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December 23, 2024 | News | No Comments

Which Type of Geotextile is Best for Your Needs?

Which Type of Geotextile is Best for Your Needs?

When it comes to selecting the right geotextile material for your project, its crucial to understand the various types available and how each can benefit your specific needs. Geotextiles are synthetic fabrics used in a variety of civil engineering, construction, and landscaping applications. They provide solutions for drainage, erosion control, reinforcement, and separation. This article will help you identify the best geotextile for your project by exploring different types, their benefits, and the factors that can influence your decision.

I.Understanding Geotextiles

A geotextile is a permeable fabric material, typically made from polymers like polypropylene or polyester, which can be used for a variety of applications such as soil stabilization, filtration, and drainage. There are different types of geotextiles, and each type offers distinct advantages depending on your projects specific requirements.

II.The Main Types of Geotextiles

The two primary categories of geotextiles are woven and nonwoven. Understanding these types will help you determine which is the best geotextile for your needs.

Woven Geotextile Fabric

Woven geotextile fabric is created by weaving threads together to form a grid pattern, making it highly durable and strong. This type of geotextile is ideal for applications that require high tensile strength and resistance to stretching. Woven geotextiles are commonly used in applications like road construction, railroad subgrades, and large-scale erosion control projects. Because of its structure, woven geotextile fabric excels in load-bearing capacities and is especially effective in reinforcing weak soils or stabilizing large areas that need support.

Nonwoven Geotextiles  

Nonwoven geotextiles, on the other hand, are created through a process of bonding fibers together using heat, chemicals, or needles. These materials are typically more flexible and have excellent drainage properties. Nonwoven geotextiles are commonly used for filtration, drainage, and erosion control in applications like landscaping, construction of ponds, or in areas where water needs to flow freely through the fabric. Their porous nature allows water to pass through easily, making them the best geotextile for applications where water drainage is essential.

Knitted Geotextiles

Knitted geotextiles are created by interlocking loops of yarn, and though they are less common than woven or nonwoven types, they do offer specific advantages. Knitted geotextiles have excellent stretchability and are often used in applications that require both strength and flexibility.

III.Key Benefits of Using Geotextiles

Geotextiles are incredibly versatile and provide a variety of benefits, including:

Erosion Control: Whether it’s a construction site or a landscaping project, geotextiles help prevent soil erosion by stabilizing the soil. This function is essential in areas where there is a high risk of soil erosion due to wind or water.

Drainage: Geotextiles are crucial in facilitating drainage in areas prone to waterlogging. By allowing water to pass through the fabric, they help maintain soil stability and prevent the buildup of water that could lead to flooding or soil degradation.

Separation: In many civil engineering applications, geotextiles are used to separate different soil layers. For instance, they can separate the subgrade soil from gravel or sand in road construction, helping maintain the structural integrity of the road.

Reinforcement: Geotextiles can be used to reinforce weak soils by increasing their load-bearing capacity. This is particularly useful in areas with unstable soil or where the soil has a low bearing capacity, such as in foundation work or under roads and railways.

IV.Selecting the Best Geotextile for Your Project

Choosing the best geotextile depends on the specific needs of your project. Several factors influence the decision, including:

Soil Type: The type of soil you are working with plays a significant role in selecting the right geotextile. For instance, if you are working with sandy soil, you may require a geotextile that has strong drainage properties. On the other hand, if you are dealing with soft, clayey soil, a woven geotextile fabric may be more suitable for reinforcing the area.

Project Application: The intended use of the geotextile is crucial. For filtration and drainage purposes, nonwoven geotextiles are often the best option. For projects requiring high tensile strength, such as road construction, woven geotextiles are preferred.

Durability: The environmental conditions your geotextile will face are also an important consideration. For outdoor projects that will be exposed to harsh conditions, UV stability and resistance to wear and tear are critical factors.

