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F1 fans’ worst fear is creeping in.. already!

November 25, 2019 | News | No Comments

Fears of F1’s new regulations failing to improve the overall spectacle of Gran Prix racing crept in after just a few hours of pre-season testing yesterday.

The substantial increase in downforce of F1’s 2017 cars is impacting the front-end grip of a car tucked behind another, as Lewis Hamilton and Felipe Massa were quick to point out.

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“I was behind a couple of cars out there and it was harder to follow, as we expected,” said Hamilton.

“And then also right now the tyres are so hard that they don’t drop off, they just keep going and going and going and going.

“So most likely we’re going to be doing a lot more one-stopper [races] and, since there’s not degradation, less mistakes, less overtaking.

“That’s my prediction, I might be wrong, we’ll find out.”

Massa felt his new Williams FW40 was comfortable to drive but also underlined the impact of its characteristics.

“Definitely from the driving point of view, it’s much nicer for the driver,” said the Brazilian.

“For the show, I don’t know. I’m sure it will be more difficult to overtake. Today driving behind cars you lose a lot more downforce, the car is also much bigger.”

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The human economy is currently too big to be sustainable. We know this because Global Footprint Network, which methodically tracks the relevant data, informs us that humanity is now using 1.5 Earths’ worth of resources.

We can temporarily use resources faster than Earth regenerates them only by borrowing from the future productivity of the planet, leaving less for our descendants. But we cannot do this for long. One way or another, the economy (and here we are talking mostly about the economies of industrial nations) must shrink until it subsists on what Earth can provide long-term.
Saying “one way or another” implies that this process can occur either advertently or inadvertently: that is, if we do not shrink the economy deliberately, it will contract of its own accord after reaching non-negotiable limits. As I explained in my book The End of Growth, there are reasons to think that such limits are already starting to bite. Indeed, most industrial economies are either slowing or finding it difficult to grow at rates customary during the second half of the last century. Modern economies have been constructed to require growth, so that shrinkage causes defaults and layoffs; mere lack of growth is perceived as a serious problem requiring immediate application of economic stimulus. If nothing is done deliberately to reverse growth or pre-adapt to inevitable economic stagnation and contraction, the likely result will be an episodic, protracted, and chaotic process of collapse continuing for many decades or perhaps centuries, with innumerable human and non-human casualties. This may in fact be the most likely path forward.
Is it possible, at least in principle, to manage the process of economic contraction so as to avert chaotic collapse? Such a course of action would face daunting obstacles. Business, labor, and government all want more growth in order to expand tax revenues, create more jobs, and provide returns on investments. There is no significant constituency within society advocating a deliberate, policy-led process of degrowth, while there are powerful interests seeking to maintain growth and to deny evidence that expansion is no longer feasible.
Nevertheless, managed contraction would almost certainly yield better outcomes than chaotic collapse—for everyone, elites included. If there is a theoretical pathway to a significantly smaller economy that does not pass through the harrowing wasteland of conflict, decay, and dissolution, we should try to identify it. The following modest ten-point plan is an attempt to do so.
1. Energy: cap, reduce, and ration it. Energy is what makes the economy go, and expanded energy consumption is what makes it grow. Climate scientists advocate capping and reducing carbon emissions to prevent planetary disaster, and cutting carbon emissions inevitably entails reducing energy from fossil fuels. However, if we aim to shrink the size of the economy, we should restrain not just fossil energy, but all energy consumption. The fairest way to do that would probably be with tradable energy quotas.
2. Make it renewable. As we reduce overall energy production and consumption, we must rapidly reduce the proportion of our energy coming from fossil sources while increasing the proportion from renewable sources in order to avert catastrophic climate change—which, if allowed to run its current course, will itself result in chaotic economic collapse. However, this is a complicated process. It will not be possible merely to unplug coal power plants, plug in solar panels, and continue with business as usual: we have built our immense modern industrial infrastructure of cities, suburbs, highways, airports, and factories to take advantage of the unique qualities and characteristics of fossil fuels. Thus, as we transition to alternative energy sources, the ways we use energy will have to adapt, often in profound ways. For example, our food system—which is currently overwhelmingly dependent on fossil fuels for transport, fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides—will have to become far more localized. In the best instance, it would transition to an ecological, perennial-based agriculture designed for the long haul.
