Month: April 2019

Home / Month: April 2019

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed disappointment with the decision of a second member of his cabinet to resign over allegations that the Canadian leader interfered with a bribing investigation.

Jane Philpott stepped down as the president of Canada’s Treasury Board on Monday, further escalating the corruption scandal plaguing the prime minister. She said keeping her position would require her to publicly defend the government and its policies, which she could no longer do. Philpott resigned shortly afterwards.

“I know Ms. Philpott has felt this way for some time, and while I am disappointed, I understand her decision to step down and I want to thank her for her service,” Trudeau told a climate change rally in Toronto later in the day.

His explanation was interrupted by a heckler. The consequent speech was interrupted again by more heckling and a minor fistfight in the audience, to which the prime minister reacted by saying: “Oh boy, oh boy.”

Trudeau is under increasing pressure to resign over allegations that he tried to interfere in an investigation into the multinational engineering company, SNC-Lavalin, which stands accused of paying bribes to Libya for securing contracts there.

Former Minister of Justice and Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould testified to the Canadian Parliament last week that the prime minister and other members of the cabinet had been pressuring her to settle the case with a small fine for the firm.

Their argument was that proceeding with the matter would damage the Canadian economy. The Montreal-based company provides some 9,000 jobs locally, and about 50,000 worldwide.

Wilson-Raybould and Philpott are not only former co-workers, but also close personal friends, which some remaining members of the cabinet, said may have motivated Philpott’s decision.

Trudeau denied any wrongdoing and refused to resign. His term as prime minister ends this year, with a general election renewing the parliament and determining the new head of government scheduled for no later than October.

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OKLAHOMA CITY –  The Amateur Softball Association (ASA)/USA Softball announced the game schedule for the World Cup of Softball XI, featuring eight of the Top 10 Women’s National Teams in the world, to be played July 4-10 at the ASA Hall of Fame Complex – OGE Energy Field – INTEGRIS Field. The World Cup of Softball will be part of a 60-game schedule that features the eighth-annual Men’s Border Battle Slow Pitch game and Slow Pitch Showdown.


Click here to view the entire game schedule for World Cup of Softball XI

With a record-12 countries slated to participate, the World Cup of Softball XI features No. 1 Japan, No. 2 USA, No. 3 Australia, No. 4 Canada, No. 6 China, No. 7 Netherlands, No. 8 New Zealand and No. 10 Czech Republic.  Also slated to compete are No. 11 Puerto Rico, No. 14 Mexico, No. 19 Venezuela, No. 23 Philippines and the USA Softball Women’s Elite Team. Rankings are calculated by the WBSC world ranking system, which tracks the performance of each country’s National Team over a three-year period.

The 2016 Women’s National Team and Elite Team rosters were named in January as 18 athletes have been selected to represent the Red, White and Blue on the Women’s National Team and an additional 16 have been named to the Women’s Elite Team.  For complete schedules and rosters for both the Women’s National Team and Women’s Elite Team, please click here.

All-session Gold Pass tickets, which are $175 for reserved seating, and general admission tickets, which are $60, can be purchased by phone at 800-654-8337or online at  Gold Pass all-session tickets include a USA Softball hat, World Cup XI program, a personalized name slide on the videoboard at OGE Energy Field, exclusive parking and advanced autograph sessions.  Fans that hold the Gold Pass all-session ticket will have open seating in the Gold Pass section (click here to view seating chart).  Single session Gold Pass and general admission tickets will go on sale in early June.

For complete coverage of World Cup XI including bios, rosters, live stats, streaming and results log on to  

— Courtesy of ASA/USA Softball

Despite Canadians’ reputation as hardy, cold-proof inhabitants of the North, a lot of us draw a line when it comes to participating in certain winter activities.

Voluntarily sleeping on the ground in sub-zero weather, it’s safe to say, is that line for many.

Winter camping has historically been an exercise in preparation and outdoor know-how. Proper gear, a hawk-eye view on changing weather patterns, and cold weather survival tactics have been essential.

