Month: February 2021

Home / Month: February 2021

– Security was handled at last night’s TNA Destination X pay-per-view by Atlas Security. Atlas Security is owned and operated by Ronnie Lang as they did a lot of work for the original ECW.

– TNA will tape this week’s edition of Impact tonight from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. The company is advertising that Karen Angle will drop a “bombshell” on this week’s edition of Impact. The following week’s edition of Impact will be taped tomorrow night in Orlando.

– Tickets for TNA’s summer United Kingdom tour are on sale now at this link. Early indications are that tickets are selling well. TNA Wrestling posted an announcement on their official website earlier today regarding problems ordering tickets, blaming them on high demand.

– TNA Lockdown will be headlined by TNA Champion Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe. Both are featured on the pay-per-view promotional poster.

Booker T Leaving TNA Wrestling? + Former WCW Champion To TNA! *SHOCKING SPOILER*

– Rhino returned to TNA Wrestling at tonight’s Against All Odds pay-per-view. He came out of the crowd and attacked “Cowboy” James Storm, allowing Eric Young to win their match. The former ECW star cut a promo in the ring that he had a lot to say and would do it at this week’s edition of iMPACT.

– As expected, former WWE Diva Search contestant Trenesha Biggers made her TNA debut at tonight’s pay-per-view, distracting Petey Williams and helping Scott Steiner win his match. Biggers is 6’2 tall and was under a WWE developmental contract at one point.

Karen Angle To Pose For Playboy? + TNA Drug Testing Results >

Hello everyone and greetings from Las Vegas, Nevada! Ryan and I are on location covering WWE’s No Way Out pay-per-view that is now in the books. This column is different from my usual Richard Reacts pieces as it is the event from a live perspective and features my opinions not only on the matches but from the overall experience. I hope you all enjoy and if anyone wants to wire me money to feed my gambling problem I would greatly appreciate it. Just kidding, but it is wild out here!

We arrived at the Thomas & Mack Center at around 3:45 PM PST (6:45 PM EST) to find thousands of people gathered around outside of the building. WWE had their WrestleMania XXIV Fan Axxess tour stuff setup. The stop featured displays, memorabilia, and all kinds of interactive attractions that everyone seemed to enjoy. Tommy Dreamer, Justin Roberts, and Hillbilly Jim were at the festivities doing a meet and greet. All three spoke and joked with fans, with Roberts and Dreamer even doing their best Howard Finkel impersonations. People were interested at first but when DX music was played loud outside, everyone looked the other way in hopes of catching a glimpse of Triple H or Shawn Michaels. Lou E. Dangerously was outside talking with other employees, he did not speak but I did see him refuse to take a picture for a fan who wanted one of him and Dreamer (why someone would even ask is beyond me). Dreamer, Roberts, and Hillbilly Jim signed autographs.

When the doors finally opened at the Thomas & Mack Center it was pure chaos. I have been to WWE events all around the United States and have never been to a venue as unorganized as the Thomas & Mack Center. They had crowd control barriers setup everywhere and forced people to form this huge line that went all around the building. Ever seen 10,000+ people try to form a line? It was definitely a scene. To make matters worse there was this loud lady with a blow horn in charge. Let’s just say she didn’t make any friends with the people that had been waiting outside for hours. The arena was less than half full by the time the dark match started because of the lack of organization.

I know I’m in Las Vegas for business but I decided that a cool Bud Light would taste good after being outside in the above average temperatures. Ryan and I approached the beer guy to find out that it was $6 a beer. $6 for ONE beer! It was one of those slightly larger plastic bottles but still, 6 freaking dollars! I was one and done with the beer drinking. However, there were people putting them down like they were going out of style as one guy was so inebriated by the time that the event was over, he could not stand up. Ryan and I saw them selling beer right up until the end of the event so unlike most other venues which cut off alcohol sales; it seems as if they kept selling at the Thomas & Mack Center. If you are one of the people that bought the $6 beers, more power to you. The cab driver told me on the way back to our hotel that when he goes to events at the venue he puts a twelve pack in his wife’s purse. Now that’s someone thinking with their head.

