Month: April 2021

Home / Month: April 2021

Martin Brundle labeled the dramatic run-in at Imola between Valtteri Bottas and George Russell a racing incident, but still reckons the Williams driver should have played the percentage game “more carefully”.

Russell spun into Bottas after putting a wheel on the grass while attempting to overtake the Mercedes driver on the run down to Tamburello. But the maneuver put both cars into the barrier and deprived both drivers – and crucially the Williams team – of a potential top-ten finish.

Russell initially blamed the Finn for the costly outcome but later revised his opinion before issuing a formal apology to Bottas on Monday for his harsh words expressed in the immediate aftermath of the incident.

“It was a crash which fits into the category of ‘I’m surprised that doesn’t happen more often’,” wrote Brundle in his post-race column for Sky Sports.

“The track had a defined dry line with moisture present on both sides, and turn one is simply a left-hand kink. Bottas wanted to stay on the dry line, that’s totally his prerogative as long as he left space either side, which he did.

“It’s likely that Russell consciously or sub-consciously really wanted to pass the car which he is hoping to be driving next year with a touch of red mist involved.

“But he’s also a racer and had the due track position, slipstream and closing speed.

“With the aero balance forward due to the DRS rear wing being open, the curvature of the track, and driving onto the wetter part, his wheels spun up and he speared into the side of Bottas triggering a huge amount of damage.

“It was the second Williams smashed to pieces after Nicholas Latifi had connected with Nikita Mazepin on the opening lap.”

    Read also: Russell issues formal apology to Bottas for reaction to Imola crash

Brundle agreed that the crash had resulted from the specific set of circumstances in which it occurred. But that’s perhaps even more reason why Russell should have considered “the bigger picture” according to the Grand Prix veteran.

“I agree with the stewards that it was largely a racing incident given the track conditions,” added Brundle.

“I can’t see any blame for Bottas, and Russell needs to carefully consider if he should have seen the peril unfolding, backed out and waited for a less risky move, and also how he behaved after the shunt with his words and actions.

“He’s a young feisty racer seizing a passing opportunity, and you absolutely wouldn’t want to knock that out of him, but especially up against a works Mercedes he needed to consider the bigger picture and play the percentage game more carefully.

“Toto Wolff effectively controls both their careers and so I imagine that was an interesting conversation…”

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Énora Malagré avait surpris tout le monde en publiant le 29 mai 2017 une vidéo Twitter dans laquelle elle annonçait officiellement son départ de l’émission Touche pas à mon poste (C8). Quelques semaines après avoir signé son grand retour télévisuel en tant que chroniqueuse dans la nouvelle émission d’Éric Naulleau intitulée De quoi j’me mêle, la jeune femme de 39 ans publie son ouvrage Un cri du ventre édité aux éditions Leduc.s, dans lequel elle raconte son rude combat contre le maladie qui la ronge et qui l’empêche de devenir maman : l’endométriose.

Vendredi 25 octobre 2019, invitée dans l’émission Je t’aime etc… sur France 2, elle est revenue sur la première fois qu’elle a officiellement annoncé sa maladie. C’était lors d’un prime de TPMP, en février 2017. Énora Malagré parle alors de “déclic” : “On m’a posé encore une fois cette sempiternelle question ‘Pourquoi tu n’as pas d’enfant ?’, puisque, à partir de 35 ans, si nous n’avons pas pondu, apparemment, nous sommes une mauvaise femelle. (…) Et j’en ai eu un peu marre, donc c’est sorti comme un cri, effectivement du ventre, et j’ai dit ‘je ne peux pas avoir d’enfant parce que j’ai de l’endométriose‘”, explique la chroniqueuse.

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La présentatrice, Daphné Bürki, qui a souhaité revoir les images de cette annonce-choc, s’est dite “scotchée” par la réaction, on ne peut plus froide, des camarades chroniqueurs d’Énora Malagré : “Tout le monde continue à faire sa vie et vous, vous soufflez un grand coup. Vous êtes toute seule, personne ne vous regarde, vous venez de lâcher le doss’ de votre vie, personne ne réagit, des gens avec qui vous passez votre vie. Ça m’a profondément choquée, cette image, je l’avais oubliée !“, déclare l’animatrice.

Remarque à laquelle la belle Énora Malagré répond, les yeux embués de larmes : “Tout cela a été effectivement accouché, si je puis dire, dans une indifférence absolue“, déclare-t-elle en reconnaissant toutefois avoir reçu plein de messages de remerciements et d’encouragements de “milliers de femmes” à la sortie du plateau.

