Month: November 2020

Home / Month: November 2020

WWE has added a well-known figure to sports fans to its’ developmental talent roster.

The company announced today on their official website that they have signed 6’3”, 256-pound former Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Rinku Singh, who was the subject of the 2014 Disney film, “Million Dollar Arm,” starring Jon Hamm.

“Take a look at where I came from,” Singh told about signing with the company. “When I started [playing baseball], there was nothing. Now we have 23 states [in India] playing baseball and softball. As I go through my journey at the Performance Center and WWE, it will continue to make things easier, and I’ll have millions of people in my corner. It’s going to be a fun journey.”

The WWE website article noted that Singh is scheduled to report to the company’s Performance Center training facility in Orlando, Florida this Tuesday with other new talent recruits.

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“As long I stay focused and stay strong, just as I have over the past 10 years with baseball or track and field … it will lead me in the right direction,” Singh said. “Obviously, it’s going to be a totally different training program [at the WWE Performance Center]. But it does not matter where you came from. You’re trying to be something bigger than yourself, and you’ve got to give it everything you’ve got.”

For more information, visit

Elias recently appeared as a guest on Edge and Christian’s podcast, E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness for an in-depth interview. During the interview, Elias spoke about establishing his “Walk with Elias” catchphrase and how it immediately caught on with the WWE Universe. Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On the origins of the “Walk with Elias” catchphrase and how he connected it to “WWE”: “The ‘walk with Elias” thing– it all started with The Drifter in NXT. So, it’s all kind of evolved, right? The Drifter was this guy where I’d put a guitar on my shoulder and walk from town to town, find my way however I can, whether it’s hitchhiking, on a bus, walking, whatever I’ve gotta do. So it just became a question, ‘Who wants to walk with The Drifter? Who wants to go with me on this journey?’

“When I got to the main roster, Vince [McMahon] said ‘Let’s drop The Drifter stuff. You’re gonna be Elias and that’s it. So, ‘walk with Elias’ was the next question, right? And it just so happened to perfectly work out, ‘WWE’ and ‘walk with Elias’ are right in line there. I remember I said it backstage to John Cena. He was going off about the WWE Universe and the WWE this and that, and I said ‘Hey John, do you know WWE stands for? It stands for walk with Elias.’ He said, ‘My head just exploded in ten different ways, man. That is great!’ He said, ‘You got to make a thing out of that.'”

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On trying it in front of a live audience and it immediately connecting: “So, sure enough, the next week or whatever I said it against John [Cena], I believe in a promo on Christmas Day, no less. It seemed like right away the fans really reacted to it and the next week I started asking them, ‘What does WWE stand for?’ and they’ll fire back.”

Check out the complete episode of E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness featuring the Elias interview at

  • HHH Slowly Taking Over Control Of WWE From Vince, Rousey Update, CM Punk

Four detainees at the US offshore Guantanamo prison have filed a federal lawsuit demanding an immediate halt to the regular practice of pumping prisoners with drugs and force-feeding them, tactics employed by military ‘medical professionals’ in attempt to break the detainees’ ongoing hunger strike.

The motion was brought by the lawyers of Shaker Aamer, Nabil Hadjarab, Ahmed Belbacha and Abu Wa’el Dhiab, all of whom have been cleared for release yet continue to be detained.

The inmates and their lawyers declare this policy a gross violation of human rights.

“I am participating in this hunger strike of my own free choice…hunger striking is the sole peaceful means that I have to protest my indefinite detention,” said detainee Belbacha in a declaration that accompanied the plaintiff’s motion.

And Hadjarab, also being force-fed, added: “I do not want to die, but I am prepared to. All I am asking is that I be given the choice whether to eat.”

Reglan, the drug administered during forced-feedings, has severe side-effects, including depression and suicidal thoughts. According to the FDA warnings, the drug can also spark Parkinsons-like symptoms.

