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Militants Seize Iraq's Largest Dam

November 26, 2019 | News | No Comments

Islamic State militants overtook Iraq’s largest dam, another oilfield, and three additional towns on Sunday, increasing their control of crucial natural resources and infrastructure while forcing many thousands of civilians to flee their homes. 

“Capture of the Mosul Dam after an offensive of barely 24 hours could give the Sunni militants the ability to flood major Iraqi cities, sharply raising the stakes in their bid to topple Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Shi’ite-led government,” Reuters reports. 

Kurdish forces had previously warned that they were struggling to defend the nearly 650-mile northern border they now share with the militants, according to the Washington Post

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Speaking for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, a UN official said Monday the fighting has triggered a “humanitarian crisis” and called on Iraqis to assist the displaced and work together to address “the urgent security needs of the nation.” Many refugees left on foot, and are now lacking food, water, medicine, and shelter.

The Mosul Dam, which harnesses the power of the Tigris River to provide electricity to the 1.7 million residents of Mosul — the city seized by Islamic State insurgents in June — is a key piece of infrastructure in the conflict-ridden region. In July, Foreign Policy correspondent Keith Johnson wrote that “Iraq’s hydroelectric facilities represent a soft underbelly in the fight against ISIS.”

Earlier this year, Islamic State (then going by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS) gained control of Fallujah Dam and closed its gates, causing flooding in Anbar province and drought in Southern Iraq. Militants are also thought to be advancing on Haditha Dam, through which they could disrupt drinking water supply for Baghdad and the surrounding region.

Even if Islamic State fighters didn’t manipulate the dam for nefarious purposes, it remains to be seen whether the militants can properly manage what is widely acknowledged to be a failing facility. Of the Mosul Dam, the New York Times writes:

Keeping the dam, and other important infrastructure of the Iraqi state, out of militant hands has been a priority of the Iraqi government and the American military advisers who recently rushed back to Iraq.

Seven years ago, a report by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, a Pentagon watchdog, highlighted structural problems at the dam, and its warnings about safety hinted at the catastrophic possibilities should the dam fall into the hands of ISIS. The report warned that a failure at the dam could send a 65-foot wave across parts of northern Iraq. “The worst-case scenario would be a significant loss of life and property,” the report said.

Kurdish pesh merga (“those who confront death”) fighters have requested military assistance from the U.S. to help fight back against Islamic State militants and regain control of the mountainous area. The US State Department said it was “actively monitoring the situation” and facilitating coordination between officials in Baghdad and Erbil, seat of the semi-autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region.

However, despite ongoing political clashes between Kurds, Shiite, and Sunni factions in Iraq, Shiite leader Nouri al-Maliki did on Monday order the Iraqi air force to assist Kurds in a counter-attack.

Stroll named Quebec Sportsman of the Year

November 26, 2019 | News | No Comments

New Williams driver Lance Stroll has been named Quebec’s Sportsman of the Year by French-language publication Le Journal de MontréalJournal de Québec.

The Canadian steamrolled the European Formula 3 championship in 2016, winning the title with 14 victories and as many pole positions in 30 events. Stroll was announced as part of Williams’ 2017 line-up a few days after his 18th birthday.

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“I can’t thank enough Le Journal for picking me as Quebec’s Sportsman of the Year,” Stroll said upon the announcement. “I am getting ready to take up the biggest challenge in my career in 2017 and can’t wait to compete in F1.

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“I may no longer live in Canada, I won’t forget where I come from. Many thanks for the award and I am really looking forward to meeting all the racing fans and readers that will come and show their support during the Canadian Grand Prix next June.”

Stroll was initially set to partner Valtteri Bottas but the Finn appears to be on his way to Mercedes to replace Nico Rosberg. The Canadian teenager is thus likely to team up with 11-time grand prix winner Felipe Massa.

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SYDNEY – The recent blockade of ships entering the world’s largest coal port in Newcastle, Australia, has brought much-needed attention to the negative impacts of the fossil fuel industry on global climate patterns. But it will take more than a single action to bring the change required to prevent catastrophic levels of climate change.