3. Restore the commons. As Karl Polanyi pointed out in the 1940s, it was the commodification of land, labor, and money that drove the “great transformation” leading to the market economy we know today. Without continued economic growth, the market economy probably can’t function long. This suggests we should run the transformational process in reverse by decommodifying land, labor, and money. Decommodification effectively translates to a reduction in the use of money to mediate human interactions. We could decommodify labor by helping people establish professions and vocations, as opposed to seeking jobs (“slavery on the installment plan”), and by promoting worker ownership of companies. As economist Henry George said over a century ago, land—which people do not create by their labor—should be owned by the community, not by individuals or corporations; and access to land should be granted on the basis of need and the willingness to use it in the community’s interest.
4. Get rid of debt. Decommodifying money means letting it revert to its function as an inert medium of exchange and store of value, and reducing or eliminating the expectation that money should reproduce more of itself. This ultimately means doing away with interest and the trading or manipulation of currencies. Make investing a community-mediated process of directing capital toward projects that are of unquestioned collective benefit. The first step: cancel existing debt. Then ban derivatives, and tax and tightly regulate the buying and selling of financial instruments of all kinds.
5. Rethink money. Virtually all of today’s national currencies are loaned into existence (usually by banks). Debt-based monetary systems assume both the growing need for debt, and the near-universal ability to repay it, with interest—relatively safe assumptions when economies are stable and expanding. But debt-based money probably won’t work in an economy that is steadily contracting: as the amount of outstanding debt ebbs in tandem with rising numbers of defaults, so does the money supply, leading to a deflationary collapse. In recent years the panic to prevent such a collapse has led central banks in the US, Japan, China, and the UK to inject trillions of dollars, yen, yuan, and pounds into their respective national economies. Such extreme measures cannot be maintained indefinitely, nor reverted to repeatedly. When debt-based currencies do fail, alternatives will be needed. Nations and communities should pre-adapt by developing an ecosystem of currencies serving complementary functions, as advocated by alternative monetary theorists such as Thomas Greco and Michael Linton.
6. Promote equity. In a shrinking economy, extreme inequality is a social time bomb whose explosion often takes the form of rebellion and revolt. Reducing economic inequality requires two simultaneous lines of action: First, reduce the surplus of those who have the most by taxing wealth and instituting a maximum income rate. Second, improve the lot of those who have least by making it easier for people to get by with minimal use of money (prevent evictions; subsidize food and make it easier for people to grow their own). This effort can be helped through the widespread cultural glorification of the virtue of material modesty (the reverse of most current advertising messages).
7. Reduce population. If the economy shrinks but population continues to expand, there will be a smaller pie to divide among more people. On the other hand, economic contraction will entail much less hardship if population ceases growing and starts to decline. Population growth leads to overcrowding and hyper-competition anyway. How to achieve population decline without violating basic human rights? Enact non-coercive policies to promote small families and non-reproduction; wherever possible, employ social incentives rather than monetary ones.
8. Re-localize. One of the difficulties in the transition to renewable energy is that liquid fuels are hard to substitute. Oil drives nearly all transportation currently, and it is highly unlikely that alternative fuels will enable anything like current levels of mobility (electric airliners and cargo ships are non-starters; massive production of biofuels is a mere fantasy). That means communities will be obtaining fewer provisions from far-off places. Of course trade will continue in some form: even hunter-gatherers trade. Re-localization will merely reverse the recent globalizing trade trend until most necessities are once again produced close by, so that we—like our ancestors only a century ago—are once again acquainted with the people who make our shoes and grow our food.
9. Re-ruralize. Urbanization was the dominant demographic trend of the 20th century, but it cannot be sustained. Indeed, without cheap transport and abundant energy, megacities will become increasingly dysfunctional. Meanwhile, we’ll need lots more farmers. Solution: dedicate more societal resources to towns and villages, make land available to young farmers, and work to revitalize rural culture.
10. Promote the pursuit of social and inner sources of happiness. Consumerism was a solution to the problem of overproduction; it entailed engineering the human psyche to become more individualistic and to demand ever more material stimulation. Beyond a certain point this doesn’t make us happier (in fact, just the opposite), and it can’t go on much longer. When people’s ability to afford consumer products wanes, as does the economy’s ability to produce and deliver those products, people must be encouraged to enjoy more traditional and innately satisfying rewards—including philosophical contemplation and the appreciation of nature. Music, dance, art, oratory, poetry, participatory sports, and theater can all be produced locally and featured at seasonal festivals: fun for the whole family!