The dark match was Kane going over against Shelton Benjamin. The crowd was completely behind Kane, however, there was not much of a crowd in the building during the match because the Thomas & Mack Center sucks. One guy at the concession stand told me that the selection of merchandise was very limited but I didn’t buy anything or check it out so I can only tell you what he told me. I was very surprised at the age of the audience. Most of our section was filled with young children with their parents/grandparents that they had drug with them. One guy had the audacity to ask me to show him my ticket because he thought that Ryan and I were in his seats. Since he was with his two small children, I decided to be nice and showed him my ticket (I held it upside down but at least I showed him). He figured out that he was in the wrong row (he should have sat beside the morons downing the $6 beers).

Lilian has an excellent voice as she sang our National Anthem. All of the announcers got good reactions from the crowd except for Jonathan Coachman who had a tremendous amount of heat. I did see one kid flip Joey Styles the bird while an event staff member told him not to do it. The kid ignored him and continued to tell Styles that he was number one. Mayweather’s seats were reserved and while I didn’t know that it was going to be him and his posse occupying them at the time, I figured the seats were reserved for a reason.

Onto the matches the event opened with what I felt like was a good choice in Chavo Guerrero and CM Punk for the ECW Championship. There was really nothing noteworthy other than Chavo got the win clean which I felt like had to happen to make him look legitimate. I liked how Chavo hit the Frog Splash for the finish I would like to think that Eddie would have wanted it that way.

I really enjoyed the SmackDown Elimination Chamber match. WWE took the weak parts out of the bout early (Big Daddy V and The Great Khali) so the contenders could get some work. I don’t mark out much at events but I did partake in the “you can’t wrestle” chant directed towards The Great Khali. Khali has massive size but his in-ring work is horrid. Big Daddy V isn’t much better, even though you should hear how loud his chops sound live. MVP and Finlay worked solid and the Hornswoggle bit was fun but hats off to The Undertaker and Batista. Both of them worked their rear ends off tonight. Everyone in the building was behind every move as their work really had the crowd into the match. People were gasping at every spot and that is what makes a good wrestling match. WWE put Taker over to send him to WrestleMania. I expected it and it looks like we will see Edge’s undefeated streak vs. Undertaker’s undefeated streak for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The only complaint that I had with the match was that WWE did what I was told was an injury angle with Ranjin Singh during the match as they put him on a backboard after he took a stiff boot from Undertaker while the match was going on. It looked legitimate to me, but it was a work, and that irritates me. From what I understand, it wasn’t shown on PPV nor were they taping it, so it was just a major distraction live.

I’m tired of the Ric Flair retirement angle. The guy has had a career with such longevity and this is the best thing WWE can come up with? Flair makes Kennedy tap in the Figure Four and even though they made it a respectful win by Kennedy tapping, there wasn’t a whole lot to the match. The crowd was obviously behind Flair with heat on Kennedy but they were not as into it as you might think.

Edge vs. Rey Mysterio surprised me until I learned that Mysterio was really working with a torn bicep. WWE kept it short and it was probably as bad of a Mysterio match as you’ll ever see but you have to give it to Rey for working. It was disappointing to me because I always look forward to watching Mysterio wrestle live but I understood the injury. They put Edge over clean which they were forced into with the injury.

After the match The Big Show returned. He got a pretty loud pop but the segment didn’t make a lot of sense. Show comes out, cuts the cheesy “I missed you guys” promo, only to attack Mysterio for no apparent reason. OK, so the young crowd went from “we love you Big Show” to “you suck Big Show.” The Floyd Mayweather inference was expected when you add up the backstage segment with Rey from earlier in the show, Mayweather’s seats, Big Show’s unexplained attack, and the fact that WWE wants a celebrity at WrestleMania. I guess they are going to do something with Mayweather and Big Show at Mania. Luke posted on the site earlier that Mayweather actually broke Show’s nose. Ouch. Did everyone see Shane McMahon? He didn’t say anything, so I don’t know what all that was about.