V.How to Ensure You Choose the Best Geotextile

To ensure youre selecting the best geotextile fabric for your project, consider purchasing from a trusted manufacturer with experience in producing high-quality geotextiles. As a leading manufacturer of geotextiles, we understand the importance of providing durable, reliable, and cost-effective materials. Our factory uses the latest technology to produce both woven geotextile fabric and nonwoven options to suit a wide range of project requirements.

When selecting geotextiles, it is also helpful to work with an expert who can assess your needs and guide you toward the right material. By ensuring that you choose the right type of geotextile for your application, you can avoid costly mistakes and ensure the success of your project.


The right geotextile can make all the difference in the success of your project. Whether youre looking for a woven geotextile fabric for its strength and load-bearing capacity or a nonwoven geotextile for its drainage and filtration capabilities, understanding the types and benefits will guide your decision-making. Ultimately, choosing the best geotextile comes down to knowing the specific demands of your project and selecting a high-quality material that will meet those needs effectively. As a manufacturer of geotextiles, we are committed to providing the best products to help you achieve optimal results in your construction, landscaping, and civil engineering projects.

By carefully considering the materials, application, and environmental factors, you can confidently choose the geotextile that will work best for your project, ensuring durability, efficiency, and long-term performance.



图为Vetements创始人之一兼CEO Guram Gvasalia


Vetements 毋庸置疑是当今的风格领袖。


由Demna Gvasalia和Guram Gvasalia两兄弟成立的品牌短短三年内实现销售额1亿欧元目标,Vetements为什么这么火?近日品牌背后的商业掌权者、CEO Guram Gvasalia接受美国《女装日报》独家专访首次向外界透露品牌背后的经营策略。


“可以说,Vetements的成功离不开社交媒体。”他说道。据Guram Gvasalia透露,Vetements的Instagram账号成立仅一年多,粉丝数从最初的5000猛涨至目前的137万,整整暴涨了274倍,与Vetements有关的话题贴文数量约40万篇左右,而这仅仅是Instagram一个社交媒体平台的数据。



Vetements 2017 春季高级定制时装秀


Guram Gvasalia很自豪地表示,5000个粉丝和现在的137万粉丝对于品牌的意义已完全不同,“想象一下,5000个粉丝为品牌带来的销量增长和137万个粉丝对品牌的影响完全不是一个量级。”


在采访中,Guram Gvasalia还讲述了一个他发现的有趣现象,有的品牌在大城市的1年的销售额连200万美元都没有,但在三、四线城市的年销售额却能达到5000万,甚至7000万,实际上这种现象不仅仅发生在个别国家,而是在包括意大利、美国甚至中国等地区都存在的问题。


图为设计师Demna Gvasalia


对此,Guram Gvasalia表示,品牌能否在市场环境中找准自己的客户群很重要,而不是一直瞄准一线城市,Vetements押注在充满消费潜力的千禧一代。事实也证明,Vetements的选择是正确的。


Guram Gvasalia指出,现在的年轻消费者受生活逐渐数字化影响,很难再接受传统的媒体与营销方式,他们更加重视视觉冲击、新鲜感和及时享乐。Vetements很快意识到,通过Instagram等社交媒体来进行营销与传播会比传统媒介更加高效,更重要的是,互联网时代,社交媒体营销不受地域的困扰,品牌在哪个地区更受欢迎通过数据一目了然,而不是靠主观判断,但现在很多传统的时尚品牌转身太慢。


据Guram Gvasalia向记者展示品牌Instagram官方账号后台统计得出的数据显示,上周Vetements Instagram官方账号的浏览量约1000万次,受众中有62%是男性,38%为女性,基本符合品牌客户群的男女比例,大部分受众来自美国、韩国、日本、英国和法国,但由于一些原因没有透露来自中国地区的数据。