Aujourd’hui, en couple avec son chéri Hugo qu’elle décrit comme “un cadeau du ciel“, la jeune femme a fait une croix sur la grossesse, mais pas sur le fait d’être mère. Elle a en effet entamé des démarches pour pouvoir adopter : “C’est encore un chemin très long, semé d’embûches, il faut être solide. Mais oui, je suis en train de faire le deuil de la grossesse, pas d’être mère“, affirme-t-elle.

Son témoignage est à retrouver en intégralité dans son livre Un cri du ventre, aux éditions Leduc.s.

Stéphane Plaza est en deuil et il a partagé sa peine sur les réseaux sociaux. Le célèbre agent immobilier et animateur sur M6 a perdu un ami et collaborateur.

Il y a trois jours, le meilleur ami de Karine Le Marchand a posté un message énigmatique sur son compte Instagram. Une citation de l’écrivain Jean d’Ormesson : “Il y a quelque chose de plus fort que la mort, c’est la présence des absents dans la mémoire des vivants.” Ce n’est que jeudi 31 octobre 2019 que ce mystérieux post a fait sens.

Sur Instagram toujours, en légende d’une image de bougies, Stéphane Plaza a rédigé : “Mon Bernard, mon petit farceur, le jour de mon départ pour New York tu m’emmènes dans le Perche pour te rendre un dernier hommage… New York attendra pour toi. Nous continuerons pour toi cette belle aventure Stéphane Plaza immobilier, telle que tu la voyais et pour laquelle tu t’es tant battu. Merci avant toute chose d’avoir partagé nos vies. La trace de ton passage est indélébile tant par tes actes, qu’à travers l’homme que tu étais, mais tu verras… les âmes se retrouvent toujours quelque part. Que ton âme repose en paix.

L’homme dont parle Stéphane Plaza n’est autre que Bernard de Crémiers, codirigeant et cofondateur de Stéphane Plaza France. Il est décédé à l’âge de 64 ans. Une messe aura lieu aujourd’hui à 14h30 en l’église Saint-André d’Authon-du-Perche.

Stéphane Plaza a-t-il annulé totalement son voyage à New York et sa participation au célèbre marathon (qui a lieu le 3 novembre) ou partira-t-il plus tard, ce soir ou demain ? Mystère…

Mon Bernard, mon petit farceur, le jour de mon dpart pour New-York tu m’emmnes dans le Perche pour te rendre un dernier hommage … New-York attendra pour toi Nous continuerons pour toi cette belle aventure Stphane Plaza immobilier, telle que tu la voyais et pour laquelle tu t’es tant battu. Merci avant toute chose d’avoir partag nos vies. La trace de ton passage est indlbile tant par tes actes, qu’ travers l’homme que tu tais, mais tu verras.. les mes se retrouvent toujours quelque part. Que ton me repose en paix.

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Après avoir incarné avec élégance la famille Pierrafeu, Kim Kardashian a décidé de déguiser son mari et ses enfants en insectes géants. Le 3 novembre 2019, Kim a posté sur Instagram sa nouvelle photo de famille intitulée : “Les vers de terre West.” Décidément très inspirée depuis la fête d’Halloween, la maman de North (6 ans), Saint (3 ans et demi), Chicago (21 mois) et Psalm (5 mois) enchaîne depuis quelques jours les déguisements. La fille de Kris Jenner partage également les coulisses de son shooting avec en fond sonore une charmante musique classique. Tout à fait à propos pour ce genre de situation. Fan du concept, Khloe Kardashian a réagi à cette publication en déclarant : “North est mon ver de terre préféré.” Kylie Jenner a loué les talents créatifs de sa grande soeur tandis que Kris a commenté : “C’est tellement incroyable.

C’est le troisième déguisement que Kim enfile pour Halloween. Son premier look était celui d’Elle Woods, le fameux personnage de Reese Witherspoon dans le film La Revanche d’une Blonde. Ensuite, la maman de 39 ans a publié une photo de ses enfants et de son mari métamorphosés en famille Pierrafeu. Un véritable défi car sa fille Chicago était effrayée par son père, habillé pour l’occasion en dinosaure, et il a fallu que le photographe la rajoute en utilisant Photoshop. Sur Instagram, elle a expliqué : “Cette photo de famille était un véritable défi, car Chicago avait tellement peur de Dino ! LOL Nous avons essayé de lui expliquer et de lui montrer que c’était juste son papa, mais elle n’a pas encore compris le concept !” La petite Chicago semblait plus sereine pour ce shooting et a pu prendre la pose à côté de son père Kanye West, cette fois déguisé en aimable coléoptère.