John Cena and Randy Orton had an excellent match. The crowd was absolutely on fire throughout the duration of this one. You would have the crowd chanting “let’s go Orton” only for louder chants of “let’s go Cena” in response. Ryan predicted the DQ finish so I can’t say that it was a surprise. It looks like it will be Triple H vs. Randy Orton at WrestleMania unless somehow Cena is able to get on the card in a three way match. I’d put my money on the latter.

I enjoyed the RAW Elimination Chamber match. One of my favorite spots was when Umaga got a Superkick, codebreaker, pedigree, and insane swanton bomb. Jeff Hardy is amazing and I didn’t even understand how over that he has gotten until I saw his reaction live. Folks, he got a tremendous reaction and I really hope that he remains a contender in WWE throughout 2008. The spot where JBL got eliminated then came back and cleaned house with a chair was goofy. Real goofy. Another thing that didn’t make sense was Triple H eliminating Shawn Michaels. Hunter and Shawn have so much momentum with DX I don’t see a reason to destroy that. I thought maybe it was the beginning of a heel turn for Triple H, however, after he defeated Jeff Hardy to win the match and the title shot, he helped Hardy to his feet and raised his hand in the ring. It made even less sense when Hardy went to the back and Triple H started making the DX sign with his arms raised above his head. Maybe I’m missing something but couldn’t they just have let Hardy eliminate Michaels?

All and all No Way Out was a fun event to attend. It was a solid pay-per-view but nothing spectacular. I can’t make a recommendation on whether or not to order the replay because I need to see the tape just so I can see how the show came off on television. There were some really good spots and some questionable booking calls but it was an enjoyable time. Next up is WrestleMania, let’s hope we are treated to some excellent WWE TV leading up to the flagship pay-per-view.

Richard can be contacted at richard [at]

Richard Gray is a professional wrestling journalist and frequent contributor to He has been covering the world of professional wrestling since 1999 and has had the opportunity to cover ground breaking stories such as the demise of ECW, the WCW buyout, the Benoit tragedy, Bobby Lashley leaving WWE, and more. For more on Richard check out his web site, Wrestling News World.

Tonight on RAW, Ric Flair came out and thanked Shawn Michaels for his words last week. Flair said WrestleMania weekend will be very special for him with the Hall of Fame induction. He then challenged HBK.

Michaels said to Flair that he cannot be the person to retire him. Flair got offended and said all of the respect HBK gave him last week is worth nothing if he won’t give Flair the chance to have the best match of his career at WrestleMania. HBK then said “It would be my honor to wrestle you at Wrestlemania”. The two then shook hands and hugged.

So at WrestleMania – we will see Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair with Flair’s career on the line.

MAYWEATHER Getting $20 MILLION for WrestleMania?!?! Updated WM24 Card [>]

In an interview with the Daytona Beach News-Journal, TNA star Kevin Nash talks about a number of of subjects – including his various injuries, Congress investigating pro wrestling and what he wants to do after he retires from the ring.

Nash, who has gone through 13 knee surgeries, says he is constant pain, especially in his neck: “I actually have a couple of bulged discs now,” he told the paper. “It’s actually trying to fuse itself. It’s 24-7. The pain is almost unbearable.”

Nash, who is under contract to TNA until September 2009, discusses Congress looking into pro wrestling related to steroids: “Congress is coming down on us right now hard with the steroid stuff,” Nash said. “There’s still going to be collateral damage from my era of guys. We’ll all lose years off our lives.”

Nash also talks about his future plans after wrestling, and that he would like to branch outside of wrestling so he can save his body to spend time with his kids. Alex Shelley is quoted by the paper as saying Nash has helped him with financial advice.