But a rise in comfort camping — often referred to as “glamorous camping” or “glamping” — means Canadians’ views on winter camping are shifting as an influx of options is getting people up off the ground and surrounded by luxury amenities.

“People really want to get away in the winter, to spend time outside, but they’re not interested in hauling all their gear into the backcountry and having to set it all up,” Gair Fryers, president of Castleavery Hospitality Ventures in Alberta, told HuffPost Canada.

Fryers’ company owns Mount Engadine Lodge, nestled in the Rockies west of Calgary. He recently introduced five winterized tents in an attempt to cash in on the growing interest in glamping.

Each of their 320-sq.-ft. tents is wrapped in thick canvas and features a king-sized bed, propane fireplace, chandelier, a full bathroom, and electricity. Overnight visitors can borrow the lodge’s free snowshoes, fat bikes, and ice cleats to take advantage of the pristine mountain terrain surrounding the lodge.

Take a tour of the Mount Engadine Lodge glamping tents. Story continues below:

According to the Kampgrounds of America (KOA) 2018 North American Camping Report, the popularity of camping is rising in Canada, with the number of new camping households growing by a half million in 2017. One-third of the Canadian campers surveyed by KOA reported they would like to try a luxury cabin or glamping experience in the coming year.

“There’s a lot of interest around Winter 101,” Rose Boulton, global media specialist with Travel Alberta, explained to HuffPost Canada, adding that people are looking for “easy” ways to enjoy Canadian winters without having to sink a bunch of money into gear or formulate elaborate contingency plans.

Cherie and Chad Ball of Okotoks, Alta., said an increased interest in winter camping is spilling over into their peer-to-peer RV rental service, Wheel Estate.

Of the more than 1,000 campers and trailers for rent on Wheel Estate — which is essentially an Airbnb for campers and trailers — about 25 per cent are equipped for winter camping.

“People really seem to enjoy finding a quiet campground where they can stay, head out to enjoy the winter activities, but still having a warm, dry place to lay their head at the end of the day,” Chad told HuffPost Canada, adding that renting a trailer offers “a kind of quiet that you don’t get at busy, bustling hotels.”

Another factor driving interest in winter glamping is what Boulton calls “the Instagram effect”: the increased attraction to places and experiences that make for great social media posts.

“For some people, posting aspirational and inspiring images and videos is almost as important as the experience itself,” she said.

The Woods Parka Lodge on Kennisis Lake in Ontario’s cottage country understands the importance of appealing to social media users, and advertises its newly built, parka-insulated glamping yurt as a “rugged, stylish and inspiring” retreat complete with a turntable and vintage vinyl, private yoga lessons, and a complimentary parka for guests to take home.

Check out all the additional features of the Woods Parka Lodge. Story continues below:

The aspirational Instagram and Facebook game is paying off for Mount Engadine Lodge too; they post brilliant, high-quality photos of the surrounding area to entice potential visitors.

“As soon as we launched on social media the phone started ringing,” Fryers said, adding that 40 per cent of all bookings come from links on their social media accounts.

“The great thing about winter glamping is that you can do it quite affordably, if you want, or you can splurge and really make it a special occasion,” said Boulton.

Glamping facilities in Canada run the gamut from a few dozen dollars per night for an RV rental, to thousands of dollars for week-long cabin vacations that involve excursions and all-inclusive food and drink.

Many Canadian glamping sites, especially in areas with low winter tourism, offer special winter deals to attract off-season customers.

“Everyone should really try glamping at some point,” said Fryers.

“We have people that come [to Engadine] and they swear they hate camping, but as soon as they see our glamping tents they immediately say ‘now, this is my type of camping!'”

Below Release Date Announced

April 4, 2019 | News | No Comments

Capybara Games has announced that Below will officially be released for Xbox One and on Steam on December 14, 2018.

Originally revealed at Microsoft’s E3 2013 press conference, Below is an action-adventure roguelike that is played from a top-down perspective and focuses heavily on exploration, a tough but fair difficulty, and permadeath.

