Month: February 2020

Home / Month: February 2020

Sa carrière commençait à peine que déjà on lui posait la question : à l’instant où Keira Knightley est arrivée devant les caméras, la rumeur de son anorexie s’est répandue. Dans une interview donnée au SundayExpress, l’actrice revient sur le sujet et dément à nouveau être anorexique.

« J’ai une vraie expérience de l’anorexie. Ma grand-mère et mon arrière-grand-mère en souffraient, et beaucoup de mes amies d’école aussi. Ce n’est pas quelque chose à prendre à la légère. » Keira Knightley ne pourrait pas être plus claire : l’anorexie elle connaît, mais elle n’en est pas atteinte. Sa minceur n’est due, d’après elle, qu’à ses gènes et à son métabolisme.

Mieux encore, l’actrice dit ne pas supporter les régimes : « L’idée même d’en suivre un me donne envie de frites et de glace. Et je déteste faire de la gym ! » Keira Knightley évite carrément le sport sous toutes ses formes, par paresse. « Les seules fois où je fais de l’exercice, c’est quand j’allume ma télé. »

Mariée depuis bientôt un an au chanteur James Righton, l’actrice a dans la même interview laissé entendre qu’elle commençait à réfléchir à la maternité : « Je ne serai pas une mère au foyer. Mais je pense qu’on devrait pouvoir faire ce choix, tout comme les hommes d’ailleurs, sans être moquées. » Alors, à quand une pause grossesse dans la carrière de Keira Knightley ?

Iconic jazz saxophonist Kenny G joined mega-rapper and fashion mogul Kanye West in Los Angeles for another one of West’s Sunday Services. The pair performed “Use This Gospel” in what was another emotional and star-studded event.

This Sunday Service rendition comes days after Kanye West released his latest album, “Jesus Is King.” On Sunday, the rapper was joined by Kenny G, who performed a saxophone solo at the event.

Sunday Service attendees gathered at The Forum in Inglewood, California, where West had also held his sold out album release party on Wednesday.

Kenny G and rap group, Clipse — who are both featured in a song from West’s new album, entitled, “Use This Gospel” — joined the rapper’s Sunday Service, where Kenny G performed a saxophone solo for the attendees.

Listen below:

West’s new album is expected to garner between 225,000 and 275,000 units within its first week, in which 60,000 to 85,000 will come from traditional sales, according to early projections reported by HitsDailyDouble.

If these predictions turn out to be correct, West’s new album will lead the Billboard 200 chart, making “Jesus Is King” the rapper’s ninth number one solo album. The album is currently at #1 on iTunes.

The tracks on “Jesus Is King” deviate from West’s prototypical style, as the album is gospel-themed and contains no cursing. According to his pastor, Adam Tyson, West had planned to give up rap music after converting to Christianity earlier this year, telling Tyson that the music genre is “the devil’s music.”

West’s latest endeavors have been dominating the national conversation surrounding culture.

West’s re-commitment to Christianity arrives on the heels of his public support for President Donald Trump, as well as criticism of policies enacted by the Democrat Party.

In a recent interview, West mentioned that “white liberals” attempt to convince him of revoking his support for President Trump, claiming that they “don’t see anything Christian about [the president].”

“Okay, so last year, y’all tried to tell me who I’m supposed to vote for because I’m black. Now this year, white liberals are trying to tell me who I’m supposed to vote for, because I’m Christian,” said West.

“They were fighting for us to have the right to our opinion, not the right to vote for whoever the white liberal said black people are supposed to vote for,” said West.

“I have turned my back on the idea of victimization mentality,” he added. “The culture has you focused so much on fucking somebody’s bitch, and pulling up in a foreign [vehicle], and rapping about things that could get you locked up, and then saying you about prison reform — we brainwashed out here, bro.”

“Democrats had us voting democrat for food stamps for years,” said West. “What’re you talking about? Guns in the 80’s, taking the fathers outta the home, plan B, lowering our votes, making us abort our children. Thou shalt not kill.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo and on Instagram.

Viktor Orbán has spoken openly about how his father beat him as a child and his struggle with self-esteem.