A quand la prochaine photographie de la famille Kardashian-West ?

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Une publication partage par Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) le

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Une publication partage par Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) le

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C’est une bien triste nouvelle qu’a annoncée Catherine Brun, candidate de Koh-Lanta Vanuatu (2006), sur Twitter, le 5 novembre 2019. Jean-Claude Errin, qui faisait comme elle partie de l’équipe Rouge (appelée Mosso) est mort à l’âge de 74 ans. Sur son compte Facebook, l’un de ses amis a révélé les causes de son décès soudain.

L’homme en question a expliqué qu’il y a deux ans, on lui a diagnostiqué un cancer de la prostate. Jean-Claude était venu à bout de ce combat, “avec des moyens et techniques naturels“. “Malheureusement la Faucheuse, sans doute contrariée, a décidé tout de même de reprendre son âme et lui a envoyé une rupture d’anévrisme fatale. (…) C’était un homme admirable, d’une très grande gentillesse, très croyant et volontaire. Toujours au service des autres. Un combattant pour la justice sociale et la vérité“, a-t-il ajouté. Il a ensuite partagé le lien d’une cagnotte en ligne créée pour aider la famille à payer les frais des obsèques.

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Âgé de 60 ans à l’époque, Jean-Claude était resté dix-huit jours sur l’île. Il avait quitté l’aventure pour raisons médicales.


Le 5 novembre 2019, dans le cadre de son voyage officiel en Chine, Emmanuel Macron a inauguré le Centre Pompidou de Shanghai. Un événement pour lequel il était accompagné de son épouse la première dame, mais également de Jean-Michel Jarre et sa compagne, l’actrice chinoise Gong Li.

Comme l’a rapporté l’AFP, le président de la République a loué le rôle de la culture pour rapprocher la France et la Chine, en inaugurant la première implantation hors d’Europe pour le musée parisien : “Ce n’est qu’une étape (…) Vive l’amitié entre la Chine et la France !“, a déclaré le chef de l’Etat français lors d’un discours dans ce nouveau lieu dédié à l’art moderne et contemporain.

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Œuvre de l’architecte britannique David Chipperfield, le Centre Pompidou West Bund Museum Project offre près de 25 000 m2 d’exposition et de lieux de rencontre sur les berges du Huangpu, la rivière qui traverse l’immense métropole de 24 millions d’habitants. Au côté de Brigitte Macron, Emmanuel Macron a visité pendant près d’une heure la première exposition du musée, The shape of time (“La forme du temps”), qui présente des oeuvres européennes (Kandinsky, Picasso, Soulages…) et asiatiques.

Faisant l’éloge de l’ouverture de la Chine, Emmanuel Macron a salué les nombreux projets culturels menés dans ce pays par des institutions françaises, notamment le château de Versailles, les musées Picasso ou Rodin, l’orchestre philharmonique de Radio France (qui a signé un partenariat avec le China Philharmonic Orchestra), qui “réinventent la relation” entre les deux pays. Dans la délégation présidentielle pour cette visite d’Etat, achevée mercredi à Pékin, a également figuré le comédien Guillaume Canet, qui réalisera le prochain film des aventures d’Astérix : Astérix et Obélix, l’empire du Milieu. Le réalisateur a indiqué avoir noué de premiers contacts avec l’espoir de filmer des scènes du film en Chine, notamment à proximité de la célèbre Grande muraille.


Latest News:

Impact Wrestling ratings up for Rebellion go-home show   
WWE announces new group of Performance Center recruits   
Quinn McKay vs. Angelina Love set for ROH TV on May 8  
Apollo Crews Intercontinental title defense set for WWE SmackDown   
Steve ‘Mongo’ McMichael reveals ALS diagnosis   
NWA announces ‘When Our Shadows Fall’ June 6 pay-per-view  
Terry Funk recovering from COVID-19   
New backstage correspondent joins WWE SmackDown  

Latest Audio:

Wrestling Weekly: Mickie James, Kool Kyle, plans for Blood & Guts
WOL: Mongo, Terry Funk, WWE gutting divisions, trash bag incident, AEW ratings, more!
B&V: Bryan and Vinny review AEW and NXT, plus ratings analysis!

JOB LISTING: Web/UI Developer(s)

Experience with OnLamp (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP)
GITHUB and Linux command line experience while be helpful as well.
CMS – Drupal and WordPress. vBulletin
Possible experience with AWS (s3 specifically), Dreamhost, UI development
Cloud based hosting experience a plus
Javascript also a huge plus

While this is a diverse request this doesn’t have to be just one person! If you fit any part of this please feel free to inquire.

