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A Class-VII student, a fan of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) stunts, allegedly choked to death in his Duttabad home while apparently imitating a wrestling move with a nylon belt.

Parents of 13-year-old Bikash Sardar said the boy had tied one end of the belt to a bamboo shaft that ran across their ceiling and the other end around his neck. He was found hanging between the bed and the wall when his parents found him.

“He was a huge fan of WWE and was always hooked on to the cellphone, watching videos. He may have tried to imitate stunts he had seen in the videos with the belt and suffocated to death. We don’t think he committed suicide. It must have been an accident,” said his father Sunil, who works as a mason.

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Anecdotes de tournage, notes d’intention, informations cinéphiles : chaque semaine, découvrez les coulisses des sorties cinéma.

Shazam! de David F. Sandberg

Avec Zachary Levi, Asher Angel, Mark Strong…

Le saviez-vous ? Shazam est un super-héros de comics, créé par C. C. Beck et Bill Parker. Il est apparu pour la première fois dans le numéro 2 de Whiz Comics en 1940. Baptisé au départ Captain Marvel, le personnage a été renommé Shazam en 2011 afin d’éviter la confusion avec le super-héros Marvel Comics créé en 1968. À noter que c’est en 1972 que Shazam intègre l’univers DC Comics.

Captive State Bande-annonce VF


Captive State de Rupert Wyatt

Avec Ashton Sanders, John Goodman, Vera Farmiga…

Le saviez-vous ? Le célèbre comédien à la carrure imposante John Goodman (qui a déjà eu sa dose d’aliens dans 10 Cloverfield Lane et Valerian et la Cité des mille planètes) retrouve le réalisateur Rupert Wyatt qui l’avait dirigé dans The Gambler, où il jouait un gangster chevronné.

Le Parc des merveilles Bande-annonce VF


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Le Parc des merveilles avec Marc Lavoine, Frederic Longbois, Odah

Le saviez-vous ? Les scénaristes du film, André Nemec et Josh Appelbaum, sont partenaires d’écriture et de production depuis 1998. Ensemble, ils ont notamment collaboré sur les série Alias et Life on Mars et sur Mission: Impossible – Protocole fantôme. C’est la première fois de leur carrière qu’ils travaillent sur un film d’animation.

Tel Aviv On Fire Bande-annonce VO


Tel Aviv On Fire de Sameh Zoabi

Avec Kais Nashif, Lubna Azabal, Yaniv Biton…

De quoi ça parle ? Salam, 30 ans, vit à Jérusalem. Il est Palestinien et stagiaire sur le tournage de la série arabe à succès “Tel Aviv on Fire !” Tous les matins, il traverse le même check-point pour aller travailler à Ramallah. Un jour, Salam se fait arrêter par un officier israélien Assi, fan de la série, et pour s’en sortir, il prétend en être le scénariste. Pris à son propre piège, Salam va se voir imposer par Assi un nouveau scénario. Evidemment, rien ne se passera comme prévu.

Los Silencios Bande-annonce VO


Los Silencios de Beatriz Seigner

Avec Doña Albina, Yerson Castellanos, Enrique Díaz…

Le saviez-vous ? Los Silencios a été tourné à la frontière entre le Brésil, le Pérou et la Colombie, plus précisément sur une petite île baptisée « la isla de la fantasia ». Cette île est envahie par les eaux quatre mois par an et refait surface comme par magie le reste du temps.

Découvrez un extrait de “Simetierre”, nouvelle adaptation du roman de Stephen King visible en salles dès aujourd’hui.

Simetierre est la deuxième adaptation du roman culte de Stephen King après le film de Mary Lambert sorti en 1990. C’est le duo Kevin Kölsch et Dennis Widmyer, remarqué avec Starry Eyes, qui signe ce qui se présente comme une nouvelle interprétation de l’ouvrage de King plutôt qu’un remake du premier film. Kölsch précise : “Je suis un grand fan du film précédent, mais il offrait sa propre lecture du livre. On tenait à proposer notre propre version et, du coup, à y intégrer des éléments qui figurent dans le roman, mais pas dans ce film. Les fans auront quelques surprises, mais nous sommes restés fidèles à l’esprit du livre”.