目前,Vetements的女装在Colette、10 Corso Como、Boon The Shop、Isetan、Saks Fifth Avenue、Bergdorf Goodman和Dover Street Market等200多个精品门店发售,而品牌去年推出的男装系列已在其中的40家店铺上架。 在记者问到品牌目前的经营数据时,Guram Gvasalia拒绝回答,但有业内消息灵通人士透露,Vetements 2017年的批发渠道销售额预计会在8000万至1亿欧元之间。


在被问及为何不开发自己的实体店与品牌官网的时候,Guram Gvasalia坦承地回答,必须要保证这些合作伙伴的利益,不想分薄这些让Vetements火起来的第三方零售商的利润,目前Vetements已入驻、、、Stylight.com和Matchesfashion.com五大电商平台。 据他透露,电商渠道销售额占Vetements总销售额的一半,基本上新品上架后都会迅速售罄。


至于不开实体店的原因,Guram Gvasalia指出,直营实体店面临的最大挑战就是库存压力,无论你多想限制产品的数量,你要准备比实际需求更多的产品,毕竟一个专卖店不能总出现断货的情况,这有违我们的品牌理念。


Guram Gvasalia强调,Vetements对产品稀有性的坚持是时尚圈“Less is more”的最好体现,在如今这个瞬息万变的时代,供不应求总比供过于求造成库存积压要好,也是激发消费者抢购欲望的主要因素。


此外,Vetements将每一季的产品有的放矢地推出也是品牌得以保持全价销售产品的一大原因。Guram Gvasalia表示,品牌每一季度的新品都不会同一时间在品牌所有销售渠道发售,而是会按照每种产品的风格与质地,配合天气因素,分批次地上架发售,这样既能吸引消费者注意,同时能保持消费者对品牌的新鲜感。



据Guram Gvasalia透露,Vetements 2018年春季系列将与18个时尚品牌合作推出不同产品,例如与Manolo Blahnik合作设计鞋子、和Juicy Couture合作推出运动装以及和Canada Goose联合设计、生产鸭绒外套等,还将在7月与Levi’s、Macintosh和Reebok共同发布一个特别的系列,但Guram Gvasalia未给出更多细节,因为品牌需要不断的制造惊喜和新鲜感。


对于他是如何带领Vetements走向成功,Guram Gvasalia将Vetements比作自己的一个孩子,秘诀就是不忘初心,秉持着最初创立品牌的信念、跟随着自己的逻辑和直觉去经营Vetements。


对于扩张,Guram Gvasalia一直保持警惕,他表示Vetements必须有限度的发展。据他描述,当Vetements发展到一定规模、比较成熟的时候,那就是Vetements的尽头,若再继续壮大规模,Vetements或许会慢慢迷失自己的本质,变成消费者眼中的模糊形象。Guram Gvasalia补充说道:“如今有太多的品牌总在一昧地说要扩张、要全球化,却从未想过停下脚步回头看看自己的位置到底在哪里。”


图为去年售价195英镑的Vetements DHL T恤,很快就销售一空。


对于Vetements将如何维持现在的增长态势,Guram Gvasalia认为产品多元化是未来的发展核心。Guram Gvasalia举例道,品牌创意总监Demna Gvasalia在Vetements上一季产品的展示会上采用38个人38个不同的衣橱的理念来体现其产品的多样性,更直观地向消费者传达Vetements产品的延伸性。


值得关注的是,Guram Gvasalia在采访中透露,从未出过手袋产品的Vetements目前已开始和奢侈手袋品牌Delvaux的工厂合作,准备推出首个手袋系列,同时还与万宝龙在谈笔类产品的合作,Demna Gvasalia计划将笔以别针的形式呈现给消费者。


可见,对于Vetements而言,所谓的增长或扩大并不是普遍意义上的通过多开实体店去或通过入驻更多第三方电商平台去抢占市场份额,而是针对产品的延伸成长,Guram Gvasalia强调,Vetements的发展核心始终是产品和消费者。


Vetements 于今年1月在巴黎高级定制时装周举行了2017秋冬系列时装秀,有分析人士称,用DHL连帽衫、T恤和鞋子等单品引爆社交媒体的Vetements成功将街头潮流带进了奢侈时尚界。