These days, a different emotional drama is playing out between Hungary’s prime minister and the billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros. The elder Soros, who in many ways is Orbán’s political godfather, is now a sworn enemy — and their running political dispute mirrors and to a degree defines the ideological divide between liberalism and nationalism that’s shaping Europe’s present and future.

Unusually, the duo almost crossed paths this week for the first time in years, appearing in Brussels within 24 hours of each other. They were in town to fight their corners with the grandees of the EU. This time, the dispute involves the Soros-backed Central European University in Budapest, which the Hungarian government is moving to push out of the country.

It is an encounter that Orbán seemed to seek out. He invited himself to the European Parliament this week to face down his critics, knowing that a day later the Hungarian-American billionaire was due to visit Brussels. Speaking before the chamber on Wednesday, the Hungarian prime minister bluntly warned, “We Hungarians never give up the fight.” A day later, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker welcomed Soros with a greeting fitting of a head of state.

The fight against authority is a recurring theme in Orbán’s life. He led the anti-Soviet student movement Fidesz in the late 1980s and after communism collapsed fought on behalf of liberalism.

Interviewed for a documentary filmed in the late 1980s, the activist and budding politician talked frankly about his upbringing. “I remember when he used to beat me, he would yell that I should keep my hands down and things like that, I remember I had some pretty bad experiences,” Orbán told an interviewer about his father. Later in the interview, he said: “I was never delighted with myself, I always had a bit of a schizophrenic inclination; I was able to view myself from the outside.”

But there was also a hint of defiance against parental rule: “There came about a new rule that I can’t go out of the house after 9,” Orbán said. “That was the order … and I said ‘I’m going.’ They said, ‘There’s no way.’ And I said, ‘I’m going,’ they said, ‘No.’ I got dressed and got going. And my father went to the door and beat me up insanely, I remember.”

In his youth too, Soros was a political father of sorts. As a liberal democratic crusader against communism and the Soviet Union, Orbán, the future prime minister, attended Oxford on a Soros-financed scholarship. Soros was a major financial backer of Fidesz (the name stands for the Alliance for Young Democrats), which Orbán founded with other pro-democracy student leaders in 1988. Soros even provided financing for a group called Black Box that made the documentary about Orbán, which was part of a series on current affairs.

Their once common path split sharply when Orbán transformed Fidesz into a center-right conservative party in the mid-1990s, a move that helped catapult him into the prime minister’s office for the first time in 1998. He was forced out by subsequent electoral defeats only to win back the job in 2010. Since then, he has maintained a tight grip on power by shifting even harder to the right, in part to prevent being outflanked by the radical nationalist Jobbik party.

Soros and other supporters of liberal democratic political causes have watched with dismay as Orbán has adopted increasingly nationalist policies, particularly by putting up fences to keep out unwanted refugees and bitterly opposing the EU’s efforts to resettle migrants across the Continent.

Disdain for authority

Charles Gati, senior research professor of European and Eurasian studies at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, who has known both men for years, said Orbán’s vilification of Soros fits a lifelong pattern of rebelling against authority figures: his own father and the Soviets, while growing up in the town of Felcsút in the communist era, and later against Washington and Brussels.

“Obviously, you don’t have to be Freudian to conclude that he has had a problem with authority ever since and the authority of the European Union as much as the authority of George Soros is a factor here,” Gati, who is Hungarian-American, said in a telephone interview from Stockholm.

“The European Union lectures him all the time like his father,” Gati said. “And of course Americans, all of us, have a tendency to lecture abroad and he resents that because he sees a father figure in America as well and in George Soros.”

Gati said he believed that Orbán was driven away from Soros and the liberal path by advice from another fatherly figure, former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who once warned Orbán that the biggest and most persistent political threat he would face would come from the right, not from the left.

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Soros declined requests for an interview.

‘This election is about survival’

Orbán, in testimony before the Parliament, unleashed scathing criticism of Soros, describing him as a malevolent force, an “American financial speculator” and an enemy of Hungary and of Europe’s common currency, the euro.