Announced on Capybara’s Twitter, Below will have you taking “a solitary journey through the haunted depths of a forbidden isle.”

This announcement arrives just a day before The Game Awards, and we even had this reveal as one of our five predictions for the show, believing it would debut as part of Xbox’s Winter of Arcade lineup.

Below was delayed multiple times as Capybara wanted to ensure that it lived up to its promise and the quality of its previous games, including Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery EP and Super Time Force.

We had Below as one of our IGN First back in 2015 and compared it to such games as Zelda and Dark Souls. We took away from our time with the game that Below really embraces death in a powerful way and puts a lot of trust in the player.

429 Mashing buttons will get you nowhere!

Error 429 Mashing buttons will get you nowhere!

Mashing buttons will get you nowhere!

Guru Meditation:

XID: 707946240

Varnish cache server

Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN who can’t wait to finally play Below and is super happy for Capybara Games. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst.

A bus ad campaign against radical feminism that features an image of Adolf Hitler wearing blush and lipstick has sparked uproar among Spanish social media users.

The Nazi dictator appeared on buses in Madrid wearing make-up and sporting a feminist symbol on his military cap, along with the hashtag “#StopFeminazis.” The ad quickly made headlines after being spotted on the streets of the Spanish capital.

The eyebrow-raising advertising campaign was launched by the local ultraconservative Catholic movement Hazte Oir (“Make Yourself Heard”) to protest against the local gender violence law, which it considers discriminatory against men.

“It’s not gender violence, it’s domestic violence,” the main slogan painted on the bus says, referring to a 2004 law specifically cracking down on crimes against women. The second slogan calls for local right-wing politicians to repeal the legislation.

Spain’s gender violence law established special courts dealing with cruelty against women, as well as setting up designated rehab centers, and was praised by women’s rights associations. However, the legislation is held in low esteem by conservative activists. Campaign spokesman Luis Losada Pescador said it “only serves to generate gender bars, while feminist supremacism is plugged into the budget.”

The appeal was slammed online, however, as many people considered the analogy of the infamous Nazi leader inappropriate and disturbing.

“You can defend the devil and reject the laws you want, but nobody will take you seriously with an Adolf Hitler [image] with painted lips,” one user wrote on Twitter, calling the whole idea “offensive, despicable and depressing.”

Many people defended the country’s gender violence law, which attracted criticism from conservatives. One person said it “saved lives,” adding that the activists are “making fool of themselves” with this “macho bus.” One furious Twitter user went even further by calling the ad “an insult to the murdered women,” blaming the campaigners for hate speech.

There were also voices in favor of the controversial ad, with one person saying that the Hitler image was the perfect match for the situation. And another one claimed that the current gender violence law “confronts men and women, making them enemies” and “promotes the image of man as murderer.”

The bus depicting Hitler is expected to travel through Madrid and several other Spanish cities until International Women’s Day on March 8, when women’s rights rallies are held. Meanwhile, the mayor of Valencia said that local authorities might ban the dubious campaign in the city if experts find elements of hate speech in its message.

The “Make Yourself Heard” conservative group first entered the public eye in 2017 – after running another bus campaign, this time focusing on the transgender community. The ad’s key message claimed that a person can’t change their sex and continue to be either a man or a woman because “boys have penises, girls have vulvas.”

New Far Cry Game Teased

April 4, 2019 | News | No Comments

Ubisoft has teased what seems to be a new Far Cry game, possibly set after the events of Far Cry 5.

A teaser video (below) shows a nuclear blast going off behind what looks very much like a landscape from Far Cry 5’s Hope County setting, before a buzzsaw blade is repurposed for a crossbow-like a weapon.

Aside from what seems to be a lusher post-apocalyptic setting than we’re used to (well, apart from Rage 2, that is), the only other bit of information available now is that the game’s listed for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

It’s not totally clear if this is a spin-off, sequel, or otherwise, but Ubisoft has made clear that this is a new game entirely, rather than DLC.

More will be revealed at The Game Awards taking place tomorrow, and you can check out our viewing guide for exactly how you can watch that.