实际上,Vetements包含着Guram Gvasalia和Demna Gvasalia的个人野心,它的目的不是创造真正美丽的时装,相反,是Gvasalia对于停滞不前的奢侈品行业做出的一种反抗,这跟喜欢自我的千禧一代消费者不谋而合。 (文/周惠宁)


Caffeine – Better, stronger, faster, smarter

December 19, 2024 | News | No Comments


In 1814 a German scientist named Friedrich Ferdinand Runge developed a method to extract pure cocoa powder into its most potent form. The result was a white powder containing both fat molecules (known as acids) and sugars, which create energy when digested in our body. Today that substance (caffeine) is easily extracted and used to make various products we consume daily.


Caffeine and its numerous uses

We all know that caffeine is found in our daily coffees and teas; some might also be familiar with its move into the energy drinks and the sports performance markets. The reason it has been so effective and popular in these products is that caffeine keeps us awake, alert, and active whenever a little more energy is needed.

A lesser but more recent use case is caffeine in hair care products. Caffeine boosts hair growth by stimulating the hair roots. Haircare products with caffeine also strengthen the hair itself and make it more manageable on a day to day basis.

And it’s not just used in women’s hair products. Many men face early hair loss due to the effects of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which acts on susceptible hair follicles. Caffeine penetrates the hair roots and stimulates them, delaying or subverting male pattern baldness.

Whether it’s brewed from an espresso, downed in sweet tea, savoured in chocolate or consumed in cola, caffeine is a mild stimulant to the central nervous system that has become a standard fixture in everyday life.

The main benefit of caffeine is that it can help promote hair growth straight from the root in the initial phases of hair growth

Synthetic v Natural Caffeine

These days the majority of the caffeine used in the market is synthetically derived as it is more cost effective to produce than the natural manufacturing process. Caffeine is found naturally in plants that humans have been consuming for thousands of years such as fruit, leaves, coffee beans, cacao, and guarana plants.

Caffeine: did you know?

Here are some fascinating facts about caffeine to consider:

  • Coffee, soft drinks, and tea account for 97% of beverage caffeine consumed in the United States, with coffee accounting for the most significant proportion.
  • Studies suggest that it can improve mood and concentration, sharpen your focus, and increase lifespan.
  • Caffeine has been shown to enhance physical performance by 3%. Aside from telling your brain it’s not tired, caffeine improves calcium release in our muscles, allowing them to work harder.

How can we help?

Working with a supplier that can guarantee consistent quality is critical; Redox is in a great position to meet and exceed your expectations.

We offer both synthetic and naturally derived sources of caffeine across all regions. The supply of this item has been challenging for the past couple of years and requires a lot of planning to ensure continuity of supply. To avoid disruptions, Redox encourages its customers to plan ahead assuming long lead times than in the past.

Contact one of our specialists to learn how Redox can be an integral part of your sourcing strategy.


Diisopropenylbenzene manufacturer

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Dec. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget Wallet, a leading Web3 non-custodial wallet, has integrated the HyperEVM testnet, offering users a one-click feature to add the network to their custom mainnets. Users can now easily access the Hyperliquid ecosystem, participate in its innovative decentralized applications, explore top-tier projects within HyperEVM, and receive test tokens via the Hyperliquid faucet, paving the way for deeper engagement with the ecosystem’s DeFi capabilities and improving the overall user experience.

This move comes as Hyperliquid’s ecosystem continues to gain momentum in the blockchain space. The introduction of HyperEVM is set to significantly expand the use cases of the $HYPE token, which users will now employ for gas fees, as well as for lending, staking, and other DeFi activities. The gas-free trading experience provided by Hyperliquid’s DEX is attracting increasing user interest and liquidity, positioning the platform for substantial growth. Additionally, DeFi projects such as lending platforms and automated market makers will go live alongside HyperEVM, improving capital efficiency and expanding the ecosystem’s scope.