“I know that the power, size and weight of Hungary is much smaller than that of the financial speculator, George Soros, who is now attacking Hungary and who — despite ruining the lives of millions of European people with his financial speculations, and being penalized in Hungary for speculations, and who is an openly admitted enemy of the euro — is so highly praised that he is received by the EU’s top leaders,” Orbán said, according to the Hungarian government’s English transcript of his remarks.

At a press conference later, Orbán said he had not seen Soros since a meeting in 2010, and he insisted that the real problem was not the new education law, which is viewed in Brussels as targeting Central European University for closure, but rather the opposition of Soros and the EU to Hungary’s immigration policies.

“The real issue here is the refugee issue and that’s the reason we are in strong confrontation with the Commission, I suppose the majority of the Parliament, and Mr. Soros, and his whole NGO empire,” Orbán said. The prime minister also repeated his earlier line of attack, noting how Soros had gained fame and wealth by breaking the Bank of England in a successful currency bet.

“We as Hungarians, as talented Hungarians, have to face a financial speculator, a person who has ruined the lives of tens of millions of people when he attacked the British pound and other currencies,” Orbán said.

Balázs Jarábik, an analyst with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said that the real issue was Hungarian national politics. He said Orbán’s stepped-up attack on Central European University began just days after the far-right Jobbik Party put up campaign billboards across Budapest criticizing Fidesz with the slogan: “You work. They steal.”

“This is the kick-off of the election campaign,” Jarábik said, and that the thinking within Fidesz was: “We need to have a conflict and mobilize our voters. This is a fight that we can win at home.”

“I think Orbán is using Soros’ overall image,” he added. “This election is about survival.”

Jarábik and Gati said the attacks on Soros, who is Jewish, could also tap into an undercurrent of anti-Semitism that runs through Hungarian society.

“There is hidden anti-Semitism about this,” Gati said. “It’s so obvious to any Hungarian reader that underneath it all, though Orbán would never concede it, it’s there.”

Grammy-winning singer Alicia Keys said in an Instagram video that she was “frustrated” that her 4-year-old son didn’t want to be seen in public with a rainbow manicure and lamented the “judgments” and “stereotypes” that are provoked when men want to express their “feminine energy” and vice versa.

“He’s in the chair and he’s like ‘I want rainbow.’ So he tells the lady that he wants rainbow colors on his nails,” Keys explained. “And after he painted his nails, he looked at me and said ‘Mommy, I don’t want this on my nails.’ And I was like why? You were so sure. You were good. And he was like, ‘People are not going to like it.’”

Keys was shocked that her young son worried about being seen in public with rainbow nails.

“Can you believe this? Four years old! He’s four and he already understands the concept that someone’s going to judge him because he chose rainbow color on his nails,” Keys said, explaining that she encouraged her son by telling him that “so many” men paint their nails.

“And I said plus you know a lot of guys paint their nails. This is not like some strange thing that you only do. He was like really? I was like yeah– so many. So many. And that made him feel better, but it just got me to thinking about how completely judged we are all the time,” she said.

Keys explained that she believes men and women possess both masculine and feminine “energies” and noted her concern that “we can’t just explore these different sides of ourselves.”

“You know, these different energies that are within us. And even for me myself, I oftentimes express the masculine energy that is inside of me. And it’s very natural to me. That’s how I feel and all the time if that happens there’s judgments and there’s the stereotypes and there’s all the energy that comes toward that and for my boys — similar,” she said.

“If they want to express the feminine energy that’s inside of them, there’s all these judgments and all these rules and stereotypes and vibes, and it’s really frustrating to me,” she continued.

“I’m actually really really frustrated about it and I ask myself why is it that? Like why can’t we just express the different energies that are inside of us?” she asked, calling it a “normal,” “ancient,” “powerful” and “spiritual” understanding.

Keys has not refrained from articulating her ideological leanings in the past, appearing at the Democratic National Convention in 2016 and dedicating her performance to the mothers of the Black Lives Matter movement.

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On Tuesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View,” co-host and network legal analyst Sunny Hostin criticized Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) for calling on the media to print the name of the whistleblower who filed a complaint against President Donald Trump.