\u0022I started out loving this game. It had so much of what I\u0027d been missing. Sure, it looks fantastic, but it also plays well and is satisfyingly long; each of the 20 levels should take you about an hour or more to play through, if you don\u0027t get risky and keep your head down. But I hit a few level design roadblocks that, combined with the Spartan save game system, made for some numbing repetition of load, die, load, die, load, die, ad nauseum, until I finally figured out the correct strategy. If Far Cry had manual saves, even a limited number per area or for the whole game, I would have been overjoyed. I really hope they add this in a patch, or perhaps add it as an unlockable feature.\u0022″,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry-1494532127933.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry-1494532127933_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:”02″,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”Released Sep. 27, 2005, Reviewed by David Clayman

\u0022Far Cry Instincts is a must-play for anyone with a remote interest in shooters. The new feral abilities and completely redesigned single player experience mean that even gamers who played the heck out of the PC version will find value in this title. Graphically, the developers have clearly pushed the Xbox to its limit. Whatever quirks this game exhibits (fairly long load times and sporadic pop-in) are a product of trying to do too much on aging hardware. The map editor, multiplayer, and feral melee attack are reason enough to give this game a try, so stop reading and join the hunt.\u0022″,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry-instincts-1494532127931.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry-instincts-1494532127931_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:”03″,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”Released Mar. 28, 2006, Reviewed by Charles Onyett

\u0022Though it offers little that\u0027s new, what really matters is if the game\u0027s still fun, which FCIE most definitely is. Slaughtering things with feral powers is always enjoyable, and the expanded multiplayer options help to keep this game entertaining long after you blaze through the new single player content. If you\u0027re thinking of buying this game, consider the following. If you never played FCI before and are looking for a new shooter experience, by all means get this game. If you were a big fan of FCI and are really into map modding, you\u0027ll appreciate FCIE\u0027s expanded options. If you were one of the many waiting for a true sequel to FCI, however, keep waiting.\u0022″,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry-instincts-predator-1494532127930.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry-instincts-predator-1494532127930_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:”04″,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”Released Mar. 28, 2006, Reviewed by Charles Onyett

\u0022Though it offers little new content, what really matters is if the game is still fun, which FCIE most definitely is. Slaughtering things with feral powers is always enjoyable, and the expanded multiplayer options help to keep this game entertaining long after you blaze through the new single-player content. If you\u0027re thinking of buying this game, consider the following: If you never played FCI before and are looking for a new shooter experience, by all means get this. If you were a big fan of FCI and are really into map modding, you\u0027ll appreciate FCIE\u0027s expanded options. If you were one of the many waiting for a true sequel to FCI, however, keep waiting.\u0022″,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry-instincts-evolution-1494532127927.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry-instincts-evolution-1494532127927_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:”05″,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”Released Dec. 12, 2006, Reviewed by Matt Casamassina

\u0022Ubisoft is a very talented development studio; one of the best in the world. Far Cry Vengeance does not represent even half of the company\u0027s potential. I can only imagine that the franchise\u0027s originator, Crytek Studios, is looking at this port and laughing; or maybe crying. If you want an action-filled FPS, get Call of Duty 3. And if you just want something pretty to look at, you\u0027re better off with Red Steel.\u0022″,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry-vengeance-1494532127932.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry-vengeance-1494532127932_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:”06″,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”Released Oct. 21, 2008, Reviewed by Charles Onyett

\u0022Ubisoft Montreal has done some great things with Far Cry 2; the product of putting a gigantic development staff and what must have been a gargantuan budget behind developing a new kind of first-person shooter on a new engine. The formula still needs work in terms of enemy AI, quest structure, and giving the player more to do to fill in all that open space, but as it is, it\u0027s still a standout achievement. More importantly, it has nowhere near as many bugs as something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, a title that bears many similarities. Add to the roughly 25 hour single-player campaign a remarkably easy-to- use map creation tool and a full multiplayer suite, and you\u0027ve got one of the most complete overall gaming packages of the year, as well as one of the most ambitious.\u0022″,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry2-1494532127935.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry2-1494532127935_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:”07″,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”Released Dec. 4, 2012, Reviewed by Mitch Dyer

