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Clinched playoff berth
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NHRA – National Hot Rod Association
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NHRA Summit Racing Series
Paul Rebis, Seth Bevins, Jake Ball, and Dennis Stewert, won the titles at the Southeast division NHRA Summit Racing Series Southeast Division Finals to earn berths in the National Championship event in Pomona in November.
NHRA’s top drag racers from tracks across the Pacific Division competed at The Strip at Las Vegas Motor Speedway at the NHRA Summit Racing Series Pacific Division Finals, Oct. 4-6.
Randy Krause, Austin Youndt, Paul Werner, and Bob Carlson all scored victories at the Division 1 Summit Racing Series event to earn the right to compete at the National Championships later this year.
Greg Christiansen, Steve Roehrs, Ryan Montford, and Jason Clampitt were the winners of the West Central division NHRA Summit Racing Series at Heartland Motorsports Park to earn a berth in the National Championships to be held later this year.
Jay Allen, Joe Barney, Travis Buth, and John Markham took victories at the Division 3 Summit Series Finals to earn berths in the National Championships later this year. Super Pro Race of Champions winner Michael Sturgill will accompany them as the wild card entry.
James McNeal, Brian Hughes, Chad Morris, and Paul Holman won the Division 4 Summit Series Finals at Texas Motorplex and will be joined by Motorcycle Race of Champions winner Cody Couch (wild card) at the National Championships held later this year in Pomona.
The first NHRA Summit Racing Series Finals of 2019 took place over Labor Day weekend as Division 6’s best E.T. racers flocked to Pacific Raceways to determine their division champions and representatives for the National Championships in Pomona.
In a special drawing for the NHRA Summit Racing Series National Championship, four NHRA divisions were selected to send an extra racer to compete for the national championship at the season ending Auto Club NHRA Finals.
Pat Osmundson, Nelson Belot Jr., Brian Hendrickson, and John Markham claimed NHRA Summit Racing Series National Championships at the Auto Club NHRA Finals in Pomona.
Pat Osmundson claimed the Summit Racing Series Super Pro national championship in his dragster in a terrific final-round battle with Jeremy Hancock. Osmundson got a slight reaction time edge, .016 to .019, and ran a near-perfect 8.806 on his 8.80 dial to fend off Hancock’s right-there 7.087 on a 7.08 prediction by just .044-second.
Nelson Belot Jr., who won the Pro wild card drawing, drove his Dalton, Mass.-based ’63 Cutlass to victory in the Summit Racing Series national championship when Dustin Loynes’ Division 3-quartered ’80 Firebird out of Walled Lake, Mich., ran too quick and broke out by a hundredth of a second.
In a final-round Sportsman battle of yellow vintage Mopars, Brian Hendrickson powered his ’72 Demon to a double-breakout victory over Brent Erickson to claim the 2018 Summit Racing Series Sportsman national championship.
Results submitted by NHRA Member Track across the country now appear immediately on The results are sortable by year and month and division.
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Countdown to the 50th Gatornationals
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Drew Skillman |
Factory Stock Showdown |
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