Month: April 2019

Home / Month: April 2019

Chinese tech giant Huawei has opened a ‘cybersecurity and transparency’ center in the Belgian capital of Brussels in a bid to convince Europeans that its products do not pose any security risk, despite what the US says.

On Tuesday, the Chinese company’s executives inaugurated the Huawei European Cybersecurity Center, which would allow European customers of Huawei to review the source code used in the firm’s products. The move comes as Huawei seeks to win over the Europeans, who are now facing intense pressure from the US as it urges them to bar the Chinese tech giant from developing their national telecommunications networks.

“Both trust and distrust should be based on facts, not feelings, not speculation, and not baseless rumor,” Ken Hu, a deputy chairman of Huawei, told the crowd that gathered for the opening event in Brussels. His words came as a rebuke at Washington which has so far presented no solid evidence to substantiate its claims that Huawei equipment could be used by Beijing to spy on other nations.

“[The] Chinese government has no intention and has never asked any company, any Chinese company” to “install either backdoor or [to] collect data [and send it] back to China,” said Huawei’s Western Europe President Vincent Pang.

Despite US efforts, Europe has so far remained Huawei’s biggest market outside of China and the company hopes to play a major role in developing the continent’s 5G networks.

The Brussels facility is not the first such center opened by Huawei in Europe. Earlier, the Chinese giant established a similar center in Germany’s Bonn. It also funds a government-run British testing site, the Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Centre, which has existed since 2010. Huawei offered to establish a similar center in Poland following the arrest of a Chinese Huawei employee there on spying charges in early 2019.

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TOKYO — Save the date! On Monday, September 28, Tokyo 2020 will make a decision on the additional event(s) to be proposed to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the 2020 Olympic Games. 

The final decision will be taken at the 129th IOC Session in Rio in August 2016.

Eight International Federations are hoping to join the Olympic Program of the 2020 Games: the World Baseball Softball Confederation, World Bowling, the World Karate Federation, the International Roller Sports Federation, the International Federation of Sport Climbing, the World Squash Federation, the International Surfing Association, and the International Wushu Federation.

Message from the World Baseball Softball Confederation
WBSC is hopeful that putting baseball and softball – Japan’s National sport – under the Tokyo 2020 umbrella could help further position the Olympic Games as the center of the sporting and cultural universe – and provide Tokyo 2020 organizers with another tool to shine the spotlight on the 2020 Games and on the host nation itself, optimizing fan-, youth- and overall engagement nationally and internationally.

With the existing baseball/softball venues throughout Japan, it could bring Tokyo 2020 and the Olympic Movement dividends – particularly in engaging both genders and youth — with no associated construction costs and minimal operational costs – aligning with the Agenda 2020 vision.

— Courtesy of Toyko 2020

If your New Year’s resolution was to catch up with old friends, we’re here to make that a little easier: everyone’s favourite viral monkey, Darwin, is doing great.

In fact, the Japanese macaque who was catapulted to worldwide fame after he was spotted wearing a shearling coat at a Toronto Ikea in late 2012 even has a new “surrogate dad” — an 18-year-old olive baboon named Pierre.

These days, as six- or seven-year-old Darwin enters his macaque “teenage” years, “Pierre is very much a father figure,” Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary co-owner Daina Liepa told HuffPost Canada in a phone interview.

Pierre is “a very sweet monkey” with “a lovely gentle personality,” but he’s not afraid to discipline Darwin if he steps out of line. Darwin will sometimes try to steal Pierre’s food, for instance, or will be overly rambunctious — but when that happens, “Pierre will settle him down,” Liepa added.

In case you’re not caught up on the “Ikea monkey” saga, here’s a quick refresher: Darwin was taken away from his owner, Yasmin Nakhuda, after he went viral at Ikea. (Monkeys are on Toronto’s prohibited animal list.) For the last six years he’s been living at the primate sanctuary.

Story Book Farm in Sunderland, Ont., has lemurs, baboons, spider monkeys and capuchins, as well two other Japanese macaques like Darwin. Because monkeys tend to be very tribal, they hoped to place Darwin with other macaques — but Julian and Lexy were much more aggressive than the timid Darwin, and staff were worried they might attack him.