Bitget Wallet’s integration with HyperEVM enhances its reputation as a reliable and cutting-edge wallet solution. The platform has continuously added support for new and emerging tokens, allowing users to trade and engage with the latest blockchain assets. By prioritizing easy access to DeFi and decentralized ecosystems, Bitget Wallet continues to offer users a seamless and enhanced experience, ensuring they are equipped to take advantage of the latest market developments.

Alvin Kan, COO of Bitget Wallet, shared “At Bitget Wallet, we aim to foster innovation by supporting projects like Hyperliquid that push the boundaries of blockchain technology. Our integration with the HyperEVM testnet reflects our commitment to offering users the tools to participate in the next wave of decentralized finance. By providing early access to HyperEVM and its evolving ecosystem, we are enhancing the value for our community and helping shape the future of Web3, ensuring they are always ahead of the curve in this fast-moving space.”

About Bitget Wallet

Bitget Wallet is the home of Web3, uniting endless possibilities in one non-custodial wallet. With over 40 million users, it offers comprehensive on-chain services, including asset management, instant swaps, rewards, staking, trading tools, live market data, a DApp browser, and an NFT marketplace. Designed for everyone from beginners to advanced traders, it supports mnemonic, MPC, and AA wallet options. With connections to over 100 blockchains, 20,000+ DApps, and 500,000+ tokens, Bitget Wallet enables seamless multi-chain trading across hundreds of DEXs and cross-chain bridges, along with a $300 million protection fund for your digital assets. Experience Bitget Wallet Lite to start your Web3 journey.

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Bitget Wallet





Household Anti-aging Beauty Device

Another day, another contouring technique taking the Internet (and the Kardashians' faces) by storm. Joyce Bonelli, one of the Kardashians' most trusted makeup artists, told The Daily Mail all about the contouring method she's been using to sculpt the family members' faces. Get ready for a surprise because it doesn't involve any makeup at all.

Bonelli calls the new technique "3-D tanning," a process that involves the strategic application of self-tanning products, body oils, and lots of time. She starts by using a special mitt to apply tanning mousse all over, and then she waits: an hour for a light glow, two hours for a bronzed look, and three hours for a deep tan. After a quick rinse to remove any residue from the mousse, Bonelli applies a bronzing gel to the face with a foundation brush, focusing on the nose, the forehead, and the sides of the cheeks. "This will give the face a very natural, sun-kissed look," says Bonelli. She also runs the gel down the neck, arms, and legs to create an optical illusion of slimness, though she's keeping her exact body-contouring method under wraps for the moment. Finally, Bonelli finishes off the look with highlights of shimmery dry body oil on the cheekbones, temples, collarbones, and down the middle of the arms to add glow.

Using tanning products to contour isn't necessarily new. Bonelli said she learned about the method through Marissa Carter, the founder of Cocoa Brown tanning products and the "inventor" of 3-D tanning, a.k.a. tantouring. Revolutionary or not, we can see the appeal of the makeup-free process: It may take forever, but your painstaking contour job will last way longer than the usual bronzing powder—a definite plus in the sweaty summer months. Would you trade in your trusty contouring makeup products for self-tanner?

Women get makeup transformations through crazy contouring:


Chicken bag making machine

ZSG-400DS Bag Placer. The whole machine is consisted of bag storage platform, bag taking mechanism, bag opening mechanism, sleeving mechanism, bag shaking mechanism, bag holding mechanism, machine frame and control box.

After placing the bag in the bag storage platform, start the machine, the bag taking mechanism would abstract the bag, the taking action is fulfilled by the bag is swinged 90 degree. Then, the process would be bag opening, sleeving and filling, in the end, the bag would be sent to the conveyor, and the bag mouth would be clamped to sealing unit.



Stable performance

Automatic fault identification

Simple operation

Convenient maintenance

Easily integrated with scales

Placing speeds up to 300 bags/hours

Fast adjustable to different bag sizes without tools

Fully assembled and tested before shipment.