Meghan McCain said, “He sounds so crazy.”

Whoopi Goldberg said, “Had Nixon tried to do this to anyone we would have had him out, said, ‘No, that’s not how the law works, the Constitution doesn’t work like that, that’s not how the law works.”

She continued, “For me, when I see that the Department of Justice is no longer, doesn’t feel neutral. they’re not looking to see if it’s true, they’re just saying, ‘Well, you know, it’s done, that makes me uncomfortable.’”

Co-host Sunny Hostin said, “I’m so disgusted because, you know, if Rand Paul were doing this to a witness and saying this about a witness that I had on one of my cases. I would send an FBI agent to his house, and I would have him brought in because that’s witness intimidation, punishable by up to 20 years in prison. I would have him brought in.”

She added, “This person is a whistle-blower. He’s intimidating that witness and encouraging people to break the law. How dare he? He’s a sitting senator. He knows better.”

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Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

After stepping out of my Charlie’s Angels (2019) screening, where I was the only person in the theater, one of the ushers asked me how I liked it. “Dreadful,” I replied, while purchasing my Ford v Ferrari admission. “Hopefully this one features men acting like men as they burn fossil fuels, throw punches, and stick it to the French.”

FVF is even better than I had hoped, better than its mostly glowing reviews. So much better.

The racing scenes are fantastic and feature almost no CGI. Matt Damon and Christian Bale are as appealing as they have been. And while the French do get it stuck to (as does Ferrari), there’s also an entertaining and important streak of anti-corporatism that drives the movie’s theme and plot. This is not so much Ford v Ferrari as much as it’s Two Individualists v Ford’s Corporate Suits.

Based on a true underdog story,  it’s the mid-sixties, and Damon plays Carroll Shelby, the legendary American racer and car designer dry-docked by an injury and up against it financially as he tries to sell his cars (sometimes more than once). And then in walks Lee Iacocca (Jon Bernthal) with an insane idea attached to a pile of money. Shelby has 90 days to design and build a Ford racecar that will win Le Mans, France’s brutal 24 hour endurance race.

This is about corporate pride and money. Ford wants to humiliate Ferrari (I won’t spoil the why) and refurbish its image for the Baby Boomer generation, a group of teens who enjoy something no previous generation has ever before: money to spend.

Shelby grabs the opportunity, but knows a car is not enough. Behind the wheel, you need the best. Unfortunately the best is Ken Miles (Bale), an eccentric and temperamental Englishman who has a thing about authority. The suits are fine when Miles is working behind the scenes, but they refuse to have him as the face of the brand. So it’s left to poor Shelby to navigate a corporate nightmare filled with egos, countless middle managers, and the fact that race design and driving is an art, and with that art comes the artistic temperament often associated with genius — meaning the wrench-hurling Miles.

Director James Mangold has delivered 152 minutes you never want to end. His screenwriters, Jason Keller and brothers Jez and John-Henry Butterworth, crafted one scene after another that qualify as brilliant and brilliantly entertaining short films. FVF is beautifully structured. The story flows effortlessly. The dialogue is sharp and oftentimes hilarious (“They said I’d have carte blanche this time. I looked it up, it’s French for ‘bullshit.’”) The relationships between the characters are all believable. The cinematography is gorgeous. The production design is so flawless you forget it’s 1965. The characters are well defined. And the acting… Wow.

Bale is simply superb as an eccentric artist brimming with confidence, desperate to do what he was born to do, but only on his terms. He’s also a devoted family man with a bottomless love for his wife and son.

Damon is his equal, a proud and ambitious Texas man dealing with his own disappointments as he navigates Los Angeles and the buttoned-up corporate world of Ford in his cowboy boots and hat.

As Henry Ford II (they call him “The Deuce”), Tracy Letts might be Oscar-bound with a flawless portrayal of an endlessly complicated man you end up liking and hating. It’s a knockout performance and his crying scene practically had me on the floor laughing.

There are two genres at work here, neither of which we see enough of. We have both a racing movie and a movie that celebrates that unique, can-do American spirit only made possible through a perfect blend of rugged individualism and team work.