This past Friday, 30 ‘climate warriors’ from 12 Pacific Island nations paddled traditional canoes into the sea, joined by scores of supporters in kayaks and on surfboards, to prevent the passage of eight of some 12 ships scheduled to move through the Newcastle port that day.

The blockade lasted nine hours, with photos and videos of the bold action going viral online.

The warriors hailed from a range of small island states including Fiji, Papua New Guinea (PNG), the Solomon Islands and Samoa – countries where the results of a hotter climate are painfully evident on a daily basis.

“We are divided by the oceans, by the air, but we are standing on the same land and the same mother earth.” — Mikaele Maiava, a climate warrior from the South Pacific island nation of TokelauCoastline erosion, sea level rise, floods, storms, relocation of coastal communities, contamination of freshwater sources and destruction of crops and agricultural lands are only the tip of the iceberg of the hardships facing some 10 million Pacific Islanders, over 50 percent of whom reside within 1.5 km of the coastline.

For these populations, the fossil fuel industry poses one of the gravest threats to their very existence.

Coal production alone is responsible for 44 percent of global CO2 emissions worldwide, according to the Centre for Climate and Energy Solutions. However, none of the small island nations are responsible for this dirty industry. That responsibility lies with Australia, the fifth-largest coal producing country in the world after China, the United States, India and Indonesia.

The World Coal Association estimates that Australia produced 459 million tonnes of coal in 2013, of which it exported some 383 million tonnes that same year.

So when the warriors chose Australia as the site of the protest, it was to urge the Australian people to support Pacific Islanders in their stance against the fossil fuel industry.

Arianne Kassman, a climate warrior from PNG, told IPS, “The expansion of the fossil fuel industry means the destruction of the whole of the Pacific.”

“The impact of climate change is something that we see every day back home. While people read about it and hear about it and watch videos we see how much the sea level has risen,” Kassman added.

Logoitala Monise from Tuvalu, a low-lying Polynesian island state halfway between Australia and Hawaii, told IPS that her home is plagued by such climate-related impacts as King tides, coastal erosion and drought, the latter being an alien concept to most Tuvaluans.

In 2011, a state of emergency was called because the islands had not received rain for six months. Monise said rainwater was their only source of relief: it was used to drink, wash and raise animals.

The increasing frequency of drought has caused the loss of livestock and plants, and major disease outbreaks in Tuvalu.

All these things, she pointed out, were the direct result of climate change.

Elsewhere in the Pacific, changing weather patterns are wreaking havoc on an ancient way of life, splitting families apart as many are forced to migrate overseas. In fact, the world’s first “climate change refugee” claimant was a national of Kiribati, who claimed his home was “sinking”, but was denied asylum in New Zealand.

Monise said her main reason for coming to Australia was to speak out against climate change so that “we Pacific Islanders can live peacefully in our homelands rather than be called climate change refugees.”

But Pacific Islanders are up against a massive industry that will not be easily dismantled.

Coal ‘essential’ for Australian economy

The warriors witnessed this first-hand when they travelled to Maules Creek, near Boggabri in the Gunnedah basin in New South Wales (NSW), where Whitehaven Coal has a 767-million-dollar open cut coal project. There have been ongoing protests against the mine due to concerns ranging from biodiversity issues to concerns that the mine will cause a decrease in water table levels.

The Maules Creek community states that the Leard Forest in which the Maules Creek mine is located is an 8,000-hectare ‘biodiversity hotspot’ and has been identified as Tier 1, meaning that it cannot sustain any further loss and is also critical for the continuation of biodiversity in that area.

But these concerns may fall on deaf ears.

Coal is Australia’s second largest export earner after iron ore and according to Australia’s Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, it is essential for Australia’s prosperity.

Speaking on Monday at the opening of the Caval Ridge mine in central Queensland, a joint venture between BHP and Mitsubishi, Abbott said the mine, which will produce five-and-a-half million tonnes of coking coal a year, will add 30 million dollars to the Moranbah local economy and tens of millions of dollars to the wider regional, state and national economy.

