Month: April 2020

Home / Month: April 2020

TAMPA, FL — Nik Wallenda will be treated to a bird’s-eye view of the just-completed 15-story hotel tower at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino.

The seventh-generation member of the Great Wallendas world-famous tightrope-walking family will navigate a half-inch-wide wire strung between the new and existing hotel towers on Thursday as part of the celebration marking the completion of the hotel and casino’s $700 million expansion.

Wallenda, whose high-wire feats have received worldwide television coverage, won’t be alone: He’ll perform the high-wire walk 150 feet in the air with his 67-year-old mother, Delilah Wallenda of Sarasota.

This will be an especially memorable walk for Delilah Wallenda, who plans to retire after this final feat.

The last time the mother and son performed together was on June 7, 2011, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, when they re-created the high-wire walk between the two towers of the Condado Plaza Hotel that claimed the life of Nik Wallenda’s great-grandfather on March 22, 1978. At age 73, Karl Wallenda lost his balance, teetered on the wire for 30 heart-stopping seconds and then plummeted 10 stories to his death.

“The reality is it’s very dangerous,” Nik Wallenda said of his chosen profession.

He admitted to being a bit nervous for his mother because she recently had hip replacement and back surgery. But she has her doctor’s OK to perform the walk and is determined to do it, he said.

“I’m proud to walk with her one last time,” he said. “This is something very, very special. We love what we do. This is our passion.”

Nik Wallenda holds 10 world records. Among his feats, he was the first person to walk a wire directly over Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon. In June, he and his sister, Lijana, walked a wire 230 feet (25 stories) above Times Square in New York City (see video). He said his sister plans to be on hand Thursday to watch their mother’s last walk.

The walk will take place at 12:10 p.m. after 10 a.m. ceremonies during Seminole Hard Rock Tampa’s Grand Celebration Weekend, which runs Thursday to Sunday. The event will commemorate the completion of an expansion that includes the new hotel tower, pool and spa, retail and dining outlets.

In June, Nik Wallenda and his sister, Lijana, walked a wire 230 feet (25 stories) above Times Square in New York City. (High Wire Live/Nik Wallenda)

The Thursday event schedule will also include a performance by Light Balance, a hi-tech neon and LED show that contains elements of acrobatic and dance choreography. The group earned the Golden Buzzer Award during its audition for Season 12 of “America’s Got Talent” and finished third overall in the competition.

A Nightlife Party in the new Hard Rock Event Center at 8 p.m. Thursday will feature performances by DJ Jazzy Jeff and Big Boi, a member of the hip hop duo Outkast.

At 9 p.m. Friday, country artist and “American Idol” judge Keith Urban will perform in the Hard Rock Event Center.

The Grand Celebration Weekend will conclude with a pool party at noon Sunday hosted by celebrity DJ Brody Jenner.

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LOS ANGELES, CA — A magnitude 3.7 earthquake rattled Los Angeles early Friday morning at 12:19 a.m. Its was epicenter in Compton, perilously close to the a fault that ruptured decades ago and caused extensive damage and more than 100 deaths.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake was just over 15 miles deep. The quake struck about 1.5 miles west of East Rancho Dominguez and southwest of Lynwood, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

It was felt across the Los Angeles region as well as parts of northern Orange County. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Within minutes more than 100 people reported feeling the shaking to the U.S. Geological Survey.

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The intensity of the shaking wasn’t strong enough to set off the city’s early warning system, ShakeAlertLA, so residents did not receive a warning, which calculated that light shaking was felt in Compton, Lynwood, Gardena, Willowbrook, Lakewood and northern Long Beach.

Weaker shaking was likely felt throughout the Los Angeles Basin and the San Gabriel Valley. Homes in Burbank and Rowland Heights shuddered, according to the geological survey.

Officials did not immediately identify the fault line responsible for the quake but said the epicenter was about two miles from a mapped strand of the Newport-Inglewood fault. Fault lines responsible for past quakes in the area include the Compton thrust fault and the Newport-Inglewood fault, which ruptured in 1933, killing 120 people.

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Katherine, la mère de Michael Jackson, a obtenu la garde provisoire de Prince Michael, 12 ans, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, 11 ans, et Prince Michael II, sept ans. Elle entend bien les avoir définitivement sous son aile.

Katherine Jackson, la mère de Michael Jackson est sur le sentier de la guerre. Pour elle, pas question de laisser la mémoire et le patrimoine de son fils partir en fumée, et ce au nom des trois enfants de Bambi.

Ils s’appellent Prince Michael, 12 ans, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, 11 ans, et Prince Michael II, sept ans, ils ont respectivement 12,11 et 7 ans. Et leur grand-mère de 79 printemps vient d’obtenir officiellement leur garde.