\u0022Far Cry 3 is important for the same reason as Far Cry 2. It\u2019s a shooter that considers shooters thoughtfully, both in the way they\u2019re designed and the way we play them, and then asks us to do the same. Should massacring hundreds be a great way to entertain ourselves? Maybe not. But it is.\u0022″,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry3-1494532127937.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry3-1494532127937_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:”08″,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”Released May 1, 2013, Reviewed by Mitch Dyer

\u0022Blood Dragon\u2019s playful focus on humor, nostalgia, and self-aware absurdity allows it to delve into a subject far more important than African arms races or tropical sociopaths: Video games are really, really fun. This comical, explosive shooter takes everything that makes Far Cry 3\u0027s gunplay great and dresses it in the kind of wit and over-the-top fun that Duke Nukem Forever is so desperately missing. Blood Dragon is a different beast \u2013 and it\u2019s something you shouldn\u2019t miss.\u0022″,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry3-blood-dragon-1494532127936.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry3-blood-dragon-1494532127936_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:”09″,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”Released Nov. 18, 2014, Reviewed by Mitch Dyer

\u0022Diversity is one of Far Cry 4\u2019s strongest assets, and it overwhelms the mostly disappointing story with countless opportunities for free-form adventure and fun. Visual variety, tons of distinct side-quests, and a dense world with plenty of options always gave me something I wanted to do, and its satisfying economy had me obsessing over completing every side-quest. It\u2019s a little safe, overall — its competitive multiplayer stands out as a gamble that paid off — in that it has many familiar elements from Far Cry 3 transplanted to an amazing new place, but those elements are incredibly empowering and rewarding.\u0022″,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry4-1494532127938.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry4-1494532127938_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:10,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”Released Feb. 23, 2016, Reviewed by Luke Reilly

\u0022Far Cry Primal succeeds in transporting the Far Cry formula back in time and comes to the table with a quiver of neat ideas and a dangerous and fascinating open world. The visceral and varied combat is fun, the beast-based gameplay is a winner, and the lure of camp-claiming, gear-crafting, beast hunting, and resource gathering remains irresistible. It\u2019s weakened, however, by a disappointing lack of investment in its story, some often forgettable quests, and its vanilla villains, which unfortunately combine to make Primal feel like a step back from the memorable moments of Far Cry 3 and 4.\u0022″,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry-primal-1494532127931.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2017\/05\/11\/farcry-primal-1494532127931_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:11,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”Released March 27, 2018, Reviewed by Daemon Hatfield

\u0022Far Cry 5 is another wide-open playground with all the necessary ingredients for causing a real ruckus: loads of enemies and allies, temperamental wildlife, and plenty of explosions. Amidst all the insanity it manages to tell a serious story with respectable characters and a powerful ending, though it\u2019s not the most memorable in the series. The successful transition from exotic locales to America\u2019s backyard makes me excited to see where the Far Cry formula goes next.\u0022\r\n\r\nRead the Full Review”,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2018\/06\/05\/farcry5-1528157833305.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2018\/06\/05\/farcry5-1528157833305_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:12,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”June 4, 2018, Reviewed by Daemon Hatfield

\u0022Hours of Darkness is a clever and fun but brief twist on the Far Cry formula. Its new approach to Guns for Hire AI companions gives you something other than yourself to worry about during battles, and its use of perks as a reward for stealth kills encourages my favorite style of play in an interesting way, but can bring your momentum to a screeching halt when you slip up. Just like the Far Cry series\u2019 previous jaunts to new locations, this trip to Vietnam is a good time.\u0022\r\n\r\nRead the Full Review”,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2018\/07\/18\/fc5-hoursofdarkness-1531943042218.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2018\/07\/18\/fc5-hoursofdarkness-1531943042218_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:13,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”July 17, 2018, Reviewed by Daemon Hatfield