This is not just for projects related to F4WOnline.

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WON NEWSLETTER: April 26, 2021 Observer Newsletter: WWE financials, Ben Askren vs. Jake Paul

We have a loaded issue of the Wrestling Observer this week, with business and history features.

We update WWE financials, with comments from Nick Khan, Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon and Kristina Salen talking about the state of the company, the state of sports business, what media companies are looking at right now, AEW, plus a look at WWE revenue and profits.  We also look behind the numbers at what they mean, how every category is doing and what categories the company is no longer reporting on.  We also look at the decline of WWE ratings as compared to that of cable television  and network television.

Also in this issue:

The new attempt at a unique concept PPV with the Triller promotion and Ben Askren vs. Jake Paul, the show, the match, the blitzed announcers, Ric Flair, comparisons to other similar things and long-term sustainability.

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Kenny Omega vs Rich Swann match,  followed by a story on famous title unification matches throughout pro wrestling history. We look at some of the biggest and most important matches of all-time that were two champions unifying a world title from 1920 to the present.

WrestleMania business numbers when it came to the two live shows, with real attendance, real gates and what it means.

New Smackdown announcing team, Pat McAfee talks his debut, Daniel Bryan talks his current situation and contract, thoughts on Daniel Bryan’s future, new hires and departures at WWE, change in show distribution, former star talks coming out of retirement, how the WWE & AEW shows rank among sports programming, WWE star bio released, Damien Priest talks Bad Bunny, more on Kalisto being let go, Dr. Wagner Jr. talks WWE, political reason for a winning streak, and most-watched YouTube segments on his week’s WWE programming.

A major feature on the career of Steve Austin and the A&E special, his background, how he got into wrestling, the WCW years, the Stone Cold name, life after wrestling, and what were key things not talked about on the documentary.

Mickie James garbage bag situation and the firing of Mark Carrano.

MLW’s new television deal, who else was in talks about that deal, MLW returning to shows with fans and a spinoff planned.

Coverage of this past week’s UFC show, business notes, where the top fighters are headed plus match-by-match coverage.

More detail on ratings than any other source, we have how every segment on NXT and AEW did as well as how it did with different age groups, genders and more, plus a look at all other wrestling shows of the past week.

Results of the major pro wrestling events of the past week.

ORDERING INFO: Order the print Wrestling Observer right now and get it delivered via mail, by sending your name, address, Visa or Master Card number and an expiration date to [email protected] or by going to directing funds to [email protected].

Rates in the United States are $14.50 for 4 issues, $35.50 for 12, $70 for 24, $116 for 40 and $149.50 for 52.

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If you order by mail with a check, cash or money order to P.O. Box 1228, Campbell, CA 95009-1228, you can get $1 off in every price range.


Garrett Gonzalez and I will be back tonight talking the news of the week and previewing this weekend’s shows and we will also be doing shows Saturday night after UFC, Sunday after Impact and Monday after Raw.  You can send email questions to the show to [email protected]

Shows from now through 5/11 in Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto have been canceled due to the government declaring a state of emergency in those cities due to rising COVID rates. The NOAH show in Yokohama, a suburb of Tokyo, is still on for tomorrow.  All Japan will be running its scheduled shows on Sunday, next Thursday and 5/3 at Korakuen Hall but they will be empty arena shows.

 In a surprise, after the great showing by Robert Whittaker last Saturday, UFC seems to be leaning toward Israel Adesanya vs. Marvin Vettori to headline the 6/12 PPV show.

Smackdown tonight on FOX. They have announced that 205 Live tonight has Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari vs. The Singh Brothers and Ashante Adonis vs. August Gray.

New Japan Strong tonight has the finals of the tournament for the New Japan Strong title with Tom Lawlor vs. Brody King at 10 p.m. Eastern on New Japan World. Also on the show is Rocky Romero vs. Wheeler Yuta and TJP & Clark Connors vs. Chris Dickinson & JR Kratos.