Certes, Katherine Jackson n’est pas définitivement leur responsable légale. Pour cela, il va falloir attendre un jugement du tribunal qui se réunira à ce sujet début août, le 3, selon nos confrères du Figaro. Une décision somme toute logique, étant donné leur degré de parenté avec Katherine, mais aussi parce que c’est elle qui s’en occupe depuis la mort soudaine de Michael Jackson.

Mais Katherine Jackson sait qu’on ne vit pas d’amour et d’eau fraîche. Du coup, elle a également émis le vœu de devenir l’administratrice des biens de Michael Jackson.

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Mais pour l’instant, alors que le clan Jackson jette le trouble sur les circonstances de la mort de Michael, Katherine se heurte à un refus des autorités, même si elle clame qu’il ne s’agit pour elle que de mettre à l’abri les jeunes héritiers de Michael Jackson. En admettant que leur artiste de papa ne leur a pas laissé qu’une montagne de dettes…

Lundi 29 juin 2009

Feuilleton : 2019, destination paradis (4/4)

April 3, 2020 | News | No Comments

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#AlertePollutionRivières ou sols contaminés, déchets industriels abandonnés… Vous vivez à proximité d’un site pollué ?
Cliquez ici pour nous alerter !Les Vietnamiens l’appellent l’île aux cocotiers. Phú Quốc possède 50 kilomètres de sable blanc léché par des eaux turquoise. Elle est réputée pour être l’une des plus belles îles d’Asie. Dans ce décor idyllique, un pêcheur de calamars depuis vingt-cinq ans admire tous les jours l’île depuis sa petite embarcation. Le paradis tropical recèle de nombreux trésors. Son joyau le plus précieux n’est accessible qu’en bateau. Phú Quốc compte en effet trois fermes perlières gigantesques. Les perles de l’île sont réputées grosses, brillantes et rondes. Trois caractéristiques qui en font des perles prisées. 70% des huîtres produisent une perle Un an après avoir été mises à l’eau, les huîtres doivent être nettoyées. Une étape indispensable pour enlever les impuretés et qu’elles deviennent plus fortes. Elles sont récoltées au bout de trois ans. Seules 70% d’entre elles donneront des perles. Les perles blanches sont vendues 30 euros et les jaunes, plus rares, 80 euros. Pour les fabriquer, il faut introduire dans l’huître un corps étranger, comme un grain de sable, pour activer chez le mollusque un mécanisme de défense à l’origine de la perle. Mais aujourd’hui, l’île est aujourd’hui menacée par le tourisme de masse. De gigantesques complexes hôteliers sont en construction sur le littoral. Click Here: Cheap Golf Golf Clubs

#AlertePollutionRivières ou sols contaminés, déchets industriels abandonnés… Vous vivez à proximité d’un site pollué ?
Cliquez ici pour nous alerter !Pas moins de dix prospectus publicitaires en tous genres dans la boîte aux lettres de ce particulier. “C’est du gaspillage de A à Z“, assure Gaiji Khaled, de l’association “Résistance à l’agression publicitaire”. Pourtant, comme un Français sur cinq, il a posté un autocollant sur sa boîte aux lettres signifiant qu’il ne souhaite pas recevoir de publicités. Militant, il a même décidé de peser ces prospectus.Plus de deux kilos de prospectus par mois reçus par ménageÀ l’heure du numérique, le marché du bon vieux prospectus papier ne faiblit pas en France. Il continue même de progresser. Un marché porté par la guerre commerciale que se livrent les enseignes de la grande distribution. Elles produisent toujours plus de papier, tout simplement, car les clients y restent attachés. Chaque ménage reçoit plus de deux kilos de prospectus par mois. C’est 15% de plus qu’il y a quinze ans. Depuis janvier, Monoprix a décidé de sauter le pas. Le seul catalogue papier disponible de l’enseigne se trouve en magasin. Il n’est plus distribué à domicile et ce sont 30 millions de catalogues économisés par an. Le magasin mise désormais sur sa version en ligne.Le JT

  • JT de 13h du vendredi 11 janvier 2019 L’intégrale

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Ils seraient déjà 32 à se présenter à une présidentielle, à laquelle le président  Bouteflika pourrait être candidat. Officiellement, l’ancien secrétaire général du FLN, aujourd’hui à la tête de son parti, Talaie el-Houriat (Avant-garde des libertés), attend le feu vert de son parti pour officialiser sa candidature. “Il ne fait plus aucun doute que la participation de Benflis à la course à el Mouradia (présidence algérienne, NDLR) reste intimement tributaire de la décision de Bouteflika de briguer un cinquième mandat”, écrit La Liberté Algérie. Sous-entendu, M. Benflis pourrait ne pas être candidat en cas de candidature du président sortant.”Au cas où il (Abdelaziz Bouteflika) déciderait de se porter candidat à sa propre succession, il ne restera plus aucune place au suspense et les autres candidats ne seront que de simples comparses dans une pièce jouée à l’avance“, ajoute le quotidien francophone. Autrement dit, le journal estime qu’en cas de candidature de M. Bouteflika, tous les autres candidats serviraient de “lièvres”, terme que les Algériens utilisent pour qualifier les candidatures qui servent de faire-valoir au pouvoir.