\u0022Lost On Mars is a strange choice for a Far Cry 5 expansion, and this risky change of scenery doesn\u2019t pay off. While it does feature a hilarious fan-favorite character, I just wish the gameplay was as inventive as the dialogue and gun nomenclature. It\u2019s too bad Ubisoft couldn\u2019t find a way to make an alien world feel more interesting than the Montana countryside. Even with the addition of a jetpack, lasers, and alien bugs this planet feels dull as red dirt. If you didn\u2019t buy the season pass, the trip to Mars hardly seems worth it.\u0022\r\n\r\nRead the Full Review”,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2018\/07\/18\/fc5-lostonmars-1531943042215.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2018\/07\/18\/fc5-lostonmars-1531943042215_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:14,”albumTotalCount”:15},{“caption”:”Reviewed by David Griffin
August 28, 2018
There\u2019s fun to be had in Far Cry 5\u2019s Dead Living Zombies expansion, especially thanks to Guy Marvel\u2019s hilarious pitches for his horror cinematic universe and some extremely creepy locations. Developer Ubisoft almost had a real winner on its hands, but it couldn\u2019t quite come up with a way to make killing these simple zombies feel less repetitive.”,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:”https:\/\/\/2018\/12\/05\/farcry1-1544047469338.jpg”,”styleUrl”:”https:\/\/\/2018\/12\/05\/farcry1-1544047469338_{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”Every IGN Far Cry Review Ever”,”relativePosition”:15,”albumTotalCount”:15}]’

Joe Skrebels is IGN’s UK News Editor, and he’s always interested in world that looks that pink. Follow him on Twitter.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The top three teams in the NFCA Division III Top 25 unanimously remain the same for the second straight week, with top-ranked Texas-Tyler in the No. 1 spot, followed by Emory and Texas Lutheran.

The (28-2) Patriots highlighted a 5-0 week with a doubleheader sweep of then-No. 5 East Texas Baptist (24-6), while Emory’s only action was a split with junior college squad Georgia Highlands to keep the (31-1) Eagles the consensus second-choice in the poll for the fourth straight week. Texas Lutheran (29-2), meanwhile, went 5-1 last week to remain the solid No. 3 team.

Luther (23-1) takes over the fourth spot after extending its win streak to 21, while Virginia Wesleyan (21-4) also moves up three places — to No. 5 — after a sweep of then-No. 4 Christopher Newport (23-4) in a 4-0 week. Salisbury (21-4) and Claremont-Mudd-Scripps (22-5-1) are both up three places each, followed by Christopher Newport at No. 8, Illinois Wesleyan (13-3) at No. 9 and Berry (24-6) rounding out the top 10.

East Texas Baptist won its other three games during the week against Ozarks, but fell six places to 11th, while Washington (Mo.) dropped seven spots — to 13th — after being swept by Illinois Wesleyan and losing to Central (Iowa) in a 3-3 week.

Three-time defending national champion Tufts (8-6) fell out of the poll for the first time since March 21, 2012, after a 1-2 week, which included being swept by surging but unranked Williams (14-5). The Jumbos had been not only ranked, but the No. 1 team in 23 of 27 polls — including 16 straight — since April 30, 2014. Reigning national runner-up Texas-Tyler took the top spot from Tufts beginning with this year’s preseason Top 25 on Feb. 3.

Illinois’ Wheaton College (16-4) returns as the new No. 25 team, while Manhattanville (19-1), Widener (15-3) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (13-5) are new schools in the receiving votes category this week.

The NFCA Division III Top 25 Poll is selected by Division III head coaches representing the eight NCAA regions. Records through Sunday’s games are listed, with first-place votes in parentheses.