“I’m trying to figure what the next avenue I’m going to go into — I don’t think I want to do creative as much as I want to do production,” Nash said. “Try to branch out the brand of TNA, start to learn the TV end of it so I can go out and sell it to different countries. More the business aspect of it.”

Floyd Mayweather’s REAL WrestleMania Salary Revealed (Nowhere close to $20M) [>]

All-Star Wrestling Report: Saturday 8th March 2008
The Northgate Arena, Chester, United Kingdom
By Shaun Reporter

One month on and All-Star wrestling was back in town. With the previous conversation I’d had with Robbie Brookside still in mind, I set off after a day at work with Chris Jericho’s “A Lion’s Tale” in hand. Eagerly anticipating some good quality wrestling, I was also looking forward to another chat with Robbie about some of his exploits with Jericho. The Arena in Chester is on a smaller scale to the Empire Theatre in Liverpool, and as soon as I got my ticket, I walked past catering and spotted Robbie just finishing his meal. Surely a positive omen I thought. Remembering the general rule of not interrupting wrestlers while eating, I checked he had finished and politely approached him. Luckily, he remembered me and we spent a good 15 minutes discussing the extracts from Jericho’s book aswell as Robbie’s WCW stint and work as an extra on past WWE tours. With showtime minutes away, Robbie left to go and get ready but said he’d look out for me after the show and get me backstage. With the evening off to a great start, I took my seat at the back, whilst looking forward to the matches. The arena was about 3/4 full, with mostly kids and families again. The show lasted two hours with a 15 minute intermission in-between. The announcer came out but her mic cut out. With a replacement sent, she then introduced the action. Five matches were on hand. A lot of the bigger names from Liverpool weren’t in attendance with some new faces and old ones returning. Apparently the roster changes month-by month. There were no dancers tonight as we got straight in to the action.

1)”Crybaby” Chad Collyer vs Extreme Dean (Deano)
This one was dubbed as an international challenge. Collyer was announced as part of the ‘World Riot Squad’ stable. Collyer reminds me a lot of Charlie Haas in terms of his look and style. There is another reason too, which came to light later in the night, when he returned under a mask as “The Metal Master.” I was looking forward to talking to him to see what he thought of my judgement after the show. The crowd gave Collyer major heat while Deano got a massive ovation and a ‘Deano’ chant. Deano spent as much time greeting fans as Collyer did ripping on them before the bell. Collyer refused a handshake to start. The match started on the mat, with Deano pulling off a handstand hammerlock and surfboard, as the two exchanged wristlocks and armbars. After Deano hit three quick armdrags, Collyer used gyration and chokes in the ropes to get more heat. Deano (who I heard calling some spots) sent Collyer outside with an enziguiri kick. Collyer used a sneak attack to gain control while Deano was with the referee. Deano came back with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors but missed a second enziguiri. Collyer took over with a suplex and chinlock. Deano made a brief comeback with a springboard cross body from the second rope, but Collyer regained control with a double underhook suplex and a succession of elbows. Deano managed to counter a suplex, but Collyer caught him in a powerslam for a very, near fall. Collyer headed to the second rope but wasted time gyrating and missed an elbow attempt. Deano made his comeback with an Irish whip and backbodydrop. Collyer reversed a second Irish whip, but Deano backflipped over a charge and connected with a superkick. Deano missed a springboard moonsault attempt and immediately favoured his leg. Like a shark smelling blood, Collyer took advantage by locking in a texas cloverleaf for the submission victory. A solid opener which went around 18 minutes. Deano got another good pop on his way to the back. Here is Your Winner: “CRYBABY” CHAD COLLYER.