Les candidats annoncés, Fethi Gherras, chef du Mouvement démocratique et social (MDS), Nacer Boudiaf, fils de l’ancien président assassiné Mohamed Boudiaf, Tahar Missoum, un ex-député connu pour ses sorties satiriques, et Abdelaziz Belaïd, chef du Front el-Moustakbal, feront de toute évidence de la figuration face à la machine, déjà en place, pour la réélection d’Abdelaziz Bouteflika”, notait pour sa part Le Monde. En 2014, Ali Benflis (qui avait aussi été candidat en 2004) avait obtenu 12,30% des voix. Agé de 74 ans, il a été par le passé à la tête de la campagne présidentielle d’Abdelaziz Bouteflika, actuel président en fonction depuis 1999, et le chef du gouvernement de 2000 à 2003. Il a fondé le parti Talaie el-Houriat en 2015. Loin des polémiques, le très officiel El Moujahid se félicite des nouvelles dispositions mises en place “pour veiller au déroulement des consultations électorales dans la transparence, la probité et la neutralité”. Le quotidien ajoute que “les candidatures qui se sont manifestées montrent à quel point, au grand regret des souffleurs de brouillard qui se focalisent sur la candidature du président en exercice, les esprits de la majorité de la classe politique évoluent dans le bon sens“.M. Benflis et les Algériens devraient en savoir plus en février sur la candidature d’Abdelaziz Bouteflika, dont l’état de santé est gardé secret. “Tous les dossiers doivent être finalisés et déposés dans un délai de 45 jours à partir de la publication du décret présidentiel, portant convocation du corps électoral par le chef de l’Etat, qui s’est faite vendredi 18 janvier 2018”, précise TSA.Click Here: st kilda saints guernsey 2019

The Argentina forward has been widely tipped to join international team-mate Lionel Messi at Camp Nou once the transfer window re-opens

Inter vice-president Javier Zanetti has repeated his call for Lautaro Martinez to ignore the interest from Barcelona, labelling the Argentina hotshot an “asset” to the club. 

Martinez arrived at San Siro in the summer of 2018 from Racing Club and immediately caught the eye with his performances up front, although initially he received little playing time as Mauro Icardi’s understudy. 

With Icardi leaving in 2019, however, and new coach Antonio Conte switching to two starting centre-forwards, he has gone from strength to strength partnering Romelu Lukaku, scoring 16 goals in 31 appearances in all competitions in 2019-20 before the season was halted due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

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That promise has not gone unnoticed, with Barca reportedly desperate to pair him with international team-mate Lionel Messi this summer. 

However Zanetti, who played a big part in unearthing the youngster’s talent, would like to see him star at San Siro for many years to come. 

“I am enormously pleased to be talking about Lautaro. We signed him when he was the most promising player in Argentine football,” he told Sky Sport. 

“Speaking to [former Inter player and Racing director of football] Diego Milito we saw that he could become a great player. Now he is only 22 and a fixture in the Argentina team. 

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“I watch him train every week in Appiano with his team-mates. He looks happy to me and I hope he stays a long time. As well as the other lads who have grown a lot, he represents a great asset for our club.”

As a player Zanetti racked up more than 800 appearances for Inter during almost two decades at the Nerazzurri; a spell that saw him play alongside and against some of the world’s most deadly attackers. 

When asked who were the very best, he singled out former Arsenal and Barcelona star Thierry Henry as his most fearsome opponent and also had glowing praise for two fellow South Americans. 

“Henry had lots of power and a lot of speed, he was difficult to mark,” he added.  “My best team-mate? Ronaldo. O Fenomeno had great talent, huge quality. I was also lucky enough to play alongside Messi in the national team and I think they were the best.”

Greece to be given 2012 budget target

April 3, 2020 | News | No Comments

Greece to be given 2012 budget target

Commission wants Greek deficit normalised within three years and will put Greece under strict monitoring regime.



The European Commission will tomorrow adopt recommendations suggesting how Greece should reduce its deficit, reform its economy and improve the quality of its economic data.