ESPN 2 has the opening of the PFL season tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern.  It also airs in Spanish on ESPN Deportes. All matches are first round matches in the featherweight and lightweight tournament:

Lance Palmer (145.4) vs. Bubba Jenkins (146)
Movlid Khaybulaev (145.5) vs. Lazar Stojadinovic (145.8)
Natan Schulte (156) vs. Marcin Held (155.8)
Anthony Pettis (156) vs Clay Collard (154.6)

LFA live tonight on UFC Fight Pass from Shawnee, OK at 9 p.m. Eastern:

Zac Pauga (205.6) vs. Logan Nail (205.8)
Tabatha Ricci (116) vs. Shawns Ormsby (116)
Mark Martin (171) vs. Renato Valente (172.8) – Valente missed weight and had to pay a penalty to Martin
Bruce Souto (203.4) vs. Cristian Torres (207.6) – Torres had to pay a penalty to Souto for missing weight
Jake Childers (145.8) vs. Canaan Kawalhae (144)
Piera Rodriguez (114.8) vs. Svetlana Gotsyk (114.8) for the vacant strawweight title

A story on Bruno Sammartino being honored today by a park in Ross Township being named after him and his family being there for the changing of the name. (thanks to Mike Kuzmuk)

Very sad to read about the condition of Steve McMichael, the former Chicago Bears star who later announced and wrestled for WCW and is now battling ALS. It’s such a horrible disease. Best wishes to him and his family because they’ve got a tough fight ahead of them. McMichael has maintained his sense of humor in these very adverse circumstances.

For this week we will be doing polls on tomorrow’s UFC show and Sunday’s Impact Rebellion PPV show, so you can leave a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to [email protected]

UFC PPV tomorrow lineup and weights in one of the deepest shows in a long time. The top four matches in particular are all big:

ESPN+ at 5:30 p.m.

Liang Na (116) vs. Ariane Carnelossi (115)
Aori Qileng (126) vs. Jeffrey Molina (126)
Kazula Vargas (155) vs. Rong Zhu (156)
Danaa Batgerel (136) vs. Kevin Natividad (135.5)

ESPN at 8 p.m.

Pat Sabatini (146) vs. Tristan Connelly (146)
Karl Roberson (185) vs Brendan Allen (186)
Dwight Grant (170) vs. Stefan Sekulic (171)
Alex Oliveira (171) vs. Randy Brown (171)

ESPN+ PPV at 10 p.m.

Anthony Smith (206) vs. Jim Crute (205.5)
Uriah Hall (185) vs. Chris Weidman (186)
Valentina Shevchenko (124.5) vs. Jessica Andrade (124.5) for flyweight title
Zhang Weili (114.5) vs. Rose Namajunas (114.5) for strawweight ttle
Kamaru Usman (169.5) vs. Jorge Masvidal (170) for welterweight title

Bianca Belair vs. Bayley was officially announced for the 5/16 WrestleMania Backlash PPV with the Smackdown women’s title at stake.

There will be a Hana Kimura Memorial show on 5/23 at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo. The show will be available to watch live all over the world although the carrier was not announced. But it’s an 11:30 a.m. start in Japan meaning it will start at 10:30 p.m. on 5/22 Eastern time.

Reader Chris Cassidy noted that even though the Drew McIntyre autobiography isn’t scheduled to be out until 5/4, he saw a copy at his Barnes & Noble store in Burlington, MA so it’s likely in many stores.
Kevin Eck’s weekly ROH news wrap-up .
A crazy story on former 80s star Misty Blue Simms. (thanks to Greg Beitel)
A story on Viktor of The Ascension tag team and what went wrong in WWE.
IWA from Saturday in Sydney, Australia:  Randal the Masked Kamikaze b Head Hunter Rig, Charli Evans b Jessica Troy in a submission match, Sam Osborne b Robbie Zucco, Mehmet the Turkish Delight b Sam Osborne, Jimmy Townsend & Dazza b Will Kiedis & Brad Alexander, Tree Hugger Luchi b Apollo the Alpha Male, Jackson Kelly b Chris Abbot to win the IWA title that Abbott had held for more than 900 days (thanks to Kirk Beattie)
Glory Pro Wrestling from Saturday in St. Louis:  Deacon Cash b Stephan Newton, Allie Kat b Hyan, Moses &  Raim de la Suede b Chris Hendriz & ATM, Manders b Xavier Walker, Arik Cannon b Warhorse, Paco Gonzalez b Mat Fitchett, Jake Something b Myron Reed (thanks to Patrick Brandmeyer)
The PFL announced deals with BILD in Germany and RMC Sport in France/Belgium, with both networks carrying all events this season starting with tonight’s show.
KSW airs at 2 p.m. Eastern tomorrow on The main event has heavyweight champion Phil De Fries (264) vs. Tomasz Narkun (224), plus lightweight champion Marian Ziokowski (155) vs. Maciej Kazieczko (155).
MLW has put tickets on sale for its 7/10 show in Philadelphia at the 2300 Arena at  Announced for the show are Jacob Fatu, Ross & Marshall Von Erich, Alex Hammerstone, Mil Muertes, Tom Lawlor, Myron Reed, Josef Samael, Mads Krugger, Alicia Atout, Calvin Tankman, Richard Holliday, Ikuro Kwon, Myron Reed, Gino Medina and Konnan.
AAW tomorrow night at 6:05 p.m. Eastern time will be on Twitch live from Villa Park, IL,.  There are tickets available or the show. Matches announced are:
Ace Perry vs. Jake Lander
Matt Justice vs. Fred Yehi
Schaff vs.  Davey Vega
Mat Fitchett vs. Thomas Shire
Hyan vs. Skye Blue 2/3 falls
Myron Reed vs. Brayden Lee for the Heritage title