He said the mine’s opening was a sign of hope and confidence in the coal industry.

He said, “It’s a great industry and we’ve had a great partnership with Japan in the coal industry. Coal is essential for the prosperity of Australia. Coal is essential for the prosperity of the world. Energy is what sustains prosperity and coal is the world’s principle energy source and it will be for decades to come.”

Another project that was approved in July is the Carmichael mine in Queensland’s Galilee basin. According to Greenpeace Australia it will have six open cut mines and five underground mines and would involve the clearing of 20,000 hectares of native bushland.

In an opinion piece on ABC Online, Ben Pearson, Greenpeace campaigns director, wrote that the burning of coal from the mine will emit 130 million tonnes of carbon dioxide every year for the 90-year life of the mine, which will directly cancel the 131 million tonnes of carbon dioxide that is predicted to be reduced through the government’s Direct Action plan.

According to Julie Macken from Greenpeace Australia, “What will ultimately have an effect is when there’s a chorus of voices from the low-lying Pacific nations, when there is a chorus of voices from the global financial community stating that coal is in structural decline and when the international community [and] the parties at the Paris Conference on Climate Change commit to take strong action against climate change.

“When these three things come together against the prospect of catastrophic climate change, then politicians will see that they need to do something,” Macken told IPS.

This, she said needs to happen in the next decade, otherwise the future for young people like her 20-year-old daughter is “cooked”.

Indeed, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that current levels of carbon in the atmosphere are higher than they have been in three million years, and are projected to keep growing unless drastic changes are made to production and consumption patterns worldwide.

Education will be a crucial part of efforts to bring about massive international action on climate change, and the Pacific climate warriors are doing their part in their home countries.

Kassman said that 90 percent of the people who live in PNG’s rural areas do not have access to education and while they are aware that the sea level is rising, that there’s erosion along the shoreline and that food crops are changing, they don’t yet understand why.

She said 350 PNG, associated with, the U.S.-based organisation that supported the recent blockade, believes that the best way to raise awareness in a country with over 800 language groups is to train young people and send them out to the communities.

While PNG has one of the world’s lowest carbon footprints, the opening of the Exxon Mobile PNG LNG gas plant has raised the level of that footprint.

But local efforts will not be adequate without major pressure on the big polluters.

“We are taught by our parents to do the right thing,” Mikaele Maiava, a climate warrior from the South Pacific island nation of Tokelau, said at a press conference on Oct. 11. “We are divided by the oceans, by the air, but we are standing on the same land and the same mother earth.”

He said that his fellow warriors did not just represent today’s generation but the generation of the “blood that’s to come” and urged the global community to “stand together with us now and forever” in the fight against catastrophic climate change.

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Petronas to debut new Mercedes fuel in Barcelona

November 26, 2019 | News | No Comments

Mercedes will get a boost next week thanks to fuel partner Petronas which has concocted a new proprietary mixture specifically for the W08’s power unit.

Mercedes’ Andy Cowell recently revealed that the German manufacturer improved in almost all areas of its engine units.

Petronas has followed suit with its Primax fuel, elaborated after extensive research at its facility in Italy and as a result of it working hand in hand with Mercedes’ engineers.

“The new power unit will seek better performance by moving the limits in terms of duration of energy conversion,” explained Petronas motorsport manager Andrea Dolfi.

“For this reason, the Petronas Primax new fuel and Petronas Syntium engine oil were reformulated to meet the demands of the Mercedes engineers.”

As it seeks to improve energy deployment in 2017, Dolfi insisted the fuel gains will play a role in the car’s performance.

“The value in performance is significant. I can’t say more because the data is sensitive, but we are satisfied with the work that has been done.”

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Hamilton objects to ‘disgusting’ shoey trend

November 26, 2019 | News | No Comments

Lewis Hamilton has made it very clear that he’s not going to be drawn into the practice of drinking champagne from his or anyone else’s racing boot, a trend started by Red Bull’s Daniel Ricciardo in 2016.