166 people are still incarcerated at the military prison in Cuba that has been widely condemned for inhumane conditions, systematic use of torture, and absence of due process for inmates, including long-term indefinite detentions without trial or formal charges.


Over 100 detainees have been on hunger strike since February to protest these conditions. As Reuters reports:

The detainees’ lawyers—with the London-based group Reprieve—say that the forced-feedings are of particular concern as the Muslim holiday of Ramadan draws near. A Reprieve statement reads:

In response to the lawyers’ demand for quick action, U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collye gave the government until Wednesday evening to respond.


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California Republicans find themselves facing tough new headwinds moving into the homestretch of the race for the House. 

The Golden State is decidedly blue ––Democrats already hold 39 of the state’s 53 House seats –– and the ratio might become even more lopsided next year, as some of the nation’s top election forecasters now deem three California Republicans to be increasingly vulnerable with less than three weeks to go before Election Day. 


Reps. Darrell Issa, Jeff Denham and Steve Knight are all in the midst of “tossup” contests, according to analysts at Sabato’s Crystal Ball, a division of the  University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. The ratings are shared by the election experts at the Cook Political Report.  

A fourth California Republican, Rep. David Valadao, is more secure but also in a vulnerable spot, according to both Sabato and Cook. Meanwhile, Rep. Pete Aguilar, a California Democrat, is now considered the “likely” victor heading into Nov. 8, the Sabato analysts said, upgrading their earlier ranking.  

Just a week ago, Issa, Denham and Knight were all deemed safer bets by the UVA team. 

But the lawmakers’ fortunes have fallen alongside those of Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE, the Sabato analysts found. The GOP nominee has run a divisive campaign that, among other controversies involving attacks on women and minorities, has featured a hardline approach to immigrants arriving from south of the border –– a message that could haunt down-ballot Republicans in a state like California where 28 percent of eligible voters are Hispanic. 

“Ultimately, Trump is just a bad fit for diverse California, and Republicans may not have much reason to vote,” wrote Kyle Kondik, Crystal Ball’s managing editor.  

“In addition to an unappealing nominee at the top of the ticket, the Senate race features two Democrats, he added, referring to the contest to replace retiring Sen. Barbara BoxerBarbara Levy BoxerPolls show big bounce to Biden ahead of Super Tuesday Sanders poised for big Super Tuesday Establishment Democrats rallying behind Biden MORE (D-Calif.). Because of California’s “jungle primary” structure, which promotes the top two primary vote getters to the general election regardless of party, both contenders in that race are Democrats. 

Smelling blood, the Democrats are now charging hard into those districts in hopes of maximizing the number of seats they can pick off from the historic majority of Speaker Paul RyanPaul Davis RyanBush, Romney won’t support Trump reelection: NYT Twitter joins Democrats to boost mail-in voting — here’s why Lobbying world MORE (R-Wis.) and the Republicans. Part of that strategy hinges on exploiting Trump’s incendiary image and linking him to the Republicans down the ballot. 

“The extreme records of Congressmen Jeff Denham, Steve Knight, and Darrell Issa left them vulnerable to Donald Trump’s toxic candidacy,” said Barb Solish, spokeswoman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. 

Denham, in his third term, and Knight, in his first, are relatively obscure lawmakers. But the eight-term Issa is practically his own brand. 

The wealthiest member of Congress, Issa rose to be chairman of the House Oversight Committee in 2011 after the Republicans won control of the House. From that perch, he became the public face of the Republicans’ efforts to undermine President Obama on a host of issues, and the Democrats are practically drooling at the thought of picking off the partisan firebrand. 

On Friday, the House Majority PAC, a Democratic political action committee, launched an ad promoting Issa’s challenger, Doug Applegate, an Iraq War veteran with no prior political experience.  

The Democrats are also trumpeting new internal polls that show Denham’s opponent, Michael Eggman, with a 5-point lead and Knight’s challenger, Bryan Caforio, in a dead heat in a district Mitt Romney won by two points in 2012. 