So he got an enclosure of his own, next to two good-natured olive baboons: Sweet Pea, a female, and Pierre.

Initially, they were worried Darwin wouldn’t socialize. Primates “tend to not be friendly with other species,” Liepa said.

Ideally, Darwin would have been transported to an American sanctuary that specializes in Japanese macaques — but because they didn’t have his exact birth date or medical history, they weren’t able to get him across the border. (There’s only one other primate sanctuary in Canada, the Fauna Foundation near Montreal, which specializes in chimpanzees.)

So the sanctuary’s staff and volunteers were encouraged when Sweet Pea and Darwin started grooming each other through the spaces in their enclosure. The female baboon would sometimes tease him, Liepa said, by offering him toys or blankets through a space between their caging. Once Darwin went to accept her offering, “she would scream and pull it back,” Liepa remembers. “She was such a tease.”

That interaction is probably very common to people with siblings — but overall, Sweet Pea was very motherly to Darwin, Liepa said.

“Darwin is very shy, and she was quite patient with him.”

She suspects Darwin’s unusual upbringing is part of why he’s so reclusive. “We don’t know whether it’s because he was paraded around on a leash when he was little, and his former owner took him everywhere with her, whether he liked it or not,” she said.

“We don’t know if that’s the reason, but it certainly seems to be something that must have happened before he came to us, that he was very shy.”

The founder of Story Book Farm, Sherri Delaney, has alleged that Darwin was abused by his former owners, a charge Nakhuda’s lawyers have strenuously denied. HuffPost Canada reached out to Nakhuda, but she declined an interview.

No matter what his life was like pre-sanctuary, Liepa says it’s clear from Darwin’s behaviour that he was taken away from his mother too young.

“Macaques should be with their families for the first two or three years of their lives, which is when they teach them how to behave, how to be part of the group,” she said.

They think Darwin was about six months old when they took him in, which would mean he was separated from his mother after two or three months. For that reason, “it was great for him to have this relationship with Pea and Pierre.”

Once Darwin moved into the enclosure with Sweet Pea and Pierre, Liepa and the volunteers were relieved they got along so well, especially because of their different species. She said the dynamic between the three became very familial, with the baboons serving as “surrogate parents.” And when Sweet Pea died last January, Liepa says she was was glad that Pierre and Darwin had each other.

Through Pierre, Darwin is learning what most monkeys learn from their mothers. “It takes another monkey to teach a monkey how to behave,” Liepa said.

And even though monkeys are close to humans genetically, Liepa stresses that they aren’t domesticated. The sanctuary offers visits to the public, but she regularly has to remind people that they can’t cuddle with the lemurs or spider monkeys, no mater how cute they are.

“They’re wild animals,” she said.

This is a different approach than that of Nakhuda, who has referred to Darwin as her “son.” She launched a legal challenge to get him back, which failed when judge ruled that Darwin was “not a domestic animal.” After losing her court battle in 2013 she moved to the small village of Pontypool in Kawartha Lakes, where exotic animals were not restricted.

In 2016, she told reporters she owned four monkeys, as well as two miniature donkeys, a wallaroo, several alpacas, two ferrets and a fox. (The municipality banned exotic animals in 2017, but the by-law included a “grandfather” clause that allowed residents to keep their existing animals.)

Watch: Why monkeys don’t make good pets. Story continues below video.

Story Book, meanwhile, is launching a fundraiser to raise money for its newest initiative: saving lab monkeys. Across the country, even healthy primates are routinely euthanized after they’ve served their purpose for medical research, the Globe and Mail notes. The sanctuary has saved three of Canada’s nearly 6,500 lab monkeys from death — Cedric, Cody and Pugsley — but they’re hoping to house more.

Liepa says she’s amazed at the lasting impression Darwin has made on the public.

“Six years later, people still remember him, people talk about him,” she said. “I’m going to get my coffee at Second Cup or wherever, and people start talking to me.

“It’s certainly a conversation-starter.”

DICE has announced that the changes made to Battlefield 5’s Time to Kill (TTK) values will soon be undone following negative fan feedback.

Announced by DICE on the Battlefield 5 Reddit, TTK will be reverting back to launch values starting tomorrow, December 18 at 4am PT. DICE made the changes so it would be easier for new players to jump in to BF5, though experienced players quickly made their grievances known.

