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本文針對如何選擇合適的應用程式設計公司進行深入探討,幫助企業提升業務效益。 歸納要點:

  • 以使用者為中心的指標能夠反映滿意度與互動,包括每日活躍使用者、使用者保留率和淨推薦值 (NPS)。
  • 尋求具備深厚技術能力的公司,特別是在雲端運算、行動開發及人工智慧方面,並評估其過往專案經驗。
  • 關注台灣新創企業如Appier、Gogoro等,這些公司在技術創新與市場影響力上擁有卓越表現。


關鍵指標:衡量 app 程式設計公司績效的要素

在選擇 app 程式設計公司時,有幾個關鍵指標可以幫助你評估其績效,讓你不會白花時間和金錢。**客戶見證評估**是不可忽視的環節




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① 不用敲键盘,鼠标选择选项就可以填写;② 数据规范,不会输错成其它内容。


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如下图效果,我们让输入的11位手机号码自动显示成 3-4-4 的样式了,特别好辨认!


其他的数字类型内容,都可以用 000-000 的数字格式类型来分段,0 代表数字占位,几个0就代表几位数字,- 是分割符号,也可以用空格或其它符号代替。

在表格里如果直接输入分数 2/3,会发现立马变成就 2 月 3 日。这是因为表格默认 m/d 的形式为日期,而非我们认知上的分数。


① 按下快捷键「Ctrl + ;」快速输入当前日期

② 按下快捷键「Ctrl + shift + ;」快速输入当前时间


拒绝重复录入方法:选中单元格区域,点击 数据—拒绝录入重复项—设置—确定。


选中单元格区域,点击 数据—高亮重复项—设置高亮重复项—确定。

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November 7, 2024 | News | No Comments



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CNC turning metal components surface processing method selection factors to be considered

The processing method of the surface of the cnc workpiece depends first on the technical requirements of the machined surface. However, it should be noted that these technical requirements are not necessarily the requirements specified in the parts drawing, and may sometimes be higher than the requirements on the part drawing in some respects due to process reasons. If the benchmarks do not coincide, the processing requirements for the surface of some cnc workpieces are increased. Or because of being a fine benchmark, it is possible to impose higher processing requirements on it.

When the technical requirements of the surface of each cnc workpiece are clarified, the final processing method that can ensure the requirement can be selected accordingly, and the processing method requiring several steps and steps can be determined. The selected cnc processing part processing method should meet the requirements of part quality, good processing economy and high production efficiency. To this end, the following factors should be considered when choosing a processing method:

1. Any kind of cnc processing method can obtain a considerable range of processing accuracy and surface roughness, but only in a narrow range is economical, the processing precision of this range is economic processing precision. For this reason, when selecting a processing method, the corresponding processing method that can obtain economic processing precision should be selected.

2. Consider the nature of the cnc workpiece material.

3. Consider the structural shape and size of the cnc workpiece.

4. Consider productivity and economic requirements. When mass production is large, high-efficiency and advanced processes should be adopted. It is even possible to fundamentally change the manufacturing method of the blank, which can reduce the labor of machining.

5. Consider the existing equipment and technical conditions of the factory or workshop. When selecting the processing method, make full use of the existing equipment, tap the potential of the enterprise, and give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of the workers. However, consideration should also be given to continually improving existing processing methods and equipment, adopting new technologies and improving process levels. The processing method of the surface of the cnc workpiece depends first on the technical requirements of the machined surface. However, it should be noted that these technical requirements are not necessarily the requirements specified in the parts drawing, and may sometimes be higher than the requirements on the part drawing in some respects due to process reasons. If the benchmarks do not coincide, the processing requirements for the surface of some cnc workpieces are increased. Or because of being a fine benchmark, it is possible to impose higher processing requirements on it.


Table of Contents

Thread processing is a key process in mechanical manufacturing. Although traditional processing methods are mature, they have some limitations in accuracy and efficiency. With the rapid development of CNC technology, thread CNC milling technology has gradually become an advanced and efficient thread processing method. Compared with traditional methods, CNC milling has significant advantages in high precision, efficiency, and material adaptability. This article will discuss thread CNC milling technology in-depth and analyze its working principle, tool selection, machining accuracy, and CNC programming methods.