Asked what achievement it would take to make him down a ‘shoey’ on the podium, Hamilton replied succinctly that “there is no racing achievement!

“That is disgusting,” he added, in an online interview streamed by UBS Formula One.

“It is kinda of cool that he has got his own little thing, and I admire him for having his own little thing. It is totally cool for me that he likes to drink the sweat off his own foot. But I definitely don’t!

“Zero chance. I wouldn’t even drink the sweat from my own shoe,” he added.

“You don’t understand,” he explained. “We’ve got these shoes and it’s so hot down by our feet [in the car.] We’ve got these hydraulic fluids going down there, they’re running at like 300 hundred degrees or something crazy, so it’s bleeding hot.

“Your feet are drenched afterwards!

“My dad would always call it ‘toe jam’ – he’s just drinking toe jam,” Hamilton laughed.

Ricciardo started the trend for a ‘shoey’ in Formula One after finishing as runner-up in the German Grand Prix. He then managed to persuade former Formula One driver and podium interviewer Mark Webber to join him in taking a swig from his boot in Belgium.

Red Bull team mate Max Verstappen and Mercedes driver Nico Rosberg were next to get sucked into the unusual post-race ritual in Malaysia. Rosberg went on to celebrate in the same way when he won the world championship in Bahrain in November – which might perhaps explain why he quit the sport five days later!

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Toro Rosso commits to three-year Honda deal

November 26, 2019 | News | No Comments

A report is circulating in Singapore claiming that Toro Rosso and Honda will embark on a three-year partnership at the start of next year.

The Japanese manufacturer initially sought to contract with a second team for 2018, but  a tentative agreement with Sauber was ultimately scrapped, bringing Toro Rosso into the frame.

Following the formal dissolution of the McLaren-Honda partnership, the manufacture has agreed to a three-year deal with the Faenza-based outfit, according to

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The three-year period, similar to the McLaren-Renault deal, will take all parties to the end of 2020 when Formula 1’s current engine regulation platform expires. 

A Toro Rosso-Honda partnership is also considered to be a prelude, or proving period, before Red Bull Racing also switches to Japanese power.

However, the Milton Keynes-based outfit has apparently been informed by current engine partner Renault that it will no longer supply its engine to Red Bull after the end of the 2018 season.

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The decision would appear to leave the team with no other choice but to contract with Honda for 2019, while hoping that the manufacturer can solve its persistent performance and reliability issues over the next 12 months.

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The Dutchman has heaped praise on his young counterpart, who continues to impress in front of goal despite his tender years

Paris Saint-Germain forward Kylian Mbappe has been called ‘extraordinary’ and ‘an inspiration’ by Lyon forward Memphis Depay. 

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The Dutchman shares a league stage with the 20-year-old French striker, whose attacking numbers continue to prove exceptional.

Mbappe already has eight goals and four assists from just nine appearances across all competitions this season, and Depay feels it will be difficult for him to rise above the young superstar.

“It will be hard to dethrone Mbappe as the best striker,” Depay told Canal+.

“He is extraordinary. I think he’s an inspiration for all the attackers and a nightmare for the defenders. As an attacker, we love to see what he does.”

Depay also hit out at critics who undermine the quality of France’s top flight and therefore minimise the achievements of forwards like himself and Mbappe but hinted that he expects to leave at some stage.

“I think Ligue 1 is underestimated,” he said. “People do not know how high the level is. Some teams produce a very physical game, but also very fast. There are also many good players who are leaving this championship. They do a good job here, and I’ve seen it since I arrived.

“Am I surprised to still be in Ligue 1? Life always takes unexpected turns. My journey has never been easy. But, of course, I am ambitious. I am aiming for the top. We’ll see how long it takes. Only God knows.”

The former Manchester United forward also revealed that PSG were interested in him before he moved to Old Trafford, a transfer which did not go to plan.

Depay eventually left United and joined current club Lyon, where he has revived his career, becoming a key player and an influential figure in the dressing room.