*          *          *

More recommendations could certainly be fielded, but ten is a nice round number.
Surely many readers will wonder: Isn’t this just running “progress” in reverse, and isn’t doing so antithetical to our core value as a society? Yes, during the past few centuries we have become hooked on the idea of progress, and we have come to define progress almost entirely in terms of technological innovation and economic growth—two trends that are approaching dead ends. If we wish to avoid the cognitive pain of having to relinquish our deep-seated infatuation with progress, we could redefine that word in social or ecological terms. Similarly, many people who judge that society is far too wedded to the pursuit of economic growth to be persuaded to give it up advocate redefining “growth” in terms of increasing human happiness and societal sustainability. Such efforts at redefinition have some limited usefulness. Certainly the act of collective self-limitation involved in deliberately shrinking the economy would denote a new level of species maturity that would likely be reflected throughout our culture. Socially and spiritually, this would be a step forward—and is hence perhaps describable as progress or growth. But it is hard to monopolize the redefinition of terms like “progress” or “growth”: there are already powerful interests hard at work tying new meanings of the latter to inventive interpretations of manicured and manipulated GDP, employment, and stock market data.
It might be more honest to refer to the program outlined above as a simple reversion to sanity. It is also our best chance for preserving the best of civilization’s scientific, cultural, and technological achievements over the last few centuries—achievements that could be lost altogether if society collapses in a way similar to past civilizations.
 The recommendations above imply the ability and willingness of elites to turn the ship around. But both their ability and willingness to do this are questionable. Our current political system seems designed to prevent collective self-limitation, and also to resist serious attempts at reform. The plainest gauge of the likelihood of the implementation of my ten-point plan is a simple thought exercise: name a single prominent politician, financier, or industrialist who would propose or advocate even a small portion of it.
Still, there’s a deep irony here. While there’s no support for degrowth among elites, many if not most of the elements of the above plan have a very large real or potential constituency among the populace in general. How many people would prefer life in a small, stable community to existence in an overcrowded, hyper-competitive megacity; a profession to a job; debt-free life to the chains of onerous financial obligations? Maybe by articulating the plan and its objectives, and exploring the implications in more detail, we can help this constituency coalesce and grow.
(A talk given at a Teach-in on Techno-Utopianism and the Fate of the Earth, organized by International Forum on Globalization, October 26, 2014, at The Great Hall at The Cooper Union, New York City)

Richard Heinberg is a senior fellow at the Post Carbon Institute and the author of thirteen books, including his most recent:Our Renewable Future. Previous books include: Afterburn: Society Beyond Fossil Fuels, Snake Oil: How Fracking’s False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future; The Party’s Over: Oil, War, and the Fate of Industrial Societies; Peak Everything: Waking Up to the Century of Declines; and The End of Growth: Adapting to Our New Economic Reality.

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Susie Wolff driving ban upheld by British court

November 25, 2019 | News | No Comments

Former Formula 1 test and development driver Susie Wolff has failed in her appeal against a driving ban for speeding.

“I’m not a girl racer, I save my speed for the race track,” Wolff told the court. “It is a hugely embarrassing situation to find myself in

“I’m a professional driver and to be caught speeding and to have my licence taken away for speeding, it would have an effect on my reputation.”

Wolff was originally banned for six months by magistrates in November. She had been recorded doing 35mph in a 30mph zone in June 2015 in the village of East Hanney, Oxfordshire.

At the time the incident occurred, Wolff already had nine points on her license as a result of two previous speeding offences.

The ban had been suspended until the appeal was heard on Friday. Wolff told Oxford Crown Court that losing her licence would affect her charity work.

Wolff was a test driver for Williams F1 between 2012 until 2015. She took part in free practice in the 2014 British Grand Prix – the first woman to be involved in a GP weekend for 22 years.

The 34-year-old decided to leave the sport and start a family with her husband, Mercedes boss Toto Wolff. She awarded an MBE at the end of 2016.

  • Toto and Susie Wolff expecting first child together

As well as working as a commentator for Channel 4’s Formula 1 coverage, Wolff is a brand ambassador for Mercedes around the world.

She has also been undertaking charity work encouraging girls to take part in motor sport. She told the court that a driving ban would impact both roles.

However the Recorder, Sarah Campbell dismissed the appeal and fined Wolff £500 together with £345 in costs and a £15 victim surcharge.

“It may well be an embarrassment as far as her position is concerned. But it may be a salutary lesson to those aware of the facts,” said Campbell.

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Hamilton gives new team mate a big thumbs-up

November 25, 2019 | News | No Comments

Lewis Hamilton says he’s getting on better with Valtteri Bottas than any other team mate he’s had in Formula One.

Bottas joined the team just a month ago after Nico Rosberg’s shock retirement at the end of 2016. The Finn was quick in the first pre-season test, ending the week with the fastest time.

“What I so far like about working with Valtteri is that it is all to do with the track – what we do on the circuit – and not outside,” Hamilton told the official Formula One website this week.