How are traditional threads processed? What are its disadvantages?

The traditional thread processing method mainly uses a turning tool to cut threads or uses taps and dies for manual tapping or threading. For large-diameter threads, single-tool boring methods are usually used on CNC milling machines, and processing is achieved by controlling the speed and pitch of the boring tool. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to purchase special tools and it is faster to implement. However, the quality of single-tool boring threads is not high and the tools wear out quickly, requiring frequent replacement, grinding, and realignment. In addition, the cutting force is large, multiple feeds are required, and the speed is very slow, resulting in low efficiency. Because the tool shank is long, vibration lines are easily produced on the thread surface, which affects the stability of the processing quality.

Advantages of the CNC Thread Milling Method

With the widespread application of CNC machine tools, thread processing technology has been further improved, and the CNC thread milling method has become an advanced technology in thread processing. Compared with traditional thread processing methods, CNC thread milling has significant advantages in accuracy and efficiency. In addition, it is not limited by thread structure and rotation direction. One thread milling cutter can process a variety of internal and external threads with different rotation directions, which greatly improves the flexibility of processing.

Threadmilling technology also offers other significant advantages. Thread milling cutters are usually made of carbide materials and can have a cutting speed of 80 to 200 meters per minute, while the cutting speed of traditional high-speed steel taps is only 10 to 30 meters per minute. This high cutting speed not only improves processing efficiency but also significantly improves the finish of the thread surface. In the thread processing of high-hardness materials and high-temperature alloy materials (such as titanium alloys and nickel-based alloys), carbide thread milling cutters show ideal performance and can effectively process materials with a hardness of HRC58~62, and have ultra-long service life. This kind of tool also shows excellent performance when processing high-temperature alloy materials, greatly extending the service life.

Compared with taps, when thread milling cutters deal with threaded holes with the same pitch and different diameters, they only need to adjust the CNC program to complete the processing without having to replace multiple tools. In addition, when the thread size is out of tolerance due to wear of the tap, the tool is often scrapped and cannot be used anymore. After the thread milling cutter is worn, the tool radius can be adjusted through the program to continue processing to maintain the thread size. For the processing of high-precision threaded holes, thread milling cutters use tool radius compensation, which is more convenient and effective than manufacturing high-precision taps.

In small-diameter thread processing, especially in the processing of high-hardness and high-temperature materials, the tap is easy to break, causing the thread hole to be blocked or even the part to be scrapped. In contrast, the thread milling cutter has a smaller diameter, so even if the cutter breaks, it will not block the hole, making it easy to remove and avoiding the risk of parts being scrapped. At the same time, the cutting force of thread milling is significantly reduced, especially when processing large-diameter threads, which reduces the load on the machine tool and solves the problem that the tap cannot work normally due to excessive load.

Thread CNC milling

Thread CNC milling is to realize thread processing through CNC machine tool movement. When working, the workpiece or the thread milling cutter rotates once, and the workpiece or the milling cutter moves one pitch along the axial direction to cut out all the threads.

1. Selection of thread CNC milling machine tools

When thread CNC milling is performed, it can be achieved as long as the machine tool is a three-axis linkage CNC milling machine.

2. Thread milling cutter selection

The thread CNC milling processing method uses a special tool-thread milling cutter. The thread milling cutter is a combination of several disc milling cutters set on a mandrel. Its appearance is very similar to the combination of a cylindrical end mill and a thread tap, as shown in Figure 1. But its thread-cutting edge is different from that of a tap, and there is no helical lift on the tool. There are currently two most commonly used thread milling cutters, namely carbide solid thread milling cutters and machine-clip thread milling cutters, as shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1 Carbide solid thread milling cutter

Figure 2 Machine-clamped thread milling cutter

Thread milling cutters only have 1 to 2 cutting edges in a circle. Therefore, the cutting amount of solid thread milling cutters and machine-type thread milling cutters is very small during operation.
Is different. When selecting a thread milling cutter, the pitch of the thread milling cutter (the distance between two points corresponding to two adjacent teeth on the thread milling cutter along the milling cutter axis) must be equal to the pitch of the thread being processed. For internal threads, except In addition to the above conditions, the outer diameter of the thread mill must be less than 0.8 times the diameter of the thread bottom hole to be processed.

3. CNC thread milling cutter position trajectory

The thread milling cutter position trajectory in CNC milling is an equal-pitch spiral, and the trajectory is shown in Figure 3. The mathematical model of the thread milling cutter position trajectory is shown in formula (1).

Figure 3 Milling cutter position trajectory

In the formula: αϵ [0,h*2π/ρ], h is the tread depth;
ρ is the thread pitch;
Xc, yc, and zc are thread position coordinates;

D is the milling cutter diameter;
d is the major diameter of the internal thread or the minor diameter of the external thread;
δ is the machining allowance. If the milling cutter is worn during finishing, it can be used as the milling cutter wear amount to compensate;
m is the control quantity of internal and external threads. When it is an internal thread, m=-1; when it is an external thread, m=+1;
n is the left-hand thread control quantity. When it is a left-hand thread, n=-1; when it is a right-hand thread, n=+1.
The cutting method is to cut in with a spiral line, as long as the cutting spiral line is above the thread to be processed. The retracting method is to exit in a straight line, toward the center for internal threads, and outward for external threads.

4. Thread milling step length

During thread milling, since the tool path is a helix, the helical interpolation instructions of the CNC system can be directly used. However, since the instruction format of each CNC system is different, you must be particularly familiar with the instructions when programming. To simplify programming, this article performs linear interpolation on the spiral, that is, the spiral is fitted into a line segment.

The determination of the tool path length is a basic and important issue in linear interpolation tool path generation. The small step length means that the density of tool position data on the tool path line is high, the part program expands, and the programming efficiency decreases. More importantly, in the general processing mode, the execution of the small-step part program will produce feed speed fluctuations. And the average speed decreases, thus affecting surface quality and processing efficiency. Excessive tool position step size means that the density of tool position data on the tool path line is small and the machining efficiency is high, but the contour approximation accuracy is reduced and the thread surface quality deteriorates. Therefore, the determination of a reasonable step size is very important.

The step length of thread milling is related to the variable a in formula (1). The greater the increment of a, the larger the step length and the greater the machining error, as shown in Figure 4. Therefore, controlling the increment of an in formula (1) can control the machining error and determine the step length of thread milling.

Figure 4 Determination of tool step length

When the increment Δ α of α is small, the curve between two adjacent tool points can be approximated as an arc with a radius r, as shown in Figure 4. Then the relationship between error e and allowable error E is:

Among them: r is the nominal diameter of the thread; E is the allowable error of thread processing.

Thread milling CNC programming system

According to formula (1), the author developed a thread milling CNC programming system, and the interface is shown in Figure 5. As long as you know the parameters of the thread, the position of the thread, the parameters of the milling cutter, the machining error, and the machining allowance, you can automatically output the thread CNC milling program.

Figure 5 Thread milling CNC programming system

Thread milling cutting parameter selection

Selecting reasonable cutting parameters is a key factor in improving processing efficiency, ensuring thread quality, and improving tool durability. If the parameters are improperly selected, the cutting will be unstable, the blade will chip, or the processing efficiency will be too low. In the most serious case, the quality of the thread will be affected.

1. Tool feed speed F

F=N*FZ*Z              (2)
N is the spindle speed;
Z is the number of teeth per week of the thread milling cutter;
FZ is the feed amount per tooth of the milling cutter.

After the feed per tooth of the milling cutter FZ is determined, the key is to match the relationship between the cutting speed F and the spindle speed N according to equation (2). The feed per tooth of the milling cutter FZ is provided by experience or the milling cutter manufacturer and is generally 0.1~0.2mm/Z.

2. Cutting depth αρ

αρ=m*(D-d)-δ            (3)
Among them, m, d,δ have the same meaning as formula (1), D which are the initial direct diameter of the bottom hole of the internal thread and the initial cylindrical diameter of the external thread. The cutting depth αρ must be determined during programming and controlled by the machining allowance δ. The value of cutting depth αρ is 1~2mm.


Through practical application verification, thread CNC milling technology not only performs well in processing accuracy and efficiency but also greatly improves the service life and adaptability of the tool. With the help of the thread milling CNC programming system, the programming process is simpler, further improving processing efficiency and quality. The wide application of this technology not only optimizes the thread processing process but also provides more possibilities for high-precision thread manufacturing in the future. It is foreseeable that with the continuous advancement of CNC technology, thread CNC milling technology will play a more important role in the manufacturing industryα

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Ⅰ. What are the requirements for the manufacturing quality of the extruder screw?

1. The screw used for the extruder should be made of alloy steel with small thermal deformation, wear resistance and corrosion resistance. Commonly used materials are 38CrMoAlA alloy steel or 40Cr steel, and repair parts can also be made of 45 steel.

2. The blank for the screw of the extruder should be formed by the forging method.

3. After the screw of the extruder is machined, the accuracy of the outer circle should meet the quality requirements of grade 8 (GB 180-79).

4. The coaxiality error between the working shaft surface of the extruder screw and the connecting part of the drive shaft and the outer circle of the thread of the extruder screw should not be greater than 0.01mm.

5. Roughness R of the working surface of the screw of the extruder. Value: The two sides of the thread should not be greater than 1.69m, and the bottom and outer circle of the thread should not be greater than 0.8/1m.

6. If the extruder screw elements are made of low-carbon alloy steel material, in order to improve the hardness, corrosion resistance and wear resistance of the thread working surface, the surface of the thread should be nitrided, the depth of the nitride layer is 0.3~0.6ram, and the surface hardness is 700~840HV. The brittleness is not more than grade 2.

7. 0.3MPa water pressure test should be performed on the connection of the inner hole of the extruder screw, and there should be no leakage of water for 5 minutes.

Ⅱ. The solution to the wear of the extruder screw

Two methods of extruder screw wear:

1. Each plastic has an ideal plasticizing temperature range, and the barrel processing temperature should be controlled to make it close to this temperature range. Granular plastic enters the barrel from the hopper, and will first reach the feeding section. Dry friction will inevitably occur in the feeding section. When these plastics are insufficiently heated and melt unevenly, it is easy to cause increased wear on the inner wall of the barrel and the surface of the extruder screw. Similarly, in the compression section and the homogenization section, if the molten state of the plastic is turbulent, it will also cause faster wear.

2. The speed should be adjusted properly. Because some plastics are added with reinforcing agents, such as glass fibers, minerals or other fillers. These substances tend to have much more friction on the extruder screw than the molten plastic.

When injection molding these plastics, if the high rotational speed is used, the shear force on the plastic will be increased, and at the same time, more shredded fibers will be generated accordingly. The shredded fibers contain sharp ends, which will increase the wear force to increase. When inorganic minerals slide at high speed on the surface of the extruder screw, their scraping effect is not small. So the speed should not be adjusted too high.

LESUN specializes in the production of parallel co-rotating modular screw elements, barrels and screws, ranging from Ø20mm to Ø300mm. After ten years of vigorous development, our company now has a number of advanced CNC machine tools and special processing equipment for screw manufacturing. Now our machining operations are basically intelligent and automated.

Advanced processing methods, strong technical force and sophisticated processing technology ensure that the quality and technical indicators of each production fully meet customer requirements. If necessary, welcome to consult.


When comparing the merits of Rapid Prototype Machining and CNC machining, there are countless opinions of their staunch supporters. No doubt that CNC machining offers higher precision but RP machining has also certain advantages that you cannot gain in CNC machining. Moreover, with the time, the prototype development process has also improved significantly in areas of accuracy, material properties and surface finish. Here are five major aspects discussed which will explain to you why RP machining is becoming the first choice of the majority of manufacturers.

Part Complexity
When a complex prototype is modeled through design software, there is only no to little impact on the time and cost as well. The ability of RP machining to quickly and cost-effectively produce complex parts is one of the biggest advantages. On the other hand, in CNC machining, you need to deal with every feature in a complex part which eventually increases time and cost. As the complexity is increased, the number of setups and tool changes also rises. Many attributes such as high aspect ratio features, holes, deep slots and square corners can challenge even expensive CNC machines.

Feature Details
There are many scenarios in which Rapid Prototyping Machining can produce features that CNC machining cannot. You can produce sharp inside corners and features such as deep narrow channels, tall and thin walls, ribs and posts with high aspect ratios. While in the same, CNC machining is not that much good as its area of excelling lies in smooth blends, sharp edges and clean chamfers.

Skilled Labor
RP machining profile is certainly not a minimum-wage position but when it is compared with CNC technology, the demand for highly skilled labor is significantly less. Besides, it has improved in ways that take the art out of the process. Conversely, CNC technology requires skill, creativity and problem solving abilities in labor. Computer Numeric Control Machining is the work of experienced craftsmen and needs skills right from designing tool paths and machining strategies to operating and monitoring the cutting process.

With the exception of secondary operations like benching, Rapid Prototyping requires less staffing. Moreover, it is possible to prepare files within a few minutes for part production and building. While in the case of CNC, CAM software applications have improved but, still, they require human intervention. Machine setup and operation require an experienced machinist which further adds to the cost.

Lead Time
As you have learned by now that RP requires less labor, needs only a few steps and has little sensitivity to design complexity, you can deduce that it reduces lead time not only for the physical build but also for the whole process. Thus, the overall RP process is efficient for most of the parts in both time and staff. However, in CNC machining, a lot goes into machining such as labor, toolpaths, machine time, fixtures and material.
So, you can clearly notice that why Rapid Prototyping Machining is getting preference over CNC machining by most of the manufacturers when it comes to fast delivery, complex designs and less cost.


Advantages of rapid prototyping companies

November 5, 2024 | News | No Comments

Rapid prototyping technology dates back to a Japanese professor in 1979. The first rapid prototyping equipment was produced by an American company. After several years of development, the equipment became popular in 1994. In fact, this is the first time people can produce products without tools. Obviously, rapid prototyping companies using this technology have greater advantages than other ordinary manufacturing companies.

It is easy to make many different shaped parts, such as grooves, shoulders and hollow parts. It helps reduce a lot of development costs and development cycles. Any product undergoes repeated experiments before it is officially released. Rapid prototyping technology can help solve many technical problems that have plagued us for a long time.

This is a non-contact machining method and people do not need to worry about tool wear. And it is free of vibration, noise and cutting waste. It follows the rules of automatic production. It can even work at night without real-time monitoring by anyone.

Rapid prototyping has been widely used in many fields of automotive, medical and many other industries. To date, there are more than a dozen rapid prototyping technologies in the world. This is also the initial stage of rapid prototyping. We believe that rapid prototyping technology will show more advantages in the future, and rapid prototyping companies with such advanced technology will become mainstream.


Former Australia cricketer and Sunrisers Hyderabad coach Tom Moody was as much in awe of Virat Kohli and Shubman Gill after Sunday’s iconic game at the Chinnaswamy Stadium as about anyone else.

The game would see Gill outpower Virat Kohli’s hundred with one of his own to help Gujarat win by six wickets and land a knockout punch to the Royal Challengers Bangalore, who needed to win in the final league stage game in order to progress through to the 2023 Indian Premier League playoffs.

Both Kohli and Gill would register back to back centuries, having previously scored a hundred in their side’s respective games against Sunrisers Hyderabad.

Moody however believes that while looked ‘composed’, it was Gill, who had the better of the two outings.

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“He is such a delight to watch. He is so composed at the crease. You look at his facial expression and his body language, he looks so much in control. He has got the game. Eight sixes! That was the difference in the two hundreds. Both were brilliant hundreds. But Kohli only hit one six. Gill hit eight of them and was batting at a strike rate of 200. That’s a significant difference. And that coming in a chase, hats off to him,” Moody told ESPN Cricinfo.

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