2)Iceman vs Smackdown Warrior
Like most of the heels on the night, Iceman came out carrying a black and white skull and crossbones flag. Iceman was dubbed as being hardcore 24/7 and the number one name in the pain game. His opponent was a 6″7, 265Ib green rookie with short black hair. Warrior acted and looked like a calmer version of Batista, sans the tattoos. The crowd were lukewarm to Warrior but eventually got behind him when they realized he was the good guy. In truth this was a slow, plodding match which didn’t go long. Around 8 minutes or so. Iceman attacked Warrior from behind but Warrior sent him to the outside on two occasions with a clothesline then a bulldog. Warrior made the mistake of chasing Iceman back inside where Iceman took control with a hard Irish whip. Iceman snapmared Warrior but missed a legdrop. Warrior came back with a shoulder tackle but Iceman cut him off again with a rake to the face. Warrior countered a suplex with a faceplant then continued the offence with a scoop slam and front first Irish whip. Warrior then rammed Iceman’s head into all four corners to the crowd’s delight. Iceman came back with a backelbow, clothesline and senton drop elbow (which clearly missed). Iceman then spent too long on the top rope, allowing Warrior to throw him off and hit a spear for the 1-2-3. Here is Your Winner: SMACKDOWN WARRIOR. Shades of Edge there with the finish.

3)Jetta & Tagorie (The Masked Mystery Man) vs Lisa Fury & Minx
This was a mixed tag match with a difference. One woman (Jetta) and a man (Tagorie) against two women. Tagorie reminded me a lot of Delirious, as he went about scaring the fans and trying to hit the ring announcer and referee at various points. He never demasked during the match. Fury and Minx hail from Liverpool and are a babyface tag team. Fury was trained by Robbie Brookside while Jetta has come out of the FWA training school. Jetta and Tagorie wanted silence before they’d start. They didn’t get it. Jetta started off by shoving Minx. Fury and Minx then isolated Jetta with a few holds. Tagorie was the recipient of armdrags and a double hiptoss. After some comedy involving the turnbuckle, Tagorie got serious and Minx was worked over. After getting the hot tag, Fury came in with a dropkick to Tagorie. When Tagorie thwarted a sunset flip, Fury pulled his pants down, revealing suspenders. Tagorie received a public warning for indecent exposure and fetched a belt to hold his pants up. Jetta then got a warning for an illegal choke. Minx was worked over some more via a chinlock and a couple of dominator type backbreakers. Minx finally slipped down from off of Tagorie’s shoulders, before sending him into Jetta. Fury and Minx double teamed their opponents before Irish whipping Tagorie into Jetta in the corner. Tagorie fell first with Jetta’s head then landing on Tagorie’s crotch. Minx then rolled back and Fury picked her up in a wheelbarrow position and splashed her on top of Tagorie for the 1-2-3. This was the same finish as Edge and Sable vs Marc Mero and Jacqueline from SummerSlam 1998. Here Are Your Winners: LISA FURY & MINX.

Intermission. Some really good wrestling on show, so far.

4)Robbie Brookside vs James Mason (Superslam British Heavyweight Title)
This was the scheduled Main Event. It’s champion vs former champion and face vs face. The crowd were confused by this and reacted as such. That all changed when Brookside worked the crowd and got a good pop going in the ring. Both men put on a mat based clinic and educated the crowd by telling a good story. The match never left the mat. Brookside started off, controlling the first few minutes with side headlocks and shoulder tackles. A couple of kids by me started a Robbie chant and he looked straight at us. Mason came back with armdrags before focusing on wristlocks and armbars. Brookside tried everything but couldn’t escape Mason’s hold. Attempts to counter via scisserlock, snapmare and roll through were all thwarted as Mason had an answer for everything that Brookside tried. Mason constantly switched from a wristlock, to an armdrag, to a double underhook facelock. When he finally wrestled him off, Brookside focused on Mason’s leg with a leg torque and single leg grapevine. He even pulled out an STF and Regal stretch (as an ode to good friend William Regal). Brookside twisted at the leg then hooked a single leg pin which sounded like a three count but the referee called it a nearfall. On we went. Mason finally established himself as the heel as he shoved Brookside and viciously clubbed, headbutted and slapped his head. Following a boot choke in the corner, and a nerve hold to the shoulder, Mason shoved Brookside into the corner. Mason missed a charge and went shoulder first into the ringpost. Brookside quickly took advantage, perching Mason on the top rope, before hitting the Scouse Trap (a double armthrow) for the 1-2-3. A successful title defence and great match for wrestling purists. Finish came out of nowhere. Both men received good ovations when leaving.
Here is Your Winner: ROBBIE BROOKSIDE.