“There are no games – there is complete transparency. I like that,” he explained. “I feel we already have a better working relationship than I ever had with any team mate I had before.

“He wants to do the best thing that he can in his first year with the team. With me being here for quite a while now, I want to deliver and make sure that I give as much information so that he will learn.

“Valtteri seems to have settled in quite comfortably already in a short space of time and I know he’s working very hard with all the engineers to acclimatise.

“He’s got a great frame of mind, a lot of positive energy in him just in general. Excited to work with him.

  • Wolff: ‘We know why Hamilton is the best paid driver!’

“We do our talking on the track,” Hamilton added.

Far from being the quiet man of few words that he sometimes appears, Bottas was proving refreshingly different close-up.

“I have learned that he makes his own entertainment,” Hamilton said. “He is very witty and comes out with some very funny things – which you would not really expect from a Finn!”

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As U.S. officials tout progress they say occupation forces have brought Afghanistan, people in that country are offering a much more bleak view. According to a new Gallup World Poll, Afghans are expressing record suffering, and have given record-low ratings to their own lives.

The poll, which calculated responses from face-to-face interviews with roughly 1,000 adults, uses the Cantril Self-Anchoring Striving Scale. That metric allows respondents to give a self-assessment of their well-being, using a scale of 0 – 10. Gallup groups the numbers into the following categories: “thriving,” “struggling” or “suffering.”

The poll found that 61 percent of Afghans gave their lives a rating in the suffering category—a figure Gallup says is the highest figure ever recorded for any country since it started the assessment in 2005. It surpasses the record 55 percent Gallup found in Afghanistan last year.

As in the 2013 poll, this year’s results show that zero percent of respondents gave their lives a rating that could be categorized as thriving.

Dissatisfaction with the county’s efforts to deal with the poor have also skyrocketed, the poll shows. In 2008, 32 percent expressed dissatisfaction, but that figure jumped to 86 percent in 2014.

Gallup reports: “It’s difficult to see how Afghans’ life evaluations could get much worse—but the current combination of violence, drug addiction and intractable poverty makes it equally difficult to envision any improvement, at least over the short term. In the meantime, rampant hopelessness among the population makes concerns about the growth and influence of extremist groups in Afghan society as real as ever.”

The new findings come as the U.S. war in Afghanistan continues, despite declarations that combat operations are coming to an end.

Nicholas Haysom, head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, said last week: “It is civilians who increasingly bear the brunt of this grinding conflict.”

Just two weeks before the 2017 Grand Prix season kicks off in Australia, the second round of pre-season testing gets underway this morning at 9:00 CET at the Circuit de Catalunya, and we’ll be on site with live timing and commentary.

Just follow the  ‘LIVE’ link here.

As we progress through the week, and with just two weeks to go before the lights turn green in Melbourne, teams are likely to ramp up their speed and performance.

While Mercedes appears as the clear favourite to secure the bragging rights for the fastest team of the pre-season, Ferrari and Red Bull will likely also turn it up a notch to give us a better judgment of their true  potential.

Also, check out the driver line-ups for the week .

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Haas’ Guenther Steiner believes Mercedes, Ferrari and Red Bull are already about 1.5 seconds clear of the rest of the 2017 field!

With just two weeks to go before the lights turn green in Melbourne, the top three teams enjoy a clear edge, according to Steiner, although it’s still unclear who will lead the grid in Australia.

The assessment hasn’t taken Steiner by surprise, it’s only a logical outcome based on power and resources.

“Between the top three and the other ones it is between one second and 1.5 seconds I think,” he said.

“It is aero, and we need to work on it. It won’t be for Australia. The big teams will always have more resources to do it, and this is to be expected.

“There is no surprise that Mercedes and Ferrari and Red Bull came out better than everybody else. They have more resources to do more testing and that is what it is.”

  • Haas prepping for huge mid-field battle

The Austrian team manager ax-actually believes the gap could grow as a frantic development pace takes hold among the top contenders.

“It will not get smaller in my opinion.

“But maybe the gains further up you get the smaller they get, so the smaller teams can make bigger gains because they are further behind.”

Steiner is also watching Williams, which could breakout from the chasing pack and make inroads into the top three’s dominance.

“I think the Williams is a little bit better than the big group …. I don’t know about the Renault. We need a few more days and in Australia we find out. It’s getting quite clear.”

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Lautaro Martinez responds to Conte's sex advice

November 25, 2019 | News | No Comments

The Nerazzurri boss warned his players to take it easy in the bedroom, much to the amusement of fans

Inter striker Lautaro Martinez has admitted that Antonio Conte’s recent comments on how his players should carry out sexual intercourse made him laugh, but backed up his coach in asserting that players should not be overexerting themselves outside of football.