L’un des points sur lequel ce Simetierre se distingue du film de Mary Lambert et du livre de Stephen King est l’identité de la victime au sein de la famille Creed. Il ne s’agit plus du fils âgé de 2 ans mais de la fillette de 8 ans. Si les réalisateurs appréhendaient de modifier un classique de la littérature horrifique, ce changement permettait selon eux de mieux fouiller les relations entre les personnages en creusant davantage la question du mal et en évoquant des notions existentielles qu’on ne pouvait pas aborder avec un enfant en bas âge ne sachant pas parler.

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Au-delà de l’aspect purement horrifique, Simetierre parle de thématiques intimes et nous interroge sur notre rapport à la mort : “Le monstre, dans ce film, c’est le deuil et son impact sur ceux qui restent. Stephen King imagine des personnages qui sont tellement crédibles qu’ils pourraient être vos voisins. Et puis, il les embarque dans des situations où ils sont confrontés à des choix impossibles” explique le scénariste Jeff Buhler.

Simetierre a beau être l’un des plus grands succès de Stephen King, il a failli ne jamais voir le jour. En effet, le romancier a conservé le manuscrit dans un tiroir durant trois ans avant de le publier, sous l’impulsion de sa femme. L’auteur était réticent à sortir ce livre car il le jugeait trop effrayant. Il s’est par ailleurs beaucoup inspiré de sa vie : alors qu’il vivait dans le Maine, sa famille et lui vivaient dans une maison située aux abords d’une route très fréquentée. Les enfants des environs avaient créé un cimetière pour les animaux écrasés. Le chat de sa fille, Smucky, est mort écrasé et son fils Owen, alors âgé de 2 ans, échappa de justesse à un camion.

Stephen King n’a pas fini d’inspirer le cinéma et la télévision : tandis qu’une saison 2 de Castle Rock et une saison 3 de Mr. Mercedes sont attendues, Ça 2 débarquera en salles le 18 septembre 2019.

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Tyre wear hurt Bottas podium charge

November 29, 2019 | News | No Comments

Valtteri Bottas thinks tyre wear on his Williams FW38 cost him a shot at challenging Ferrari’s Kimi Raikkonen for the podium at the Russian Grand Prix.

Starting from the front row on the supersoft compound, Bottas was caught out by his fellow Finn at the start but quickly re-claimed his position after an early Safety Car period.

Despite intense pressure from the Ferrari and Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton, the Williams driver managed to hold his ground until his first and only pit stop of the race. Having switched to the soft tyre, Bottas was then quickly overhauled by both Hamilton and Raikkonen and finished a distant fourth, nearly 20 seconds off the podium positions.

“In the end, [our rivals’] tyre wear was so much better that their full stint pace was better,” Bottas said. “I think we did the right thing stopping early – in fact the tyre wear was kicking in, the tyres were really starting to go and there was a maximum of one extra lap in the tyres – but we lost a bit with the tyre wear today.

“It’s a shame, because we wanted more as a team and, of course, me too. When you start from the front row, you want more but this was the maximum we could do with the pace we had.

“In the first stint I could still keep Kimi and Lewis behind but in the second stint the pace difference was too big. I think that, even if I had kept them behind for longer, it would have been just a mater of time before they would have got through.”

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Combined with Felipe Massa’s fifth-place finish, Bottas’ P4 allows Williams, which had several upgrades in Sochi, to close the gap to Red Bull in the Constructors’ championship.

“It is definitively track related – we know it, that’s a fact – but we’ll see in Barcelona,” the 26-year-old further commented. “We made a step forward here, but I think it will be a very close battle with Red Bull.

“It’s a long season and even small developments will help. It should be a tight battle but I think my season really starts from here. It was quite a positive weekend, so hopefully we’ll have many good results to come from now on.”

