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Ericsson gets FIA green light for British GP

November 28, 2019 | News | No Comments

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Marcus Ericsson has been cleared to race at the British Grand Prix by the FIA, his Sauber F1 team has announced.

The Swede missed Saturday’s qualifying at Silverstone after suffering a heavy crash in the third and final free practice. Ericsson initially went to the track’s medical centre but it was decided to send the 25-year-old to a hospital so he could carry out further precautionary checks.

Ericsson was released last night, with the Sauber man unhurt but admitting to being “sore”. Ericsson still needed to go through an FIA procedure on Sunday morning to determine whether he was fit to race or not.

The Swiss outfit has now confirmed its Swedish driver will take part in this afternoon’s race. Despite Ericsson not setting a time in qualifying, stewards have allowed him to start from the pit lane.

QUALIFYING REPORT: Hamilton survives Q3 scare to claim home pole

FEATURE: Home sweet Home – Eric Silbermann on Silverstone

Chris Medland’s 2016 British Grand Prix preview

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Romain Grosjean on predicting race results and collisions between team mates, in his latest column for F1i

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A canal in Jharkhand was meant to provide water to 85 villages across Giridih, Hazaribagh and Bokaro districts but fate had some other plans. It took 42 years to build a Jharkhand irrigation project, and then within 24 hours of its inauguration was washed away.

The state administration has found rodents to pin the blame on.

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The irrigation project in Giridih district was dedicated to the people by Chief Minister Raghubar Das. Within 24 hours of its inauguration, a major breach developed in the canal, causing extensive flooding in several villages.Click Here: France Football Shop

Ce 16 octobre sort Maléfique : Le Pouvoir du mal, le tout premier film des studios Disney en ICE IMMERSIVE® ! Voyagez au-delà du conte de fées grâce à l’immersion sensorielle proposée par les cinémas CGR.

Pour la sortie de Maléfique : Le Pouvoir du mal, ce mercredi 16 octobre, les cinémas CGR ont déployé les grands moyens. Les salles premium ICE IMMERSIVE® du groupe proposent de vous faire voyager au-delà du conte de fées grâce à une expérience hors du commun. Dès ce 16 octobre, petits et grands pourront profiter du long-métrage en première classe.

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En plus d’une qualité d’image spectaculaire, d’un son unique, d’une immersion totale grâce à des écrans disposés sur les côtés de la salle, les salles ICE sont équipées de fauteuils club inclinables et davantage d’espace entre les rangs, pour profiter pleinement de sa séance. Cerise sur le gâteau : Maléfique : Le Pouvoir du mal est le tout premier film des studios Disney à être projeté en ICE IMMERSIVE®. Toutes les raisons sont bonnes, donc, pour céder à la tentation et découvrir le film tant attendu dans les cinémas CGR.

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En mai 2014, Robert Stromberg levait le voile sur Maléfique, adapté de l’univers de La Belle au bois dormant. Cinq ans plus tard, Angelina Jolie enfile à nouveau la cape de la plus célèbre des méchantes Disney®, dans Maléfique : Le Pouvoir du mal. Après avoir découvert les raisons qui ont poussé cette dernière à jeter un sort à la princesse Aurore (Elle Fanning), les spectateurs vont pouvoir un peu plus explorer les relations complexes qui lient la sorcière à la future reine. Le tout dans une suite réalisée par Joachim Rønning, à découvrir lors d’une expérience unique, dans les cinémas CGR équipées des salles premium ICE.

Sergio Sette Camara says spinning on the final corner of Silverstone on his Formula One test debut with Toro Rosso was a “scary moment”.

After driving the 2012-spec Red Bull RB8 at a demo run earlier this year, Sette Camara was given a full day of testing in the post-British Grand Prix session. The 18-year-old completed 82 laps en route to ninth fastest in the STR11, but also experienced his first hairy moment at the wheel of a grand prix car

“I got to the Astroturf where with the F3 you can use it with freedom but the F1 car didn’t like it very much and it snapped,” said Sette Camara, who contests the FIA European Formula 3 championship this year. “Thankfully I could save it and that is part of it so it is good to get out of these scary moments.”

Pressed to further compare the feeling at the wheel to his usual racing machine, the Red Bull junior added: “It is very different, especially for the torque, for the power – difficult to apply but getting used to it for the day but hoping to get a bit more in the afternoon but for a few issues we didn’t get as many laps on the soft. A great day, great learning day.”

Besides his spin, Sette Camara enjoyed a fairly smooth day on track and is confident Toro Rosso is pleased with how he performed on his maiden test outing.

“They are happy, I think that is pretty much what they expected from a guy in an F1 car for the first time. As long as you don’t make mistakes, drive consistently and they can extract some test or result out of it.”

REPORT: Raikkonen shows Ferrari pace on second day of test

AS IT HAPPENED: Silverstone in-season test – Day 2

Scene at the British Grand Prix

Silbermann says … Radio Ga Ga

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The ongoing tension between the neighbouring countries of India and Pakistan has snowballed into a global issue currently but the difference between their respective approaches could not be starker than what it is at present.