Conte recently stated in an interview that his players should be putting in minimal effort when making love to their partners in order to preserve their energy and ensure a full recovery for game days.

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“I advise my players to have sex for short periods, with the minimum of effort and use positions where they are under their partners,” the Nerazzurri boss said. “And preferably with their wives, because then you don’t have to put in an exceptional performance.”

Asked whether the former Chelsea boss’ comments had made him laugh, the centre-forward told DAZN: “Yes! We have to continue working hard in training. When we’re at home, though, we have to rest… just like he says!”

Martinez was speaking after netting the opening goal as Inter recorded a convincing 3-0 win over Torino on Saturday, with strike partner Romelu Lukaku also getting on the scoresheet.

Much has been said about Lukaku’s technical skills and ability to thrive at a top club after an ill-fated spell with Manchester United, but the Belgian has hit the ground running since swapping the Premier League for Serie A.

Martinez, meanwhile, believes that his own good form is purely down to having more games and a chance to show his true qualities, while adding that his partnership with Lukaku is also benefiting from having time to absorb and complement each other’s style.

“We are doing a great job. We must continue like this, improving day by day,” the Argentina international said. “Last year, I didn’t play as much as I wanted, I didn’t have time to prove my worth.

“Romelu and I are getting to know each other and we’re getting better and better.”

And while the forward duo were given plenty of praise following their scoring performances against Torino, coach Conte claimed that he was more happy with preserving a clean sheet than dominating the scoreline.

“The thing that makes me happiest is the clean sheet,” he said. “It was a good defensive performance and that is very important because we knew we would score sooner or later. If we can be more hermetically sealed at the back then we’ll be in good shape.”

Inter sit just one point behind league leaders Juventus, who top the Serie A table with 35 points.

The new format will see four Spanish sides travel to the Middle East, with La Liga’s eternal rivals able to face off in the final if they progress

A new four-team format has been finalised for the Supercopa de Espana that will see the competition moved to Saudi Arabia for the next three years, the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) has confirmed.

RFEF president Luis Rubiales revealed a proposal to convert the season curtain-raiser into a mini-tournament in February this year.

Last season’s Supercopa – traditionally a two-legged affair played between the winners of La Liga and the Copa del Rey – was the first to be played abroad, as Barcelona beat Sevilla 2-1 in Tangier, Morocco, with the singular match officially classed as a friendly.

But the success of the contest from the RFEF’s perspective proved its viability and it is pushing ahead with the plans having struck an agreement for Saudi Arabia to play host over the next three years, starting in February 2020.

With four teams – the Copa finalists and La Liga’s top two – set to be involved, the RFEF has moved the competition to Spain’s winter in order to “lighten the calendar”, instead of playing it at the start of the season.

Following confirmation of the revamp on Monday, the RFEF also revealed the historic first fixtures, with Real Madrid and Barcelona facing Valencia and Atletico Madrid, respectively, in the semi-finals, teeing up a potential Clasico finale on February 12.

Copa del Rey holders Valencia were particularly vocal in their opposition of the initial plans put forward by the RFEF, while many criticised the governing body for fraternising with a country that has a questionable human rights record.

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But the RFEF has called the deal an “engine for social change” and confirmed women will be allowed “unrestricted access to the matches” and the launch of a women’s football competition in the region.

RFEF believe the internationalisation of the competition will improve its credibility and subsequently boost Spain’s bid to host the 2030 World Cup.

Media reports have claimed the RFEF stands to bring in €40 million (£34m/$44m) for every season the Supercopa is hosted in Saudi Arabia. Aside from club prize money, the federation pledges to invest all its entire income from the agreement in amateur football.

The Italian media is slamming Ferrari for its low-profile stance this week in Barcelona for the first week of pre-season testing.

The Scuderia obviously learned its lesson from last season when CEO Sergio marchionne made some bold claims over the winter about his team’s expected level of performance only for the team to fall quite short of its own rosy outlook.

As a consequence, Ferrari is holding its cards close to its chest this year, much to the media’s fury.

“Low profile is acceptable,” said La Gazzetta dello Sport’s Luigi Perna, “but not complete silence.

“Journalists are like engineers,” he told the Finnish newspaper Iltalehti.

“We should be able to give feedback to the fans, who have the right to hear the drivers.”

Italy’s La Republicca was even more discontented with Ferrari’s hush policy.

“Starting the season with a news blackout is absurd,” the report declared.

“After the sad living nativity scene of the car launch comes this meaningless news blackout. A low profile asked by Marchionne is one thing, but this carelessness is quite another.”

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