Daily Pro Wrestling History: Mr. Perfect wins WWF Intercontinental title


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New backstage correspondent joins WWE SmackDown

April 24, 2021 | News | No Comments

The SmackDown broadcast team will have a new member starting with tonight’s show.

WWE has announced that former New England Patriots broadcaster Megan O’Brien has joined the company as a backstage correspondent for SmackDown. She’s now using the name Megan Morant in WWE.

“I can’t begin to express how excited I am to join WWE,” O’Brien told “From the incredibly athletic Superstars to the creative minds behind the scenes, WWE has set the standard in the world of global entertainment. The passion WWE has for its fans reminds me of why I chose this industry, to entertain and connect people from all walks of life. I’m forever grateful for this opportunity and ready to hit the ground running. Let’s go!”

O’Brien was born in Chicago, Illinois and graduated from Northwestern University. Prior to working for the New England Patriots, she was a digital correspondent for the Big East conference and was a broadcaster for the Cape Cop Baseball League.

The SmackDown commentary team got a new member as Pat McAfee made his debut last week. McAfee is calling the show alongside Michael Cole.

Last month, Kevin Egan (now using the name Kevin Patrick) joined the Raw broadcast team as a backstage correspondent. He’s also co-hosting Raw Talk and doing commentary for Main Event.

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Latest News:

Daniel Bryan felt ‘detached’ during WWE WrestleMania 37 match
WWE NXT ratings up for week two on Tuesday nights
Triple H discusses NXT’s move to Tuesdays, ‘imaginary war’ with AEW
Fight Game Podcast debuting on Figure Four Online this Thursday
WWE Untold: Two Dudes with Attitudes to premiere in May
Ronda Rousey announces pregnancy, due to give birth in September
Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston to appear on AEW Dynamite
WWE NXT video highlights: O’Reilly vs. Grimes, Sarray debuts

Latest Audio:

WOL: NXT, Kool Kyle, AEW preview, Austin A&E, tons more!
B&V&C&G: Steve Austin A&E documentary plus Granny and more!
Speak Now: Sarray NXT debut, Kyle O’Reilly returns

JOB LISTING: Web/UI Developer(s)

Experience with OnLamp (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP)
GITHUB and Linux command line experience while be helpful as well.
CMS – Drupal and WordPress. vBulletin
Possible experience with AWS (s3 specifically), Dreamhost, UI development
Cloud based hosting experience a plus
Javascript also a huge plus

While this is a diverse request this doesn’t have to be just one person! If you fit any part of this please feel free to inquire.

This is not just for projects related to F4WOnline.

Send all inquiries to [email protected] with title WEB DEVELOPER.
If you have inquired before, please send your information again. 

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WON NEWSLETTER: April 19, 2021 Observer Newsletter: WrestleMania 37 review, WWE releases

Our annual WrestleMania issue of the Observer is out this week with full coverage of pro wrestling’s biggest event.

We go through all the news of the show, including the booking, the title changes, the finishes, the direction, what did and didn’t work, the difference between the two nights, after four examples how does two shows work vs one, the big money WrestleMania main events, the returns, the celebrities and business notes on the show. We also look at next year.

Also in this issue:

Match-by-match coverage with star ratings and poll results from both nights of WrestleMania and both nights of Takeover, to see how people saw all four of the WWE’s big events.

Stone Cold Broken Skull Sessions with Chris Jericho.  We talk about the stories told, Jericho’s career, what they did talk about and what was avoided, how this went against usual McMahon policy and why we probably won’t be seeing another show like this very soon.  We look at what was said about AEW, New Japan, WWE, some of Jericho’s frustrations with WWE that he talked about, the formation of AEW and much more.

The sale of FITE TV to Triller and why it happened this week.

Anthem Entertainment’s purchase of Invicta, plans for Invicta on AXS, and a sale that was talked about for Invicta that didn’t happen.