At launch, many fans felt that TTK and Time to Death (TTD) was far too quick, though the recently implemented changes went in the opposite direction, causing many players to feel like enemies were “bullet sponges” and took far too long to kill. Many complained of overall balancing issues caused by the changes.

429 Mashing buttons will get you nowhere!

Error 429 Mashing buttons will get you nowhere!

Mashing buttons will get you nowhere!

Guru Meditation:

XID: 267818835

Varnish cache server

On Friday, DICE announced “Core” playlists were coming alongside changes to how long it took to kill other players in the game. However, with TTK values being reverted, the “Conquest Core” playlist will be removed, and future core playlists that were planned will not be introduced.

“Our intent with the TTK changes was to see if we could evolve the Battlefield V experience and make it more enjoyable for new players, whilst also making sure the Battlefield vets have a choice with a more ‘core’ experience suiting their preferred play-style,” wrote BF5 community manager Dan Mitre. “Clearly we didn’t get it right. Veteran players didn’t ask for the change, but as game developers, we took it upon ourselves to make those changes based on extensive data and deliberation.”

Though some took issue with the change ever happening in the first place, many fans responding to the Reddit post were positive on the announced reversion, noting DICE’s responsiveness and willingness to listen to the community.

429 Mashing buttons will get you nowhere!

Error 429 Mashing buttons will get you nowhere!

Mashing buttons will get you nowhere!

Guru Meditation:

XID: 267818836

Varnish cache server

User RandomFactor_ wrote: “Between the Infinity Blade in Fortnite and now this, i’m so thankful that game developers are getting better at differentiating between good and bad player feedback and keeping lines of communication open. This is what people wanted, and you’ve delivered. Thank you.”

DICE has also identified weapon imbalances and has recorded real-world data on how TTK impacts BF5, and will use that knowledge to improve the game going forward for all players, both new and veteran. Tomorrow’s update will be server-side, and won’t require a client download from players.

429 Mashing buttons will get you nowhere!

Error 429 Mashing buttons will get you nowhere!

Mashing buttons will get you nowhere!

Guru Meditation:

XID: 267818837

Varnish cache server

For more on Battlefield 5, check out how players previously felt like they had been dying too quickly, and how the Overture update was delayed earlier this month.

Colin Stevens is a news writer for IGN. Follow him on Twitter.

Tension is escalating rapidly between nuclear-armed neighbors India and Pakistan after air combat between the rivals ended with the reported loss of aircraft by both nations.

The ongoing flare-up started on February 14 with the suicide bombing of Indian police troops in Kashmir, a divided region in the north that has been contested by Islamabad and New Delhi since 1947.

Some 40 people were reportedly killed in the attack. The militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), that wants all of Kashmir to become part of Pakistan, claimed credit for the attack, which was the deadliest in decades.

Indian air raid

Early on Tuesday morning, the Indian military aircraft crossed into Pakistani airspace for a raid against what India called a JeM training camp. Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale said “a very large number” of JeM fighters were killed in the raid, which targeted an area near the town of Balakot in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.

“The existence of such training facilities, capable of training hundreds of jihadis, could not have functioned without the knowledge of the Pakistani authorities,” Gokhale said. Indian media claimed as many as 300 militants had been killed.

The town is located some 50km (32 miles) from the UN-mandated Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir, which serves as the de facto border in the disputed region. India hasn’t launched incursions that deep into Pakistani territory since the war of 1971, the bloodiest conflict fought by the two nations.

Pakistan pledges retaliation

Pakistan, which denies harboring jihadists, rejected India’s justification for the attack, which was that Islamabad refused to deal with JeM insurgency on its own.

Pakistani military denied Indian claims of mass casualties on the ground, saying Indian jets dropped their munitions in a desolated area while being chased away by Pakistani warplanes. Neither side’s version of events could be corroborated independently.

Islamabad condemned the incursion into its airspace and said it reserved the right to retaliate against India at a time and place of its choosing.

On Tuesday evening, there were reports by Indian officials of heavy artillery shelling coming from the Pakistani side injuring several Indian troops in Kashmir.

Islamabad strikes back

The promised retaliation materialized on Wednesday and has brought with it as much confusion over what exactly happened as events on Tuesday. Pakistan stated that its aircraft attacked targets across the LoC, but stayed in Pakistani airspace.