As is known widely and has been seen even recently, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been pushing for a terror-free world and calling upon the global community to put an end to terrorism. For this, he is calling on the competent authorities to contain the flow of money to terror outfits and organisations that support them. India also maintains that Pakistan has not only been harbouring terrorists but also providing them with financial and military support.

On the other hand, Pakistan has approached the UN security council committee with a strange request.

The country led by Imran Khan wants to let Lashkar-e-Taiba chief and 26/11 mastermind Hafiz Saeed to withdraw money for what India’s neighbour on the West described as “necessary basic living expenses”.Click Here: mochila fjallraven

The former Barcelona boss criticised a fellow countryman’s ambition to lead La Roja at Euro 2020 after returning to the role he left in June

Luis Enrique accused his ex-assistant Robert Moreno of being “disloyal” as the fallout from Spain’s shock coaching change continued on Wednesday.

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The former Barcelona boss faced the media for the first time since returning to the role on November 19 and took aim at Moreno’s character.

Moreno served as Enrique’s assistant until the latter stepped down from the top job in June to care for his young daughter, Xana, who died in August following a battle with bone cancer.

Spain qualified for Euro 2020 under Moreno but he will not be part of the backroom team moving forward after a falling out with the reinstated manager.

“The only person responsible for Robert Moreno not being on my staff is me,” Enrique told a press conference.

“On September 12, I met him at my house and he told me that he wanted to coach at the European Championship and then, if I wanted, he would be my assistant.

“I understand that he is ambitious, that it is his dream to be a coach, but for me it is disloyal, I would not do it. For me, it is a big flaw. I understand his position but I do not share it.

“I told him I no longer see him as my assistant and that I don’t know when I will be back, but that I feel like working. He finished the meeting in a cordial way and I called the people on my staff to let them know my opinion and that of the other side, so that no one misrepresents my words.

“From there, I must say that I never approached the federation. I never called them. 

“Professionally I have no reason to criticise Robert Moreno. He is very prepared and is a very good coach. His words said one thing and the facts were very different.

“I am not the good one in the movie, but neither am I the bad one.”

The 49-year-old went on to thank the football world for the support he received following his daughter’s passing and affirmed his eagerness to return to the dugout.

“It’s hard to know what day I decided that I wanted to go back to the bench, but it was very soon,” Enrique added.

“I quickly wanted to get my life back, to do what I like best and show my family that life continues.

“I am fine. On a professional level, I am very excited. I’m not coming to a new place, the faces I see are familiar. I have received a lot of love in the last few months.”

Dans “Hors Normes”, Eric Toledano et Olivier Nakache ont dirigé de véritables autistes. Avec Vincent Cassel et Reda Kateb, les deux comédiens principaux, ils nous racontent comment ça s’est passé, en amont et pendant le tournage.

Dans Hors normes, le nouveau film d’Eric Toledano et Olivier Nakache qui sort en salle ce mercredi, Bruno (Vincent Cassel) et Malik (Reda Kateb) vivent depuis vingt ans dans un monde à part, celui des enfants et adolescents autistes. Au sein de leurs deux associations respectives, ils forment des jeunes issus des quartiers difficiles pour encadrer ces cas qualifiés “d’hyper complexes”. Lors de la présentation du film en avant-première lors du dernier Club 300 d’AlloCiné, les deux cinéastes se sont livrés à l’exercice du question/réponse avec le public et à cette occasion, ils sont revenus sur la manière dont ils ont tourné avec des enfants autistes. 

Une question de temps

“On s’est demandé comment on pouvait raconter au mieux cette histoire, se souvient Eric Toledano. Très vite on a demandé aux médecins, aux gens qui entouraient les associations : ‘Est-ce que vous pensez qu’ils peuvent tourner ?’ Ils nous ont expliqué que c’était une question de temps : le temps qu’on les habitue aux décors, à nous, aux comédiens. Bien en amont, quand on était en montage du Sens de la fête, on a commencé à aller dans des associations, notamment une qui s’appelle Turbulences et qui fait des spectacles avec des enfants autistes et où on a proposé un atelier de théâtre. On a commencé à écrire des scènes et à voir comment ils arrivaient à les jouer.”

“Après, il y a aussi un problème d’éthique qui se pose : est-ce qu’ils ont envie de jouer ? Ça, il y a des moyens de le décrypter, observe-t-il. Par exemple, il y avait des rendez-vous pour cet atelier de théâtre. S’ils revenaient, c’est que ça les intéressait, sinon ils ne revenaient pas. Il a fallu beaucoup de temps et on a utilisé le petit crédit qui était le nôtre pour pouvoir demander aux producteurs du temps pour pouvoir mettre tout cela en place.

Benjamin Lesieur : le coup de foudre

“La première personne qu’on a approchée, c’est Benjamin Lesieur, Joseph dans le film. Ça a été un coup de foudre, se rappelle le réalisateur. D’abord Joseph, dans le film, il communique, mais en vérité, Benjamin Lessieur ne communique pas du tout. Ça a été une expérience assez riche pour nous, car les autistes sont des gens qui sont dans le lâcher-prise donc le jeu était très facile, il y avait très peu de souci dans la manière dont il se représentait. On l’a choisi, on lui a présenté les comédiens…”

“Moi, j’avais pas mal de scènes avec Benjamin, indique quant à lui Vincent Cassel. Quand on joue avec les autistes, le texte, c’est une espèce de toile de fond dans laquelle on essaie de retomber quand il y a des choses qui sont vraiment importantes au niveau de l’information qui doit être distillée dans le film, mais sinon il faut composer avec lui, qui dira ce qu’il veut, quand il veut.”