This is also the rare, big-budget Hollywood movie that focuses on the importance of fathers, that depicts two masculine men who are stoic rather than confessional, who prefer to communicate with a punch over a rap session, who drive fast and burn fossil fuels… Who do all this without apology, without a bossy harridan demeaning them about their “toy cars” and how it relates to penis size.

There is nothing pretentious about FVF, no buzzkills, no woke, no lectures, no puffed up sense of self-importance. Which doesn’t mean Mangold doesn’t have a message. Of course he does, and it’s a vital message told through character and theme about being your own man, about not getting chewed up in the corporate collective, about sons and fathers and husbands and wives and friends and chasing the impossible…

This is a message that reminds us about what it means to be a true American.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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Vinicius Junior felt Gabriel Jesus’ equaliser for Manchester City against Real Madrid should not have stood.

Vinicius Junior believes decisions always go against Real Madrid after their 2-1 Champions League loss to Manchester City.

Madrid were stunned in the last-16 first leg at Santiago Bernabeu on Wednesday as Kevin De Bruyne’s 83rd-minute penalty earned City a come-from-behind win.

Gabriel Jesus cancelled out Isco’s opener, although Madrid complained about a push from the City forward on Sergio Ramos, who was later sent off for a foul on the Brazilian.

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Vinicius lamented the decision not to penalise Jesus for a foul on Ramos for the equaliser.

“The whole stadium saw Gabriel Jesus push Ramos. He did the same as me with [Riyad] Mahrez in the first half,” he said.

“They give us bad calls. We are the team with the most Champions Leagues and it will always be that way.

“It has been a very clear foul and I don’t understand why he hasn’t called it.”

Madrid had appeared in control courtesy of Isco’s opener on the hour-mark, only to collapse late.

But Vinicius remains confident in his side’s ability to turn the tie around in Manchester on March 17.

“We’ve got to keep cool, we’re going to win there and pull off the comeback,” he said.

“We lacked focus in that final 15-minute period and that’s why they got the two goals. We have to improve.

“We know that the return leg will be tough, but we’ll pull off the comeback.”

Blancos boss Zinedine Zidane also refused to throw in the towel afterwards, despite his side having a European mountain to climb at the Etihad Stadium.

For him, 10 minutes of madness cost the Blancos dear – with a forgettable spell in the second-half for the hosts seeing Jesus and De Bruyne find the target before Ramos was dismissed.

Zidane said: “We had a good game for 75 minutes.

“We’re annoyed by the defeat, but the tie lasts 180 minutes.

“Now we have to take the positives. There aren’t many positive things in the result, but we had a good game apart from the last few minutes.

“We were good for 70 minutes. Now we have to go there and win if we want to go through.

“We needed 10 more minutes of concentration in a very difficult match and, in the end, we paid for it.”

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State of the Union — as it happened

February 27, 2020 | News | No Comments

Photo-illustration by Ivo Oliveira/POLITICO (Source images by Getty Images)

State of the Union — as it happened

Jean-Claude Juncker debates key points for the year ahead.


9/14/16, 8:33 AM CET

Updated 9/14/16, 6:05 PM CET

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker will deliver his State of the European Union at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday, pointing out the Commission’s priorities for 2017.

The speech comes two days before 27 EU leaders, without British Prime Minister Theresa May, will meet in Bratislava to discuss Europe’s future after Brexit.


On avait déjà pu avoir un aperçu de ses talents de comédien dans ses lecons de composition postées en vidéos sur internet en 2010. Pour les besoins de la promotion de son dernier album le chanteur belge a réussi un coup de maître avec son clip «Formidable». Explications.