Pakistan has “taken strikes at non military target, avoiding human loss and collateral damage,” the country’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “Sole purpose being to demonstrate our right, will and capability for self defense.”

Then, according to the Pakistani side, the Indian Air Force launched its aircraft into Pakistan’s airspace. In the ensuing fight, two Indian aircraft were shot down, and two pilots captured.

India says both nations lost aircraft on Wednesday

The Indian government took a pause before commenting on the developments on Wednesday. An Indian official based in Kashmir told Reuters that at least three Pakistani aircraft violated the border and were confronted by Indian fighter jets deployed to intercept them.

There were also claims in the Indian media that a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet was shot down and crashed in the Rajouri district of Kashmir – presumably by the Indian Air Force responding to an incursion.

Hours later, the Indian Foreign Ministry confirmed that the air force lost one of its MiG-21s during an engagement with Pakistani forces. Its pilot is listed as missing in action, Raveesh Kumar, the spokesman for the ministry, said.

He added that one Pakistani fighter jet was shot down by the Indian side, falling on the Pakistani side of the border. He stressed that the Pakistani aircraft were targeting Indian military installations on the ground.

At least one other Indian aircraft crashed on Wednesday in Budgam, a district in the India-controlled part of Kashmir. However it was not a fighter jet but rather a Mi-17 helicopter, which reportedly went down due to a malfunction while returning to base. The Pakistani military said it did not engage that aircraft. The helicopter was earlier misidentified as a MiG-21 fighter jet in some media reports.

Security concerns

Amid the flare-up, air traffic was shut down on both sides of the LoC. Airports in the cities of Amritsar, Pathankot, Jammu, Leh and Chandigarh have been shut down and all flights canceled on the Indian side. Pakistan closed its entire airspace to flights amid the tension.

The move is a clear indicator that both countries fear further escalation of hostilities after two days of exchanges of fire. Both governments publicly stated they want to defuse the tensions though.

Several nations, including the US, China and Russia, as well as the European Union issued calls for restraint addressed to Islamabad and New Delhi.

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LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The National Fastpitch Coaches Association is proud to release the 2015 High School All-Region teams. Overall, 160 players from 103 different institutions comprised first and second team squads chosen from the East, North, South, South Central and West regions.

Immaculate Heart Academy of New Jersey (East), Keystone High School out of Ohio (North) and North Davidson (N.C.) High School (South), along with California’s Clovis and Buchanan High Schools (West) garnered the most representatives, with four apiece. All four of Keystone’s players garnered first-team accolades. Joining Immaculate Heart with three first teamers is Bridgewater-Raynham High School (Mass.), Deer Park High School (Texas) and Red Mountain High School (Ariz.).

Deer Park, The Woodlands High School (Texas) and Papillion-LaVista High School (Neb.) led the South Central region, respectively, with three overall honors apiece.

The All-Region teams are nominated and selected by NFCA member coaches in each of the five high school regions. The NFCA High School All-America teams will be announced on June 25 via

To view the complete 2015 NFCA High School All-Region Teams, please click this LINK.

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Jailed ‘Russian agent’ Maria Butina has a good chance of getting home soon, her attorney told RT. She was arrested in the US in the midst of the hunt for ‘Russian meddling’.

Butina’s legal team is working to get a time-served sentence in coming weeks, after which the woman would be deported to Russia, her attorney Robert Driscoll told RT.

Butina may have pleaded guilty under ‘pressure’ & in order to get back home – ex-state senator to RT

The defense will be asking for “a sentence in a zero to six month range,” he said.

The attorney explained that Butina has already spent seven months in a US prison, and, if the court agrees with her team’s reasoning, she won’t have to do more jail time.

That verdict would automatically kick start the deportation process. Driscoll hopes that it will be done as quickly as possible, and Butina would see her homeland “in a matter of days” after the sentencing.

“She always wanted to return to Russia. That’s been her goal from the beginning,” he stated.

“I feel confident. We have a solid basis for what we’re requesting.”

The US authorities arrested Russian national and gun rights activist, Maria Butina, last year while she was staying in the country on a student visa. It coincided with the hunt for alleged ‘Russian agents’ meddling in US domestic affairs, which swept the nation after the highly-contentious 2016 presidential election.