“Yes, I was in contact with PSG before my departure for Manchester United. They were one of the clubs that wanted me, but I chose Manchester United.

“A leader does a lot of things. I try to do as much as possible to have a positive effect on the team. I’m 25 years old and I have played a lot of matches. As a captain, I am a leader, but it has to come from the heart, from the inside.”

Briatore: Ecclestone ousting was inelegant

November 25, 2019 | News | No Comments

Flavio Briatore, a close friend and business partner of Bernie Ecclestone, believes the supremo’s exit from Formula 1 last week was conducted in a harsh and inelegant style.

The flamboyant Italian and former F1 team manger, who was banned indefinitely from the sport by the FIA following the infamous ‘crashgate’ episode which took place at Singapore in 2008, was critical of Liberty Media’s handling of Ecclestone’s dismissal.

“The whole thing was very inelegant,” Britore told the Gazetta dello Sport.

“Everybody know I’m close to Bernie, and we shared the same vision of Formula 1. Berne enabled many people to become successful in the sport and even famous, even people who didn’t deserve it.”

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Briatore praised however the arrival of Ross Brawn at the helm, as F1’s sporting director, believing the sport will be in good hands

“I worked with Ross for eight years,” added the Italian.

“He’s a great engineer, and a great person. But he’ll have to make sure that everyone moves in the right direction, and work towards reducing costs.”

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The Williams F1 team has announced that it has appointed Dirk de Beer as its new head of aerodynamics.

De Beer previously held the role of chief aerodynamicist at Ferrari for three years, having been appointed by then-technical director James Allison. However when Allison left the team in July, de Beer also quickly departed Maranello a few weeks later.

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De Beer was unveiled in his new role at Williams on the same day that his former boss Allison was formally announced as joining Mercedes.

“I am extremely pleased to be joining Williams,” said de Beer. “The team has an incredible heritage in Formula One, and I’m proud to now be a part of that.

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“I would like to thank Williams for giving me this opportunity.

“I’m looking forward to working with Dave Wheater and the Williams aero team to help continue driving forward the development of the car throughout the season and beyond.

Williams F1’s deputy team principal Claire Williams welcomed the South African to the team, which is effective from March 1.

“We’re delighted to have someone with Dirk’s vast experience joining us,” she said. “Having spent several years as a Head of Aerodynamics in Formula One, his knowledge and technical expertise will undoubtedly be a great asset to the team in our continued push to restore Williams to the front of the grid.”

De Beer began his career at Swift Engineering, where he worked primarily on IndyCar design before going on to enjoy a brief spell at Sauber F1 Team as an Aerodynamicist.

He joined Renault (subsequently called Lotus F1 Team) in 2008, and after five years in the role of head of aerodynamics there he took up a corresponding role at Ferrari in 2013.

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‘Life president’ role mooted for Ecclestone

November 25, 2019 | News | No Comments

New reports this week suggest that Formula One’s longtime commercial boss Bernie Ecclestone may be made “life president” by the sport’s new owners Liberty Media Group in order to move him to one side and make way for a new man at the top.

Sky Sports has reported that Ecclestone will step down as chief executive and that “an announcement could be made as soon as the first half of next week” about a successor.

Last week Liberty won final approval for its commercial takeover of the sport from both its own shareholders and from the FIA.

Liberty’s Chase Carey is believed to be keen to recruit former ESPN executive Sean Bratches to replace Ecclestone on the business side of running the sport.

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former Formula One team owner Ross Brawn is also rumoured to be in line to help Bratches run the sporting aspect.

“Liberty Media is determined to demonstrate that it is taking F1 into a new era by pursuing a radical overhaul of its commercial operation,” said Sky’s Mark Kleinman.

“The sport’s veteran boss has been offered a less hands-on role, with a title such as life president,” he added.

It was originally believed that Liberty had agreed to keep Ecclestone on as F1 boss for a transition period.

But Ecclestone himself appeared to hint that he could soon be stepping down from his role in comments he made earlier this week in which he said “We need to put something together if I am not here because I have become deceased or something and it is about time we did that.”

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