REPORT: Rosberg eases to win after Kvyat takes out Vettel

AS IT HAPPENED: 2016 Russian Grand Prix

Breakfast with … Martin Brundle

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Iran has announced that it would reduce its commitments in a phased manner to the nuclear deal, also known as JCPOA (The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action).

It announced that it would invoke articles 26 and 36 of the JCPOA. As per those articles, it will not abide by limits for enriched uranium (LEU) and heavy water, but would still be within compliance limits of the JCPOA.

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This would be achieved by not exporting these (enriched uranium and heavy water). The move was seen as an attempt to get EU to deliver on its JCPOA commitments so that Iran gets some economic reprieve from the harsh US sanctions imposed last November and intensified this month when it didn’t extend sanctions waivers for import of Iranian oil with the aim of reducing its oil exports to near-zero.

Découvrez de nouvelles images de “Toy Story 4”. Les jouets vont se retrouver face à un nouvel obstacle… un chat !

C’est parti pour de nouvelles aventures pour toute la bande de Toy Story. Dans ce 4ème volet, l’arrivée de Forky un nouveau jouet qui ne veut pas en être un dans la chambre de Bonnie met toute la petite bande en émoi… C’est le début d’une grande aventure et d’un extraordinaire voyage pour Woody et ses amis. Le cowboy va découvrir à quel point le monde peut être vaste pour un jouet… 

Et riche en surprises, comme ce nouveau teaser nous le montre. La bande va devoir faire face à un obstacle à poils et moustaches !

Toy Story 4 : Jamel Debbouze et Franck Gastambide rejoignent le casting vocal 

Toy Story 4, 21ème long métrage des studios Pixar, se déroulera sur les routes américaines, et prendra la forme d’un road-movie en camping-car avec la famille de Bonnie. Le film sortira en salles le 26 juin prochain.

La bande-annonce de Toy Story 4 :

Toy Story 4 Bande-annonce (2) VF


Surprise ! L’auteure Suzanne Collins sortira un nouvel opus de sa saga “Hunger Games” en 2020. Il s’agira non pas d’une suite mais d’un prequel aux aventures de Katniss Everdeen se déroulant 64 ans plus tôt…

Cinq ans après la fin de l’aventure Hunger Games sur les écrans du monde entier, la saga est sur le point de renaître de ses cendres à travers un prequel, se déroulant 64 ans plus tôt. Ce sera d’abord et en toute logique un roman, par l’auteure d’origine Suzanne Collins, comme elle vient de l’annoncer dans un communiqué. La sortie de ce nouveau roman qui n’a pas encore de titre est prévue en version originale le 19 Mai 2020. 

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Il s’agira de raconter les années qui ont suivi la période des “Jours sombres” (“Dark Days“), la première rébellion ratée à Panem évoquée dans les premiers romans. Elle a déclaré : “Avec ce livre, je voulais explorer l’état de nature, qui nous sommes, et ce que nous percevons comme nécessaire pour notre survie. La reconstruction sur 10 ans de l’après-Guerre , alors que Panem lutte pour s’en sortir, me semblait être un terrain fertile pour raconter l’histoire de nouveaux personnages dont ces questions définissent leur vision de l’humanité.” 

On ignore pour le moment si des personnages que l’on connaît déjà feront partie de l’aventure, même si la période choisie limite grandement les possibilités. Du côté de Lionsgate, à qui la franchise cinématograpique appartient, on se contente de dire qu’on est très impatient de découvrir ce nouveau roman : “Nous avons communiqué avec Suzanne tout au long de l’écriture et nous espérons pouvoir continuer de travailler de près avec elle sur son adaptation.” Nulle doute qu’il verra le jour d’ici à 2021 !