Butina eventually pleaded guilty to conspiring to act as a foreign agent without government registration, as she was attending National Rifle Association (NRA) events and working to establish ties with Americans.

Robert Driscoll pointed out that Butina was never actually charged with espionage.

Russian officials, too, said that the woman had no ties to intelligence agencies. Butina herself denied that she ever engaged in any form of spying as well. “If I’m a spy, I’m the worst spy you could imagine,” she told the New Republic two weeks ago.

Maria Butina’s defense team previously alleged that she was kept under harsh conditions, which had led to serious health problems. She was placed in solitary confinement at some point, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov described her incarceration as “a kind of torture.”

She has since been released from solitary confinement and is “doing well physically,” her attorney said, adding that the jailed activist maintains “an optimistic view.” Butina now has “a bit more freedom” behind bars, Driscoll said.

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LOUISVILLE, Ky. – St. Mary’s Hannah Michel and Missouri-St. Louis’ Hannah Perryman were named the Louisville/Slugger NFCA Division II National Player and Pitcher of the Week, respectively. The duo played key roles in a combined 10 wins over contests played February 8-14. It is Perryman’s third overall selection and the first in Michel’s young career.

Michel went on a tear for the 12th-ranked Rattlers, knocking in 15 runs, scoring 12 more and recording nine extra-base hits as St. Mary’s went 5-2 last week. The sophomore third baseman hit .625 (15-24) with five doubles, two triples, two home runs for a 1.250 slugging percentage.

“Definitely the hard work paid off,” Michel on the recognition. “January is time to go hard and prepare for the season. Going day by day, improving on the little things and coming up with hits that get me on base. It’s rewarding.”

After launching a grand slam against Our Lady of the Lake, Michel did most of her damage at the West Texas Invitational in Canyon, Texas. She doubled twice and recorded four RBI vs. Midwestern State and followed that with three consecutive three-hit games against 2015 NCAA participants- Cameron, 22nd-ranked and host Lady Buffs and Metro State. Against the latter Roadrunners, the Giddings, Texas native was a single away from the cycle with three RBI and three runs scored. She also scored twice three times and swiped two bags versus Cameron.

“As a coach I always look at the total team performance and do not focus on the performance of the individual, but we took note of the level of play Hannah performed at this week,” said head coach Donna Fields. “To be recognized as the NFCA Player of the Week is an exceptional honor.  Of the many great athletes that have come through this program, there are not too many that have had the privy of the award.  We are proud of what she has accomplished. She is such a dedicated and well-disciplined individual; her work ethic has brought her to this level of play.”

Perryman was lights out keying the seventh-ranked Tritons (10-0) to five of their six wins. In five starts last week, the senior from Streamwood, Ill. did not allow a run, surrendered just seven hits and struck out 64 in 33 innings of work. Perryman registered her 12th career no-hitter with 10-strikeouts in a 4-0 win over Southeastern Oklahoma at the 8-State Classic hosted by Arkansas-Monticello. The no-no moved her into a tie for fourth on the NCAA Division II career charts.

“This honor means so much to me,” Perryman said. “My team and I have worked incredibly hard this off season, so being recognized is a true honor. I can’t wait to see what the rest of this season has in store for us.” 

The lefty hurler twirled a pair of one-hitters, including a scintillating 18-strikeout performance against Northwestern Oklahoma. She also notched a two-hit blanking of Nebraska-Kearney, fanning 14 and bringing the NCAA’s, across all divisions, active strikeout leader’s total to 1,257, which is seventh all-time in Division II. For the week, she held opponents to a .069 batting average and struck out 10-plus in all five appearances.

“Hannah has had an amazing start to the season,” said head coach Brian Levin. “Going six straight starts without giving up a run is astonishing. She never ceases to amaze me, and I am really looking forward to what else she has in store for us.”