5)The World Riot Squad (TNT, Clinton Steel & Metal Master) vs British Allstars (Tommy Spitfire, Lightning Kid Adam Davies & Ben Levy)
(Over The Top Rope Elimination Match)
This match was similar to the eight man I witnessed in Liverpool last month. As soon as you were thrown over the top rope you were out. The heels went to the back when they were eliminated, while the faces stayed out to support their teammates. Metal Master is Chad Collyer for anyone wondering. Pulling double duty tonight. The Brits were the faces and the match was very fast paced. The format was two men squaring off in the ring with a referee stationed outside. Lightning Kid was the first to be worked over. TNT hit a slam, legdrop and catatonic, but Kid came back with some very unique offense. A whirlybird hurricanrana, handstand mushroom stomp and springboard tornado DDT from the top rope were amongst the highlights. After some back and forth action and quick tags, the Brits gave all the heels double hiptosses and stereo mounted punches in the corners. The first elimination came when Spitfire leapfrogged Metal Master and slingshot him over the top rope. Spitfire was next out. He uppercut Steel into the ropes, but missed a charge and Steel backdropped him out. TNT and Steel worked over Levy as the large TNT hit a big splash. Steel foolishly went for a cover as he forgot the rules. Levy came back with a codebreaker. Straight out of the Chris Jericho playbook. Steel cheapshotted Levy from the apron and TNT botched a clothesline attempt over the top rope. TNT quickly tossed Levy out from the other side to leave the Lightning Kid all alone and surrounded. Kid got double teamed, Irish whipped and splashed in the corner by TNT. Steel then worked over Kid with chokes and a face rake across the top rope. After receiving a double clothesline, Kid flipped over a double backbodydrop attempt, landed on his feet and took Steel by surprise by tossing him out. We’re down to Kid and TNT. Kid tried to wear down TNT with a chinlock but TNT got Kid on his back and fell back to the mat. The crowd chanted ‘fat pig’ at TNT who then hit a black hole slam. Kid managed to duck under a backelbow attempt and hit a headscissors and 619. Kid sprung back in, pulling down the top rope, as TNT charged and TNT went over and out. Crowd popped big for the finish. Great ending to the show. Here is Your Winner: ‘LIGHTNING KID’ ADAM DAVIES.

Best Match: “Crybaby” Chad Collyer vs Extreme Dean.
Worst Match: Iceman vs Smackdown Warrior.

After the show I went backstage and congratulated the winning Main Event trio on an excellent match. I tried to get confirmation that Metal Master and Chad Collyer were one of the same but he was a bit grumpy and didn’t seem up for talking. There went my conversation and subsequent comparison with Charlie Haas. Looking around, Robbie Brookside was conspicuous by his absence. I then turned around and saw Robbie usher me outside. I noticed he was hobbling. Robbie had aggravated a ligament injury during his match and wasn’t going to come out but I think he did so for me and I’ll never, ever forget the sentiment. I spent a few minutes talking with Robbie about the show and he helped me get some details in which to finish this report. During our chat, a horde of kids came out and Robbie signed for everyone while taking pictures and interacting with them, making sure they all left with smiles on their faces. I’ve said this before but he’s a class guy and I appreciate all that he does for his fans. After wrapping up our chat, I too left with a smile on my face. Also, seeing an injury up close only made me appreciate what all wrestlers put themselves through in terms of entertainment. I thank you and tip my hat to you all. In closing, this was by far the best All-Star show I’ve been to. They’re moving away from the carnival, cartoony type of show and are starting to present serious wrestling and an education to a new crop of younger fans which can only be seen as a positive. I’ll be in attendance when All-Star swings into my region next month in Birkenhead on 5th April. Until then, don’t forget to support the indies. Shaun.