De vrais éducateurs

“La grande question, c’était de savoir où la réalité rencontrait la fiction, insiste Eric Toledano. On travaillait avec des enfants autistes, mais que les comédiens ne pouvaient pas gérer, donc notre seule solution, c’était de faire appel à des référents de ces associations. Les deux associations ont une centaine de référents. Au début, on s’est dit qu’on allait prendre des comédiens et les envoyer dans l’association et voir comment ça se passait, mais ça prenait trop de temps. Et quand on débarque, la violence elle n’est pas théorique, elle est concrète. Il y a un espace de préhension et si on le passe quand le jeune ne nous connaît pas, on peut se prendre un coup.”

“C’était trop complexe, donc on a fait l’inverse : la directrice de casting a fait passer les cent éducateurs et évidemment, il y en avait 80 qui étaient bons dans les 100 et on ne savait même plus comment choisir. Le plus gros rôle, c’était l’assistant de Vincent, qui s’appelle Djibril, Fabrice dans le film. Il était tout de suite drôle.”

Ne rien voler à personne

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“On a dit aux comédiens dès le départ que ce serait un travail de longue haleine, qu’il faudrait être dans le contact, être proche de ces enfants. Les deux chefs d’association [Stéphane Benhamou et Daoud Tatou, qui ont inspiré les personnages de Bruno et Malik] ont accepté, puisqu’on faisait le film sur eux, de mettre l’association à contribution. On a demandé à tous les parents, en faisant des réunions pédagogiques, et en expliquant qu’à aucun moment il y aurait un côté voyeuriste, qu’on essaierait au maximum de défendre ce que faisaient Stéphane et Daoud depuis des années.”

“Rien n’a été volé à personne, confirme Reda Kateb. Si par exemple, un jeune autiste, plus fragile que les autres, avait un moment de difficulté, jamais la caméra n’allait le pousser dans ses retranchements, jamais elle n’allait chercher cela. Les autistes que vous voyez, qui ont un rôle vraiment important dans le film, ce sont des gens qui sont des artistes, qui ont déjà des activités artistiques à côté et qui avaient vraiment du plaisir. Rien ne s’est fait autrement que dans le plaisir.”

La bande-annonce d’Hors normes :

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Massa: Car felt undriveable after first lap contact

November 27, 2019 | News | No Comments

Felipe Massa says his Williams “felt undriveable” following first lap contact which eventually forced his retirement from the German Grand Prix.

Jolyon Palmer ran into the back of Massa at the Turn 6 hairpin on the first lap of the race, damaging the Renault’s front wing. Williams couldn’t see any problem with Massa’s car on the data, but the Brazilian slipped back through the field as he struggled with the car’s handling.

A precautionary pit stop allowed Williams to inspect the car and take photos before sending Massa back out on track, but with the problem unclear the team decided to retire in order to properly investigate the issue.

Massa says it reached the point where it was not worth attempting to continue, such was the extent of his struggles with the handling.

“It’s such a shame that someone hit my rear right tyre on the first lap because it felt like something definitely happened to that area of the car,” Massa said. “Perhaps a toe issue or something, because the car felt undriveable. Although I tried to carry on with the race, I was suffering massively.

“The pace was just so slow to the point where it was better to retire than carry on. Now, I’m going to take the summer break as an opportunity to relax with my family and prepare for the second half of the season to make it much better than the first half.”

REPORT: Hamilton beats Red Bulls to extend championship lead

AS IT HAPPENED: German Grand Prix

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Silbermann says … Backing the wrong horse

Exclusive Alex Wurz Q&A: GPDA chairman “surprised” by Halo delay

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Our notion about prisoners is set to get changed after this incident that transpired in the Tihar Jail in the national capital. Jail inmates recently donated a chunk of their daily earnings to raise around Rs. 3 lakh.

They did this to help the family of one of their jail inmates who was granted a furlough but eventually passed away because of heart attack while travelling back from his native village to jail, a report in India Today stated. Not only that, even the jail authority officials picthed with their contributions amounting to Rs 22,000 for the berieved family members.

“This is the first time in the history of prisons, such a strong and impactful message has been given by the Central Jail number 4 inmates to the society, by volunteering to help the family of their fellow inmate, said Rajesh Chauhan, Superintendent, Central Jail No 4, as quoted to as saying by the news portal.Click Here: creed perfume sale

Five high school students died of electrocution after they came into contact with an overhead power line while allegedly trying to remove a flagpole on the first floor of their government-run hostel in Koppal in Karnataka. These students were trying to remove the flag post raised for Independence Day celebrations at their hostel building.


The incident, according to The Indian Express, took place at the boys’ hostel of Devaraj Urs Residential School in Koppal.