NFCA Division III Top 25 Poll – April 6, 2016

Rank Team 2016 Record Points Previous 1 Texas-Tyler (8) 28-2 200 1 2 Emory 31-1 192 2 3 Texas Lutheran 29-2 184 3 4 Luther 23-1 169 7 5 Virginia Wesleyan 21-4 168 8 6 Salisbury 21-4 146 9 7 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 22-5-1 145 10 8 Christopher Newport 23-4 140 4 9 Illinois Wesleyan 13-3 126 13 10 Berry 24-6 124 11 11 East Texas Baptist 24-6 123 5 12 Alma 17-5 111 15 13 Washington (Mo.) 23-7 103 6 14 Birmingham-Southern 25-6 99 16 15 Rowan 17-5 91 T18 16 St. John Fisher 13-3 78 12 17 St. Catherine 14-1 74 T18 18 Messiah 19-2 61 22 19 Moravian 19-3 52 21 T20 Trine 14-7 47 14   St. Thomas (Minn.) 15-3 47 T23 22 Simpson 21-4 28 RV 23 Heidelberg 15-5 22 17 24 Cortland 15-3 21 RV 25 Wheaton (Ill.) 16-4 13 NR

Others receiving votes: Manhattanville 11, Worcester Polytechnic Institute 8, Whitworth 7, Central (Iowa) 4, Widener 3 and Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2.

Dropped out: Wheaton (Mass.), University of Chicago, Tufts and Williams.

Chlorine was likely used in a chemical attack in Syria’s Douma last April, the OPCW said. The chemical arms watchdog refrained from identifying the party responsible for the incident, despite earlier being granted such powers.

There are “reasonable grounds” to believe that “the use of a toxic chemical as a weapon [took] place on 7 April 2018,” the Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said.

“This toxic chemical contained reactive chlorine. The toxic chemical was likely molecular chlorine,” according to the report.

The FMM also stated that it “did not observe any major key precursors for the synthesis of chemical weapons agents, particularly for nerve agents such as sarin, or vesicants such as sulphur or nitrogen mustard.”

The OPCW experts came to these conclusions after on-site visits to collect environmental samples, interviews with the witnesses, and analysis of other data.

The chemical incident in Douma just over a year ago was reported by the infamous Western-backed group, the White Helmets, which had been caught red-handed cooperating with terrorists on numerous occasions. 

The activists blamed the Syrian government for the attack on its own people, as videos emerged online allegedly showing doctors trying to rescue those affected by toxic substances. Moscow had for weeks issued repeated warnings that the militants were preparing provocations with chemical weapons in the area.

READ MORE: No attack, no victims, no chem weapons: Douma witnesses speak at OPCW briefing at The Hague (VIDEO)

The unverified claims were swiftly picked up by the mainstream media. The US, UK, and France used the alleged attack as a pretext to launch a large-scale missile attack on Syrian government targets, which they said were involved in the production of toxic agents.

They opted to act days before the OPCW was due to arrive in Douma for a fact-finding mission, just one week after the alleged chemical incident.

Chlorine containers from Germany that belonged to militants were later found by the Russian military in the liberated parts of Douma. This was followed by the discovery of a laboratory operated by terrorists, which contained all the equipment needed to produce deadly chemicals.

Think your friends would be interested?

Todd McFarlane, co-creator of Venom and creator of Spawn, believes that Spawn will be part of the upcoming Mortal Kombat 11.

During a reddit AMA, McFarlane was asked “Will you please let Spawn be in Mortal Kombat 11?”

He responded, simply, “I believe he’s on his way…”

Mortal Kombat 11, by NetherRealm Studios, was officially announced at The Game Awards for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

While such characters as Alien, Kratos, Predator, Jason Voorhees, Leatherface, and Freddy Krueger have appeared in Mortal Kombat titles, Spawn still has yet to join the fight.

Back in 2015, McFarlane revealed that a deal was being worked out with Warner Bros. to allow the use of the Spawn character in Mortal Kombat X. While that never happened, it appears fans of the anti-hero may now finally get their wish.

Spawn, who placed #36 on our list of top 100 comic book heroes, first appeared in comics in 1992 and was once known as Albert Simmons, a US Marine who was murdered by his best friend and arrives in Hell.

He makes a deal with Malebolgia that allows him to see his wife once again, for the small price of his soul.