The Republicans’ campaign arm declined to comment Friday. 

The editors at the Los Angeles Times were not as silent. They weighed in on the tighter races this week, saying the GOP lawmakers “have no one to blame but themselves.”  

“While these districts have shifted demographically, many becoming increasingly Latino, GOP elected officials have steadfastly refused to abandon or soften positions  –– on guns, climate change, immigration and other hot-button issues –– with which most Californians disagree,” the paper said in an editorial.  

“The sexist, xenophobic rhetoric coming from the disastrous Donald Trump presidential campaign certainly won’t help California Republicans win on Nov. 8.”

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WWE Superstar Lana recently appeared on 107.7 The Bone with Baby Huey and Bimbo Jimbo out of San Francisco, California for an interview to promote Total Divas. Below are some of the highlights.

On how Rusev felt about her joining the cast of Total Divas: “He definitely wanted to do it. He fully supports me, and so he was excited to do it. He’s a character. He’s so funny. So, he’s just himself on that like “Sure if cameras want to follow me around that’s fine. I might just be naked at my pool. It’s not my fault the cameras are here.” Which you guys are going to have to watch Total Divas. That might happen next week.”

On whether or not she was worried about if dropping the accent on the reality show would hurt her WWE character: “I wasn’t nervous. Maybe other people were nervous, but I wasn’t nervous because we are story tellers. When I walk through that curtain on Smackdown Live I am a Russian villain, at least at this point in time. To me when just like when you watch a movie or you watch a TV show to me you know Nicole Kidman or Leonardo DiCaprio you know that they are actors, but also great actors find that extension of themselves. So, when I walk through that curtain I find the extension of myself of being the Ravishing Russian in there. We are actors, we are entertainers, and most of all we are story tellers…I was actually really excited because to me it’s giving the world the chance to see that we are story tellers.”

On if she had legitimate heat over her engagement to Rusev: “The truth was that Vince McMahon just decided to go a different route, and that’s just what it was. Rusev and I were trending for like three days straight “Rusev and Lana are engaged”. He just made the decision at that time he goes ok I want to bring them back together…People are always going to talk. I think for 6 months after that the headline was Lana has nuclear heat, (laughter) and I am like great! You know, you’re talking about me.”

On being part of the first-ever all-women’s Royal Rumble match: “I am so, so, so grateful that I am going to be a part of the first ever Women’s Royal Rumble. When I first found out about it I was in the car with Rusev…and I just started screaming, and then I started crying because I just couldn’t believe it. I was just so overwhelmed with gratitude. I’ve always wanted to be a part of history with women in WWE, and to be able to not just watch it from the sidelines, but to actually be a part of it I’m just like thank you, God. I am so grateful that I could be a part of this moment.”

…but it wasn’t.


Welcome back, boys and girls, to another episode of the Lawcast. This week we’re going back to a night that has a great deal of significance to Law, our resident WCW fan. It’s Starrcade 97, the culmination of the incredible Hollywood Hogan/Sting feud over a year in the making. It had Bret Hart! It had great cinematography! It had Hogan and Sting! It also sucked so hard that it destroyed everything!

But not just that, we’ve also got an undercard full of randomly put together matches, main eventers getting jobbed out hilariously, and the star of the night is…Larry Zbyssko? All that and more, this week on your Laaaaaawcast.

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— Ronda Rousey has already filed an application to trademark the name “Rowdy Ronda Rousey” which if it goes through would give her – not WWE – rights to that name.

— The reason that Nikki Bella eliminated her twin, Brie Bella, from last night’s women’s Royal Rumble is likely due to their Total Bellas show. According to reports, this turn is going to play into a storyline for the next season of the show as camera crews were taping them all weekend.

— Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman had a bit of a shoot altercation last night during their match. Strowman caught Lesnar with a legit knee to the face which Brock did not appreciate. Lesnar then responded with two vicious right hands that seemed to legit stagger Strowman. You can see footage of it below:

As noted, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn recently appeared as guests on Chris Jericho’s Talk Is Jericho podcast at Westwood One. Featured below are some additional highlights from the interview.