WWE cuts, person by person, their strengths and weaknesses and where they would fit in.

WWE international plans, hiring of Adnan Vink as an announcer, new members of the WWE Board of Directors, how much WWE’s top executives earned in 2020 and where it came from, Edge and Paul Heyman building Mania, changes in WWE announcing, WWE International numbers and where Raw & Smackdown rank with sports shows of the past week.  We also look at WWE’s most-watched streaming clips and a star about to return, as well as the current market value of WWE.

Coverage of Saturday’s UFC show, comments on the winning fighters and upcoming booking, along with business notes on the show.

A feature on John Da Silva, who was the biggest babyface and a national hero in New Zealand in the 70s. 

More on Ethel Johnson and sister Babs Wingo, who integrated women’s pro wrestling in the Billy Wolfe stable in 1951.  

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More detail on ratings than any other source, we have how every segment on NXT and AEW did as well as how it did with different age groups, genders and more, plus a look at all other wrestling shows of the past week.

Results of the major pro wrestling events of the past week.

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On last night’s NXT, Io Shirai appeared for the first time since losing the NXT Women’s Championship to Raquel Gonzalez at TakeOver: Stand & Deliver. Shirai took part in a sit-down interview and said she wants a rematch against Gonzalez when the time is right but is going to take some time so her body can rest first. Shirai’s interview was interrupted by Franky Monet (formerly known as Taya Valkyrie).
It was stated on NXT last night that Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell will be getting another shot at Shotzi Blackheart & Ember Moon’s NXT Women’s Tag Team titles. When the match will be happening hasn’t been announced. Blackheart & Moon retained their titles against LeRae & Hartwell at TakeOver: Stand & Deliver.
Pat McAfee released a behind-the-scenes vlog from his first night on the SmackDown commentary team.
Today’s edition of WWE’s The Bump was a Best Of episode featuring interviews from WrestleMania week.
WWE Shop has released a Mankind Signature Series title belt.
WWE’s YouTube channel uploaded John Cena vs. AJ Styles from the February 27, 2018 episode of SmackDown, Rey Mysterio vs. R-Truth from Over the Limit 2011, and an eight-man tag match with Cena, Triple H, Kane & The Undertaker facing Edge, Randy Orton, JBL & Chavo Guerrero from the April 21, 2008 episode of Raw.
Other Wrestling
Impact Wrestling’s YouTube channel uploaded their full “This is Rebellion” special previewing this Sunday’s Rebellion PPV. The special is narrated by Mauro Ranallo.
On David Penzer’s Sitting Ringside podcast, Scott D’Amore discussed Ranallo calling Kenny Omega and Rich Swann’s title vs. title match at Rebellion: “I mean look, I think respectful to everybody else there, when you look at it, Mauro Ranallo is the greatest combat sports commentator of our generation because if you’re talking about boxing, he’s right there. You’re talking about MMA, he’s right there. You’re talking about pro wrestling, he’s right there. There is no other combat sports announcer that transcends three genres like that. So to have him come in and do this, especially after he stopped calling wrestling and it’s been a year-and-a-half, two years, whatever it’s been and for him to come back for this Sunday I think is huge and I’m — you talk about being a mark or a mark for this, David [Penzer], I marked out. I marked out listening to — Mauro was great in doing those ‘Five Ways To Win’ for each [Rich] Swann and Kenny Omega and as I listened to that first one, I just got chills and goosebumps kind of just listening to Mauro call IMPACT Wrestling action and break down and dissect something for an IMPACT Wrestling event. So I think it’s huge. Mauro is a guy I’ve known for over two decades. He’s uber-passionate, you know he’s gonna come in super prepared, knowing every minute detail of everything around this and to get him, like honestly, it is one of those things when me and him first chatted, I didn’t even think it was really much of a possibility but as things kind of went, it was like hey, he’s excited about this and an excited, passionate Mauro Ranallo is the absolute best and there’s no question that he will provide a world class call to a historic event.”
Sports Illustrated spoke to Swann ahead of Rebellion.
Deonna Purrazzo told TalkSport about wanting Chelsea Green back in Impact Wrestling: “I mean, especially Chelsea, but it’s kind of hard. Because when I was released last year, I was happy about it. I was kind of like ‘woohoo! Freedom! I get to be my own self.’ That’s not a lot of the cases this time around. Especially Chelsea, it was more of a shock. So I’ve just kind of been like let the dust settle and then we’ll talk about it all. Obviously IMPACT is where I want her to be and I want her to thrive and succeed. I think being so close and having the relationship we do, her seeing me thrive the last year too, is kind of a relief. And seeing her fiance Matt Cardona thrive in the last year is relieving, too. Because it’s like I thought I was going to be at this place, I thought it was going to be my forever home, but I’ll be OK no matter what. Been there, done that. I’m sure IMPACT would love to have her back. She’s a former Knockouts champion too…”
Sports Illustrated asked CM Punk if he would consider returning to pro wrestling under the right circumstances: “I don’t know. I’ve said no before in interviews. I’m not fishing for a deal. I get offered to do a lot of stuff, and I say no to 90% of it just because my thing is I need to work with quality human beings. It just seems like maybe in pro wrestling there is a lack of quality human beings. I don’t know. I like doing fun, quality projects. If there is a fun, quality wrestling project that gets sent my way, I will listen to it.”
Punk went on to say: “I don’t need the money. And the way the wrestling business is now, it’s wacky. You’ve got WWE, who has multiple billion-dollar television deals, and the television’s awful. I go back there, I’m just another guy. And it’s not even that — I’d be just another guy that’s doing not-good television. I want to do stuff that’s good. I want my name attached to quality projects, where it’s fun and it makes people laugh, smile, think and people don’t hate watching it. I want to do fun stuff.”
Ahead of tonight’s Dynamite, AEW announced this week’s roster rankings.
Joey Janela tweeted about a scary situation where his hood flew up and smashed his windshield while he was driving to Jacksonville for this week’s AEW events: “Driving to Jax and my hood flew up and completely smashed my windshield resulting in a near heart attack. Luckily this cigarette smoking angel came out of nowhere and tied it down for me! Still good people in this world!”
Bleacher Report has an interview with Christian Cage.
Queen Aminata, who made her AEW Dark debut earlier this month, has tested positive for COVID-19 and had to cancel her upcoming bookings. Aminata noted that she wasn’t able to fly to Florida this week due to testing positive.
Lucha Libre AAA has announced Rey de Reyes 2021 for Saturday, May 1. The show will air live on Space.
Sangree Park in Ross Township, Pennsylvania is being renamed after Bruno Sammartino. The renaming will occur at an event this Friday.

