precise products. For example, an engineer intends to fabricate a piston compression measuring 1.2 inches in height with a tolerance of +/- 0.005 inches.

Say some pistons get manufactured within the height range of 1.195 and 1.205 inches, whereas other pistons in this production batch have heights that fall below or above the tolerance limit. Therefore, you can deduce that this manufacturing process is accurate but not precise with quality inspections.

3. Precise but Not Accurate

In this case, the machine parts have similar dimensions but are not close to the required measurement. From the previous analogy, if the fabricated piston parts have heights of 1.21, 1.22, 1.21, and 1.215 inches. Then, quality inspections will indicate that this manufacturing process is precise but not accurate since the permissible tolerance limit is +/- 0.005 inches.

4. Not Precise and Not Accurate

Some manufacturing operations can go wrong, with the final parts deemed as not precise and inaccurate. For instance, if a machinist intends to fabricate a plastic piece of 20mm length, with a tolerance of +/- 0.5mm. Peradventure, the plastic parts manufactured have varying lengths of 18mm, 22mm, 19mm, 17mm, and 21mm.

This measurement result shows that the sizes of the manufactured plastic parts in this batch are not closely agreeable, while they also wholly deviate from the required dimension. Thus, you can infer that this manufactured batch is equally imprecise and inaccurate.

Benefits of Accuracy and Precision in Part Production

The success of any manufacturing industry depends on its ability to produce precise and accurate parts consistently. As a result, CNC machines get applied across various manufacturing industries today due to their relatively high precision and accuracy features. They include automotive, medical, construction, electrical, aerospace, oil and gas, marine, etc. Here are some benefits of accuracy and precision in part manufacturing:

1. Safety Consideration

Undoubtedly, safety remains one of the essential factors to consider when part manufacturing. This is especially true for aerospace and medical devices that require high precision and accurate components. If these components get manufactured as defective or below industry-standard products, then this can put users at risk. So, manufacturing precise and accurate parts appeals to customers while ensuring their safety.

2. Hitch-free Testing and Prototyping

High machining accuracy and precision allow for easier prototyping of various designs and parts, including complex titanium machining operations. Further, automatic machining helps cut down costs from intensive labor while ensuring high-quality parts. Aside from this, machining precision and accuracy helps ensure a seamless performance testing of the machined part.

3. Easier Calibration of Equipment

CNC machines comprise highly precise and accurate computerized devices that allow manufacturers to easily adjust or calibrate various tools. Besides, the machines store the manufacturing instructions until machinists input new codes to produce a different part or make specific changes.

Get High Accuracy and Precision Products at WayKen

Today, quality machining services are essential to achieving precision and accuracy for various parts. At WayKen, we have experienced professionals that can handle all your high-precision machining services. We offer a range of top-flight CNC milling and turning procedures with standard tolerances to meet your specific design requirements. Moreover, we assure quality, precise, affordable, and long-lasting parts at any volume.

Contact us today for one-on-one support service to get your project started. Stay assured that you will get a response within 12 hours.


High precision doesn’t necessarily mean high accuracy, hence the need to distinguish between these two parameters. Thus, we are positive you have a better knowledge of the differences between the terms – accuracy and precision in CNC machining. Understanding these terms will help you identify essential specifications and compare them with your requirements to get the best results.


Why are accuracy and precision important for machined parts?

Accuracy and precision are vital aspects of machining operations, especially for prototypes and end-use parts. Accuracy comes into play to ensure that machined parts meet the required dimensions and designs with no errors affecting mechanical function. In the same vein, precision machining ensures that the manufactured parts have consistent production values.

Which manufacturing process has higher machining accuracy?

Concisely, CNC micro milling procedures have higher machining accuracy than other regular CNC machine operations. This micro-milling process involves computer software programs to control and direct rotary multi-point cutting tools to remove excess materials. As such, these automated operations yield accurate custom products or parts, but they are expensive and time-consuming.

What is precision tolerance?

Precision tolerance is the permissible degree of variability that limits or controls measurement error. In production machining, manufacturers set the precision tolerances for each batch of fabricated components to ensure that variations do not impact vital specifications.


Wynnchurch Capital Acquires Anderson Metals

November 22, 2024 | News | No Comments


Wynnchurch Capital, LLC (“Wynnchurch”), announced today that it has completed an investment in Anderson Metals Corporation, Inc. (“Anderson” or the “Company”). Anderson is a manufacturer of brass fittings, valves, pipe nipples and related products to the plumbing, hardware and general industrial end-markets. The Company is headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri and was founded in 1947.

Chris O’Brien, Managing Partner at Wynnchurch said, “Anderson has built an outstanding reputation and strong leadership position in its industry during the past 70 years. We feel very fortunate to partner with Keith and Kent Anderson going forward. In addition, we believe this is an ideal opportunity for Paul Ciolino, a Wynnchurch Operating Partner and former CEO of US Pipe, to work with management and leverage his leadership, industry expertise and relationships to take Anderson to the next level.” Greg Gleason, Managing Director at Wynnchurch added, “We are excited to invest in Anderson and to build on the Company’s history of success. We believe that Anderson’s focus on providing customers with industry leading quality, availability and service, combined with Wynnchurch’s experience, positions Anderson to be a strong platform for growth.”

“We are thrilled to partner with Wynnchurch at this important point in Anderson’s history. With new capital, resources, support and tools, we are confident the future for Anderson has never been brighter,” said Kent Anderson. Keith Anderson added, “We knew right away that Wynnchurch was the right partner. We are excited to work closely with Paul and the team to significantly grow the business both organically and through acquisitions.”

Wynnchurch Capital is actively investing from its $1.3 billion Fund IV. In November 2017, Wynnchurch acquired America II, a global leader in electronic component distribution and supply chain services serving a broad array of products for use in higher value-add applications across diversified end-markets. Other recent Wynnchurch investments include Stampede Meat, a processor and distributor of portioned, marinated and cooked beef, chicken, and other protein products for restaurants, retail, home delivery and other channels; and Rosboro Company, LLC, a leading integrated forest products operation producing a wide variety of products including laminated beams, studs, and veneer.

About Anderson Metals:

Anderson Metals, headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, is a manufacturer of brass fittings, valves, pipe nipples and related products, which are sold into the plumbing, hardware and general industrial endmarkets. The Company supplies over 12,000 SKU’s across a variety of categories including lead-free and leaded brass fittings, valves, pipe nipples, non-metallic fittings and assorted parts and accessories. For more information, please visit: About Wynnchurch Capital: Wynnchurch Capital, LLC, headquartered in the Chicago suburb of Rosemont, Illinois, with offices in California and Canada, was founded in 1999, and is a leading middle-market private equity investment firm. Wynnchurch’s strategy is to partner with middle market companies in the United States and Canada that possess the potential for substantial growth and profit improvement. Wynnchurch Capital manages a number of private equity funds with $2.2 billion of committed capital under management and specializes in recapitalizations, growth capital, management buyouts, corporate carve-outs and restructurings. For more information, please visit:

For more information please contact:

Chris O’Brien, Managing Partner, [email protected]

Paul Ciolino, Operating Partner, [email protected]

Greg Gleason, Managing Director, [email protected]

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