Mortal Kombat 11 will be released for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC on April 23, 2019, and you can check our preorder guide to prepare for its release and get the right version for you.

IGN has reached out to WBIE for comment.

Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN who loves guest characters in games. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – Back-to-back national champion Florida was selected the unanimous No. 1 program in the final 2015 USA Today/NFCA Division I Top 25 Poll, announced Tuesday by the Association.


The Gators (60-7) garnered all 32 first-place votes after a second consecutive Women’s College World Series title. Florida won the bookend games over Michigan in a thrilling three-game WCWS finals and finished with 60 wins for the first time since the 2009 squad went 63-5. Powered by the arm and the bat of USA Softball Player of the Year and WCWS Most Outstanding Player Lauren Haeger, the No. 1 seeded Gators went 3-0 to reach their fourth final series with victories over SEC foes Tennessee (7-2), LSU (4-0) and Auburn (3-2 in 9 inn.).

A 3-2 nailbiter in the opener put UF one win away, but Michigan responded with 1-0 old school pitchers duel triumph in the fastest (94 minutes) finals game since 2002. However, the Gators scored early in game three and did not look back in a 4-1 victory to claim the program’s second national championship. 

The runner-up Wolverines (60-8) received all 32 second-place nods to finish the season at No. 2, their highest finish since No. 1 in 2005. As with Florida, Michigan went a perfect 3-0 on its way  to its first national title series since winning the 2005 championship. The third-seeded Wolverines defeated Alabama (5-0), UCLA (10-4) and LSU (6-3) to earn their title shot against the Gators.

A pair of Tigers, national semifinalists Auburn and LSU, finished the season ranked third and fourth. AU (56-11) culminated a record-breaking season by posting a 2-2 mark at its first WCWS. After falling to LSU (1-6) in the opener, Auburn defeated Tennessee, 4-2, and UCLA, 11-10, in a four-plus hour 10-inning affair for the right to face Florida. In the first matchup of the season between the two SEC foes, the Tigers pushed the Gators to the limit before falling in nine innings, 23-2.

LSU (52-14) reached the semifinals for the first times since 2004 and the 50-win plateau since a 55-12 mark in 2007. The Tigers topped Auburn (6-1) in their opener before falling to the eventual champion Gators (5-0). LSU bounced back with a 5-1 elimination game win over SEC rival Alabama (5-1), but was eliminated by Wolverines (6-3) in the semifinals.

Rounding out the top five is UCLA. The Bruins (51-12) opened  with a 7-1 victory over Pac-12 rival and No. 2 seed Oregon, but dropped their next two contests to Michigan (4-10) and Auburn (10-11) in 10-inning marathon.

The final three WCWS participants Alabama (48-15), Oregon (51-8) and Tennessee (47-17) completed the final top eight teams in the country. Oklahoma (49-9) and Florida State (49-14), who fell in the Super Regionals to Alabama and Tennessee rounded out the top 10.

Returning to the poll at No. 17 is Kentucky (32-26) and at No. 19 North Carolina State (38-22). The Wildcats and Wolfpack reached the Super Regionals, but were swept by Florida and Oregon, respectively.

The USA Today/NFCA Division I Top 25 Poll is voted on by 32 NCAA Division I head coaches, one representing each conference.  Current 2015 records are shown and first-place votes are in parentheses.

— Photo courtesy of Tim Casey

USA Today/NFCA Division I Softball Poll – June 9, 2015 (Final)



2015 Record


Prev. Rank


Florida (32)













































Florida State





Louisiana Lafayette








































North Carolina State





Arizona State










James Madison





South Alabama












Notre Dame

North Dakota State







New to Poll: No. 17 Kentucky, No. 19 North Carolina State

Dropped out: No. 24 Texas A&M

Others Receiving Votes: Texas A&M (56), Western Kentucky (20), Florida Atlantic (13), Utah (13), Hofstra (12), Pittsburgh (11), USC Upstate (6), Kansas (6), North Carolina (3), Mississippi State (1).