On disait Stromae mal en point eu égard la vidéo de lui qui circulait sur internet depuis quelques jours (vue près de 300 000 fois) . On y voyait le chanteur belge dans un état second aux abords du rond point Louise à Bruxelles. Titubant, Stromae filmé de près dans une matinée pluvieuse, voit même des policiers lui venir en aide. (« T’es un peu fatigué Stromae?, lui lance l’un deux. Je suis un grand fan. T’as eu une soirée agitée ? Tu veux qu’on te dépose chez toi ? Allez, courage ! »)

Le 24 mai, dans l’émission présentée par Frédéric Taddéi, Ce soir ou jamais, rebelote, l’interprète d’Alors on Danse ne semble pas au mieux en direct sur France 2. Sous l’emprise de l’alcool? Sur les réseaux sociaux, ses fans s’inquiètent. D’autant que leur protégé est fraîchement célibataire à en croire les révélations de son ex dans le magazine Public. « Nous ne sommes plus en couple », a-t-elle lâché au magazine people.

Alors le chanteur belge aurait-il mal digéré cette rupture? Que nenni. . Tout cela était en réalité un plan communication pour promouvoir le clip de sa nouvelle chanson «Formidable», dans laquelle il retrace l’histoire d’un homme… alcoolique. Un bon acteur Stromae donc ! D’autant que l’idée de s’essayer au septième art en serait pas pour lui déplaire comme il nous l’expliuait dans une interview à Gala en 2011. «Jouer dans une comédie dramatique me plairait bien, expliquait-il. J’aimerais un rôle qui n’ait rien à voir avec ma vie. Etre un vrai méchant, par exemple. Pas mal de gens m’ont dit que j’avais un talent d’acteur. Pourquoi pas, un jour… Mais j’aurai pris des cours avant. C’est un métier!»

Un métier qu’il connaît déjà bien à voir le buzz suscité par son dernier clip!

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Présent à Nice pour présenter le premuer festival du cinéma russe, Gérard Depardieu en a profité pour réitérer son amour de la France et revenir sur la polémique qui a suivi son exil fiscal. Du grand Gégé!

Comme un clin d’œil, ou un pied de nez, c’est pour parler de la Russie que Gérard Depardieu est de retour en France cette semaine. L’acteur est en effet présent à Nice pour y présenter le premier Festival du cinéma russe qui se déroule du 14 au 17 juin. Nice qui, selon la star française, est «la ville la plus russe de France» comme il l’a affirmé lorsqu’il a été accueilli par le maire Christian Estrosi, qui lui a remis une médaille de la ville.

Dans le quotidien Nice Matin, Gérard Depardieu a déclaré qu’il était très content d’être là, dans son pays. «La France, il faut arrêter de me demander si je suis content… a-t-il confié. J’ai une culture française et je la fais partager aux Russes qui viennent chez vous depuis bien longtemps». Dans son esprit, les choses sont claires, «je ne suis pas parti», expliquant «ma culture est française. Mais il se trouve que j’aime le monde, fidèle à ce que mon père m’a inculqué. Alors qu’il ne savait ni lire ni écrire. Moi j’ai appris à lire avec Pouchkine, Dostoïevski, La Bible et Le Coran».

Oui, mais alors pourquoi est-il allé s’installer en Belgique? C’est bien pour des raisons fiscales comme il l’a confirmé. «Cela fait 45 ans que je tourne dans à peu près tous les pays. Et cela fait quinze ans que je vis moins de cinq mois de l’année en France, tout en payant mes impôts. J’ai simplement dit qu’à mon âge, je ne pouvais pas payer 87% d’impôts!» a expliqué un Gérard Depardieu qui n’a pas cherché la provocation. Bien au contraire, il s’est dit animé d’un souci de transparence: «Je ne me désolidarise pas pour autant de la France. Moi je l’ai dit, un tas de gens partent sans le dire. Si j’avais voulu fuir le fisc, je serais parti depuis longtemps».

Quant à ses amitiés qui lui ont aussi été reprochées, avec Nicolas Sarkozy, Fidel Castro ou même Vladimir Poutine, Gérard Depardieu les défend: «Il se trouve que ce sont des gens bien. Je ne vais pas me mettre avec des cons, non? J’aime juste les gens qui m’aiment… et j’essaie de leur rendre» a confié l’interprète de Cyrano de Bergerac. Ce n’est pas du Edmond Rostand, mais à la fin de l’envoi, il essaye bien de toucher.