The Commission’s proposals, which EU finance ministers are expected to adopt on 16 February, will call for Greece to bring its deficit back within 3% of its gross domestic product (GDP) by 2012, a goal to which the Greek government has already committed itself.

Greece estimates its deficit in 2009 at 12.7% of GDP, the largest in the eurozone. The EU’s stability and growth pact requires deficits to be below 3%.

José Manuel Barroso, the Commission’s president, today said that “a deficit of such magnitude must be decisively corrected”.

He indicated that the Commission’s proposals would include measures drawn up by the Greek government to improve its public finance.

“The Commission will recommend tomorrow that the Council [of Ministers] should endorse the Greek action plan,” Barroso told journalists.

Feasible target

He said the 2012 target is “feasible but is subject to risks”.

“Provided that such risks will not be allowed to materialise, through timely implementation of corrective measures, the deficit will indeed be corrected,” he said.

The Commission will also propose that Eurostat, the EU’s statistical office, should be given powers to audit member states’ public finances.

The Greek government in October revised its deficit projections sharply upwards, prompting heavy criticism from the Commission and member states about the quality of the country’s economic data.

Budgetary slippage

Barroso said that the Greek deficit resulted from “a combination of budgetary slippage and statistical misreporting”.

He said that the Commission will put in place a strict monitoring regime to assess whether Greece is sticking to its deficit-reduction plan.

A first Commission evaluation report is expected in March, followed by another in May. After that a quarterly reporting system will be introduced.

Barroso said that there would be “a very intense surveillance of budgetary developments in Greece”.

“We will do it in a rigorous way,” he said

Barroso described the correction of the deficit as “not only important for Greece, but also for the eurozone and for the European Union as a whole”.

Fiscal warning

The Commission’s president also gave a broader warning about fiscal imbalances in the EU. “The persistent existence of certain surpluses is a factor that contributes to the negative spiral that we are now watching,” he said.

“It is a situation that in the end will backlash on surplus countries because deficit countries will at the some point be at risk of default,” he added.

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DELRAY BEACH, FL — A naked Florida burglar was captured on surveillance video climbing aboard a well-known sightseeing yacht and stealing the American flag that hangs off the rear of the vessel. Now police are asking for the public’s help in finding this brazen pirate.

“Who is this guy?” Delray Beach police asked after posting video of the tattooed man in all his glory online Thursday.

Megan Christian, a manager at Delray Yacht Cruises, told Patch the flag was taken from the Lady Atlantic sightseeing yacht as it was moored for the night off busy Atlantic Avenue, which is home to a number of bars and restaurants.

“We noticed the flag was missing and went through the on-board cameras, Christian said.

The Lady Atlantic and Lady Delray are two of the company’s sightseeing yachts that offer dinner and sightseeing cruises along the Intracoastal Waterway. The company has been offering cruises in Delray Beach since 2003.

Watch video of the naked yacht burglar below:

As the man reaches the top deck of the yacht he can be seen in a second video thrusting his arms triumphantly into the air before snatching his bounty and diving into the Intracoastal below.

If you recognize the man, Delray Beach police ask that you call 561-243-7800.

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PUEBLO, CO — A known Colorado white supremacist is accused of plotting to bomb a synagogue in Pueblo, according to court documents made public on Monday. He was arrested Friday after meeting up with undercover FBI agents.

Richard Holzer, 27, faces one count of attempting to obstruct religious exercise by force using explosives and fire. He made his first court appearance Monday at the U.S. District Court of Colorado.

Holzer told federal investigators that he was planning to blow up Temple Emanuel in Pueblo with dynamite and pipe bombs, according to a criminal complaint.

An undercover FBI agent reached out to Holzer Sept. 28 through Facebook, a platform he used to promote “white supremacy ideology and acts of violence,” the complaint said. The agent said she learned he was a former skinhead and Ku Klux Klan member.

Holzer referred to Jewish people and Temple Emanuel as “cancer to the community” and said, “I wish the Holocaust really did happen,” the document shows.

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The FBI obtained photos of Holzer holding guns while wearing white supremacist and Nazi regalia, according to the complaint. He told the undercover agent that he hired someone to put arsenic in the synagogue’s water pipes on Oct. 31, 2018, and said he wanted to “poison” the building’s pipes again this year, the document shows.

Holzer told the agent he planned to “[g]o out with a final act for the movement,” the complaint shows.

Holzer agreed to meet up with two other undercover agents at a Colorado Springs restaurant, where he brought white supremacy paraphernalia as gifts, according to the complaint.

Holzer worked with the undercover agents to plan the bombing of the synagogue, the document shows. Holzer was instead arrested early Saturday morning.

If Holzer is convicted, he faces a sentence of up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.