If anyone wants to sound off, chew the fat or talk wrestling get in touch. Comments/praise/feedback/criticism/discussion points please direct to [email protected].

For more information on All-Star Wrestling visit:

Ring of Honor ran a show last night at the Baker Theatre in Dover, New Jersey. We are still seeking live reports from anyone that attended; however, below are quick results from the show. If you attended please send a report to this email address.

Roderick Strong b. Pelle Primeau

Mickey Rourke (working as Randy The Ram) b. Ernest Miller (working as Ayatollah) in a match filmed for The Wrestler movie.

Claudio Castagnoli & Erick Stevens b. ROH Champion Nigel McGuinness & BJ Whitmer

Delirious b. Necro Butcher

Bryan Danielson & Austin Aries b. Ruckus & Jigsaw

Go Shiozaki b. Brent Albright

Kevin Steen b. Davey Richards

Tyler Black & Joey Matthews b. Mark & Jay Briscoe

From what I have heard there were a lot of complaints regarding the amount of filming that took place for the movie “The Wrestler” starring Mickey Rourke. Once again if you attended and can give us a much more detailed account of the show, please send in a report.

WrestleMania Results – Major Spoilers Revealed

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

— Backstage, it’s being said that Tomko is getting a “big head,” reports ProWrestling.NET. He’s been telling other wrestlers that some of his matches in Japan are really shoot fights. Tomko reportedly showed footage of a supposed shoot that ended with him performing a worked finishing move, which gave his friends a chuckle.

— As it turns out, backstage TNA announcer Crystal Louthan looks to be done with the company after all. No word yet on what happened with her. Florida model Lauren Brooke is the new female backstage announcer in TNA.

— There has been talk of keeping Karen Angle off television for the most part for at least a few months. However, they plan on bringing her back with a big angle with Kurt.

Major heat on TNA Knockout over incident involving trading cards

– TNA has announced that Thursday’s live Impact will begin with Alex Shelley vs. Johnny Devine in a qualifying match for the Lockdown Xscape Match for the X Championship at Lockdown.

– Also announced today but TNA for Thursday’s Impact is Scott Steiner, Petey Williams, and Rhaka Khan vs. LAX and Salinas.

– Mixed Martial Arts fighter Frank Trigg will be in Orlando on Thursday for the live edition of Impact. TNA is teasing that he has an interest in the upcoming Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle match for Lockdown.

– TNA notified Mobile Alert subscribers today that New York City, Chicago, and Toronto are all in the running for the location of this year’s Bound For Glory pay-per-view.

Huge TNA Debut Scheduled For Thursday + Shocking News On Samoa Joe’s Future

Below is an updated list of WWE superstar appearances, autograph signings, and functions for today in the Orlando, Florida area. If you attend any of the functions be sure and send us a live report to this email address.

– The WrestleMania Fan Axxess Tour continues again today from 9 AM to 7 PM at Universal Studios. There will be an autograph session from 11 AM to 1 PM. There will be a SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 Video Game Challenge at 4 PM.

– Batista will be signing copies of his book today from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the Orlando Virgin Megastore on 1494 Buena Vista Drive in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

– United States Champion MVP will be signing free autographs at the WrestleMania XXIV merchandise store located in the Double Tree hotel lobby at 1PM today.

– The 2008 WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony will take place tonight at 7 PM at the Amway Arena. There are a select few number of tickets left through Ticketmaster. All seats are $55.

Details On All Altercation Between WWE Workers & TNA Talent! WWE Star INJURED >