— Hannah Michel image courtesy of Antonio Morano / Hannah Perryman image courtesy of UMSL Media Relations

Player of the Week
Feb. 17 – Hannah Michel (St. Mary’s)
Feb. 10 – Darian Harris (Southern Arkansas)

Pitcher of the Week
Feb. 17 – Hannah Perryman (UMSL)
Feb. 10 – Kaylee Garner (Southern Arkansas)


Selected Top Performances
Alexis Kelsey of Northwest Missouri picked up MIAA/AstroTurf Hitter of the Week after clubbing four home runs, driving in 10, scoring eight runs, hitting .583 and slugging 1.667… GAC Pitcher of the Week, Southern Nazarene’s Katelyn Brown, tossed two complete-game shutouts, a no-hitter (5 IP, 6 K) vs. Southwest Baptist and a one-hitter (8 K), holding opponents to a .026 batting average…. West Texas A&M’s Brittany Cruz hit .643 (9-14), with three doubles, five extra base hits, 10 RBI and nine runs scored to garner Lone Star Conference Hitter of the Week… Florida Tech’s Rachel Pence was 5-0 with a 0.65 ERA and 27 strikeouts and named Sunshine State Conference Pitcher of the Week… Newberry’s Christina Linton was named South Atlantic Conference Player of the Week after hitting .615 with eight hits, seven RBI, two home runs, a 1.154 slugging percentage and .667 OBP… Tori Bice of East Central garnered Lone Star Conference Pitcher of the Week honors with a 3-0 record, 0.93 ERA with 13 strikeouts… Sunshine State Conference Player of the Week, Saint Leo’s Samantha Ohmie went 5-for-6 (.833) at the plate with four extra base hits, three RBI, three runs and a 2.000 slugging percentage… Harding’s Kimmy Hendricks launched two grand slams and recorded 10 RBI on her way to Great American Conference (GAC) Player of the Week honors… West Florida’s Rhiannon Sassman, the Gulf South Player of the Week, hit .529 with four doubles, two long ball, 11 RBI and six runs scored… Sarah Magill of Young Harris hit .583 and slugged 1.417 with a double and three home runs to take home Peach Belt Player of the Week accolades… Great Northwest Athletic Conference (GNAC) Co-Pitcher of the Week, Saint Martin’s Loryn Williams recorded a 2-0 record with a save, allowed just one earned run and struck out 18…  Central Washington’s Kiana Wood earned GNAC Co-Pitcher of the Week honors after going 4-0 with a 0.66 ERA, two shutouts and 15 strikeouts… Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Player of the Week Hayley Fields of Metro State hit .455 with four doubles, two triples, one homer, eight RBI and seven runs scored… Carly Lewis of Georgia College earned the Peach Belt Pitcher of the Week plaudit going 3-0 with a 0.38 ERA and 15 strikeouts in 18.2 innings of work… SAC Pitcher of the Week, Augie Pena of Anderson struck out 31 in 20 innings of work to earn three wins and post a 0.70 ERA… Upper Iowa’s Brooke Redmond was selected Northern Sun Pitcher of the Week after going 2-0 with 1.40 ERA and 19 strikeouts in 15 innings… Central Washington’s Taylor Ferleman was named GNAC Player of the Week after batting .480 with 12 hits, two triples, a homer, seven RBI and six runs.

Avengers: Endgame’s first trailer is finally here, and comes with the tagline, “Part of the journey is the end.”

Picking up after the catastrophic events of Avengers: Infinity War, this newest story sees our heroes at their lowest point.

Those who survived Thanos’ snap, which now has an official name, are figuring out how to find their loved ones in a universe where 50% of all living things have vanished.

As for Thanos himself, we only get a glimpse of the Mad Titan and the Infinity Gauntlet, as well as his armor that he is no longer wearing, his mission completed.

In addition, this new trailer features Hawkeye and Ant-Man, who were both missing from Avengers: Infinity War.

Captain Marvel, who was teased during the end credits of Infinity War, did not make an appearance but her movie, which recently received a new trailer, will debut just a month before Avengers: Endgame on March 8, 2019.

Avengers: Endgame, originally scheduled for May 3, 2019, will now be released in theaters on April 26, 2019.

For more, be sure to check out our 5 theories on what will happen in this newest Avengers film, how we think Thanos’ snap victims could return, find out where to get every Marvel movie on Blu-ray and 4K to prepare, and you can read about how the Russo brothers confirmed that while the ending of Infinity War can be undone, it’ll come at a “high cost.”

Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN who will need some time to recover after this first amazing trailer. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst.