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Jericho: “NXT is still the minor league”

August 15, 2022 | News | No Comments

Chris Jericho is echoing Seth Rollins’ claim that AEW is the minor leagues, but is instead pointing the finger back at their same-night competition in NXT. Jericho appeared on the Wrestling Daft podcast and discussed the so-called “Wedneday Night War,” which AEW has won (ratings-wise, at least) for the first three weeks.
“NXT is still the minor league,” Jericho said when discussing AEW winning the ratings (per Cultaholic). “Those guys are still unknown performers, it’s not a competition to us and I knew we’d win because we have more star power. When you look at the end of our first week of TV who was out there at the end? Chris Jericho – we know him! Dustin Rhodes – we know him! Jon Moxley – we know him, he used to be another name and but we know who that is. Jim Ross is commentating – I know that guy!”
He went on to say that he believes Vince McMahon put AEW up against NXT to keep the focus off of AEW vs. Raw or Smackdown, saying, “Our competition is RAW, is SmackDown, is Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar, and all those guys! I think it was a stroke of genius by Vince McMahon to put NXT on against up because it took the focus off ‘the main show and AEW’ and put it on ‘the minor league and AEW.’”
It’s worth noting, of course, that Rollins garnered controversy when he referred to AEW as “the minor leagues.” It was a comment that Jim Ross took serious issue with, criticizing Rollins on Grilling JR and saying it “[made] him look bad” and “doesn’t do the business any good.”Click Here: soccer jersey sale

As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone’s fragile little feelings, Kamille is being compared to a cartoon character thanks to her wardrobe on Powerrr.

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Apparently my dress this week made y’all think this is who I’d be if I were a cartoon. What cartoon would YOU Be?!?! #kamillebrickhouse #nwapowerrr #jessicarabbit
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Earl Hebner Says Working For WWE Made Him Feel Like A Prisoner:
On AEW vs. WWE:
“It doesn’t feel like you’re in prison here. You’ve got more leeway and it’s more relaxing. It felt like you were in a prisoner in WWE but not in AEW. This is just a more laid back company and at my age, this is great for me.”
On his most memorable moments:
“The first one would be Saturday Night Main Event when I screwed Hogan. And the next one would be the Bret Hart deal [Montreal Screwjob]. It made a name for me…I don’t think they are ever gonna let that go. It’s gotta be over 20 years ago… [The fans] wanna torture me but I’m torturing them!”
On what he thought of the Hell in a Cell match between Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt:
“I don’t watch their product.”Click Here: Ireland Rugby Shop

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Should Jimmy Valiant be inducted into the GERWECK.NET Hall of Fame? (70% required)
Yes (79%, 823 Votes)
No (21%, 223 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,046
Congratulations to the “Boogie Woogie” man!
The GERWECK.NET HALL OF FAME is intended to include the elite members of the wrestling community that deserve to be inducted into a prestigious hall of fame without prejudice or politics. Areas of consideration for induction should include (but not be limited to) a wrestler’s drawing power, wrestling ability, impact or influences on the business, longevity, and passion/drive for the industry. Non-in ring performers (such as promoters, announcers, referees, etc.) should also be judged by a similar criterion, based on the highest standards for their areas. Remember, this is not a popularity contest. This hall of fame will only include the best of the best. Readers should e-mail [email protected] with names of candidates worthy of consideration. The name with the highest number of suggestions will be considered for voting the following month. Thus, twelve names will be considered per year, and the number of inductees for the year is totally up to the GERWECK.NET readers. If a subject doesn’t qualify for induction, he or she will remain off the consideration list for twelve months. If a subject receives 70% or higher, he or she will be inducted.Click Here: Lionel Messi Jersey Sale