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Repost from @scholasticinc Exciting news, Hunger Games fans: A prequel novel set 64 years before the events of The Hunger Games is set to publish in May 2020! On returning to the world of The Hunger Games, author Suzanne Collins said, “With this book, I wanted to explore the state of nature, who we are, and what we perceive is required for our survival. The reconstruction period ten years after the war, commonly referred to as the Dark Days—as the country of Panem struggles back to its feet—provides fertile ground for characters to grapple with these questions and thereby define their views of humanity.” — #hungergames #thehungergames #suzannecollins #panem #scholastic #ireadya #yalit

Une publication partagée par The Hunger Games (@thehungergames) le

Horner: Verstappen reminds me of Vettel

November 29, 2019 | News | No Comments

Christian Horner says Max Verstappen has “uncanny” similarities to former Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel.

Verstappen was promoted to Red Bull ahead of the Spanish Grand Prix and delivered a stunning drive to take victory on his debut for the team. Horner was full of praise for the performance on Sunday night and when asked if Verstappen reminds him of any driver the Red Bull team principal picked out the four-time world champion.

“Well it’s quite uncanny really because there are a lot of similarities to when Sebastian joined the team,” Horner said. “The mechanics were telling me even the way he gets in the car is similar, from the same side.

“The way he pulls his knee up to get into the chassis and so on and so on so there are some similarities there but he is his own man as well and I think he’s a very together young guy, you’d never think he was 18.

“He’s the first driver I had that legally I could be his father and he’s been hugely impressive, with everything that we have seen so far in him. It doesn’t get any better than that really does it.”

And Horner says Verstappen’s ability to handle the pressure put on him by Kimi Raikkonen late in Sunday’s race, while also managing very old tyres,  highlights how good the 18-year-old already is.

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“Absolutely. I mean I think it probably was like driving on ice because the stint was a really long one and we thought we were going to be through to the canvas to be honest with you.

“He knew what the plan was at the point of the last pit stop and he was happy to have Kimi within a second of him, but still not over slip the tyres, not lock a brake, not run too deep into a corner and to have that degree of confidence and composure is the sign of a very bright future.”

REPORT: Verstappen takes stunning first win as Mercedes collide

Breakfast with … Claire Williams

Romain Grosjean column: Spain will show the real Haas

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The Ghanaian-born United States international was touted as ‘the new Pele’ as a teenager but he is now a free agent and facing an uncertain future

In November 2003, Freddy Adu became the youngest player to sign a professional football contract in the United States. 

At just 14 years of age, the boy who grew up in Ghana had become a global star. 

With lightning-quick feet, an imposing physique and a good eye for goal, Adu was the kind of prodigious talent that football fans couldn’t help but get excited about.

But in the 16 years since signing that first contract, little has gone according to plan. Adu was meant to have a memorable career; now he just wants to forget it.

“You have to have amnesia. Otherwise, you’ll torture yourself,” Adu told ESPN in 2019 as he reflected on a journey that is now stuttering to an end after a recent stint under the bright lights of Las Vegas. 

The flashy American city is literally and figuratively thousands of miles away from Manchester, where Adu’s career could have taken a very different path. 

Prior to signing for D.C. United as a teenager, Adu had attracted the attention of Sir Alex Ferguson.

While Manchester United failed to land the American in 2003, their legendary Scottish manager continued to monitor his development. 

Ferguson certainly would have been impressed with what he saw of Adu once the attacking midfielder began playing professionally.

Despite being a decade younger than most of the men he lined up against in his first season in MLS, Adu still found a way to score five goals and contribute three assists. 

Given how well he was holding his own domestically, it was no surprise to see Adu earned his first senior cap for USMNT in early 2006, aged just 16.  

As his career continued on a promising upward trajectory, Ferguson decided to pull the trigger in November 2006, with the rising star brought to Old Trafford for a two-week trial. 

“I think we would be interested, he’s only young but we have known of him for a long time,” Ferguson revealed. 

“We tried to get him here some years ago but he signed for DC United and that did not stop us keeping tabs on him.”

Adu did his best to impress but work permit issues meant he couldn’t play a competitive match and UK employment law ultimately meant that there was no way United could make an official offer.