Available for production line



1. ZSG Series Automatic Bag Placer automatically opens and places paper, plastic and poly woven open mouth bags on to bag filling scale. High quality vacuum pumps are used to ensure the fulfillment of requirements of different types of bags.

2. It’s widely used in the fields of domestic electrical appliance, foodstuffs, general merchandise, medicine and chemical industry.

3. To use in the place where there is enough space, such as factory and warehouse, etc.


Flower sleeve making machine

  • The machines of FR-1370 series are two sets of heating blocks for heat-sealing of thick film packing, used to seal the package weighing under 5kgs, 10kgs and 20kgs respectively.

  • For the model FR-1370L/T, it is especially designed to match the automatic packaging line.


Bag Placer ZSG-600SS

December 16, 2024 | News | No Comments

Click:chinese lantern film prop

OPP bag making machine

ZSG-600SS bag placer is for supplying empty bag taking to filling machines. The packaging sealing production line is fully automatic by bag sleeved process  manual was replaced with automatic bag taking machine. The whole machine is consisted of bag storage platform, bag taking mechanism(double), bag opening mechanism(double), sleeving mechanism(double), bag shaking mechanism(double), bag holding mechanism, machine frame and control box.

After placing the bag in the bag storage platform, start the machine, the bag taking mechanism would abstract the bag, the taking action is fulfilled by the bag is swinged 90 degree. Then, the process would be bag opening, sleeving and filling, in the end, the bag would be sent to the conveyor, and the bag mouth would be clamped to sealing unit.



Stable performance

Automatic fault identification

Simple operation

Convenient maintenance

Easily integrated with scales

Placing with high speeds

Fast adjustable to different bag sizes without tools

Fully assembled and tested before shipment.

Available for production line



1. ZSG Series Automatic Bag Placer automatically opens and places paper, plastic and poly woven open mouth bags on to bag filling scale. High quality vacuum pumps are used to ensure the fulfillment of requirements of different types of bags.

2. It’s widely used in the area of packaging production lines of chemical material, medicine material, grain, feedstuff, and foodstuff.

3. To use in the place where there is enough space, such as factory and warehouse, etc.


Pen bag making machine

  • · Transparent lid provides clear visibility for packaging operations

  • · 3 operation modes possible: Vacuum only / Vacuum and Gas / Seal only

  • · Compact design

  • · Hygienic design, easy to clean

  • · Complete stainless steel structure for maximum durability

  • · Individual display provides easy reading and operating

  • · Equipped with a solid rotary vane vacuum pumps

  • · Excellent seal system

  • Applications:

  • Fresh meat, processed meat, seafood, vegetables, agricultural products, tea leaves, herbs, powder, spices, prepared foods, electronic parts, hardware products, medical instruments, medicine, clothing or blankets


filling outdoor barbecue gun

Time to read: 4 min

Scaling up a new product from the prototype or low-volume production stage into a high-volume manufacturing environment can be one of the most exciting and stressful stages of the hardware development life cycle. The decisions made during this transition will have significant implications for all aspects of a product, from tooling and manufacturing process control to packaging and user documentation.

Issues that arise during the production stage of a high-volume product may be prohibitively expensive to resolve, and so developing a solid plan before ramping up is critical.

Here’s a quick review of 10 points to ensure your transition to high volume manufacturing proceeds as smoothly as possible.

1. Understand Your Production Quantities

Suppliers will generally require you to provide an estimated annual units quantity for first-run production, so your plan for transitioning into high volumes should include estimates for first, second, and third year units.

Accurate estimates will inform your decisions with regards to manufacturing method and the vendor(s) chosen for production.

2. Research Your Options

Accurate estimates will inform your decisions with regards to manufacturing method and the vendor(s) chosen for production.

Each method has unique advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice will depend on your particular application.

3. Be Sure Your Product is Designed for High-Volume Manufacturing

For injection molded components, be sure that your 3D models are designed specifically for moldability.