Daily Pro Wrestling History: The Shield’s Final Chapter


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Kyle O’Reilly appeared on NXT last night and declared that he’s ready to move on from Adam Cole.

After defeating Cole in their unsanctioned match at TakeOver: Stand & Deliver, O’Reilly returned to NXT television last night and opened the show with a promo. He brought up what’s next for him and mentioned potentially challenging for Karrion Kross’ NXT Championship or Johnny Gargano’s NXT North American Championship.

Cameron Grimes interrupted O’Reilly and wanted to invest in him. That led to O’Reilly dropping Grimes with a punch and a match between them being made for last night’s main event. O’Reilly won with a knee strike from the top rope to Grimes’ back.

Before the main event, O’Reilly had a brief staredown with Kross and Scarlett backstage.

Sarray (formerly known as Sareee) made her NXT debut last night, defeating Zoey Stark. The finishing sequence saw Sarray hit a spinning kick, a forearm strike, and a suplex before pinning Stark.

Sarray and Stark showed respect to each other after the match. Toni Storm then attacked Stark on the ramp until Sarray came to Stark’s aid.

Also on last night’s show, new NXT Cruiserweight Champion Kushida issued an open challenge, former NXT Women’s Champion Io Shirai took part in a sit-down interview, Dexter Lumis faced LA Knight, and more.

More coverage from last night —
Speak Now: Sarray NXT debut, Kyle O’Reilly returns 4/20
Three matches announced for next week’s WWE NXT
WWE NXT live results: Kyle O’Reilly appears, Sarray debuts
WWE NXT video highlights —

Kyle O’Reilly appears, gets interrupted by Cameron Grimes

Sarray arrives ahead of her debut, will face Zoey Stark

Dexter Lumis vs. LA Knight

Leon Ruff is done playing games with Isaiah “Swerve” Scott

Io Shirai sit-down interview

Breezango vs. The Grizzled Young Veterans

Bronson Reed confronts The Way

Sarray vs. Zoey Stark

Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai address Mercedes Martinez, Martinez responds

Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon beat down Candice LeRae

A video package looks at Kushida’s NXT Cruiserweight Championship win

Oney Lorcan answers Kushida’s NXT Cruiserweight Championship open challenge

Imperium vs. Ever-Rise

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Cameron Grimes

NXT fallout: Killian Dain says he isn’t joining Imperium

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