Kevin Owens on whether or not he was worried going into his infamous segment with Vince McMahon: “I really can’t remember being worried about it. It was pretty crazy because we talked earlier in the day and then I am in the ring cutting a promo, and then his music hits, it was Vince McMahon walking down the ramp. I’m thinking to myself, ‘holy crap.’ It’s a different animal then when you are in his office or seeing him in the back.

“We shake hands, then we put the mics down; off mic he started talking so much s**t. If you could read his lips, I’m legitimately taken aback by it. He was using so many swear words just cussing me out. The only person I had ever head-butted as hard was William Regal in NXT. I’ll tell you this much, nobody can accuse me of taking it easy on the boss. Then the blood came, and the Superkick. Even the thing where he stands back up and looks at me and has blood after the headbutt and just the blood; he’s seething and tries coming at me, the whole thing was just so surreal.”

Owens on his Hell In A Cell match against Shane McMahon: “It was a real blast. The whole time, from the moment he got involved with the AJ Styles angle. From the moment our [Jericho] angle ended at Payback, and then the rematch, then the three-way match that happened on SmackDown Live; I was working with AJ Styles all summer. I’m honest enough to say that I don’t believe we hit it out of the park with that angle, but then Shane McMahon got involved and added a different element to it… But every moment from that point on, Shane, and Vince McMahon getting involved, it’s as big as it gets. The following week I did something similar with Shane McMahon, which lead to our Hell in a Cell match, that big shocking turn there with Sami Zayn, that almost drove him insane.”

Sami Zayn on the match: “There’s three lives essentially on the line; there’s Shane McMahon, obviously, then there’s Kevin Owens, because if I don’t get him off in time, and then there’s me because if I ruin it, I’m dead. To me, this is an elite, Hollywood-level stunt and they’re telling me to just pull him off. I was like, “Hang on, hang on, when am I supposed to pull him off?’ They said that I would see Kevin Owens foot come off. I said, wait, I only have 1.8 seconds to go from invisible to grabbing him. He is lifeless; you don’t understand the margin of error for this. I had knots in my stomach all day. Not only that, but the one or two time that I tried pulling him off the table throughout the day, I slid right off.

“Kevin Owens’ life is on the line. If you watched it in slow motion, Shane McMahon, at that velocity, maybe comes three feet away from Kevin Owens’ head, it was crazy how close it was. It’s a crazy stunt, but if this was in Hollywood, it would be rehearsed ad-nauseam; there would also be crash bags, but for us, it was like, ‘Well, when you see his foot…’ I’m like, ‘Lives are on the line.’ I was on the ground about to pull him off, and I looked at Shane thinking, I can’t believe he is about to do this. He is so high in the air. I just couldn’t believe it.”

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Check out the complete episode of Talk Is Jericho featuring the Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn interview at

  • Latest On CM Punk’s UFC Return, WWE’s Plans For Ronda Rousey & More

— According to Dave Meltzer on Wrestling Observer Radio, one of the reasons WWE has kept Tye Dillinger’s appearances on Smackdown to a minimum is because of the constant “10” chants that he gets from the audience.

— Apparently, WWE doesn’t want those chants to happen and with Dillinger not impressing some key people backstage so far, it is just another reason to validate his lack of a push and why he hasn’t progressed beyond being just another “prelim” guy.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Subscription information & prices available at

Mark Henry was recently asked by the folks at TMZ what pro wrestling legend Hulk Hogan can do to get back in WWE.

As Henry explained in a video on their website, which you can check out at, Hogan would have to be willing to apologize to all of the current black wrestlers on the WWE roster.

As noted, WWE issued the following statement last month to Dan Gelston of the Associated Press regarding their stance on Hogan returning to the company:

“It this time, WWE remains committed to its decision.”

  • Update On Triple H Taking Over WWE From Vince McMahon

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