This includes designing in proper draft angles which allow parts to be easily removed from the tool after the plastic cools.

You’ll also need to ensure that you have designed plastic components with uniform wall thicknesses. Regions with thicker walls will cool at a slower rate than regions with thinner walls, which will cause the final part to warp or cause sink marks, which may have an adverse affect on the aesthetics or functionality of the component.

Keep in mind that certain types of injection molded part features like undercuts or side-action features add complexity to the mold tool and as such will add cost to your project.

4. Educate Yourself on the Manufacturing Processes Involved

Once you’ve narrowed down the manufacturing method that will be used to create your component, ensure that you or a representative from your team understands the method in some detail.

Get acquainted with the typical manufacturing tolerances, process limitations, and industry jargon. This will allow you to have more valuable conversations with vendors about your product and allow you to ask the right questions about specific part features, materials, and manufacturing processes involved.

5. Prepare to Engage Vendors with Prototypes and Existing Data

Nothing helps a vendor understand your product more quickly than existing prototypes. Vendors may immediately be able to identify potential manufacturing problems with your design, or suggest improvements, simply by having a prototype in-hand during an initial meeting.

6. Speak with Several Manufacturing Vendors About Your Product

If possible, consult with multiple vendors to get an idea of fair pricing and gather as much feedback about your design as possible.

Many vendors will suggest improvements to your design that may help you make components easier to manufacture. Gather valuable information from your vendors’ expertise and choose to work with a reputable manufacturer.

7. Build and Test Final Prototypes to Prevent Costly Tooling or Process Changes

As you transition into production quantities, you should have full confidence in the design of your product.

Create final prototypes that represent the form and function of the final design as it will be when manufactured at high volumes. In some cases for plastic components, vendors may be able to provide high-quality prototypes using methods such as room temperature vulcanized molding (often referred to as RTV or silicone molding) that will closely represent the final production part. RTV molds can often be used for up to about 100 castings, and so may even be a good choice for short-run production parts.

Changes to your hardware after tooling has been ordered or manufacturing processes have been established will be incredibly more expensive than changes made during the design and prototyping stages.

8. Include Your Industrial Design Resources in Discussions about Tooling

Keep in mind that high-volume manufacturing methods may have an affect on the final appearance of your components, and so plan accordingly during the prototype phase.

For injection-molded parts, witness lines at the mold split and ejector pin locations will impact part aesthetics and may require slight modifications to the contours or external features.

Also, as mentioned earlier, sections where wall thicknesses are greater, such as areas where ribs or bosses are used, may have sink-marks. Ask your vendor about surface finishes that can be applied to the mold to disguise these issues.

9. Understand the Concept of “Steel Safe” Design

When specifying tolerances and dimensioning features on injection molded components, remember the idea “maximize steel, minimize plastic.” It’s possible to make walls thicker, take away holes, and add features like bosses or ribs to a plastic design by modifying an existing mold, but it’s impossible to make walls thinner, add holes, or take away raised features without creating a new tool.

The last thing you want to happen is for your production parts to be delivered with enough geometrical variance—due to warping, shrinkage, or part-to-part variance—that your design falls out of spec. Avoid this costly pitfall by specifying your design so that any potential dimensional changes would involve adding extra material.

10. Implement Business Processes For High Volumes of Product

Ramping up from prototype or short-run production into high-volume manufacturing may require changes to your existing business processes to ensure things continue to run smoothly.

Research and implement methods that will streamline your internal business processes, including order processing, assembly, shipping, and accounting, before ramping up to full production.

This will give you time to make adjustments to suit your particular business and prevent bottlenecks that can adversely impact lead time to your customer.

Taking the leap to full-scale production is a significant milestone for any hardware development team. By testing functional prototypes, educating yourself about the manufacturing processes involved, and creating a flexible plan for moving forward, you’ll be positioned to make confident decisions that will maximize your opportunity for success.