“Freddy is a talented boy,” Ferguson said after the trial. 

“He’ll go back to the US and we’ll keep a check on him. When he is 18, we will have to assess what we can do next.

“What we did was to bring him here to give him an idea of what United was like so he could see the place and see how comfortable he was with it. 

“He is a very confident and good young boy but there is nothing we can do about him.”

Returning from England, Adu signed for Real Salt Lake but would make his way back to Europe six months later as Benfica lured him to Portugal in 2007. 

Unfortunately for the teenager, he was never given the chance to shine and instead found himself sent on several short-lived loans. 

From Monaco in France to Aris in Greece, the still developing attacker wasn’t given the chance to settle and found himself landing in more cities than he was playing games. 

Across a four-year spell, Adu rarely started matches, with a handful of goals here and there failing to restore any sense of confidence. In hindsight, his choice of clubs hindered his cause. 

“Maybe sometimes I should have picked a team that was not so ‘glamorous’ so I could get better as a player,” he confessed. “Rather than going for the glamour and never getting to play.” 

Adu returned to America in 2011 with his tail somewhat between his legs but with millions of people still expecting to see something special from him.

Lining up for MLS side Philadelphia Union, he started playing regularly again, but lacked the X-factor his teenage self once boasted. 

In 2013, Adu then made a risky move to Brazilian side Bahia, and it backfired. Playing just four games all year in South America, he opted for a return to Europe but kept finding a dead end wherever he turned next. 

From one random match in Serbia to several appearances for Finnish side Kuopion Palloseura, Adu’s career had nosedived spectacularly by the time 2015 rolled around. 

Returning to the US after years in the football wilderness, the country’s once hottest property found himself playing for second-division side Tampa Bay Rowdies.

Even at that level, Adu failed to stand out and, after a trial with Polish club Sandecja Nowy Sacz in 2017 ended with the manager labelling the exercise “a joke”, he soon found himself playing for Las Vegas Lights. 

Get to know some more players that have fallen from lofty heights to rock bottom: 

Scoring once across 15 appearances for the USL side in 2018, the now 30-year-old was released by the club in December and is currently a free agent. 

It is an ignominious state of affairs for a player once touted as ‘the new Pele’ and Adu hopes that the next generation of prodigies can learn from the mistakes he made

“Growing up, I was always the best player. Guys who were way below me at the time, you’d say right now had better careers than I did,” Adu said. 

“So, when I see a kid who’s really talented, clearly above the rest, and he’s just coasting, trying to get away with his talent, I say, ‘No, no, no. That can’t happen! You can’t let that happen! They will surpass you.’

“Because I was that kid.”

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Nico Hulkenberg wants Force India to target beating Williams this season but expects to be fighting with Red Bull and Toro Rosso.

Force India looked strong throughout pre-season testing, with the team having produced an evolution of the B-spec VJM08 which ended last season so impressively. With Williams another Mercedes customer, Hulkenberg says Force India should aspire to challenge the team which finished third in last year’s constructors’ championship.

“I’d like to think we can attack Williams and be on their level, if we can manage that it would be pretty good,” Hulkenberg said. “From my feeling and what I’ve seen so far I think we will have a battle with Toro Rosso and Red Bull.”

Last season Force India only ran its new car for two days of pre-season following an overhaul of its aerodynamic department, with the team waiting to deliver a major upgrade mid-season. This time round Hulkenberg believes the progress made over the winter will enable Force India to hit the ground running from the first race.

“We feel as prepared as we can be. We’ve gone through our programme and we need to see where we pan out in Melbourne and the first couple of races. I have a feeling we’ll be close or similar to where we finished at the end of last year so that is a good starting point. Later in the year I see good potential in the car because I know there is more in the pipeline.”

FEATURE: Race Zero – Barcelona to Melbourne via Milton Keynes

INTERVIEW: Max Verstappen: The man in demand

ANALYSIS: The two F1 pre-season tests in numbers

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GALLERY: Pre-season testing

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